Raleigh, North Carolina
Religion a hot topic in Brickyard
Chancellor’s Residence construction completed
Students express negative attitudes toward religious speakers in the Brickyard. Lauren Vanderveen Staff Writer
Walking through the Brickyard, it is common to spot individuals advocating for petitions or events being led by student organizations, such as Shacka-Thon. Religious public speakers that frequent the area, however, are considered by some students a nuisance and disrespectful. Any such speakers are allowed on the Brickyard, but only after submitting the online request form and obtaining the necessary permit. Dealing directly with those who desire a permit is Deborah Felder, assistant director for Campus Activities. According to Felder, roughly 80 percent of permit requests are approved and those that are denied are typically because of scheduling or space issues. “I can’t grant them or deny them a permit based on the content of their speech, so my job is to exercise neutrality,” Felder said. “We have a variety of public speakers and I know that generally people refer to them as ‘preachers’ and there’s this notion that that’s an immediate negative connotation.” Many students, such as Ana Lima, a junior in social work, supported the claim of the off-putting atmosphere surrounding the ‘Brickyard preachers.’ “From what I have seen and the times that I have heard them, whenever a student makes a point, they shut it down,” Lima said. “They think it’s wrong and they’re not really willing to listen to the explanation of why that person thinks that way.” Sometimes though, students intentionally argue with the religious speakers to get a heated debate going, Lima added. Muhammad Khan, president of the Muslim Student Association, warned against such tactics. “I personally tell all of my friends not to confront the speakers because it is not smart to have a debate with extremist people who are saying that people are going to hell,” Khan said. “I don’t believe the speakers are open to dialogue, instead they want to engage in loud and entertaining arguments to draw attention from the masses.” “Unfortunately, on more than one occasion I have seen it devolve into a shouting match between a preacher and a group of students,” Arthur Juliani, junior in psychology and president of the Buddhist Philosophies group, said.
Preach continued page 2
Contributed by MarC Hall
The chancellor’s new residence is located on Centennial Campus and took a total of $3 million to build. The entire project was funded by private donations.
The Chancellor’s new home on Centennial Campus is officially complete and now inhabited. Story By Will Brooks
onstruction of the chancellor’s new home is complete; “The Point” sits beside Lake Raleigh as a modern yet classic home.
The idea for The Point was cre- Hillsborough Street and 80 years of ated in 2010, the same year Chan- constant living, among other things, cellor Randy Woodson stepped sparked the need for a new residence. Nick Murphy, sophomore in chemiinto office. The old Chancellor’s Residence off Hillsborough Street, cal engineering, said that regardless which has housed the University’s of where the money is coming from, highest officials for 80 years, will it could have been spent better elsebecome the new location for the where. “I don’t really agree with making a Gregg Museum. “The main thing is that [the old new Chancellor’s mansion.” Murphy residence] was constrained in its said, “It’s kind of tucked away and ability of what it needed to do,” it’s only enjoyable for the chancellor. He [already] had a said Kevin Macpretty nice mansion Naughton, head on Hi l lsboroug h of facilities and Street.” project manager Murphy said that for the Chancelthe timing of The lor’s Residence. Poi nt ’s c re at ion As project was inappropriate, manager, Macconsidering budget Naug hton led cuts and tuition int he team t hat Nick Murphy, sophomore in creases. bui lt t he new engineering MacNaughton said residence, which the new chancellor’s took a year-anda-half and $3 million to build. residence is relevant to students, as it is He stressed the importance of the a place where the chancellor can host home, which was funded by private gatherings, which makes the home also representative of the school as a donations. “The historic house, while a whole. “The important thing that they need nice home, didn’t have large open spaces. It also lacked sufficient to know is that this house was funded parking,” MacNaughton said. “The exclusively from donations made from place where the chancellor and his individuals who are supporters of the family lives is really more than a University,” MacNaughton said. Even though it came at a high cost, home.” MacNaughton said changes on the chancellor’s residence was created
“I don’t really agree with making a new chancellor’s mansion.”
Contributed by MarC Hall
The foyer in the new residence is spacious and good for entertaining guests, something that is important for Woodson according to Kevin MacNaughton.
using local, energy-efficient materials, some of which came at a discount. “It has a geothermal cooling and heating system, it has LED lighting donated by CREE, which actually emanated from our N.C. State labs,” MacNaughton said. There are a lot of local connections with the residence. The wood used comes from the southern yellow pine, which normally is not normally usable for home construction. MacNaughton explained that to use the wood, it had to be treated in a special manner to keep it from warping. “We didn’t have to ship [the wood] long distance, so it was very sustainable using a renewable resource here in North Carolina,” MacNaughton said.
The trim for the house comes from a forest on N.C. State’s campus, and local contractors were hired to build the home. “A lot of our ability to build the house came from the fact that we had contractors and vendors who provided materials at a deep discount,” MacNaughton said. Matthew Andrews, residence coordinator of the chancellor’s new home, explained that as the last residence served as a reliable home, the new residence is built with the same excellence. “It is a well-built home that will last the next 80 years,” Andrews said.
house continued page 2
Campus Police educate students following student drug arrest After an arrest for possession of hallucinogenic mushrooms, University officials reached out to students. Jessie Halpern Deputy News Editor
After the recent arrest of an N.C. State sophomore for possession of an illicit substance, Campus Police and Student Conduct are trying to get the message across to students that drug education and counseling are available. The student in question, who asked to remain anonymous until after his court date, was arrested for possession of hallucinogenic mushrooms and drug paraphernalia on Dec. 27 and held in Wake County jail on $5,000 bail. With only 13 days since the student’s arrest, he faces a pending court date to determine his fate. If convicted, he
could face state-mandated punishment, as well as other consequences on campus. Turi Watson, associate director in the Office of Student Conduct, was unable to comment on the student’s specific record, but directed all curious students to the office’s website where the N.C. State drug policy is made available. According to the website, “for a first offense involving the illegal possession of any controlled substance identified in Schedule I, N.C. General Statutes 90-89, or Schedule II, N.C. General Statutes 90-90, the minimum penalty shall be suspension from enrollment or from employment for a period of at least one semester or its equivalent.” Based on the contents in a dish found in the student’s home, he is accused of manufacturing psilocybin mushrooms, a Schedule I substance. Forest Herrell, addiction responder at Holly Hill Hospital, warns that many students don’t realize what
centers are for 28 days.” drugs can really do to their bodies. N.C. State Campus Police Captain “Drugs nowadays are very different and cause a lot more brain damage. Ian Kendrick wants students to know While marijuana alters your mental that police aren’t the bad guys. “Our main focus is to educate stustate, using hallucinogens is a faster route to serious bodily harm,” Her- dents and deter them from using illegal substances,” Kendrick said. rell said. “When that fails, we Holly Hill Hostry to get them treatpital dedicates its ment and work with addiction services Student Conduct exclusively to the and the Counselwe e k l on g d e t ox ing Center to help drug users must go get the student to a through on their way healthy place.” to becoming clean. Kendrick, who was Herrell added that not involved in this users of illicit subarrest, said many stances risk addicForest Herrell, addiction factors go into detertion, in part because responder at Holly Hospital mining a student’s of their personality. punishment when “Addiction is addiction,” Herrell said. “It’s about more they are arrested by Campus Police. “We have a few options most of the than just the substance. There has to be an addictive personality as well. time. If it’s a misdemeanor, we can They say it takes 21 days to change a either give a citation, a Student Conhabit. That’s why most rehabilitation duct referral, make an arrest or do a
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“Drugs nowadays are very different and cause a lot more brain damage.”
