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Affiliate Awards
from Winter 2022
NAESP Announces National Distinguished Principal From Nebraska
The Nebraska Association of Elementary School Principals has elected Casey Slama as the 2021 Distinguished Principal of the Year.
Mr. Slama has been in education since 2001. He started out as a substitute teacher at Sidney Public Schools. From there, Casey moved onto a permanent classroom position at Gordon Elementary teaching 1st and 3rd Grade. He was then promoted to the Gordon-Rushville Rural Attendance Centers Dean of Students at Gordon-Rushville Public Schools in 2006. In 2014, Mr. Slama was hired on as the Elementary Principal at Gordon Elementary School. He has been a member of the following organizations for a number of years: Nebraska Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP), National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP), Nebraska Council of School Administrators (NCSA), National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), Association of Middle Level Education (AMLE), Nebraska Coaches Association (NCA), Nebraska High School Officials Association (NHSOA), and the Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD).
Lori Liggett, Superintendent of Gordon-Rushville Public Schools, praised Mr. Slama stating, “Casey is committed to ensuring that every student feels welcomed, included, appreciated, and loved. He models and promotes positive interactions with students and staff alike. Mr. Slama establishes guidelines and rules that while keeping everyone safe, more importantly demonstrate the importance of treating everyone with respect. He makes having a positive relationship with each and every student in his building a priority.”
Lynn Schott, a teacher at Gordon Elementary, states, “Under the leadership of Mr. Slama, our school system has initiated and encouraged many programs such as those suggested within the Danielson Model of Instruction, the Reading Mastery Program, the Red Ticket Behavior Management System, and more recently the early stages of the CHAMPS Classroom Management Program.”
Casey’s colleague, Keri Homan, said, “Over the many years I have worked with Mr. Slama, he has demonstrated his commitment to education, his students, and his staff. He holds high expectations for all and keeps students at the focus of his work. Mr. Slama demonstrates that he believes it is his responsibility to promote not only his school, but all Nebraska Schools.”
A Kindergarten teacher, Donna Johnson, commended Mr. Slama stating, “Every year, Mr. Slama has displayed great leadership by communicating with the staff and students. He has the ability to lead our staff to excel and to create a positive learning environment. He is an out-standing member of our small community.”
Slama has previously held numerous leadership positions as part of the Nebraska Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) Region IV Principals Group as well as serving as a member on the NCSA Executive Board. He is also active in the community by serving as a board member on the Gordon American Legion Baseball organization, as well as being a youth sponsor at Grace Lutheran Church, a member of the Gordon Youth Baseball & Softball organization, an official for the Volunteer Youth Basketball program, and a baseball and softball coach.
Casey Slama received his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Elementary Education from the University of Nebraska at Kearney. He also earned his Master of Arts Degree in Educational Administration from the University of Nebraska at Kearney.
Congratulations to Mr. Casey Slama for his outstanding performance as an Elementary School Principal at Gordon Elementary School. He will be considered as a candidate for the National Principal of the Year award. The Nebraska Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) appreciates the contributions to the profession and is proud to name Casey Slama of Gordon Elementary School as the 2021 Distinguished Principal of the Year! ■
The Nebraska Association of Elementary School Principals has elected Liz Stutzman as the 2021 Outstanding New Principal of the Year.

school district.” Liz Stutzman has been in education since 2008. She started out as a 1st Grade teacher and 8th Grade Girls Basketball Coach with York Public Schools. In 2018, Stutzman took a position as a PK-12 Principal with Friend Public School. She has been a member of the Nebraska Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP), National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP), and the Nebraska Council of School Administrators (NCSA).
Derek Anderson, Superintendent of Friend Public School, praised Stutzman stating, “Mrs. Stutzman has the knowledge and the “know-how” to develop significant, productive relationships with students, staff, and parents to get the job done. The culture of this district has greatly improved with her leadership and care. As a principal, she has always been open to new ideas and has been actively involved in planning, implementing, and evaluating new initiatives in the
Abby Brandt, a Kindergarten teacher at Friend Public School, states, “Liz has by far exceeded my expectations as a principal, boss, and leader. She is someone who demonstrates exceptional leadership and enthusiasm during every school day. She knows every student by name and always makes an effort to connect with them in some way. She created the “Pawsitive Referral” system at our school. Students can’t wait to go to her office for a positive reward and praise from her. She takes time out of her day to put on “Fun Fridays” for students where she sings, dances, and chats with them in the cafeteria. She makes a conscious effort to be at lunch every day, as a way to connect with them, and help manage the lunchroom routine. She is present before and after school to greet students and say good-bye to them at the end of the day. She makes daily observations in every classroom to see what students and teacher are learning about. Overall, her connection with the student body, from preschool to seniors in high school, is unlike any other administrator I have ever seen in my twelve years in education.”
A parent, Jennifer Stroh-Stutzman, commended Mrs. Stutzman stating, “Mrs. Stutzman has added so much to our FPS culture, and in a small town, the school environment directly spills over into the entire community. She has made Friend Public School a place you are excited and proud to send your kids to every day and therefore, has made Friend, NE a place where you are proud to live!”
Liz Stutzman received her Bachelor of Arts Degree from Doane College in Crete, Nebraska in 2008. In 2010, Stutzman earned her Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction from Doane College in Crete, Nebraska. She also earned her Master of Education in Educational Leadership in 2013 from Doane College in Omaha, Nebraska.

