wednesday february
20 2013
Raleigh, North Carolina
$9 Million grant goes to solar energy efforts Alexandra Kenney Staff Writer
An energy center at N.C. State has $9 million to put toward making home installation of solar energy panels easier and less expensive. The Future Renewable Electric Energy Delivery and Management Systems Center, established by the National Science Foundation, is a research center located on Centennial Campus. The center partners with facilities nationwide to bring green energy to households and businesses. According to Alex Huang, professor of electrical and computer engineering and director of FREEDM Systems Center, home installation of solar panels is expensive and time consuming, but the process will be made easier thanks to the grant from the Department of Energy. Inspections must be passed and permission must be given by homebuilders before the panels can be installed. When overhead costs and the cost of installation are put together, the price can reach up to $5 per watt, Huang said. “Renewable energy is great and everyone understands that, but we need to make it compatible with the usual energy systems,” Huang said. “We want the cost to be reduced by 400 percent. Bringing the cost from $5 per watt to $1.50 per watt is our goal.” Researchers also hope to make the installation process more efficient, Huang said. Because the panels are installed on top of the home, the project will make sure installation meets policies and
Ted Rives, junior in biological sciences and psychology, and Gracie Blackley, junior in biological sciences and music performance, talk to applicants about their experiences within the special dual degree during last year’s interview day. Thomas Jefferson scholars are students of both the College of Agriculture and the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. Because of this Jefferson Scholars receive special advising in planning course schedules, and often take five years to graduate.
Biology to leave Jefferson Scholars Taylor O’Quinn & Sara Awad Staff Writers
Biology majors in the Thomas Jefferson Scholars Program are unsure about their future due to changes to the undergraduate program.` The N.C. State biology program is being moved from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences to the College of Sciences. The Thomas Jefferson Scholars Program provides money to students pursuing a dual degree between any College of Agricultural and Life Sciences program and any College of Humanities and Social Sciences program. Members of the Thomas Jefferson Scholars Program sent a letter to the University asking to admit future College of Sciences students into the program. The University replied telling members to “calm down,” according to a source who wishes to remain anonymous. Dana Moeller, fundraising chair for the Jefferson Scholars, said the program will no longer accept biology students.
GRANT continued page 2
Waking up from the
American Dream Brittany Bynum Staff Writer
Wake Up! It’s Serious: A Campaign for Change Committee partnered with Uniting N.C. on Tuesday night to host the second in a series of discussions on immigration and the “American Dream” in the Caldwell Lounge. The event featured Rupert Nacoste, a professor from the Department of Psychology, as a speaker. Members Lydia Bravo-Taylor, Omar Bajwa, and Josh Andrews opened up the event with the mission of their committee. Wake Up! It’s Serious: A Campaign for Change is a group of N.C. State students whose motive is speak up against racial slurs and intolerance. Lydia Bravo-Taylor, a senior in sociology, said the American dream is rooted in independence, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. She
also said that the U.S. was a land of opportunity for all regardless of race, gender, or ethnicity. “The American dream, you have to be asleep to believe it,” BravoTaylor said, quoting George Carlin. Bravo-Taylor said there is a hidden reality that minorities and immigrants do not start off on the same footing as other Americans. Everybody may start equally, but not with equity. Bravo-Taylor opened the discussion with emphasis that everyone should speak up and wake up. She also reminded the crowd to be respectful of others. Omar Bajwa, a senior in psychology, showed a clip from “The Godfather” to highlight the difficulty in immigrating into the United States. One element of the clip underscored the immigrant as having to
WAKE UP continued page 5
Under the current structure, ap- senior in biology and Spanish, said. proximately half of the program’s “Now we are just trying to make the members major in biology. best of the situation.” Next year, biology students will Alexandra Carlson, junior in annot be allowed into the program imal science and history, said this since it will fall under College of year’s applicant pool decreased from Sciences instead of the College of approximately 70 to 25 students. Agriculture and Life Sciences. Carlson said she worried this would Students who are lead to a less commoving into Colpetitive and seleclege of Sciences tive program. and are already in “We’re not picky, the program will be but there are cergrandfathered into t a i n s t a n d a rd s the program and that have to be will not lose their met,” Carlson said. status as Thomas “We’ll have to reKaitlyn Rogers, Thomas Jefferson Scholars, build up the proJefferson Scholars Service Moeller said. gram.” Co-Chair Thomas Jefferson Rogers said she Scholars Service doesn’t think the Co-chair Kaitlyn Rogers said if this program would become less comhad been implemented earlier, she petitive, but it would accept fewer herself would not have been able to students. join the program. Nick Scarff, a junior studying “I’m disappointed [because] bioprocessing and international about half of our members would studies, said most biology majors not be included in the program… will be moving to the new College and we couldn’t work something out of Sciences, however the College of between COS and CALS,” Rogers, a Agriculture and Life Sciences will
“Now we are just trying to make the best of the situation.”
