Nubian Message 08.28.13

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So Close, Yet So Far Away Shaquilla Hamlett Living in Africa, Becoming slaves, Working in cotton fields til we could no longer, Being treated as lesser beings than beasts, Getting lashed til our backs bore the scars of interminable pain, The fight to end it all, That left us tired but determined, The Emancipation Proclamation setting Some of us free, Our fight for Civil Rights, The Beatings, Jailings, Injustice, Yet the unity that held us together, The closeness of communities, The standing together in marches to have Our Voices heard, The refusal to give up a dream we so rightfully deserved, The love, compassion, and care we shared, Now we have our rights, Now we have Black representatives, And a Black President,

Photo via: Library of Congress

2013 • Nubian Message


Table of Contents

Check out our Video and Photos from the 3rd Anniversary of the #NCStaeCypher & Back to School Jam at....

Wronging Your Rights 3 Black Students Receive Brunt of Disciplinary Action 5 50 Black People You Should Know 5

#BlackTwitter 6 50 Years Later, March on Washington 8

Only with the permission of our elders do we proudly produce each edition of the Nubian Message. Dr. Yosef ben-Yochannan: Dr. John Henrik Clark: Dr. Leonard Jeffries: The Black Panther Party: Mumia A. Jamal: Geronimo Pratt: Tony Williamson: Dr. Lawrence Clark: Dr. Augustus McIver Witherspoon: Dr. Wandra P. Hill: Mr. Kyran Anderson: Dr. Lathan Turner: Dr. M. Iyailu Moses: Dokta Toni Thorpe and all those who accompany us as we are STILL on the journey to true consciousness.

Letter to the Editor To Whom It May Concern, I am writing you as a concerned stu-

validity of your paper, or to discuss the

Please be more cognizant of how you

presence of diversity at NC State. I simply

try to connect with your readers because

dent body member. I recently picked up

wanted to reach out to you and let you

at this point, all you've done is show new

a copy of your newspaper, this issue to be

know that as an African American stu-

comers and those on the outside, that you

specific, and was troubled by your mes-

dent, I do not approve. I don't feel more

want to be separate.

sage. I found the title "Welcome, Black

connected to the student body, I don't

Pack" to be offensive and quite frankly

feel more comfortable, if anything, I feel

ism or your efforts in any way, shape,

ignorant. As an African-American stu-

targeted and belittled.

or form. I respect your message and

I hope I did not offend your journal-

dent at this school, I personally try not to

It is my wish that you use your influ-

focus on the differences that separate me

ence and your position within the "black

from the student body but the few things

community" to express the realities of our


that I have in common with my fellow

situation. We as minorities, in a profes-

Jefferson Ellison

students. To see a newspaper separate

sional setting, can not choose our envi-

A member of the Wolf Pack - not your

students in such a blatant and regressive

ronment, however, we as Americans are

"Black Pack"

way was troublesome.

subject to the same standards and culture

I am not writing you to debate the

as our white counter parts - legally.


Want to send a Letter to the Editor? Submit it via e-mail to


Wronging Your Rights

N.C. Legislature Makes Voting More Difficult for Students DeErricka Green Managing Editor


arlier this month, Gov. Pat McCrory

have, since passing the “worst suppression

the state. The precedent is set that any full-

enacted what many have deemed

law,” escalated their attempts to prevent

time student in North Carolina can’t vote at

“the nation’s worst voter suppres-

students from easily exercising their rights in

school,” said Maddow. The head of the coun-

sion law.” The law requires voters to have

the political process.

ty’s Republican Party said he plans to chal-

specific forms of government-issued photo

Maddow’s show included coverage of how

lenge the voter registrations of more students

identification to cast a ballot, a measure he

the GOP-controlled Board of Elections in

at the historically Black university ahead of

and other Republicans said is needed to

Pasquotank County voted earlier this month

upcoming elections, the AP reported.