combination of those. For a felony, we have the same options, only we can no longer issue citations,” Kendrick said. To determine what offenses qualify as misdemeanors or felonies, Kendrick said a number of factors must be considered. “First we look at what schedule in the NC Controlled Substance Act the drug falls under. Schedule I is the highest bracket, where things like hallucinogenic mushrooms fall under,” Kendrick said. “Next, we see how much of the substance there is and also how it is packaged.” According to Kendrick, the packaging of a substance can go a long way in indicating whether the user is a consumer or a dealer. North Carolina law mandates that possessing any amount or packaging of psilocybin mushrooms is automatically a felonious act. For drug education and counseling services, see Campus Police or Student Health.
SPECIAL BACK TO SCHOOL HOURS: Monday - January 10 - 8am to 8pm
Monday Thursday, 8am 8pm Tuesday -- January 11 - 8am to to 8pm Wednesday - January Friday, 8am12to- 8am 6pmto 8pm Thursday - January 13 - 8am to 8pm Saturday, toto4pm Friday - January10am 14 - 8am 6pm
page 2 • monday, january 9, 2012
Corrections & Clarifications
Through thomas’s lens
Campus CalendaR
Send all clarifications and corrections to Editor-in-Chief Laura Wilkinson at editor@
January 2012 Su
Weather Wise
Monday University Council Retreat 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Winslow Hall Conference Room 2012 Martin Luther King, Jr. Campus Commemoration 3-4 p.m. Stewart Theatre The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. NCSU Campus Commemoration is an annual program sponsored by the African American Cultural Center and various campus partners. The purpose is to celebrate the living legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
48/40 A chance of rain
60 41
Wednesday Exhibition: Poetic Portraits of a Revolution All Day Crafts Center Coupling artistic innovation with practical application, PPR2011 is working to raise awareness around the situation in Egypt and Tunisia by depicting experiences of everyday people in both countries. This exhibition at the Crafts Center is in conjunction with a related presentation to be held in Stewart Theatre on Jan. 31.
Movin’ on in
60 47
Showers likely, mainly after 4 p.m.
insley Mumford, a freshman in landscape architecture, moves back into her room after the holiday break on Sunday. University Housing opened the residence halls to students on Friday.
POLICe BlOTTER January 1 4:14 p.m. | Fight Polk Hall Student reported hearing fight in the building. Officers determined that another student was rehearsing for play. January 2 12:44 a.m. | Assist Another Agency Hillsborough Street RPD requested assistance due to large crowd in the area. Crowd dispersed and no actions were taken.
8:39 p.m. | Suspicious Person Talley Student Center Officer spoke with student who was found sitting on steps. No action taken. January 3 5:21 a.m. | Suspicious Person Daniels Hall Report of suspicious subject sleeping in building. Subject left prior to officer’s arrival. 2:32 p.m. | Suspicious Person D.H. Hill Library Staff requested officer speak with two non-students who had been arguing earlier. Both subjects were warned they would be trespassed if another problems occurred.
3:32 p.m. | Suspicious Person D.H. Hill Library Intoxicated non-student was trespassed from NCSU property after being found passed out.
photo By Thomas Obarowski
Thursday Exhibition: Poetic Portraits of a Revolution All Day Crafts Center Coupling artistic innovation with practical application, PPR2011 is working to raise awareness around the situation in Egypt and Tunisia by depicting experiences of everyday people in both countries. This exhibition at the Crafts Center is in conjunction with a related presentation to be held in Stewart Theatre on Jan. 31.
house January 4 1:42 a.m. | Suspicious Person Talley Student Center Officers observed several people inside food court. Investigation revealed them to be Housekeeping employees. No action taken.
10:09 a.m. | Trespassing Wood Hall Two students were referred to the University for entering their dorm room while residence hall was closed for break. 9:51 a.m. | Suspicious Person D.H. Hill Library Non-student was trespassed from the library for being disruptive to other patrons.
continued from page 1
Andrews explained that in the time that Woodson has lived in his new home, the largest event held at the residence so far contained 175 people. The public space that makes up the first f loor and outdoor portions of the home create a great environment for events that benefit the University, Andrews said. “It’s a place of pride. It is a place that is going to be much more efficient for the chancellor and the things that he wants to do there.”
January 5 10:44 a.m. | Larceny Pi Kappa Phi Staff reported theft of copper piping. 5:14 a.m. | Suspicious Incident Gorman Street/Sullivan Drive Report of someone screaming. Officer searched the area but did not locate anyone in distress. 7:05 a.m. | Information University Public Safety Center NCSU PD is working with SBI on report of inappropriate storage and acquisition of data. 1:33 p.m. | Larceny Talley Student Center Student reported theft of money from unattended wallet.
Contributed by marc hall
The kitchen in the chancellor’s residence is wide and spacious with fairly large windows.
continued from page 1
Juliani said there are preachers on the Brickyard who are peaceable with good intentions, but are overlooked because of the type of evangelism occurring. The president of the Campus Crusade for Christ group, Kenneth Compton, said the absence of the enlightening side of Christianity in the speakers’ talks is the cause of the negativity. “I have heard some of them condemn people to hell for the outfit they’re wearing or the book they’re
reading,” Compton said. “Some have told me that I am going to hell because I disagree with some of their beliefs even after I have told them that I am a Christian.” Those who teach directly from the Bible and present topics respectfully are who students should be exposed to, Compton added. Regardless, the First Amendment guarantees these religious speakers the ability to say whatever they like on the Brickyard. Yet some students are unlikely to converse with the speakers, to exercise their own right to free speech and religion, because of the hostility and unwillingness for debate, Lima said.