Author shares story-telling tips Taylor O’Quinn Staff Writer
Wiley Cash spoke about how writing is like “a stick of dynamite” at the Cameron Village Public Library Tuesday at 7 p.m. Cash, a Gastonia native and bestselling author of A Land More Kind Than Home, spoke to the public about his journey through writing. “I’m from a long line of storytellers,” Cash said. “That means I’m from a long line of liars.” At 6 years old, Cash told his first story to his friend, who was in the audience, about his trip to Myrtle Beach. While playing basketball, Cash told his best friend that his dad had buried him in the sand up to his neck and a crab was pinching his big toe. Cash said his dad had to hurry to dig him out before he lost his big toe. “Happy stories don’t make good stories,” Cash said.
Twenty miles outside of Raleigh, Cash said his rental car ran out of gas on the interstate. He was three miles from a gas station and decided to start walking when a truck pulled over and offered him assistance. Upon entering the gas station a few minutes later, Cash was approached by a man who apologized for not being help him since he was driving an 18-wheeler. “North Carolina is the only place where people will apologize for not being able to pick you up on the interstate,” Cash said. Jim Clark, a retired N.C. State professor of English, said he met Cash in 2006 when he submitted his essay to Clark — an essay that later won a prestigious award. The University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Cash’s graduate alma mater, is called “Ulala.” Clark
still retain a few. “I’m unsure about the program’s future,” Scarff said. “The program may be changed to fit the biology majors or it may finish up with the current ones.” College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Assistant Director of Academic Programs Vicki Martin said the effects would be minimal on the Thomas Jefferson Scholars program except for students who apply to the College of Sciences. Martin helped interview applicants Saturday. “From my interactions with the interviewees, they were very strong candidates,” Martin said. “Thomas Jefferson Scholars is a strong program and will continue to be a strong program.” According to Martin, one possible solution for addressing concerns about the involvement of COS students might be through the partnership of the life sciences and CHASS. “We hate to see those students not
SCHOLAR continued page 2
insidetechnician viewpoint features classifieds sports
4 5 7 8 Hunt Library: only for engineering and textile students? See page 3.
Author shares story-telling tips See page 3.
The Meteor Report See page 6.
Avent picks up 600th victory at NCSU See page 8.
AUTHOR continued page 3
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Send all clarifications and corrections to Editor-in-Chief Mark Herring at editor@
February 2013
9:28 P.M. | LARCENY D.H. Hill Library Student reported unsecured cell phone stolen. 11:20 P.M. | FIRE ALARM Engineering Building II Units responded to alarm. Electronics responded and reset system. Tuesday 12:16 A.M. | DRUG VIOLATION Sullivan Drive Two students were cited for simple possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia after being stopped at checking station. Students were referred to the university.
51/27 Sunny, 0% chance of rain
52 36 Sunny, 0% chance of rain
42 41 Showers, 50% chance of rain
9:04 A.M. | TRAFFIC VIOLATION Varsity Drive Employee was cited for speeding and seatbelt violation.