Congratulations to Mrs. Liz Stutzman for her outstanding performance as an Elementary School Principal at Friend Public School. The Nebraska Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) appreciates the contributions to the profession and is proud to name Liz Stutzman of Friend Public School the Outstanding New Principal of the Year! ■
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The Nebraska State Association of Secondary School Principals has selected Rob Geise as the 2021 Outstanding New Principal of the Year. This award is presented annually to a Principal who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in their school, region, and at the state level. The winner will have demonstrated their enthusiasm for the Principalship by support from students, parents, teachers and peers.
Mr. Geise has been in education since 1996 and started in the classroom at Louisville Public Schools as a Science instructor. He has been the 7-12 Principal at Conestoga since 2019 after serving as the Activities Director at Louisville Public Schools. Mr. Geise has been a member of the Nebraska Council of School Administrators (NCSA) for seven years and the Nebraska State Association of Secondary School Principals (NSASSP) and the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) each for three years.
Amanda Wright, Director of Student Services at Conestoga Public Schools, praised Mr. Rob Geise, noting his relationships, “Not only does he seek out staff input, he takes that input and uses it to make Conestoga Jr./Sr. High a better place. In taking time to establish relationships, he has increased teacher morale and improved the culture of Conestoga. You rarely see Mr. Geise in his office because he is typically walking through classrooms, patrolling the hallways, helping with lunch duty, and interacting with students and teachers.”
Conestoga High School Instructional Coach Ms. Kyleigh Lewis commented, “Rob’s professionalism and integrity have fueled the growth mindset amongst our teachers and students at Conestoga. In his short time as principal, he has built many positive relationships with all stakeholders in the district. He values input from staff and students to create a collaborative work environment that makes everyone feel valued and heard.”
A Conestoga 2021 graduate states, “From the first day that Mr. Geise stepped into his now-job, he made an impact. He brought an energy that was previously nonexistent. He quickly proved his selflessness and work ethic. I observed him taking the time to interact with kids, with a clear, genuine desire to really get to know them, proving he is more than just an enforcer. He established clubs and organizations to promote student involvement and build character.”
Mr. Geise states, “I believe I contribute to the profession in the way I conduct myself, how I work with students and how I represent the profession on an everyday basis. I pride myself in having a growth mind-set and being student-centered. It takes courage to make decisions that benefit all students and to stand up for what’s right. I believe I’ve done that.”
Mr. Geise received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology from Iowa State University and earned a Master of Science in Secondary School Administration from The University of Nebraska at Omaha. He has also received his Education Specialist Degree from Wayne State College. He was named Outstanding Administrator of the Year in 2018 by Nebraska Speech and Theatre Association (NSCTA). He served on the NSAA Representative Assembly for six years and was named the NSAA District II Activities Director of the Year in 2015. In 2020, he was named the NSASSP Region II New Principal of the Year.
Congratulations to Rob Geise for his outstanding performance as a Secondary School Principal at Conestoga Public Schools. NSASSP appreciates the contributions to the profession and is proud to name Rob Geise of Conestoga Public School the 2021 New Principal of the Year! ■