“I haven’t personally talked to any of them. I don’t really want to because they scare me,” Lima said. “But I think the preachers have a right to be there. It stimulates interesting conversation. It makes people think about their religion, about their beliefs, and to some extent it forces people to be more accepting of what others think.” Felder said the main goal is for students to have the platform to cultivate and exercise their own opinions. “Re l ig iou s d i a lo g ue shouldn’t be about being right or wrong, it should be about better understanding the views of others and better understanding our own views in the process,” Juliani said.
Physical Environment Committee Meeting 3:30-5 p.m. Winslow Hall Conference Room The Committee is an advisory body to the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Business. The Committee is designed to be a forum for faculty, staff, and student opinions with respect to plans for the overall development and regulations of the physical environment of the core campus of the University including buildings, landscaping and transportation. Ides of March 7-9 p.m. Witherspoon Cinema An idealistic staffer for a newbie presidential candidate gets a crash course on dirty politics during his stint on the campaign trail. Admission is $2 with a valid college student ID and $3 for the general public. Read Smart Book Discussion - The Leftovers 7-8 p.m. Cameron Village Public Library Join us for a discussion of Tom Perrotta’s fascinating new novel The Leftovers, moderated by David DeFoor, M. Div., M.A. Religious Studies, NCSU Libraries staff. Contagion 9-11 p.m. Witherspoon Cinema A thriller centered on the threat posed by a deadly disease and an international team of doctors contracted by the CDC to deal with the outbreak. Admission is $2 with a valid college student ID and $3 for the general public.
Technician was there. You can be too.
The Technician staff is always looking for new members to write, design or take photos. Visit for more information.
page 4 • monday, january 9, 2012
From the editor’s desk
elcome back! Although I finally caught up on sleep over break, I am very excited to be back and to sacrifice sleep to produce more newspapers for you. We’ve got both fresh faces and returning staff members working around the clock to keep you up to date on University matters. Laura As always, please Wilkinson feel free to send us Editor-in-Chief feedback—positive or negative—to editor@ If you’re interested in having your opinion about a Viewpoint column published, send us a Letter to the Editor at If you are interested in writing, design
or photography, let us know. Communication is key to our success, both in the newsroom and throughout campus. Last semester the staff published some cool special editions, such as the Basketball RED and a commemorative 9/11 package. This semester we hope to bring you even more special editions—be on the lookout for The Daily Tar Hell spoof edition before the home basketball game against UNC in February. Also new to the paper this semester will be The Fifth, a humor/satire page which will run each Friday on page 5. Hot topics we will be following closely over the course of the semester will include tuition increases, Student Government elections, N.C. State
basketball and organizational changes across campus. Now that New Years has come and passed, it’s time for Technician and myself to make some resolutions. While my personal resolution is to see the inside of a gym some time this year, my goals for Technician are more likely to be accomplished, so I’ll put more effort into making those happen. Resolution No. 1: Provide fair and accurate coverage. That’s always our No. 1 goal, but it’s important you know it. Resolution No. 2: Take chances. Although I’m a little hesitant to try new things out of fear for mass amounts of hate mail, I’m hoping to branch out a little this semester to provide you new and fun things to read and discuss. One of those new
things is the previously mentioned The Fifth, the brainchild of the very witty Josh Lucas. Resolution No. 3: Make sure both myself and the rest of the staff pass our classes. I swear our third floor Witherspoon office is a time vortex. I always swear I’ll do my homework during production, but by the time I think about starting, it’s already midnight and time to go home. This particular resolution should apply to each and every student reading this paper, regardless of whether you are on staff or not. While there are many more goals I’d like to add, these three are the most important. To all the readers: have fun this semester, pass all of your classes and read Technician. Begin.
The outsider effect
or the most part, break is a time to merge back into family life, reconnect with old high school friends and better evaluate one’s own position in each of these circles. However, this process tends to create a strange phenomenon. College distances us and presents us with a very peculiar opportunity over break— an ability to Anokhi Shah eva luate the Staff Columnist things we used to c on sider completely normal from an outside perspective. It is a strange phenomena. I remember experiencing this constant evaluation the first time I visited home my first semester, over fall break. Seeing my parents was pleasant, and I missed parts about living at home, but at the same time I felt the distance. This distance known as the outsider effect is common. My own parents explained this was something they also went through when they left their respective household s . T he phenomena is noticeable because no matter how happy parents are to see their child return home, life has gone on for quite a while without that child. The behavior displayed by parents is similar to accommodating for a guest, not welcoming a familiar figure back to their home. Another factor which contributes to the phenomena is that home isn’t really home anymore. Visiting for break is visiting—most college students tend to refer to their dorms or apartments as home after a few short weeks. It is difficult to maintain the notion that one belongs to two homes. College fosters a sense of independence. In America, the typical college lifestyle appears to create the nuclear family, eventually isolating children from their parents. No matter how close children and their parents keep in touch, the fact that they no longer live in the same households creates an unavoidable distance. Distance is not necessarily
bad. Our parents, for the most part, broke away from their families and started their own. During winter break, we see our parents reunite with parts of their families. We see how they interact; it is similar to the way we now interact with our parents. Our parents are overjoyed to see their families and wish to catch up on millions of stories we will never have time for. Winter break brings them closer, but there will always be the fact that each household is its own respective unit standing in the way. Seeing old friends from high school is a different matter entirely, but it emerges from the same phenomena. Friends from high school tended to know a different side of one’s personality. They knew firsthand the experiences of emerging from adolescence to adulthood but they have only heard the experiences of adulthood. The distance in the case of high school friends is not created by changing households but more because of entering a d i f ferent community. The high school community was in many ways a large family, with people who k new e ach ot her for a significant period of time. Secrets floated around the family with everyone in everyone else’s business. The college community is much more disinterested. We all exist in a community vaguely connected by a common identity, but we don’t share the same interest in each member’s life. We don’t feel the need to know everyone, to see everyone and to share in their experiences. Returning home, one receives the unique opportunity to introspect based on those who used to share a more significant portion of their lives, either friends or family. The distance is unavoidable but it is not necessarily negative. Distance has healed many of our relationships, whether it be with friends or families. The outsider effect will always be prevalent, but it is just another part of becoming an adult.