5:26 P.M. | DRUG VIOLATION Syme Hall Units responded to alarm. Report of possible drug violation. Officer did not locate source of odor.
STUDENT SHORT FILM SHOWCASE Hunt Library 7 to 8 p.m.
8:49 A.M. | TRAFFIC VIOLATION Varsity Drive Student was cited for speeding.
4:11 P.M. | LARCENY D.H. Hill Library Student reported theft of unattended laptop and bookbag. Property was later found.
Wednesday MOVIE: FLIGHT Witherspoon Student Cinema 7 to 9 p.m.
Monday 1:38 A.M. | SUSPICIOUS PERSON D.H. Hill Library Report of subject walking with two bicycles. Officers searched area but did not locate subject.
1:19 P.M. | FIRE ALARM Toxicology Building FP responded to alarm caused by Freon alarm filter failure.
MOVIE: FLIGHT Witherspoon Student Cinema 9:30 to 11:30 p.m.
Touring the gardens on a rainy day PHOTO BY KATHERINE HOKE
rofessor of Horticultural Science Will Hooker leads his Permaculture class on a rainy tour of campus rain gardens Tuesday Feb. 19, 2013. A rain garden is a planted depression which can include a filter bed, plants, mulch, and rockery that is purposed to redirect, filter and retain rain water. Raleigh recieves about 42 inches of rain per year, the rain water that is not absorbed by soil flows into waterways directly or through storm drains. This water carries pollutants such as sediment, metals, pet waste, pesticides and auto fluids which are harmful for the environment. In many places around campus, water is redirected into these rain gardens which filter out pollutants, reduce runoff into waterways and can retain water for plant irrigation. The largest of these gardens are located behind Syme, in between Turlington and Tucker and behind SAS.
A semester’s work in three weeks Liz Moomey Staff Writer
Students will have an additional learning opportunity this summer with the introduction of Maymester. The College of Humanities and Social Sciences is set to offer 10 three-credit courses from May 20 to June 10. The Maymester starts the same day as the first summer session, so students can sign up with the same system as they would for any other summer courses. The course will have students meet every day for three weeks for about three hours. This new term is designated to attract students who have other plans for the summer, such as study abroad, that prevent them from enrolling in summer
SCHOLAR continued from page 1
have the opportunities to be involved in programs like the Thomas Jefferson Scholars,” Martin said. According to Scarff, the program is “wellrounded” and exposes its scholars to many cultural events. Moeller said the scholars take a trip every year and attend multiple service and fundraising
Student Speaker for 2013 Spring Commencement Exercises
Applications available at:
Application Deadline:
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Return applications to: Registration and Records 1008 Harris Hall
semesters. a regular semester.” Maymester officials chose Professors have to adapt CHASS to pilot the program their syllabi because of the because it tends to have the shortened time, Gallagher highest summer session en- said. rollment rates and is most For the Study of Great attractive Wo r k s o f to students, Western MAYMESTER according to Literature CLASSES OFFERED Victoria Galcourse, stu• ENG 220: Studies in Great lagher, assodent s w i l l Works of Western Lit. ciate dea n read shor t • HIS 563: History and of academic stories and Memory affairs in poet r y i nSOURCE: VICTORIA GALLAGHER CHASS. stead of novProfessors els. planning to For a gradteach during this time are uate level course, they will already preparing. They had visit Washington D.C. for a to go through peer review week and talk to public hisand condense their workload torians and museum officials. while still maintaining the A psychology class will be vigor and the content. half lecture, and for the other “It will be very intensive half, students will go out to because [students] are doing a site and use the knowledge the equivalent of 15 weeks of they have just learned. class in three weeks,” GallaIt also allows for new coursgher said. “That means that es to be added, like a class every day is like one week in about aging.
events. “It’s more about the social cohesion,” Scarff said. “I enjoy being around like-minded people who are also culturally interested.” The program will expand this year, partly due to an outside donation, Martin said. Expansions include a new lecture series, as well as an international trip to Bermuda for junior scholars, according to Martin. Scholars currently receive a $1,000 scholarship for each of their junior and senior years, Martin said.
