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Calendar of Events

American Fidelity

Stacey Anderson stacey.anderson@americanfidelity.com 3100 SW Huntoon, #102 Topeka, KS 66604 (800) 365-1167 americanfidelity.com

Boyd Jones Construction

Emily Bannick ebannick@boydjones.biz 950 So. 10th Street, Ste. 100 Omaha, NE 68108 402-553-1804 boydjones.biz

BVH Architecture

Cleveland Reeves creeves@bvh.com Lincoln/Omaha/Denver 402-475-4551 www.bvh.com


Shannon Vogler shannon.vogler@cognia.org 9115 Westside Parkway Alpharetta, GA 30009 888-413-3669 Ext. 5801 cognia.org

D.A. Davidson & Co.

Paul Grieger pgrieger@dadco.com 450 Regency Parkway, Ste. 400 Omaha, NE 68114 800-942-7557 davidsoncompanies.com/ficm

DLR Group

Brett Nanninga bnanninga@dlrgroup.com 6457 Frances Street, Ste. 200 Omaha, NE 68106 402-393-4100 dlrgroup.com


Kraig Lofquist klofquist@esucc.org 6949 So. 110th Street Omaha, NE 68128 402-597-4866 esucc.org

Facility Advocates

Dave Raymond draymond@facilityadvocates.com 3730 S. 149th Street, Suite 104 Omaha, NE 68144 402-206-8777 www.facilityadvocates.com

Family Heritage - A Global Life Company

Mark Beelek mbeelek@futurasecuritygroup.com 6030 S. 57th St. Ste. B Lincoln, NE 68516 402-617-6657

First National Capital Markets

Craig Jones craigjones@fnni.com 1620 Dodge Street, Ste. 1104 Omaha, NE 68197 402-598-1218 fncapitalmarkets.com

Horace Mann

Keith Jorgensen keith.jorgensen@horacemann.com 617 Stolley Park Road Grand Island, NE 68801 402-290-3116 horacemann.com

National Insurance Services

Megan Ware mware@nisbenefits.com 268 N 115th St, Suite 4 Omaha, NE 68154 402-506-2170 www.NISBenefits.com

Nebraska Liquid Asset Fund

Barry Ballou balloub@pfmam.com 455 So. 11th Street Lincoln, NE 68508 402-705-0350 nlafpool.org


John Baylor john@ontocollege.com P.O. Box 30792 Lincoln, NE 68503 402-475-7737 ontocollege.com

TeamMates Mentoring Program

DeMoine Adams dadams@teammates.org 11615 Centennial Rd. #200 La Vista, NE 68128 TeamMates.org


Matt Foertsch mfoertsch@trane.com 11937 Portal Road, Ste. 100 LaVista, NE 68128 402-718-0721 www.tranetechnologies.com


Matt O'Gorman matt@beunanimous.com 8600 Executive Woods, Ste. 300 Lincoln, NE 68512 402-423-5447 beunanimous.com


Cheever Construction

Doug Klute dklute@cheeverconstruction.com 3425 North 44th Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68504 402-477-6745

Clark & Enersen

Steve Miller steve.miller@clarkenersen.com 1010 Lincoln Mall, Ste. #200 Lincoln, NE 68508 402-477-9291 www.clarkenersen.com

CMBA Architects

Troy Keilig keilig.t@cmbaarchitects.com 208 N Pine St, Ste 301 Grand Island, NE 68801 308-384-4444 www.cmbaarchitects.com

Crouch Recreation, Inc.

Eric Crouch nicole@crouchrec.com 1309 S 204th Street #330 Elkhorn, Ne 68022 402-496-2669 www.crouchrec.com

Humanex Ventures

Brad Black info@humanexventures.com 2900 S 70th Street, Ste. 100 Lincoln, NE 68506 402-486-2158 www.humanexventures.com

Modern Images

Bradley Cooper brad@champshots.com 13436 So. 217th Street Gretna, NE 68028 402-991-7786 misportsphotography.com

Piper Sandler & Company

Jay Spearman Jay.Spearman@psc.com 11422 Miracle Hills Drive, Ste 408 Omaha, NE 68154 402-599-0307 www.pipersandler.com


Heather Miller heather.miller@renaissance.com 2911 Peach Street Wisconsin Rapids, WI 55494 800-338-4204 ext. 4712 renaissance.com

Software Unlimited, Inc.

Corey Atkinson caa@su-inc.com 5015 S. Broadband Lane Sioux Falls, SD 57108 605-361-2073 su.inc.com


University of Nebraska High School

Shauna Benjamin-Brice highschool@nebraska.edu 206 South 13th Street, Ste. 800 P.O. Box 880226 Lincoln, NE 68588 402-472-1922 highschool.nebraska.edu

Nebraska Council of School Administrators

455 S 11th Street, Suite A • Lincoln, NE 68508-2105



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Pamela Brezenski, Ed.D., Get SET Project Manager pbrezenski@esu13.org Learn more at: getsetnebraska.org

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