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NCSA Honors Retirees

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Each year NCSA is sad to lose but happy to congratulate our members in education who are leaving the profession due to their long-deserved retirement. We are honored to share with you a glimpse of their future plans or just a bit of advice that only those who have worked with children and parents for so long can give!

Please Note: The NCSA staff made every effort to include all those individuals who responded to our request for information on retirements.

Kelli Ackerman Director of Accounting & Payroll Lincoln Public Schools

Being a member of NCSA is invaluable. Thank you to Mike, Dan & NCSA staff for working so hard every day for public education. Having a network of administrators that share a passion for public schools brings so much joy, friendships, and lifelines as we get through the tough days. The years go by fast, mentoring the next generation is so important. I encourage all administrators to be a member of NCSA and sign up to be a mentor for new administrators.

Dr. Greg Barnes ESU 11 Administrator ESU 11

After 35 years in public education in Nebraska, what can I say? I've been blessed, it has been an honor, it has gone fast, and I thoroughly enjoyed the profession. What I've enjoyed the most, and what I will miss the most, are the people (educators/ friends). There are challenges ahead in public education, but we have many of the best minds in our profession and where there are problems, you will find solutions. Thank you NCSA, thank you colleagues, thank you friends, and most importantly thank you to my family. What a ride it has been!

Brian Begley Principal Millard Public Schools - Millard North High School

I am proud of my 30 years of service to our Millard students, and I wish all of my administrative colleagues success and good health.

Brad Best Superintendent Heartland Community Schools

I have enjoyed all 39 years and the last 32 as an administrator. I firmly believe that everyone you meet, whether it be a colleague or a cashier, shapes who you become as a person. I have been blessed to have been shaped by so many of you. All of the noise in the world can wear on a person, but you will always be right as long as you focus on doing what is best for kids. As the experts in education, keep fighting for them and for those that work with them each day. Best wishes!

Allyson Bohlen SPED and Preschool Director Adams Central Public Schools

I am affiliated with NAESP and NASES as I was an Elementary Principal for 20 years. This is my first year with NASES.

Dr. Erik Chaussee Principal Millard Public Schools - Grace Abbott Elementary School

It's hard to believe that 43 years have gone by with my employment to public schools. I started kindergarten in 1962 and have been on the same calendar for 60 years! It has been an honor to work with so many great people over these decades and to be involved in the lives of so many kids, parents, and staff members. I will miss so much of it.

Sheri Chittenden Secondary Principal Paxton Consolidated Schools

For 40 wonderful years I’ve been honored to serve as a Nebraska educator at Paxton Consolidated Schools. It was a privilege to be Paxton’s K-12 Spanish teacher for 22 years and secondary principal and activities director the past 18 years. Helping others to be successful has always been so important to me. With that said, NCSA is the organization that helped ME to be successful - Administrator Days, NCSA Region V Principals Meetings, School Law, School Safety, Tech Ed Conferences and more helped me learn and grow. Most importantly, thank you NCSA Staff for creating opportunities for Nebraska school administrators to network. This was especially helpful during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic when we relied on each other to find our way. It was an incredible honor to serve as the NCSA Vice-Chair and NSASSP President during

my career. I will treasure all of the relationships with the most hard-working, humble Nebraska school administrators and the amazing NCSA staff!

Dr. Douglas Christensen Lead Professor/Director Ed Specialist Degree Doane University

Leaving behind footprints in the lives of children is about as good as it gets.