An Inspector Calls Wed-Sun, February 20-24 Evenings 7:30pm, Sundays 2pm Titmus Theatre
University Theatre presents an engaging psychological thriller. It’s 1912 in England, and the wealthy Birling family is celebrating their daughter’s engagement – when a mysterious inspector arrives to investigate the death of a young woman. $5 NCSU students
“The way that faculty have to think about ‘how will I teach this course,’ they really had to take some time and be reviewed by their peers before they could be a part of the Maymester,” Gallagher said. After the pilot is completed, the Of f ice of Summer Sessions plans to assess it and see if they want to incorporate the Maymester to other colleges and add courses to the CHASS Maymester. According to Gallagher, they have been preparing for this session by getting the word out to students at N.C. State as well as students at other universities, and faculty are continuing to develop their courses with resources. The classes will have ten to 20 people and will only be offered lecture style.
Researchers at t he FREEDM Systems Center are continued from page 1 not the only ones working on the project. Researchers at the codes. center have teamed up with Solar energy panels on a the NC Solar Center to make roof are about more than their green energy goals come just generating electricity, to fruition. because it also impacts buildStudents are also working ing structure, says Huang. on the project. UndergraduThe project addresses issues ate, graduate and master such as weight and resistance candidates are all involved. to wind. Currently, ten undergraduThe panels need to be ate seniors sponsored by lightweight, and researchers FREEDM are trying to build want to make sure everything a solar powered home. Those needed is included in the pan- students strive to take solar els so a home energy and can be fully deliver it This project is one direct ly to powered by solar energy computof the major efforts ers and cell for hou rs, according to to really try to get phones, Huang. rather than I n add iplugging the cost down. tion to lowdevices into Alex Huang, director of ering costs walls. FREEDM systems center a nd meetResearching building ers at codes, t he FREEDM project takes a look at the in- developed a strategic plan stallation process and tries to for this project and asked for make it less demanding. the grant in December 2012. “We want to get installation They recently received the to the point where almost official word that the grant any handyman can do it,” would be given. Huang said. “For example, if “The money is here and we an inspector could review the have started working on the house on an iPad, he or she project,” Huang said. could approve installation The grant spans five years. without actually being there.” External reviewers will come
Thursday FIDELITY INVESTMENTS SPEAKERS SERIES PRESENTS BRIAN HAMILTON EB II Room 1231 6 to 7 p.m. MOVIE: THE PRINCESS AND THE FROG Witherspoon Student Cinema 7 to 9 p.m. UNIVERSITY THEATRE PRESENTS AN INSPECTOR CALLS Thompson Hall, 7:30 p.m. MOVIE: FLIGHT Witherspoon Student Cinema 9 to 11 p.m. Friday DANCE MARATHON NC STATE Carmichael Gym 7 p.m. to 8 a.m. MOVIE: FLIGHT Witherspoon Student Cinema 7 to 9 p.m. UNIVERSITY THEATRE PRESENTS AN INSPECTOR CALLS Thompson Hall, 7:30 p.m. MOVIE: FLIGHT Witherspoon Student Cinema 9 to 11 p.m. FREE MOVIE: MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL Witherspoon Student Cinema 12 to 2 a.m. Saturday NC STATE POLICE TORCH RUN 5K & POLAR PLUNGE Lake Raleigh 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. GAMEWATCH: NCSU V. UNC Witherspoon Student Cinema 4 p.m. MUSIC OF THE BRITISH ISLES Cardinal Gibbons High School 7 to 8:30 p.m.
