3 minute read
Past President Farewell
Hello, members! It has been my extraordinary pleasure to serve our organization for the past seven years. In that time, I have served as the Region 1 director (and still do!), member and chair for various committees, secretary, treasurer, vice president, and eventually president of the National Chimney Sweep Guild (NCSG), which is the role I’ve held for the past year.
A few of you know, since last fall I have been dealing with family health issues and eventually the passing of my dad. While it wasn’t unexpected, it did take a lot of time and energy to coordinate and help with the situation.
With that time commitment in mind, I have decided to step back from the presidential responsibilities for the remainder of my final term on the board. It was an easy decision to make given the quality of the people stepping up to take over — I trust each and every one of them. Thank you for all of the texts, cards, calls, and signatures!
The NCSG has seen many changes over the last seven years, but I am very glad to say we now have great purpose, direction, and drive. We can say exactly who we are, what our purpose is, and why membership is important. We can also assert that we have a positive impact on our overall industry, with three great accredited certifications, established apprenticeship program, and great results from our long and drawn-out discussion with OSHA.
I personally feel that in addition to growing my own business, it’s important to be actively involved in some aspect of improving my local community and industry. Working hard and building a business is a very difficult and important thing, but each one of us should also be serving something beyond just ourselves. Every board or committee member of any organization has chosen to take time away from their business and family and spend that time to serve others.
The NCSG has crawled through some rocky times during my time here and is in a great place now, but only because many members have stepped up to help. I am grateful for the opportunity to work alongside them and serve you all.
In less than one year, I will term out of my Region 1 director position. Who is going to serve next? Can you volunteer for a committee? Can you serve one term on the board?