Dr. Chris Deibler Principal Lincoln Public Schools - Pound Middle School

When we decided to be educators we chose to spend our careers surrounded by "quality people." I can only hope you all have as much fun in your work as I have for the last 36 years. Thanks to LPS for taking a chance on me and for supporting my work with students, families, and staff. It's been a great ride. Happy Trails to You! I believe it can be summed up with this quote: "It's people, not programs." - Todd Whitaker

Mary Derby Elementary Principal Papillion LaVista Community Schools - Bell Elementary

I am honored to serve as an elementary principal in Nebraska for the past 24 years in North Platte and Papillion. At the local level, I was an active member in Region V and now a member of Region II. At the state level, I served on the NAESP Executive Board. I was named the 2017 National Distinguished Elementary Principal from Nebraska. I am thankful to have had the opportunity to work with and develop friendships with outstanding administrators across the state. My career has been enriched by my association with and involvement in NCSA. I am proud to be among those who have worked so hard for the benefit of all students across the state. In retirement, I plan to continue my involvement by joining NARSA . They tell me that's the group that has all the fun! :)

Pam Dobrovolny Early Childhood/Head Start Director & Assistant Director of Special Education Plattsmouth Community School District

It's been a pleasure to have worked with outstanding professional educators over the past 31 years. I wish my colleagues the very best as you continue the mission of educating, providing opportunities, and tending to the needs of ALL students!

Dr. Kent Edwards Superintendent Kearney Public Schools

It has been an incredible honor to serve public education for nearly forty years along with so many talented and dedicated peers. The future of our students is a bright one given the capable hands leading the profession.

David Essink Director of Human Resources and Operations Hastings Public Schools

I feel blessed to have worked with amazing colleagues over the years who have gone the extra mile for kids. Nebraska is a great place to be an educator and I would definitely do it all over again the same way. My career started at Ewing, then Clay Center, and finally Hastings. I want to thank the mentors I had as well as the relationships built over the years. NCSA, NSASSP, NMLEA, and NASPA have all been there for me throughout my career. Thank-you to all educators and what you do to serve students!

Dr. Cindy Gray Associate Superintendent Elkhorn Public Schools

I will miss the many great colleagues across Nebraska but am hopeful that I can maintain contacts as I transition to work with the EDS program at Doane University.

Laurie Hanna Director of Assessment & Accreditation Bellevue Public Schools

I can't believe how quickly time has flown by. I've been blessed with 35 years of being an educator in 4 states, 5 school districts, and one ESU as a teacher, dean, principal, and district administrator. 30 of my 35 years have been spent here in Nebraska where I can truly say I have been honored to work in the midst of the very best of the best. While I am excited for the next chapter of my life, I am also going to greatly miss my school people! You all are amazing, and I wish you the very best. I will be cheering you on and will always be so thankful for you as you continue the good work that you do!

Dr. Ron Hanson Superintendent North Platte Public Schools

It has been a wonderful 38 years as an educator working with some best educators in the Nation. It is time to spend more time with family and friends. It is time to enjoy life to its fullest.

Robin Hoffman Business Manager School District 145 - Waverly

It has been a pleasure to serve the students and staff of School District 145 - Waverly for the past twenty three years. Each of you should be proud of the work you perform for students on a daily basis. Best of luck as you continue to educate students in Nebraska and do what is best for kids. Thanks to all who have helped me with my career in school finance over the past years.

Marty Hughes 6-12 Principal Auburn Public Schools - Auburn High School

With a total of 40 years in education, Hughes started his career in Farnam teaching and coaching. He then moved on to Culbertson for 9 years and Dundy County-Stratton for 17 years continuing to teach and coach. He became an administrator and led Parkview Christian for two years before completing his final 5 years at Auburn where he was a principal. It has been a fulfilling journey from the beginning. He feels that building strong positive relationships is a major key to any educator's success. Having the mindset of "Who needs me today" and "Would I have wanted to be taught by me today?" gave him purpose and focus in his successful career as an educator. "I am grateful for the incredible teams of educators, support team, and awesome students I worked with during this journey."