each year to review progress. Dr. David Lubkeman, research professor at FREEDM who will serve as project manager, has a timeline to reach goals efficiently. “It is a five year project, but we are funded on a year to year basis depending on performance,” Lubkeman said. “We intend to have our first generation system running by end of year two, our second generation system running by end of year four and field testing in year five.” The FR EEDM Systems Center leads the project along with the NC Solar Center. Other partners involved include the University of Toledo, Isofoton, ABB, and Quanta Technology. The grant is a part of the Department of Energy’s SunShot Initiative. This initiative hopes to make solar energy a main source of electricity by 2020. “This project is one of the major efforts to really try to get the cost down and make solar energy compatible with more traditional sources of energy,” Huang said.
Hunt Library: Only for engineering and textile students? Alexandra Kenney Staff Writer
Since opening its doors Jan. 2, The James B. Hunt Jr. Library has received much hype from students of all disciplines, despite holding mostly engineering and textiles books. David Hiscoe, director of communications strategy for N.C. State Libraries, said the creators knew many engineering and textile students would be using the library. However, he said, Hunt has almost 100 study rooms and cutting edge technology, so a migration of students from other disciplines was expected as more people found out about the library. Brian Kieber, a sophomore in textile engineering, said he uses the library almost every day. “Most of my classes are on Centennial Campus, so I come to Hunt for two or three hours after,” said Kieber. “It’s a perfect place to study. Now all they need is a dining hall.” D.H. Hill Library is small, and students can get tired of that, according to Niki Archer, a sophomore in animal science, who recently visited the new library to study. “I heard about Hunt Library from all my friends, and I wanted to check it out,” said Archer. “I don’t have classes on Centennial, but I have studied there a few times. I love the environment at Hunt Library. I need a change from D.H Hill sometimes.” Many thought the new library would decrease traffic at D.H. Hill, but Hiscoe said something different happened. “We now often have more visits to the Hunt Library on nights and weekends than we have to D.H. Hill. But visits to Hill remain strong,” Hiscoe
said. “Overall students don’t seem to be migrating in the sense of less numbers at D.H. Hill. We have found that just more students are using the libraries as a whole.” One factor for this increased usage is that the Hunt library has something other libraries do not: a space for graduate students and faculty. The graduate student section is located on the fourth floor and requires students to present an N.C. State student I.D. to enter. “Grad students are very focused on their specialized studies and very much appreciate the quiet,” Hiscoe said. “But when they need to bounce ideas off each other, there are similar minded people in the same room, something that also encourages collaboration across the disciplines.” On the fifth floor, faculty can find a space reserved for them. There are many tables, a small kitchen, and a video conference room to enable collaborative work around the world. An N.C. State I.D. is also needed to enter this section of the library. The library encourages students who are eager to explore the latest technologies, Hiscoe said. The library has two digital media production rooms, four audio production rooms, a 3-D printer and many other helpful technologies. “The equipment you find here is what you could find in a lab somewhere, and for a price,” said Hiscoe. “This is a way for the average student to get access to the technology they need that they could not get access to otherwise.” The traffic at Hunt Library will increase, and it has the space for it. D.H. Hill, on the other hand, can only hold 5%
of the student population. The Hunt Library doubles the seating capacity with over 1,750 new seats, according to the N.C. State library website. The Wolfline bus system has added the library to its list of stops. Transportation is monitoring traffic at Hunt Library and adjusting the bus system as needed. More stops will need to be added as more students start to use the Hunt Library as their main library. Parking is fairly easy for students, graduate students and faculty with cars. A parking deck was built with Hunt and is located across from the library. The librar y is over 221,0 0 0 squa re feet, which gives students vast amounts of study space. Since the library opened, many students have gone to the library not only to study, but to explore and take pictures. There is currently a contest on Instagram for the Hunt Library. Students post pictures of the new library, and the selected winner will receive an iPad Mini. This contest, along with all the media and talk around Hunt Library, is bringing all members of N.C. State to Centennial Campus. The new library serves as the Centennial Campus library and as a second main library to N.C. State. “We are starting to see the Hunt Library as a center of the N.C. State community,” said Hiscoe. “We meant for this place to be inspirational.”