“Friends from high school tended to know a different side of one’s personality.”
Send Anokhi Shah your thoughts on a changed home life to
323 Witherspoon Student Center, NCSU Campus Box 7318, Raleigh, NC 27695 Editorial Advertising Fax Online
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in your words
What was the most exciting thing you did over break? by Alex Sanchez
“Meeting up with old friends and hanging out.” Patrick Jenkins freshman, First Year College
New year, new you.
Rachel Jordan, sophomore in architecture
“Having big family dinners.” Zach Mason freshman, First Year College
Occupy reality
n Sept. 17, 2011 in Zuccotti Park, the Occupy Wall Street movement was born. For those of you who have no idea what the Occupy movement protests are or what these homless-looking vocali z ers a re exactly James screaming Hatfield about, do Guest Columnist not f re t ; neither did I. Mainly for the fact that they don’t seem to know either. History has officially repeated itself in a lower standard compared to the opposition of U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War in the 1960s. Those kids knew what they wanted. These new-wave revolutionaries are coming off as uneducated children screaming for their dinner meal at a mother who neither has the ability to care, nor the desire to. To be clear, I’m not bashing the movement. I just have no idea what it is the
Occupiers want. People are being drawn in to rallies for the mere fact that other people are already there. Give them a sign with a cheap hyperbole and a pin with a violent rhetoric, and you’re good to go. The main issue I have is that when I ask an Occupier about their cause, I get the kind of response you would see from a stereotypical hippie in a movie: along the lines of, “They’re taking our money, man!” or “What the government is allowing is wrong!” They sound absolutely idiotic. I expected more f rom college dropouts. Before being allowed to pitch a single tent, they must be force to memorized t h i s s t at e ment to keep from sounding like pretentious hipsters in gang form: “The goal is simple: to oppose Wall Street’s risky lending practices of mortgage-backed securities which ultimately proved to be worthless and ultimately had a hand in the recession back in 2008.” That’s all they would have to
say. Then I would just nod, thank them for their time, and walk away. I might even march with them with this new knowledge just recited to me. For those who can’t understand the picket signs, allow me to translate: “Behead the Banks ! ” means “My arms are tired.” “We are the 99 percent!” translates to “I just realized the 99 percent are the poor people.” “Close ta x loopholes!” equals “I’m so ang r y t hat I made a sign.” When the recession hit, my father had ju st retired from the military. He struggled to find a job. But you know what he did? He looked for another job, and then another. And you know what happened? He found one. And guess what happened after that? He got promoted. Graduate. Get a job. Pay your bills. Die quietly.
“History has officially repeated itself in a lower standard...”
Editor-in-Chief Laura Wilkinson
News Editor Elise Heglar
Sports Editor Josh Hyatt
Design Editor
Managing Editor Taylor Cashdan
Features Editor Mark Herring
Viewpoint Editor Trey Ferguson
Photo Editor Alex Sanchez
Advertising Manager Ronilyn Osborne
“I went on a surf trip to OBX.” Lance Benton freshman, mechanical engineering
“I went ice skating in downtown Charlotte.” Cara Jackson freshman, engineering
“I got Belk Bowl tickets on the 40 yard line 11 rows back.” Kassi Mangum freshman, Spanish education
Technician (USPS 455-050) is the official student newspaper of N.C. State University and is published every Monday through Friday throughout the academic year from August through May except during holidays and examination periods. Opinions expressed in the columns, cartoons, photo illustrations and letters that appear on Technician’s pages are the views of the individual writers and cartoonists. As a public forum for student expression, the students determine the content of the publication without prior review. To receive permission for reproduction, please write the editor. Subscription cost is $100 per year. A single copy is free to all students, faculty, staff and visitors to campus. Additional copies are $0.25 each. Printed by The News & Observer, Raleigh, N.C., Copyright 2011 by North Carolina State Student Media. All rights reserved.
Features Campus & Capital
monday, january 9, 2012 • Page 5
photo courtesy of matt parker
Meteorology researcher works on decoding tornadoes to improve forecasts and warnings. Story By Mark Herring
iguring out when a tornado will strike can help threatened communities brace for the worst, but according to Matt Parker, associate professor of marine, earth and atmospheric sciences, the current accuracy of forecasts and warnings can lead to a “wolf-cry” syndrome, working against meteorological credibility.
Parker said. “When you have a lot of false alarms, the public isn’t as responsive to the warnings and they may not always take the necessary steps of action. But that’s not anyone’s fault. The forecasters are operating that the state of our understanding. It’s just that our understanding has a lot of gaps.” According to Parker, the information of the 50 storm systems will keep his research team busy for the next five to 10 years. “To take teams out into the field and to operate the equipment is extremely expensive, and we don’t have the funding to do that all the time,” Parker said. “Right now, the way to do that is just Parker is working to reduce this margin of error to better un- for students and researchers to slog down and work before we can draw conclusions.” derstand how tornadoes tick to improve forecasts. The conclusions may keep tornado-prone regions in the future “The real goal is to issue warnings with increased lead-times and without a lot of false alarms,” Parker said. “What we don’t safe, Parker said, despite the time it will take to filter the data. Currently, a tornado forecast’s best prediction understand is why three-quarters of all rotating is one or two days, according to Parker. Tornado thunderstorms don’t succeed in making tornawatches only extend one to two hours before a does.” tornado may form, while the average tornado Parker and 100 other researchers from 40 difwarning, which is issued when the threat is imferent universities participated in project VORmediate, is between 13 to 15 minutes before. TEX2 to collect data from 50 thunderstorms that Parker said this is good, but could be better. contained all the conditions that induce torna“If you’re alone, 13 minutes may be enough does. The project, the largest study in its field to run down to your basement, but if you run conducted, extended between the summers of a nursing home or a school, 13 minutes is not a 2009 and 2010 and Parker traveled to Colorado lot of time at all.” to monitor potential storms. Before this lead-time in forecasts can improve, According to Parker, rotating thunderstorms, Parker and his colleagues have quite a bit of work called supercells, can contain the ingredients of Matt Parker, associate ahead. But for him, it isn’t drudgery. tornadoes. Strong vertical wind shear, the change professor of marine, earth and “Since I was a kid I was interested in severe in wind speed and direction over a short distance atmospheric sciences weather,” Parker said. “Going back to fifth or in height, serves as a condition that causes storm sixth grade, I just loved storms. Fortunately, I’ve rotation. Parker also cites storms with warm had enough things in a row to work out in my career that I am downdrafts of air and strong upward motions induce twisters. But even with all the ingredients, Parker said the combination able to pursue severe weather and how it works.” isn’t enough for an assertive forecast. “We are not very good at separating the hits from the misses,”
“The real goal is to issue warnings with increased lead-times and without a lot of false alarms.”