Dr. Patrick Hunter-Pirtle Director of Secondary Education Lincoln Public Schools

I have worked in four different school districts in Texas, Kansas, and Nebraska for over fortythree years. Thirty-six of those years have been for the Lincoln Public Schools, and twenty-six of those years were at Lincoln Southeast High School as an English teacher, Department Chair, Associate Principal, and Principal. I worked with dedicated colleagues who cared about students, and students who were discovering themselves, motivated and dedicated to helping others. As the Director of Secondary Education I have worked with administrators who are passionate, hard working, and always go the extra mile for their students! It has been a great career and life!

Charles Isom Superintendent Hemingford School

Good luck everyone, keep up the good fight.

Dr. Steve Joel Superintendent Lincoln Public Schools

I have enjoyed my 30 years as superintendent in this wonderful state and want to wish all of my colleagues the very best as you continue the journey of supporting the continuation of great schools in our state. While the challenges ahead will be difficult, I have great confidence that the collective commitment of all Nebraska educational leaders will result in even greater outcomes for students. I wish you all the very best.

Lori Liggett Superintendent Gordon-Rushville Public Schools

Thank you to all of the remarkable teachers, administrators, staff members, BOE members, patrons, and colleagues I have had the good fortune to work with! There truly isn't a more rewarding profession than education! No matter how challenging it gets, there is always something to feel good about and be proud of every day as an educator!

Darrin Max Superintendent Burwell Public Schools

I want to thank all the people in the education profession that have dedicated their lives to educating our youth. I have had a wonderful career as an educator and the past 31 years have been filled with great memories and great friendships. I want to personally thank Jack Moles for hiring me as a first year teacher in Arapahoe and to Dan Bird for mentoring me to be a Superintendent in Burwell. I appreciate your friendship. Take care and Go Horns!!!

Bill McAllister Superintendent West Point Public Schools

You are in the greatest profession in the world, we develop tomorrow's leaders. We are

truly in the leadership business. Value all those around you. Encourage up. Be an example that people desire to follow. Thank you all, It has been a great ride.

Hugh McDermott Principal University of Nebraska High School

Thanks to all of you who have helped me be a better educator!

Craig M. McLey Principal DHHS Schools - Nebraska Youth Academy

Thirty-three years ago I began this incredible journey. There are so many colleagues, friends and administrative assistants that helped in this journey, that there are too many to list. Going back to my early years as a student at Wood River Rural HS, my teachers instilled in me the internal drive to treat students as individuals, because we are so very different from one another. The teachers that I had along with my classmates, Mr. Michael Derr (Supt-Harvard) and Mr. Scott Mazour (Principal-Cedar Hollow) inspired us to become teachers and eventually Administrators. I will never forget the countless number of students who I had the privilege of being a part of their educational journey. Lastly, I would like to acknowledge and thank my family. My wife Andi, who is a teacher at Adams Central, and my two daughters; Catie - a LMHP at ESU 4 and working on her School Psych Degree and Megan who teaches in the Ralston Public Schools System. All three of these ladies inspire me every day to be a better educator, a better husband and a better dad.

Melody Pebley Special Education Supervisor Grand Island Public Schools

Thank you to NCSA and all of the members of NASES who helped me in so many ways over the years. It has truly been my pleasure to work with all of you.

Lisa Salmon Business Manager ESU 1

It has truly been an honor and a privilege to work within the field of education these past 40 years. I have been extremely fortunate and blessed to work with a great team of individuals throughout the years and they will remain #1 in my heart!

Randy Schlueter Superintendent Tri County Public Schools

What will I miss the most? All aspects of public education; from the interactions with students and staff to creating an environment conducive to learning. I have spent 48 years in public education, 25 as an administrator, and I cannot think of anything else that would have been more enjoyable as a profession. Thank you to all of you who have helped shape and guide me through my administrative journey. The memories that I have working with such a wonderful group of colleagues will bring a smile to my face whenever I think about the role of an administrator. Through the next part of my life I will be able to set my own schedule and spend time with my kids and grandkids. Good luck as you continue the difficult task of a building level or district administrator.