prevent voter fraud. The law also ends other

to disqualify Montravias King, a senior at

measures meant to empower voters such as:

historically-Black Elizabeth City State Uni-

into how elections drama in North Carolina

same-day voter registration, shortens the pe-

versity, from running for city council, on the

are affecting university students. In addition

riod for early voting from 17 days to 10 and

grounds that King could not use his student

to Elizabeth City State, the counties in which

eliminates a program that encourages high

address to establish residency. Despite being

Winston-Salem State University and Ap-

school students to register to vote in advance

registered to vote there since 2009, King’s

palachian State University are located, have

of their 18th birthdays.

right to use his student address is being

recently made it harder for students to vote.

challenged by Peter Gilbert, a local Republi-

The Forsyth County Board of Elections is

can who makes it a habit of challenging the

moving to shut down an early voting site at

voting rights of students from the historically

historically Black Winston-Salem State Uni-

Black school. Gilbert believes the students do

versity because chair Ken Raymond claims

not really “live at the school,” according to

students were offered extra credit in class for

Maddow, and is legally allowed to challenge

voting there. Raymond offered no proof such

their rights because the school is located in

irregularities had occurred, according to the

his voting precinct. Mid-Atlantic Christian

News & Observer.

“Earlier this month, Gov. Pat McCrory enacted what many have deemed ‘the nation’s worst voter suppression law.’ ” Former Secretary of State Colin Powell

University, a nearby predominantly white

King’s story led Maddow to delve deeper

Maddow’s show also featured coverage of

recently argued that the changes in North

school is also located in the precinct, yet its

how Boone, the home of Appalachian State

Carolina legislature “make it more difficult

students have received no opposition from

University has announced plans to eliminate

for people to vote,” in a speech to an audience


two of the three Boone precincts, including

that included McCrory; political commenta-

If the Pasquotank County Board decides

on-campus voting. Early voting has been

tor Rachel Maddow discussed the issue as

to rule in Gilbert’s favor, a precedent will be

alienated to one site in Boone and the law

it relates to college students, in the Tuesday

set for campus-residing students statewide

forces a voting precinct with 9,300 citizens

and Wednesday editions of her MSNBC talk

and beyond. “They questioned whether living

to vote at a located designed for 1,500, with

show last week.

at school is enough to make you a resident

only thirty-five parking places. The voting

and they said it is not. In making that deci-

location is inaccessible by public transporta-

her show on the road to North Carolina,

sion, they accepted a legal framework for

tion and over a mile from campus along a

making stops in Pasquotank, Forsyth and

disqualifying students from voting in local

road with no sidewalk. Appalachian State

Watauga Counties to shed light on how Mc-

elections. This development could very well

University professor Renee Scherlen argued,

Crory and the North Carolina Republicans

affect every student voter, every college, in

“Our students make a large part of what

Based in New York City, Maddow took

Gov. Pat Mcrory

Boone and Watauga County are, and to deny them the right to participate in politics here is unconscionable.” It is evident that these extreme voter suppression measures adopted in North Carolina are a clear reason why the Voting Rights Act needs to be strengthen, not destroyed. Maddow raised the point that precedents are being set for college campuses statewide. The citizens of North Carolina, especially its students should feel empowered to vote, and under the control of the GOP, this will no longer be the case for a majority of us. There were at least sixteen early voting sites located on college campuses during the 2012 election (including North Carolina State University, North Carolina Central University, and Wake Tech Community College (2 sites). It’s only a matter of time, if Elizabeth City State, Appalachian and Winston-Salem State serve as a blueprint, before the North Carolina GOP tries to shut down every one of them.