Donations/Campaign Money Breakdown: Measuring the variable: Project VORTEX2 used state of the art technology funded by the NSF and NOAA and the 40 universities to study the forces that produce tornadoes. This equipment includes: • Weather balloons • Radars • Instrumented surface vehicles • Equipped unmanned aerial vehicle Tornado Alley: Meteorology Assistant Professor Matt Parker said the central United States is a special geographical area with many conditions suitable for tornado formation. According to Parker, warm, moist air from the shallow Gulf of Mexico flows north, creating atmospheric instability. The tall Rocky Mountains contribute to atmospheric instability, making the Great Plains, Midwest, and southern states east of the Mississippi susceptible to twisters. Tornado season in this area occurs in the spring, but if the conditions are perfect, tornadoes can strike anytime. Elements of a tornado: These factors are necessary for tornado formation, but don’t always produce such storms, according to meteorology Assistant Professor Matt Parker. • Vertical wind shear—the upward change in speed and direction of air. • Warm downdrafts of air. Cold downdrafts are dense and tend to restrict contraction of air back into the tight circulation of the funnel cloud. • Strong upward motion in thunderstorms, which create atmospheric instability. Source: Assistant Professor Matt Parker
Inspiring a lecture revolution Students aren’t the only ones who hate lectures— some professors hate them too. Young Lee Deputy Features Editor
Many students are frustrated in classes where all too often, it is expected that they just listen to lectures and take notes only to regurgitate what they are told on exams. However, it is not just students who may not see the value of lectures. Robert Beichner, a professor of physics, is the founder of the SCALEUP: Student Centered Active Learning Environment with Upside-dow n Pedagogies. Beichner has devoted much of his recent life since his creation of the SCALE-UP program in 1997 to the overhauling of the lecture system. “There has been a lot of research that shows that students learn better if they are actively involved with the content instead of just sitting and listening to a lecture,” Beichner said. “The problem is that it is very difficult to do that with large classes…so I decided to redesign the classroom space, with round tables and white boards around.” Sitting in Beichner’s class,
“There has been a lot of research that shows that students learn better if they are actively involved with the content instead of just sitting and listening to a lecture.” Robert Beichner, professor of physics and founder of SCALE-UP
North Carolina School’s using the Scale-up system:
UNC-Charlotte UNC-Greensboro
students may be asked to make measurements, do calculations, or run simulations. From searching for keywords on the Internet to examining lenses, participating in Beichner’s classes is far from the typical lecture, and that is exactly what Beichner wants. “Instead of content delivery in class, a lot of that happens out of class, and instead of working on hard homework problems outside of class, a lot of that’s done inside of class. Also, students become teachers—they teach each other,” Beichner said. No student will be able to get away from doing something hands-on. “That frees me as the instructor to go around and work with the [groups of students], so instead of me presenting content all the time, students come in with the basics and they come and work on applications of
[those topics],” Beichner said. Beich ner’s met hod ha s proved to be successful so far. According to Beichner, students have enjoyed his classes. Students test well, and SCALEUP classes have seen increases in attendance even though attendance is not required. The method is now studied and implemented at institutions like MIT where the entire electrophysics department is taught in a SCALE-UP method. The University of Minnesota also has a building to house special SCALE-UP courses. SCALE-UP has even influenced universities abroad too, according to Beichner. The N.C. State College of Education is also working to change the lecture system in similar ways. “The [concept] of the sage— that the students of old would come and sit at their feet as the sage would spout wisdom— we’ve really moved away from
Elon University UNC-Pembroke Gravely Hill Middle School UNC-Chapel Hill
that,” Tara Hudson, a College of Education advisor, said, “What students need to learn now to get these future jobs is how to think for themselves, how to be critical consumers of information, how to find information and how to learn.” Students are responding to these new teaching methods, especially those learning with Beichner’s SCALE-UP guidelines. Andrew Keith, a freshman in chemistry and student in Beichner’s Physics 205 course, originally wanted to drop the course when he realized it would not be taught in a lecture style. “Originally, I actually wanted
just a lecture, because I thought it’d be easier for me,” Keith said. “But I like [this SCALEUP teaching] because the group setup we have is actually quite nice. If I have to go back because I don’t understand something, it’s always nice to have five or six opinions on how to solve a problem. Also, you can use your group members during a quiz to help you.” These teaching styles are becoming more common at the University, and there are plans to use the SCALE-UP program not only for chemistry and physics but also for biology and English courses. “I think [the SCALE-UP method] is really good for
Meredith College N.C. State Shaw University
active learners,” Megan McCann, a senior in chemical engineering, said. McCann took a SCALE-UP chemistry course in the past in addition to Physics 205. “I have trouble learning by just listening to people, so being active in the learning process makes it a lot easier for [the concepts] to stick with me.” By completely revamping the lecture system, Beichner’s SCALE-UP has achieved a way to give students a more thought provoking in-class experience. According to him, this style of teaching will give students an edge in finding jobs and doing well in the workplace.
Features Campus & Capital
page 6 • monday, january 9, 2012
Who is Kooley High? Hip-Hop group with raleigh roots now experiences rising fame and fan base. Story By James Hatfield
he influence of the hip-hop culture is a unique experience to behold. From its infancy, rapping has been an avenue for artists to express a dominating ideology of their city or home. Kooley High is a group of rappers that are known to promote the classic hip-h op scene in Raleigh, but bring a cool swoop of current up-todate quality. The group is comprised of six Raleigh natives who met at N.C. State. In an area where rapping wasn’t a common thing to see at a music venue, the members of Kooley High originally began by hanging out at events hosted by the former NCSU student group H2O. The group brought awareness to the small Hip-Hop community, which was underground at the time, through rap shows that would fill the Bragaw Residential Hall student lounge. “We had some pretty epic pa r t ies,” Thomas Kev in, known as Foolery, said. ”When we started performing there wasn’t a whole lot of live HipHop going on,” Kevin said. “We just kept doing shows and creating a fan-base, but a lot of talent coming from young cats was showing up.” From the beginning they had seen friends succeed in music, like producers 9th Wonder and
Photo contributed by Kooley High
Kooley High, deriving from six unique expressive backgrounds, is recognized as a pioneer for Raleigh’s underground hip-hop scene.