North Carolina native Wiley Cash reads a selection from his book Tuesday evening at Cameron Village Regional Libray.
continued from page 1
said this is relevant since Cash’s novel is an “Ooh la la” novel. Cash said he searches for himself on Google 700 to 800 times a day and most other newly published authors do the same but they’re too ashamed to admit it. Sherri Pekks, a pre-school teacher at Fairmont Elementary, said she was deeply moved by A Land More Kind Than Home because of the strong character development. “I was exhausted after I finished the novel,” Pekks said. “My heart was racing, I was balling, because the ending was so intense.” Cash spoke about his journey through character de-
velopment. He pulls from people he knows, people he’s seen and characters from his favorite novels. Cash said naming his characters is a similar process to naming a child except he develops the personality first and matches a name to it. A few of the main characters in his novel, Adelaide Lyle and Carson Chamblis, were given their names for a reason. Adelaide, the town midwife and moral conscience, came from Cash’s grandmother’s middle name. “I named the antagonist Carson Chamblis because the s’s in the name sounded sinister,” Cash said. A Land More Kind Than Home was developed over a six-year period, according to Cash. The novel began as a project incorporated into his dissertation and then became
a stand-alone novel. To aspiring writers, Cash said his best advice to them is to read. Cash said reading actively and broadly can help people become better writers. “Trying to write without reading is like trying to drive a car without gas,” Cash said. “It just won’t work.” His next novel, expected to be released in November, is about a major league baseball player who kidnaps his daughters from a foster home and goes on the road with them. “Writing, now, is like having a workshop with only one person in it, and it’s me,” Cash said.
Brian Hamilton
Co-founder & Chairman, Sageworks
February 21, 2013 1231 EB2 - 6 pm Talk is free & open to the public!
“Building a Business on Artificial Intelligence”
How do we harness innovation to transform our economy?
You are invited to join thought leaders including university presidents from across the nation to exchange ideas and explore innovative solutions for creating jobs and economic prosperity.
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Tuesday, February 26, 2013 James B. Hunt, Jr. Library NC State University Centennial Campus 1:30 p.m. RSVP and see schedule at
Two high school tracks with diverging goals F
or relationships, they say first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes someone with a baby carriage. For education, I’ve always been under the impression that first comes primary school, then comes secondary school, then comes college —and maybe grad school afterward. I understand that not everyone is fit for college, but what I loved about our education system is that our schools would work toward that lofty goal to try to get Mark students ready for college. Herring Gov. Pat McCrory doesn’t Editor-in-Chief seem to agree, and he just passed a law that will recognize students for college-bound and vocational pathways in high school. Senate Bill 14, a bipartisan bill
“The nearly naked run.” Kevin Kearney senior, environmental sciences
“Train worshipping.” Allison Durham senior, plant biology
“The Krispy Kreme Challenge. It’s a pretty awesome tradition.” Carrie Hutchens sophomore, undeclared
WRITING GUIDELINES Submission does not guarantee publication and the Technician reserves the right to edit for grammar, length, content and style. High priority is given to letters that are (1) critical of the Technician and its coverage and (2) of interest to the student body. Additional letters and full versions of partial letters may be published online. Once received, all submissions become the property of the Technician.
HOW TO SUBMIT Letters must be submitted before 5 p.m. the day before publication and must be limited to 250 words. Contributors are limited to one letter per week. Please submit all letters electronically to viewpoint@
The United States sets itself apart from the rest of the world by granting equal opportunities, and this bill undoes that for North Carolinians. I was fortunate to study abroad in Spain when I was in high school, and I studied at a “bachillerato” school. In the last two years of high school, for those who qualify, students must choose between medical sciences, arts, engineering, social sciences or the humanities. One of my friends, an arts student, desperately wanted to apply to medical school, but was forced to give up his dream because of a decision he made when he was 15. I don’t want North Carolina to end up that way, and I don’t want us regretting this law once our children are locked into it.