2013 • Nubian Message


4 2013 • Nubian Message


Under Construction N.C. State Chapter of NAACP Working to Build A Stronger Foundation

Christopher Hort-Williams Correspondent


he North Carolina State University

Last week, in her efforts to improve the

chapter of the NAACP was initiated

chapter, Collier met with the 2012-2013

in 1991, but since then the chapter

president Aleiah Miller to form a plan for the

has gone through periods of inactivity. 22 years after its inception, the campus chapter is now in a revitalization period.

future of NAACP. Collier’s current focus is funding and recruitment of an advisor. The organization hopes to sponsor pro-

Members of the NCSU NAACP standing inside the Free Expression Tunnel in 2010 | Nubian Message Archives

The chapter here at the University is one of

Ben Jealous, NAACP president and CEO,


spoke to thousands on the steps of the Lincoln

The organization was one of the leading or-

Lauryn Collier agreed to serve as president of

grams as early as this fall, which are related to

the chapter after Marshall Anthony, chairman

NAACP’s national efforts. “The purpose of the

of the Afrikan American Student Advisory

organization is to be in line with the national

Council, approached her about the status of

NAACP,” said Collier. This week members will

in many initiatives throughout the civil rights

the organization. Many students involved

meet and decide who will hold new leadership

movement such as the Supreme Court deci-

with the campus chapter, including Collier,


sion in the Brown v. Board of Education case

are graduating seniors; the chapter is in need of leadership that can continue in the coming years.

Formal elections are to follow in the spring of next year and are open to all students. NAACP History

According to Collier, NAACP will not be accepting new members so that it can focus on addressing internal needs. “There is a lot of internal structuring that needs to go on before the organization can even continue here on campus and be successful. You can’t invite people in from outside unless you know the inside is all cleaned up and ready to go.”

Founded in 1909, The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, NAACP is the oldest and largest civil rights organization. The NAACP reports to have more than half-million members and supporters throughout the United States and the world.

ganizations during the civil rights movement. The NAACP is known for its role in many

and the 1963 March on Washington. NAACP Role in the March on Washington The NAACP served as a co-organizer for The March on Washington, which was also one of the organization’s largest undertakings. Roy Wilkins, former executive secretary of the NAACP, was one of the 10 leaders who led the march in 1963 and spoke on the steps of the Lincoln memorial. In commemoration of the 1963 March,

Memorial during the Realize the Dream March on Saturday. Jealous spoke about key issues that are the current focus of the organization, such as Trayvon Martin, Voting Rights, and minimum wage. Other speakers included former chairman of the NAACP, Myrlie Evers-Williams, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and congressman John Lewis. “Let us claim some victories right now; let us say yes, we will pass Trayvon’s law from coast to coast,” said Jealous. “Let us say, yes, we will protect the right to vote with all our might until we win the fight finally once and for all. And let us say, yes, we will raise the minimum wage because you cannot survive on $7.25.”


Black Students Receive Brunt of Disciplinary Action N.C. Legal Aid Describes Wake County Schools as “Prison Pipeline” Aaliyah Singleton Correspondent


2013 • Nubian Message


RAL recently reported that Black students in the

dents who are excluded from class are more likely to experience

Legal Aid also found that students who are Black, from a

Wake County School System are disproportion-

far more negative outcomes than the ones described by support-

low-income family, or those with disabilities are far more likely

ally receiving higher rates of disciplinary action

ers of the practice. The American Psychological Association has

to receive a suspension from school than their White comrades.

than anyone else in the school system. Black students were

found that these students exhibit a higher risk of obtaining more

Black students were almost seven times more likely than White

found to have the highest rates of both short and long-term

suspensions, being retained from school, dropping out and

students to receive a suspension. Last year, Black students made

suspensions. According to the N.C. Legal Aid’s Advocates for

eventually becoming involved in the criminal justice system.

up 24 percent of the total student population, but received over

Childrens’ Services project which looked at school suspensions during the 2011-2012 school year, Wake County Public Schools is a “school-to-prison pipeline.” The pipeline consists of laws and policies that steadily moves students out of the school system and into the prison system through excessive disciplin-

One parent who spoke out in the Legal Aid’s report described her son’s experience upon being suspended: “It has been a constant battle to keep him on track… It felt like Wake County just gave up on my son and his education when he was