Khrysis. Seeing this success made dreams of having a place in the music industry seem more possible. “I used to just make music in the dorms all the time man,” Alexander Thompson, also known as Charlie Smarts, said, “but actually doing it and seeing people around me do it made it so much easier.”
“I used to just make music in the dorms all the time man.” Alexander Thompson, N.C. State alum
leges within the University and do not regret their experience. Like most other artists out of Raleigh, all of the members of Kooley High attained college
Thompson, like all the other members of Kooley High, is originally from Raleigh and an N.C. State alum. They all graduated from different col-
degrees. The degrees are coming in handy; James Meyer, the emcee for Kooley High, also known as DJ Ill Digitz, runs the online store and helps with funds, band production and marketing. “A lot of people who are out and have graduated from college lament that they aren’t using their degree,” Meyer said, ”but I use it everyday in the
day to day operations in networking, and with the business managment degree you learn about accounting, inventory and business planning, forecasting and all that.” Meyer helped run the Kooley High’s blog too, which has been getting so popular that other artists started requesting if they can put their own stuff on the blog, almost as a stamp of approval from Kooley High to help promote them. The gang has reached new heights, being one of the few Hip-Hop collective groups whose members have diverse backgrounds making them more relatable to fans. “We’ve created a balance and another outlet for hip hop,” Marlana Evans, also known as Rapsody, said. Evans is the only female member of the group. “You know we’re different; we have boys and girls, different races,” Evans said. “We just make fun music so people can actually have fun.” Meyer and Thompson moved to Brooklyn as a result of Kooley High’s rapid growth. The move will allow them to work in music, with Kooley High as their main project, giving their following a boost. From being seen on television in the U.S., to being debuted on Canada’s MuchMusic channel, this group is on the rise.
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monday, january 9, 2012 • Page 7
For Akron’s sake, let’s hope so.
continued from page 8
leading average of 14.5 tackles for a loss and a team leading 5.5 sacks, despite missing out on two games due to injury. A clear representation of the impact Manning had on the team could be gauged by how the team went 6-2 after coming back from his injury, a period which saw him claim two ACC player of the week awards for his performances against UNC, where he had a season best 11 tackles, and versus Maryland, where he had seven tackles, 1.5 for a loss and two forced fumbles. Manning kept up his tempo heading into the Belk Bowl, where he recorded six tackles and made crucial plays, including his interception on the very first drive and a possible gamesaving tackle for a loss with Louisville down on fourth and one, to guide the team to back-to-back bowl victories.
Oliver Sholder/Technician
N.C. State forward, Thomas de Thaey takes it to the hoop as he dodges Maryland Terp’s Pe’Shon Howard and James Padgett.
continued from page 8
perfect on the year from the line. When asked if he had missed one yet this season, he smiled and humbly said, “I don’t know.” Wood has hit 41 straight, dating back to last season, and is approaching former
Women’s continued from page 8
“They’re [going to] get their arms up. It seems like they’re in the passing lanes. They always seem to be in front of you.” “We were trying to do some things just to make something happen,” Harper said. “We lost our focus, and unfortunately, we had to play a lot of minutes there. Our kids are used to playing a quicker rotation.” The Blue Devils also scored a highlight play with a Gray inbound pass from the baseline off Tasler’s back to go up by 14. The Pack was able to survive the storm with another three from Goodwin-Coleman on a fast break to reduce the deficit to eight. The following play, a layup from junior forward Lakee-
Jan. 3-5: Linebacker coach Jon Tenuta stays in Raleigh after agreeing to join Illinois.
Duke guard J.J. Redick’s ACC record of 54. The Wolfpack, who has now had six consecutive wins, will host the Yellow Jackets of Georgia Tech Wednesday evening at 9 p.m. in the RBC Center, who are coming off of a tough 81-74 loss to Duke.
In what would surely bring relief to many a member of the Wolfpack, linebacker coach Jon Tenuta decided to remain at N.C. State after initially deciding to take up the defensive coordinator position at Illinois. Tenuta’s term on the staff of the new Illinois head coach, Tim Beckman, lasted fewer than 24 hours. Tenuta, who came to Raleigh in 2010, cited family reasons behind the turnaround. Tenuta’s son, who is a high school senior and just signed a letter of intent to play baseball at State, was believed to be a major factor in his decision. In a long, illustrious career which has seen Tenuta coach in many programs, such as Oklahoma, Ohio State and Notre Dame, amongst others, Tenuta’s return would provide a muchneeded boost to the Pack for the upcoming season, especially with the losses of senior linebacker Audie Cole and redshirt junior linebacker Terrell Manning. Tenuta’s impact on the Pack is obvious after the team recorded 39 takeaways and 41 sacks in 2011, both of which rank amongst the top 10 in the nation, a far cry from 2009 when the team was ranked 114th and 53rd in the country in the two categories. Tenuta, whose two-year contract with State expired at the end of the 2011 football season, is expected to sign a new deal soon.
N.C. State 59, #7 Duke 83 Statistic
Total FG %
Three-point FG %
Free Throw %
Source: N.C. State Athletics
Jan. 4: Akron hires Chuck Amato as defensive coordinator. sha Daniel pulled the score to within six, which is the closest to the lead that State would come the entire afternoon. The Pack was not able to capitalize off its momentum, and Duke pulled away to seal the deal. A three from sophomore Ticia Liston pushed the Devils lead to 15 with over four minutes left. The Wolfpack women return to conference play on Thursday when they face the Boston College Eagles at Reynold’s Coliseum at 7 p.m.
It’s not Florida State, it’s not N.C. State. It’s not even close to major college football. But former Pack head man Chuck Amato is back in the collegiate coaching ranks after receiving a call from Terry Bowden, who will be attempting to revive one of the most horrific FBS programs of the past several decades—the Akron Zips. Bowden, the son of Florida State coaching legend Bobby Bowden, takes over an Akron program with one bowl appearance in school history. The Zips have never won more than seven games in a season and have a remarkably awful 5-31 record during the past three years. Amato, the man who coached State for seven seasons and brought the Pack to five bowl games, will be brought in as a defensive coordinator. Ironically, calls for Amato’s 2006 departure from Raleigh picked up heat following a 20-17 upset loss early in the season to none other than the Akron Zips. After serving as an assistant to Bobby Bowden for 21 seasons, perhaps all Amato really needs to get the defense cranked up is another Bowden roaming the sidelines.
