Rabies coloring book 2010 english

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College of Veterinary Medicine

An Educational Coloring Book About

RABIES The story of Billy and his dog, Charlie

An Educational Coloring Book About

RABIES The story of Billy and his dog, Charlie By Maria T. Correa and Gail Robertson-Walker

College of Veterinary Medicine About the authors  Maria T. Correa is an Associate Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health at the North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine, Raleigh, North Carolina.  Gail Robertson-Walker was an Assistant Principal at Vandora Springs Elementary School, Garner, North Carolina. She was also a classroom teacher of grades K-5. collaborators  Christy Davis is a veterinarian who taught middle school English for four years.  Maria Baron Palamar is a veterinarian and PhD student at the NCSU Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences Program. Acknowledgements Drs. Lee Hunter, Stephanie Kordick, Lola Hudson, Martha Stebbins, and students and staff of Vandora Springs Elementary School. Funding This project was funded in part by the North Carolina Agromedicine Program, the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation and the NCSU Office of Extension, Engagement, and Economic Development. Graphics Sharon Dean and Grace Jenkins Design Steve Allen

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A message to parents and educators Rabies has been on the rise in parts of the country for several years. It is important that the public understands how the disease is transmitted, and what preventative measures need to be taken to help control the threat of rabies. Emergency procedures for cases of exposure to infected animals also need to be reviewed. This book tells the story of two children who are exposed to rabies. Through the experience they learn about the disease and share information with their classmates. Teachers and/or parents are encouraged to read over the booklet with the children to help answer any questions. By educating our children on the subject of rabies, perhaps we can one day bring this disease under greater control.

Disclaimer These educational materials have been developed as general information using the best knowledge of the authors. The authors are not responsible for the disease or harm that may occur due to the use of these educational materials.

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Billy and Charlie One summer afternoon, Billy decided to take his dog out to play in the back yard. Because it had been a very warm day, he had kept Charlie inside. Now it was cool enough for them to play outside. Billy had named his dog Charlie, but the dog had picked up the nickname “Curious Charlie” because he was always nosing around the bushes in the woods. Today seemed to be no different. While playing, Billy accidentally threw the dog's Frisbee into the woods. “Curious Charlie” quickly ran into the woods after the toy. Billy began to worry when Charlie did not come back. Suddenly, he heard yelps and howls of pain from his dog. Billy rushed towards the cries and found Charlie in a fight with a raccoon.

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Trouble for charlie This time, Charlie’s curiosity had gotten him into trouble. Billy called his dog and watched the raccoon scurry into the bushes. Charlie was soaked with the raccoons saliva (spit) and he had a bite wound on his paw.

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A trip to the veterinarian's office Billy was really frightened now. He knew a little about rabies and he knew that raccoons can carry the rabies virus. Billy acted quickly. He washed his hands and told his parents about the fight. They immediately took Charlie to the veterinarian’s office.

Charlie was vaccinated Dr. Jones examined Charlie. He found the tag in his collar that proved that he was current in his rabies vaccines. The doctor decided to give him another shot just to make sure that Charlie was all right. This shot is called a “booster."

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Quarantine The doctor told Billy and his parents that they were very lucky because they were responsible pet owners. They had kept Charlie vaccinated and acted quickly after the fight. As a result of what they did, Charlie would not have to be quarantined (kept under observation). After his examination and booster, Billy and his parents took Charlie home. Billy was very glad that his friend would be able to play with him again.

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laura and the cat Billy’s classmate, Laura, soon had her own experience with rabies. Laura liked animals but did not have any pets. She had told Billy that she wanted a cat for her birthday. One day, Laura saw a cute kitten in her front yard. The cat seemed friendly at first and Laura tried to pet it. Suddenly, the cat bit her! Frightened and hurt, Laura ran to her mother for help.

wash your hands! Her mother told her to wash her hands very carefully with soap and water. While Laura was washing her hands, her mother called the doctor and Animal Control.

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Treatment for rabies Animal Control picked up the cat and tested it for rabies. The cat did have the virus. Laura had to go to the doctor and had a series of rabies shots in her arm.

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What animals can get rabies? Dogs, cats, horses and farm animals can all get rabies from stray unvaccinated animals. Any of these animals can also infect people.

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watch out for wild animals Rabies can also be caught through contact with saliva of wild animals. Bats, coyotes, raccoons, skunks and foxes can all carry the rabies virus. As Billy found out, in North Carolina the greatest threat is the raccoon. Remember that any mammal can carry rabies.

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How rabies is spread

bites and open wounds The rabies virus is spread by saliva from an infected animal. It can be transmitted through a bite, open wound or mucosa. The mucosa is the pink skin of the inside of the nose, mouth and eyes. Once the symptoms of the disease happen, rabies is almost always fatal. Page 12

What happens after exposure? Once an animal has been exposed to the virus, the virus travels through the nervous system to the salivary glands. Saliva from these glands can pass the virus to other animals and humans.

symptoms Animals that have rabies present a change in behavior. They may become aggressive, scared, or upset. Sometimes animals will not eat or just lie down. They can also change their sounds or vocalizations. Beware of wild nocturnal animals that are seen during the day. Animals with rabies might also show signs of paralysis. They may lose the ability to drink or swallow. This often makes the mouth hang open and causes a lot of drooling. You may also see a loss of coordination and the animal walks funny. Finally you might see a rabid animal wondering around and biting at everything. An animal with these symptoms may also try to eat unusual items such as a rock or dirt. These disease symptoms may not happen in any specific order, and some may not be seen at all. Page 13

How to protect yourself and your pets from rabies  Dogs and cat must be vaccinated for rabies every year and the tags should be kept on the animals at all times.  Call you veterinarian if you suspect you pet has been exposed to rabies.  Do not make pets of wildlife and do not attract wild animals to your yard with pet food or trash.  Beware of nocturnal animals seen during the day  If you or someone you know becomes in contact with a rabid animal or is bitten by an unknown animal, wash the bite wound thoroughly and call your doctor immediately.  Call Animal Control if you see an animal that you suspect has rabies.

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