60 percent of suspensions while in stark comparison, only 2.5 percent of White students reported having received at least one suspension. Despite the serious lashing the Legal Aid placed on WCPSS,

suspended.” He learned nothing while he was placed at Infinity

the report did offer some hope as to improvements that could

[Alternative Online Schooling Center]. They sat him in front of

be made to remedy the situation, while taking into account

a computer for a couple hours a day and let him waste his time

WCPSS’ serious budget issues the past few years. These changes

students from school has been coming under fire. According

playing on the Internet. No one helped him or supported him.

include adding additional school counselors and psychologists

to the Wake County Public Schools Code of Conduct “Schools

As a result, he was incredibly far behind his peers academically

to the school personnel and through the utilization of more

must be safe and orderly, students must be given clear expecta-

when he tried to go back to school this year. Being behind and

alternative programs and methods rather than looking to sus-

tions for appropriate behavior in school and fair practices for

not understanding the work makes him frustrated, and the

pensions as the first resort instead, of as the last resort.

disciplining students must be followed,” however, in reality stu-

more frustrated he gets the more he just shuts down.”

ary action. From as far back as 30 years ago, the practice of suspending

50 Black People You Should Know...


Shirley Chisolm


The first African American woman to be eleceted Congress;

served in New York’s 12th Congressional District

View the complete gallery online at!

2013 • Nubian Message



#BlackTwitter Dane McMillan Correspondent


Pastor’s Power Extends to Weave Taari Coleman Correspondent


astors have a tendency to be

because he feels women are more likely to

opinionated individuals. Most

be victims, or is it that wearing weave is is

that have attended at least one

the only offense worthy enough to men-

efined by Shani O. Hilton, Black

was right there to share its opinion. It arguably

Twitter is “thousands of Black Twit-

added fuel to the fire that resulted in Deen’s

terers who a) are interested in issues

necessary apology and a loss of many endorse-

typically address and dictate their feelings

answered is how much influence Aamir,


on topics other than their specific religion

or any religious leader, should have over


their community. During the Presidential

of race in the news and pop culture and b) tweet A LOT.” Who knew we would get “our own” twitter? On the surface, it may seem like a joke, especially because a lot of #BlackTwitter consists of people tweeting about pop culture and making jokes. However, once you get past the jokes, #BlackTwitter is the new medium for the Black social media users to come together and discuss issues that affect the community. It is also a means of starting social movements. In a recent interview with the Wall Street Journal, rapper J. Cole spoke about the Trayvon Martin case and how Twitter could play a role in where we go from here. “Twitter, as crazy as it is for me to say this, is the first black community we’ve had in a long time. It’s a real opportunity for blacks to have a sense of community again, have leaders, and really just movement,” says Cole. 50 years after the original March on Washington, Twitter could now serve as the medium

After the Trayvon Martin verdict, Juror B37, one of the jurors in the case, found a book agent to help her write about her experience as a juror on the case. Even though Juror B37’s identity has yet to be revealed, #BlackTwitter quickly shut down her idea of “cashing in” on a book deal off of Trayvon’s murder. Tweets with her book agent’s twitter account, email address, home address, and phone number had been retweeted all over Twitter. Not long after this, Juror B37’s deal was dropped. Her explanation as to why was, “being sequestered had shielded me from the depth of pain that exists among the general public over every aspect of this case.” This is the long way of saying, “Black Twitter made sure that I knew it wasn’t okay.” It’s easy to assume that Black Twitter is a joke, especially with some of the trending topics

church service can attest to that. From popular culture to local hearsay, pastors

Pastor A.J. Aamir of Resurrecting Faith

tion to the congregation as a whole? The question that really needs to be

Election, there were several religious lead-

Church in Waco, Texas, has taken this a

ers throughout America that endorsed

step further and targeted a subject that

or rejected the candidates based on their

hit close to home with many members of

own personal preferences. This, in turn,

his congregation. In an effort to eradicate

influenced the members to illegitimately

the wearing of hair extensions, Aamir said

support candidates they would not have

“women wearing weaves presents a false

otherwise. Everyone is entitled to an

image of themselves and are associated

opinion and everyone, ultimately, has one

with women with low self-esteem.” The

on every topic. The ability of an authority

Texan pastor believes that natural beauty

figure to use their position of power to

should be the only type of beauty, but has

change the opinions and actions of others

also mentioned the financial situation a

is debatable. Aamir’s opinion on weave

lot of the members of his congregation

has no religious value, in fact. His only

are in. He does not understand how some

claim is “women are getting weaves trying

women can struggle financially, yet at the

to be something and someone they are

same time, afford three hundred dollar


weave. Aamir raises very valid and interesting

It is not a pastor’s job to determine who a woman is or what she represents.