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Jan. 4: East Atlantic Gymnastics League tabs State as No. 1 in preseason poll. Jan. 5: Former N.C. State coaches make North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame. Sam Esposito, former Wolfpack baseball coach and Henry Trevathan, who was the coach of the special team’s unit on the football team, are among the eight new inductees to the North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame. Esposito, who had an illustrious playing career appearing for the likes of the Chicago White Sox and Kansas City Athletics and also appeared in the 1959 World Series with the White Sox, coached the Pack from 1967-87. Esposito led the Wolfpack to 21 consecutive winning seasons and amassed 513 victories during his time in Raleigh, which also included four ACC championships and a third-place finish in the 1968 College World Series. Esposito produced as many as 69 All-ACC players and seven All-Americans while 12 of his players ended up playing Major League Baseball. Trevathan made a name coaching at the high school level, where he won three consecutive 4-A state championships, going on to coach the likes of ECU, Lenoir-Rhyne and Elon before joining State as a volunteer assistant coach under Dick Sheriden in 1986. As special team’s coach, Trevathan was responsible for producing five All-ACC kickers and punters, two All-Americans and Lou Groza award winner, Marc Primanti.
Jan. 7: NFL playoffs start with litany of former Pack players stepping into major roles. As the NFL playoffs gear up, seven former N.C State players will be on playoff team rosters, including two players who are starters for their teams, Stephen Tulloch (played at N.C. State from 2003-2005) and Manny Lawson (2002-2005). Both players are in their first year with their respective teams, the Detroit Lions and the Cincinnati Bengals. Tulloch started all 16 games at middle linebacker for the Lions, recording 111 tackles, 17th best in the NFL. He also had three sacks and two interceptions during the season. Lawson, a former first-round draft pick, came to the Bengals as a free agent from the San Francisco 49ers. He played every game, starting 15 at outside linebacker, producing 52 tackles and 1.5 sacks. Tulloch’s teammate, defensive end Willie Young (2006-2009), was a reserve on the most-feared defensive line in the league and had three sacks this season for the Lions. Veteran wide receiver Jerricho Cotchery (2000-2003) of the Pittsburgh Steelers played in 13 games this season with 16 catches for 237 yards and two touchdown receptions. Rookie linebacker Nate Irving (2007-2010) appeared in all 16 games this season on the Denver Broncos special teams unit and had four tackles. The Texans’ Mario Williams (2003-2005) will not see postseason action and has been out since he tore his pectoral muscle during an Oct. 9 game against the Oakland Raiders. The former No. 1 overall selection in the 2006 NFL Draft converted to outside linebacker this season and continued to be a dominate force on the defense, recording five sacks in five games. Running back Andre Brown (2005-2008) has been on the New York Giants practice squad the entire season and is unlikely to see playing time in the Giants’ postseason campaign.
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• 17 days until the men’s basketball team plays UNCChapel Hill at the Dean Dome.
Saturday Track at Virginia Tech Invitational Blacksburg, Va., All Day
January 2012 Su
Wednesday Men’s Basketball vs. Georgia Tech RBC Center, 9 p.m. Thursday Women’s Basketball vs. Boston College Reynolds Coliseum, 7 p.m. Friday Track at Virginia Tech Invitational Blacksburg, Va., All Day
Men’s Tennis vs. GardnerWebb, UNC-Asheville & Citadel Raleigh, 10 a.m., 2 p.m. & 6 p.m. Swimming & Diving vs. Florida State & Georgia Tech Atlanta, Ga., 11 a.m. Men’s Basketball at Wake Forest Winston-Salem, 1 p.m. Gymnastics vs. BYU Raleigh, 7 p.m. Sunday Rifle vs. Citadel & Ole Miss Oxford, Miss., All Day Wrestling vs. Virginia Tech Raleigh, 2 p.m.
Wrestling vs. Virginia Raleigh, 7 p.m.
The wrap up
Winter break sports timeline
hile much of the student body went their separate ways for the holiday season, many student athletes continued their hard work in their respective sports. The Technician takes a look at the achievements of the various varsity teams as well as their faculty and staff and timelines their progress. Men’s basketball team goes 6-1. After dropping its matchup to Big East powerhouse Syracuse, the Pack went on a five-game tear, compiling wins over St. Bonaventure, Northeastern, Campbell, Western Carolina and Delaware State, to finish its non-conference schedule. The Pack dominated in three of their five wins, taking each game by double-digit margins. State’s win over St. Bonaventure proved to be the only test for the Pack over the break. Sophomore forward Calvin Leslie gave the Wolfpack the win in overtime with a go-ahead layup with 0.8 seconds left on the clock in overtime. Junior guard Scott Wood also scored a season-high 20 points in the win. Sophomore guard Lorenzo Brown also provided the Pack’s push throughout the streak, scoring a career-high 24 points against Campbell. Junior forward Richard Howell also pulled down a career-high 17 rebounds in the win over the Camels. Howell also scored 17 points, giving him his third double-double of the season.
Women’s basketball goes 4-3. The N.C. State women’s basketball team went 4-3 over winter break, improving their overall record to 10-5. Despite opening ACC play with a pair of losses to Georgia Tech and 13th ranked Miami, the Wolfpack ended nonconference play on an impressive note. The team pulled off a 66-59 victory in Reynolds Coliseum against No. 18 Vanderbilt, handing the Commodores their first loss of the season. It remains their only loss this season. Following this win, the ladies carried their momentum into the Pepsi Rainbow Wahine Invitational in Honolulu, Hawaii. The Pack picked up a 69-64 win versus Florida Gulf Coast and an 85-70 win against Alcorn State to advance them into the finals to face Hawaii. State continued their run, steamrolling the Rainbow Wahine 84-54 in front of a home crowd, crowning the Pack as champions of the invitational. In Hawaii, the Wolfpack had several players individually recognized for their performances. Junior guard Marissa Kastanek was named Most Valuable Player of the tournament, averaging 12.3 points per game in the tournament. Sophomore forward Kody Burke was also selected for the All-Tournament Team, averaging 14.6 points, 7.3 rebounds and two blocks per contest. Senior forward Bonae Holston, who had 11 points in the final game against Hawaii, became the No. 16 all-time scorer in N.C. State history.
