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directed independant learning

This is at the heart of every students’ success. Taking responsibility for your own learning is essential if you are to succeed in post-16 education.

College life differs in some important ways from school life, and this may be partly why you are interested in joining us. To start with, there are no uniforms and no bells, and you are encouraged to call staff by their first names.

However, taking responsibility for your learning is a part of this young adult approach.

You will have study periods on your timetable where you will be expected to undertake your Directed Independent Learning. You will be set independent learning tasks by each subject for up to 4.5 hours every week. This means that in Year 12 every student will need to work for an average of up to 13.5 hours outside of class, in college or at home.

Wellbeing Hub

New College offers support to students through a free and confidential counselling service which is provided for all students to access throughout their time at college.

The counselling service is provided by qualified counsellors and is here to provide students with the opportunity and space to think, talk and explore any difficulties they may be experiencing in a safe and nonjudgmental environment.

The Wellbeing Hub also offers support to students from external agencies around mental health and wellbeing.

We’ll support you in finding high quality work experience especially if you have a particular career aim in mind, such as medicine or teaching, or if you’re studying BTEC courses with mandatory work placements. All students meet employers during their two years with us and leave ready for the world of work or further study.

The broad range of activities available as part of our Excel@NCP programme have been specifically designed to prepare, support and engage all students in their applications to university and degree level apprenticeships. This includes applications to Russell

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