On the notion of ‘fairness’
oodw ill, the source of Macklemore-esque “grandpa style” clothing, is sweating under the negative media spotlight because its executives allegedly make too much money. But its solitary media appearance is undeserved, as more than one local non-profit awards its executives ample salaries — some more than half a million dollars. Last Joseph week, The Havey News and Deputy Observer Viewpoint Editor reported t hat Dennis McLain, president of local Goodwill Community Foundat ion, ea rned more than $430,000 last year in pay and other benefits. His wife, Linda, the vice president of GCF, brought home $365,000. More recently, The News and Observer’s editorial team argued that the McLains should take a pay cut because their salaries “seem wrong.” “It seems an extravagant amount when the need is so great in the eastern North Carolina area the foundation serves,” The N&O editorial staff wrote Sunday. “By comparison, the governor of North Carolina makes less than $140,000.” First off, can we please leave the governor out of this? I understand using comparative levels of power as a measure for compensation, but it’s a crummy example. Last year the Red Cross paid its president Gail McGovern $621,779. Why don’t we stick to using contrasting salary examples only from the non-profit world? With that aside, regardless of any notions of “unfair,” Goodwill is not the only culprit. Triangle Business Journal reported on the top-paid nonprofit executives in the Triangle, along with their respective nonprofits’ revenues in 2011 (Note that this is the same year from which The N&O drew most of its data). Goodwill made the list with $36 million in receipts. This means the charity handed 1.19 percent of its annual revenue to Dennis McLain.
323 Witherspoon Student Center, NCSU Campus Box 7318, Raleigh, NC 27695 Editorial Advertising Fax Online
should not be viewed as a means to end of training laborers. This bill’s greatest shortcoming is its power to suffocate students’ ambitions. Is education’s sole purpose to get students jobs? My answer is no. Is that idealistic? Sure, but so is the American Dream. If you’re willing to scale down the former, then you should be willing to expect less from the latter, yet I don’t think the governor would be willing to admit that. Though I value the work of our mechanics and welders, I think we should inspire our students from every demographic and background to learn, instead of placing them on a hamster wheel.
“This bill’s greatest shortcoming is its power to suffocate students’ ambitions.”
} G
What is your favorite campus tradition?
passed Monday, will “endorse” high school diplomas as “career ready,” “college ready” or both. Legislators justify the bill for economic purposes. “In these tough economic times it is important that we teach our students the critical thinking and technical skills required to get a job,” said Randolph County State Sen. Jerry Tillman (Rep.). I’d like to know what McCrory wanted to do when he was entering high school as a teenager. I agree with the General Assembly that the state needs to train workers for technical fields, but education — in its foundation —
515.2411 515.2029 515.5133
The N&O was quick to point out that Doug McMillan, CEO of the YMCA of the Triangle Area, earned only $289,444. The YMCA brought in nearly double the receipt value of Goodwill, meaning McMillan received about half a percent of revenue. However, the United Way of the Greater Triangle awarded its CEO 1.8 percent of its revenue. Dana Boole, CEO of the Community Affordable Housing Equity Corp, received 2.8 percent. Dennis McLain, no matter how unworthy you deem him of his annual salary, should not have been singled out as earning a figure that is “more than excessive,” as the N&O editorial stated. Granted, the story most likely broke due to alleged nepotism and murky overseas trips by McClain. However, as more than two thirds of the original article was dedicated solely to pointing out the McClains salaries, this story didn’t deserve its “above the fold” status on the Sunday paper. Lest you think this entire column is based on a petty complaint, the bottom line is this: Who cares about how much the McClains made last year? If they are improving the standing of Goodwill so that the non-profit really can “provide and create education, employment and life enrichment opportunities for people who desire to improve the quality of their lives,” as its mission statement claims it does, then why should something like executive salaries matter? It’s not as if Goodwill employs the AIG executives who awarded themselves bonuses after the federal government bailed out their company. So to The N&O : If you want to report on alleged nepotism, then report on alleged nepotism. If you want to report on board members receiving special consideration from the charity, then report on that. And by report on these things, I don’t mean stick them at the bottom of an article about salaries. I c omple t e l y u nd e rstand the shock value of an $800,000 salary from a nonprofit. But criticizing executive pay to men and women who do a good job is treading into murky water. Success cannot be criticized simply for success’ sake.