during awards and reality TV shows. It can be

points, yet at the same time, leads people

Unless wearing a weave had become

entertaining; however, when it’s time to be seri-

to question what specifically about weave

problematic with his teachings, the claims

ous, Black Twitter can be so much more than

is so bothersome. Aamir is targeting an

Aamir has made are not only unwar-

a source of entertainment. It’s impossible to

issue that is only relevant to women. His

ranted, but superfluous in his setting.

ignore this opportunity for the Black commu-

statement brings about questions about

A pastor’s job is to spiritually motivate

Deen had made some offensive remarks about

nity to move forward. We’ve come a long way in

the way men express their esteem, or lack

and counsel their community, when the

her idea for a “southern plantation wedding.”

50 years-- let’s see how much further we can get

thereof, and why women are the only ones

pastor’s opinions become secular rather

Dean also admitted to using the N-word. Once

in another 50.

“more focused on what’s on their heads

than sacred, the pastor neglects to follow

than in their heads.” There are several oth-

the religious teachings to which they are

er attributes that are associated with low


for our “modern day marches.” Since its inception in 2009, #BlackTwitter already has a few victories under its belt. A few months ago, it was revealed that Paula

this story broke on the news, #BlackTwitter

Popular #BlackTwitter Hashtags #AintNobodyGotTimeForThat #LetThatHurtGo #TheStruggle #ImSchleep

Black Twitter Birds by: Alex Eben Myer

self-esteem- from the clothes one wears to the obscene prices they are willing to pay for them. Aamir neglects the other actions that indicate low self-esteem. Is this

Stressed Owt?

Education Cuts, or Cut Your Losses Tyler Allen Correspondent

Vonte Keith Staff Writer


education first. Current legislation regarding

future teacher, I am concerned about the


swing of school. You’re getting to know your

the lowest life expectancy, as well as higher

North Carolina education, more specifically

quality of education students will receive in

professors and peeping out the attractive

rates of hospitalization for diabetes, hyper-

its teachers, takes a sharp 180 degree turn

years to come.”

classmates with which you’ll want to form

tension, and chest pain complications (all

study groups. However, beyond the riveting

potential symptoms of stress). This can often

ince the first day of kindergarten,

majoring in Agricultural Education said,

we have been taught that rewards

“N.C. legislature is crippling the state’s public

would flow in consistently, if we put

education system. As an N.C. native and

from that belief. Gov. Pat McCrory, as well

Today’s teachers face an unprecedented

o you’ve survived the first week of

When talking about stress, African Americans

classes for the semester, and now

are particularly at risk for higher levels, espe-

you’re easing yourself back into the

cially males. African American males have

as the N.C. Senate have passed laws that not

number of responsibilities; all of which

mental stimulation you’ll be receiving this

be amplified by the “I’m a man, I can handle

only take away tenure for future teachers, but

directly correlate with the rising standards of

year, you’ll most likely be experiencing some

my problems by myself ” mentality, which can

also freezes their salary, even those with an

society and a global marketplace expect high

unwanted stress as well.

lead to internalization of these problems and

advanced degree.

school graduates to meet. It is unfortunate

Dealing with classes, work, and relation-

that we continue to let our educators and

ships, on top of the plethora of extracurricular

tional education in North Carolina as we

future students down. Removing funds, strik-

activities you might be involved with can be

with stress is self-awareness, such as knowing

know it, serves as a means of budgeting.