Dec. 20: State diver Hudson Rains finishes 13th at USA Winter National Championships and World Cup Trials. Dec. 27: Amerson caps off a record-breaking season. Sophomore defensive back David Amerson broke the ACC record for interceptions in a season with 13. In the Belk Bowl versus Louisville, Amerson hauled in two picks and broke former North Carolina defensive back Dre Bly’s single season record. The first interception led to a 65-yard return for a touchdown. The second came towards the conclusion of the game, where the Cardinals could not convert on fourth down. This 13-interception mark set the season’s bar in interceptions, with the next-highest total coming from Georgia’s Bacarri Rambo with eight. Amerson also led the nation in interception yards with 205. Amerson was also named a second team All-American and a first team All-ACC performer.
Jan. 2: Wrestler Darrius Little takes second place at Southern Scuffle. Jan. 3: Manning packs for NFL. In what could prove to be a severe dent in State’s title hopes in 2012, redshirt junior linebacker Terrell Manning decided to forgo his senior year of eligibility to enter the NFL draft. Manning has been a peripheral figure for the team all season, tallying 76 tackles for the year to go along with a conference
timeline continued page 7
• Page 7: A continuation of the winter break timeline.
Page 8 • monday, january 9, 2012
athletic schedule
Men’s basketball
State picks up first ACC win of season Free-throw shooting holds off late run by Maryland. Nolan Evans Staff Writer
N.C. State picked up their first ACC win in their conference home opener Sunday evening against Maryland with a final score of 79-74, moving to 12-4 on the season. The Wolfpack was able to fend off a late run by the Terrapins, who had a sevengame winning streak entering the contest. Each team came storming out of the gates. State held an 8-6 advantage after exchanging leads twice before the first television timeout. Four players were already in the scoring column for the Pack off of three early assists by sophomore guard Lorenzo Brown. State built the lead up to 16-9 before the second TV timeout, and seemed to have momentum in their favor. Maryland guard Terrell Stoglin was called for an intentional foul with 10:25 remaining in the half, sending Wolfpack senior guard Alex Johnson to the free throw line for two shots. Johnson hit both shots, putting the Pack up 18-11. Soon after, the tides turned as the Terps went on a 12-4 run, giving the 23-22 lead back to Maryland with 6:37 left in the half. Both opponents went back and forth for the remainder of the half, tying three times and changOliver Sholder/Technician ing leads four times. N.C. Lorenzo Brown, Sophmore guard for the Wolfpack scores over the Maryland Terp’s Berend Weijs at State then managed to put the RBC Center. together a late 6-0 run in the last 1:42 of the half, finish- Junior Wolfpack forward Scott Wood drained six free throws ing with a 36-30 lead. Out of the intermission, down the stretch. Maryland both teams picked up right continued to push until the where they left off. The final buzzer, falling short by a first 12 minutes of the sec- final count of 79-74. The win marks the Wolfond half was highlighted by runs by State and Maryland, pack’s first win against the but the Terrapins couldn’t Terrapins since a 62-58 victory pull within three. With just during the 2005-06 season at over eight minutes remain- the RBC Center. Maryland had ing, junior center Deshawn seen nine wins against State Painter sparked a 9-0 run since then. Head coach for the Mark GottWolfpack, fried seemed giving ecstatic them a about t he seemingly oliver sholder/Technician feat. “We’re comfortNC State Basketball head coach, Mark Gottfried smiles as he excited, obviable 67-53 discusses the Wolfpack win over the Maryland Terps with an ESPN ously,” Gottlead with reporter. f ried said 4 : 58 reLorenzo Brown, sophomore with a triple-double, finishing separated State from Maryland postgame. maining, guard “We’ve lost with 11 points, 7 rebounds, and and allowed the Wolfpack to which was to Maryland 9 assists. Brown improved his claim victory. Free throws their largnine straight times, so you get already impressive 2.7 to 1 as- were critical in this victory for est lead of the game. The Terrapins, however, to change the course, (change) sist to turnover ratio by turning the Pack, hitting 21 out of 24 wouldn’t go away quietly. your path.” The players seemed the ball over to the Terrapins from the charity stripe, including six from Scott Wood in the With just under a minute overwhelmed by their achieve- only once. Statistically, both teams had final minute. Wood remains remaining, UMD guard ment, as well. “It feels great to actually similar figures throughout the Pe’Shon Howard hit a free throw to make it a two- beat them…it feels good,” said entire game. However, free possession game at 69-63. Lorenzo Brown, who toyed throws were the key factor that men’s continued page 7
“It feels great to actually beat them…it feels good.”
woMen’s basketball
Pack drops third straight to in-state rival N.C. State’s losing streak continues with Duke. Jeniece Jamison Deputy Sports Editor
N.C. State continued its ACC woes by dropping its third straight conference game to the No. 7 Duke Blue Devils, 83-59. “We knew it was going to be a tough game—a physical game for us,” Coach Kellie Harper said. “We knew that our defensive effort was going to be huge. When you give up 83 points to this team, you’re not going to win. They’re just too tough on the defensive end.” The Blue Devils drew first blood with a layup from
senior guard Chelsea Gray, off of an assist from junior but State’s sophomore center guard Emili Tasler. Duke maintained control Kody Burke responded with of the paint a put-back of throughout her own to the first half. get the Pack T he Devon the board. i ls scored Despite the 26 points in man-to-man the painted pre s s lo o k area and outfrom the rebounded Wolfpack, State 24 to 13. Du ke went Junior on an 11-0 g u a rd Matear with the rissa Kasscore standtanek made a ing at 21-8 valiant effort until sophoto keep the more guard Coach Kellie Harper game within Breezy Wilreach for the liams broke the cold streak with a three Pack throughout the first half. from the right side of the wing Two free throws from Kastanek
“When you give up 83 points to this team, you’re not going to win. They’re just too tough on the defensive end.”
closed the gap to single digits as she ripped off seven straight points for the Pack. After the Blue Devils attempted to pull away again, sophomore guard Myisha Goodwin-Coleman pulled the gap to single digits with a bomb of a three-pointer from near half-court, leaving the score at 42-33 going into the half. Duke jumped on the Pack again in a full court zone press to start the second half, which garnered a steal and layup from sophomore forward Richa Jackson early in the half. They also forced 19 N.C. State turnovers in the second half. “They’re so long,” senior forward Bonae Holston said.
women’s continued page 7