NSASSP Announces Assistant Principal of the Year
The Nebraska State Association of Secondary School Principals has selected Anna Thoma as the 2021 Assistant Principal of the Year. This award is presented annually to a Principal who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in their school, region, and at the state level. The winner will have demonstrated their enthusiasm for the Assistant Principalship by support from students, parents, teachers and peers.
Mrs. Thoma has been in education since 2003, where she started her career as a Spanish Teacher at Platteview Central Jr./Sr. High School. Mrs. Thoma also taught Spanish at Logan Fontenelle Middle School, part of the Bellevue Public School district. Mrs. Thoma has also served as the Dean of Students at Bellevue West High School and is currently serving as the Millard North Middle School Assistant Principal for Millard Public Schools. Anna Thoma is a member of the Nebraska Council of School Administrators (NCSA), the Nebraska State Association of Secondary School Principals (NSASSP) and the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP).
Dr. Scott Ingwerson, Principal at Millard North Middle School, praised Mrs. Thoma, noting, “She understands good teaching and has the ability to coach teachers to grow and get better in their practice. Improving the quality of instruction is always one of her top goals. She has taken on the challenge of working with teachers to ensure they perform at the highest levels. Much of Millard North Middle School’s academic success and current growth is a direct result from Mrs. Thoma’s exceptional instructional leadership skills.”
Millard North parent Kristin Loewe commented, “Anna makes things happen. Anna makes sure everyone is taken care of, but she does not want to make anyone feel as though they need to be embarrassed about it. She is well respected by professionals, parents, and students.”
Susan Dickey, 6th Grade Resource Teacher at Millard North Middle School states, “As a professional and parent, I feel Anna is qualified for Nebraska State Assistant Principal because she is a great leader, she is a natural at building relationships, she is well organized, but above all she is a great listener and she seems to have a vision of making life better for students. She understands the importance of feeling valued and heard. She promotes ideas from students, staff, and parents.”
Mrs. Anna Thoma states, “I think the most significant contribution a leader can make is serving the teachers and community you work for. It humbles me to be recognized in this way by my peers.”
Mrs. Thoma received her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Secondary Education in 2003 from Augustana University and earned her Masters of Arts in Education from Augustana University in 2005. In 2011, Thoma received her Master of Science in Educational Administration and Supervision from the University of Nebraska at Omaha. She has recently received her Education Specialist degree from Doane University and is currently pursuing her Doctorate of Education from Doane University.
Congratulations to Anna Thoma for her selection as the Assistant Principal of the Year for the state of Nebraska. The NSASSP appreciates her ongoing contributions to our profession and is proud to name Anna Thoma NSASSP Assistant Principal of the Year! ■

Heath Peters has been selected as the recipient of the Nebraska State Association of Secondary School Principals Distinguished Service Award. Heath received his undergraduate education from Mid-Plains Community College and Chadron State College where he received his Bachelor of Science in Education in 1995. He also received his Master of Science in Education in Secondary Administration from Chadron State College in 2006. Mr. Peters is currently serving as the Junior/ Senior High School Principal at Mitchell Public Schools and has been in that position since 2006. He previously taught Social Studies and Physical Education in Mitchell and started his teaching career in Hay Springs Public School.
Heath Peters has been active in many professional organizations such as the Nebraska Council of School Administrators (NCSA) serving as an Executive Board Member in the role of Middle School Representative since 2017. He also belongs to the Nebraska State Association of Secondary School Principals (NSASSP) and is a member of the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP). Mr. Peters has been awarded the 2011, 2014, and 2019 NSASSP Region V Principal of the Year and was the 2016 NSASSP Middle School Principal of the Year.
Mr. Heath Peters states “I have lived in the Nebraska Panhandle my entire life. I have thoroughly enjoyed my career as a teacher, coach, and administrator. I consider myself a lifelong learner.”

Ashley Robbins, a parent of a Mitchell student, states, “Mr. Peters encourages the students to be advocates for themselves in all aspects of their lives; academically and personally. He is often in the hallways engaging with students and taking an interest in how they are doing. By taking an active role, he shows the students he cares about them and in return they feel they can come to him with their concerns. The students know that Mr. Peters wants them to do well academically so they can achieve their dreams.”
Dr. Katherine J. Urbanek, Superintendent at Mitchell Public Schools stated, “At the regional and state level, Mr. Peters has contributed by serving as the Region V President as well as the Middle School Representative in the NSASSP. He is often called by other principals for advice or suggestions. While he takes these roles very seriously and contributes to a very meaningful organization, his local role is never compromised. He is loyal to his role as a building principal, always balancing his schedule to ensure the school, staff and students’ needs are met first.”
Kaiya West, Secondary Language Arts Teacher at Mitchell, noted, “The Distinguished Service Award recognizes administrators for outstanding and selfless service to improving the field of education. This perfectly describes Mr. Peters’ role as our principal. His compassion for his staff and students knows no bounds; he balances high expectations with flexibility, equity, and grace. Under his direction, teachers form positive relationships with students and families, hold regular interventions for student success, and function in well-managed classrooms.” ■
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