ing down compensation for Master’s degree

overwhelming at times. This is where the ef-

what specific things or situations cause you

One particular bill included in this reform

and the advent of a new publicly funded

fects stress can start to creep in.

to become stressed, what your strengths and

calls for the expansion of charter schools,

private school voucher system; serve as a

Stress can be represented by the basic equa-

weaknesses are, how you individually cope

including the use of enrollment vouchers,

reminder for educators that their efforts are

tion “stress = demands > resources.” When

with stress. Another is time management; try

cutting jobs of teachers’ assistants, as well as

continually undermined.”

one’s demands outweigh the resources they

to improve your prioritization, and decrease

currently have, stress follows. For example,

your procrastination. Side Note: marijuana is

Gov. McCrory’s quest to reform tradi-

increasing investments in Teach for America,

Chris Smith, a student majoring in

more stress. A good strategy when it comes to dealing

rather than traditional teachers themselves.

Biological Sciences, agreed with Gupton

suppose you’ve got a multitude of assignments

not a certified stress-management plan.

A school safety measure has also been passed

saying, “Without the incentive, and with the

due tomorrow (demands), but you feel like

Do not be afraid to seek help! Often times

that makes it legal for permit holders to carry

combined lack of pay and respect shown

you do not have enough time (resources) to

African Americans shy away from seeking

concealed weapons in locked cars on school

towards its teachers, North Carolina’s public

complete the assignments- this can lead to

medical attention because of certain negative

campuses as well as public universities.

education system will receive [either] a major

stress. It can have several effects on the body

stigmas surrounding medicine or counseling.

Legislative measures such as these add to the

facelift in the next couple of years, or be

including varying physical symptoms, changes

Going to a counselor or therapist does not

startling fact that North Carolina currently

completely destroyed.”

in thinking, emotions, and even certain ac-

mean you are crazy. They are trained to offer

tions. The Journal of the American Medical

help to students, especially on how to solve

are being hypocrites in the values that we

Association reported, “Stress is as bad for your

old problems in new ways. The Student Health

Carolina education efforts will go from here.

teach our kids. Parents preach that hard work

heart as smoking and high cholesterol.”

Center on campus has licensed counselors

Most teachers go into the profession knowing

and dedication will be consistently rewarded,

that it won’t bring a lot of monetary value,

ranks 46th in average teacher pay. The question is raised on where North

We have to consider whether or not we

Being in college exposes us to unique

that offer free sessions to students as well as

but this same proverb is falling on the deaf

stress factors. An article published by the In-

other resources for students who are coping

but rather a personal value. Knowing that

ears of North Carolina lawmakers. It seems

stitute of Education Science looked at certain

with stress.

anything they may say or do can make a huge

as though we’re taking advantage of those

specific stress-inducers for African Americans

difference in a students life makes the job

whose passion is for teaching, regarding

in college which includes: “death of a family

as a teacher much more valuable than what

them as resources that will be here no matter

member (intrapersonal stress) 82 percent;

their salary may show. People who intend to

what happens. These laws that may seem

low grades (academic stress) 69 percent; time

make a future career out of education are also

small to others, could take on a snowball

management (academic stress) 61 percent;

concerned about these legislative effects.

effect in the near future. Without any sort ap-

boyfriend/girlfriend problems (interpersonal

preciation or increase in pay, teachers could

stress) 57 percent; and missed classes (aca-

Colby Gupton, a N.C. State student

Losses continued pg. 11

demic stress) 55 percent.”