Pat Meeker Assistant Principal Millard Public Schools - Kiewit Middle School

Rita M. Moravek Curriculm Director Alliance Public Schools

The years have passed too swiftly and I have not once regretted going into the profession of education. I would like to thank all the people at Alliance Public Schools who have helped me for all these years. You have been much more than just colleagues to me. Though I am retiring, I'll not be far away. My husband and I will still be at all the games and activities. I wish all the fine educators in this great state the very best of luck in the coming years!

Dr. Melanie J. Mueller Director of Research, Assessment and Evaluation Papillion LaVista Community Schools

In having worked in Papillion LaVista Community Schools (PLCS) for 33 years as a junior high math teacher and volleyball coach, an assistant principal at the same school, Papillion Junior High, and now as the Director of Research, Assessment, and Evaluation for the last 12 years, I realize that I have another great opportunity to learn and grow. I will dearly miss the PLCS family and especially ALL those individuals who have mentored me along the way. It is beyond words to see my former students and athletes, employed at PLCS, continue to excel and succeed in various capacities! But it is my turn to move forward... no matter what tomorrow and thereafter might bring.

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Sally Schreiner Campus Administrator ESU 4/NCECBVI

At NCECBVI, I had the opportunity to travel statewide and attend regional and statewide NASES meetings. Regardless of the location, size of school district, or ESU area, we are all addressing similar challenges. NCSA provided me with the opportunity to build relationships, mentor each other, and work together along the way. It's been a great ride!

Amy Shane Superintendent O'Neill Public Schools

It has been my greatest pleasure to serve teachers and students for the past 37 years! I'm looking forward to continuing that work in some fashion in the future, in a flexible manner that will allow me to travel and spoil my grandchildren!

Greg Sjuts Superintendent Humhprey Public Schools

It is with excitement and sadness that I'm retiring after 35 years in education. I want to thank Dr. Dulaney, Dr. Ernst, the entire NCSA staff, all the teachers, support staff, administrators, and school board members that I've had the privilege to work with during my career in education. Learning from my colleagues has been invaluable to me professionally and I hope that I was able to contribute a fraction of what I've learned from others to those with whom I worked. I've been so fortunate in my career to work with outstanding individuals who have influenced me as a leader and as a person. Being around kids every day has been an awesome way to spend my life and I will cherish the professional relationships I established over my educational career. Lastly, my most important thank you goes to my family and my wife, Kim. Thank you for your unending support, I know that I could not have done this without you. Best of luck to my fellow administrators-continue to be difference-makers in the lives of our students!

Dr. Jim Sutfin Superintendent Millard Public Schools

It has been one of the great privileges of my life to serve public education. There is no better place for our students to receive an education than Nebraska. Keep fighting the good fight, our children are worth it!

Russ Uhing Director of Student Services Lincoln Public Schools

I feel very fortunate to have had an incredibly fulfilling 37-year career in education as a teacher, coach, and administrator. I have great respect for all educators and wish you the best!

Dr. John M. Weidner, Sr. Superintendent Twin River Public School

Salli Wells Principal Gretna Public Schools - Palisade Elementary School

It's been an honor to work with such good people.

Kurk Wiedel Elementary Principal Thayer Central

It has been a true pleasure teaching and administrating at Thayer Central over the past 34 years. I have been fortunate to work with some of the finest students and staff in the state. Educators are facing some of the most difficult situations that have ever faced them. Continue to do whatever is needed to make the 7 1/2 hours of the school day the best it can possibly be as every student deserves this.

Mike Williams Superintendent Arcadia Public Schools

Education has changed over the 33 years of my career - some for the better, some for the worse. In the end, it is still a career that I would highly recommend to anyone as being rewarding and fulfilling. Thank you to all of the administrators, teachers, staff, and many of the board members I have worked with, as well as my network of fellow administrators in making my time around kids as productive and positive as possible. My message for other educators is to keep working hard for your students. Believe it or not, they do appreciate it!

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