2013 • Nubian Message



2013 • Nubian Message


Demonstrators gather to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in front of the Washington Monument in Washington, D.C. | Photo Courtesy of: Deona Hooper

50 Years Later, The March on Washington

Two North Carolina Natives Share Their Experiences at the Anniversary March Kierra Leggett Editor-in-Chief


eMonte’ Alford is barely a quarter-century old. How-

early on that he would make the trip to D.C. for this year’s

involvement. According to Alford, in 1962 his grandfather,

ever, despite his young age, he has already made strides

march. “August 28th is a historic day— it’s the day they found

Delma Rattliff, was one of the first African Americans to vote

Emmett Till’s body and it was the day of the original march

in Scotland County, North Carolina.

in fighting injustices that long precede his birth. On Saturday morning, Alford took a five-hour bus-trip to the Nation’s Capital where he was among thousands of people who joined in commemorating the 50 anniversary of the th

March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. A junior at East Carolina University, double majoring in Political Science and African American Studies, Alford knew

on Washington,” said Alford. “Three years ago when I learned that, it was my freshman year of college. I knew then that I would go.” As the current president of the ECU Chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Alford comes from a family with a long history of social

Although many people who belong to the generation of Alford’s grandfather have pessimistically described today’s youth as lazy and apathetic toward creating social change within the United States, Alford is among the optimistic minority who beg to differ. “Moral Mondays have really brought back politics,” said

9 2013 • Nubian Message

Alford. “There are people of all backgrounds coming together…people of this age are being arrested, paying the consequences for civil disobedience…there is a budding movement happening, and its developing in front of us.” According to Alford, one of the largest incubators for this movement is social media. “Twitter is an extremely powerful tool that we have,” said Alford. “It allows for mass consumption, and it really cuts down on the middle time and travel time when you can speak instantly to a person who’s on the other side of the world.” For Alford, one highlight of being at the anniversary of the March was hearing a speech delivered by Phillip Agnew, executive director of the Dream Defenders, an organization working to bring about social justice by “training and organizing youth and students in nonviolent civil disobedience, civic engagement and direct action.” Alford who says he supports the mission of the Dream Defenders, does not feel that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s dream has been realized. “A lot of people say that Dr. King’s dream has been realized because a colored man is living in public housing in D.C., but, when verdicts like those in the cases of Jordan Davis, and Trayvon Martin are able to happen in courtrooms in the South, we still don’t have the upper mobility to decide our destiny. Don’t get caught up

Demonstrators with their picket signs during the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs andFreedom | Photo

“ Children and people my children’s age are growing up with opportunities and don’t realize how those opportunities got there. ”

Courtesy of: Deona Hooper

Sharpton, who according to Hooper, “summed up the essence of what [the March on Washington] meant,” during his address at the 50th anniversary. “There were so many nuggets and jewels [in his speech] about what this [march] should

in the grandiosity of this anniversary…remember the whole speech, not just I have a dream.” CBS news reported that tens of thousands of people visited D.C. to attend the anniversary of the March. For Alford, it is a crowd that he won’t easily forget. “The moment I stepped off the bus, it was instant excitement,” said Alford. It was an atmosphere that you can’t describe in words. It takes away any kind of doubts you might have in the Movement, and lets you know there are [other] people like you.” One such person like Alford, is Deona Hooper, editor-in-chief of Social Work Helper, a magazine that discusses issues relevant to social work and social justice. Hooper, who is based out of Durham, N.C., traveled to the anniversary of the March on Washington because she felt it was her civic duty. “I [recognize that] I was a beneficiary of the Civil Rights Movement,” said Hooper. “[But] My Children and people my children’s age are growing up with opportunities and don’t realize how those opportunities got there.” Among the Civil Rights Leaders to help create social change and create opportunities within the United States during the peak of the Civil Rights Movement, was Reverend Al

be,” said Hooper. “A lot of people may have looked at [this march] as a celebration for what [the original march] was, but it is really a call of action for institutional racism and house cleaning in our own community.” A graduate of both Methodist University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Hooper was impressed by the diversity represented in the crowd. Something she was not impressed with however was the lack of discussion surrounding the anniversary of the March on social media. “Twitter is where collaboration can happen, but young folk who are not civically engaged, they are not on Twitter,” said Hooper. “The MTV Video Music Awards were Sunday and that’s what people are talking about. If you depend on Twitter, the radio and Facebook, the VMAs are dominating the culture.” Despite this, it is Hooper’s belief that Dr. King’s dream has finally come into fruition. “A lot of people have said that Dr. King’s dream has not been recognized...we need progress, sure… I’ll say differently,” said Hooper.

2013 • Nubian Message



Black Athletes Open Up About Sexuality Alfred Anderson Staff Writer


his past April, Washington Wizards Center Jason

announced that she is gay in a Sports Illustrated interview. Ini-

Collins made headlines when he announced to the

tially, her announcement didn’t make quite as many headlines;

American public that he is gay. Thus, he became the

weeks later however, it was revealed that Baylor was advised

first openly gay African American male professional ath-

that she keep her sexual orientation a private matter. “It was

lete. Collins, a 12 year NBA veteran, has played for six teams

a recruiting thing,” says Griner. “The coaches thought that if

throughout his career, including the Atlanta Hawks and the

it seemed like they condoned it, people wouldn’t let their kids

Boston Celtics, averaging a little over three points and three

come play for Baylor.” But if Griner’s accolades are any indica-

rebounds a game, according to Sports Illustrated.

tion, her personal preferences did nothing to hold her back. According to ESPN, Griner was a three time All-American and became the second all-time leading scorer in women’s NCAA history during her 4 years at Baylor. In April, she was the No.1

“As an athlete, I feel that our athletic abilities are shadowed by too many social issues that don’t matter.” - Jazmyne Childs

pick of the WNBA and began her professional career with the Phoenix Mercury that following month. More recently, another African American athlete made headlines after announcing his sexual orientation. World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) Superstar Darren Young revealed to reporters that he is gay while traveling through the Los An-

“I’m a 34 year-old NBA Center. I’m black and I’m gay,” said

Jason Collins on the cover of Sports Illustrated

Mike Rose. “It is something that I believe can be good and bad because it lets people themselves, but it could also stress others out...those that can’t comprehend the idea of being gay.” Track star Jazmyne Childs also said, “I am not surprised by

geles International Airport (LAX) earlier this month. A TMZ

this. I don’t feel it is significant because sexuality and athletic

Collins. “I didn’t set out to be the first openly gay athlete play-

reporter asked Young if he thought that a gay wrestler could

ability have nothing to do with each other. As an athlete, I feel

ing a major American team sport. But since I am, I’m happy to

succeed in the WWE, to which Young responded: “Absolutely.

that our athletic abilities are shadowed by too many social is-

start the conversation.” In the months following his announce-

Look at me. I’m a WWE superstar and to be honest with you,

sues that don’t matter.”

ment, he has dominated headlines, seemingly becoming the

I’ll tell you right now, I’m gay. And I’m happy. I’m very happy.”

poster child for gay athletes in America and perhaps even inspiring other athletes to come out as well. Just a few weeks earlier however, WNBA player and former Baylor University standout Brittney Griner also publicly

With news of African American professional athletes com-

announcing their sexual orientations, this matter won’t be as

ing out becoming more and more frequent, student athletes

controversial or significant in the future. Athletes should be

at N.C. State have voiced their opinions on the matter. “I

seen for what they are- athletes, without such a huge focus be-

personally think that it’s not a shocker,” says Defensive End

ing placed on their sexual preferences.

Losses continued from pg. 7 be forced to move on and cut their losses. If that happens, where would we get educators for our children? Lawmakers have to consider these scenarios when they decide to take away from one of the most vital parts of our lives: education. The seed of knowledge will never be able to grow and become rooted if no one is there.

Perhaps, with African American athletes now proudly

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2013 • Nubian Message


2013 • Nubian Message


but we’ve lost our unity. Sister killing Brothers, Brothers killing Mothers, Mothers killing Fathers, And Fathers killing others. Tell me why neighborhoods have become so corrupt, Where neighbors shoot neighbors just because. What happened to a neighborhood raising a child? Where everyone knew everyone and did their best to help out. Why is it that our black students have stopped striving for more? Where there’s no motivation, there’s no mission. When did we become so hateful?

Coming this far doesn’t mean you stop progressing, You only won a battle, The War has yet to end, No we’ve never been so close to victory, Yet we’re still so far away.

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