Looks can be deceiving.
Tony Hankerson Jr., junior in arts applications
An evening filled with music
was invited to a small ja m session w it h friends. Throughout the week, I felt the long hours of learning and the short hours of sleep were pregnant with one golden evening of music. The first thing I noticed was the dim yellow light. The reflect ion of a single yellow bulb on Naman the shiny Muley wooden Staff Columnist guitar flickered as the owner orchestrated the acoustics. Bottles of beer and packets of chips stood guard against untimely interruptions. It was a stage perfectly set. Even a s t he s t a ge warmed up, the first few songs did not sync well. The vocals had to be aligned with the acoustics. Suddenly, the guitarist shouted, “It has to be a proper proposal document. A music proposal.” The men who had been trained to write reports of performance results understood the importance of synchronization. Chords and notes form the grammar. The language of music requires more than rote. It requires more than rational abilities. Math and engineer-
ing deem everything other than the mental faculty a liability that should be removed with extra ergonomic furniture and bigger headphones. Today, on the other hand, was a festival of senses. It struck me full force then — the ability of men to create instruments of music. The su m tota l of skill and concentration of one luthier was the protagonist for the evening. The precision with which t he g u it a r ma ker had intended the vibrations to come out and had succeeded made me question my own dedication to precision as an engineer. I wondered how I had been exposed to more synchronization and accuracy in a night of music than in a semester of engineering. Music is not unlike computer networks. Musical instruments are not unlike computers. Guitars talk in vibrations through air. Computers talk in vibrations through electrical signals. The former recognizes vibrations as chords and notes, and the latter understands bits and bytes. Just like computer protocols were made to make sense of the electrical vibrations, a whole new language
“I wondered how I had been exposed to more synchronization and accuracy in a night of music than in a semester of engineering.”
Editor-in-Chief Mark Herring
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Viewpoint Editor Ahmed Amer
Multimedia Editor Taylor Cashdan
Managing Editor Trey Ferguson
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Associate Features Editor Young Lee
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Advertising Manager Olivia Pope
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of chords and notes were made to communicate with music. “It all comes down to math, man. That’s where it goes down to,” one of the musicians said. Being a newbie in music, I thought it was intriguing how he made sense of that statement . He worshipped his guitar, spending t hick a nd thin alongside it. He dreamed of making a guitar of his own one day. These were engineers. These were not professional musicians. They took time out of their weekly schedules to sit down and jam. Some were reviving old interests, while some were in their regular hours of solitude. It took me some time to realize that even as an engineer, I see more science in the arts than I would have cared to notice. It only takes a good evening of music and men who are dedicated to it. Send your thoughts to
Technician (USPS 455-050) is the official student newspaper of N.C. State University and is published every Monday through Friday throughout the academic year from August through May except during holidays and examination periods. Opinions expressed in the columns, cartoons, photo illustrations and letters that appear on Technician’s pages are the views of the individual writers and cartoonists. As a public forum for student expression, the students determine the content of the publication without prior review. To receive permission for reproduction, please write the editor. Subscription cost is $100 per year. A single copy is free to all students, faculty, staff and visitors to campus. Additional copies are $0.25 each. Printed by The News & Observer, Raleigh, N.C., Copyright 2011 by North Carolina State Student Media. All rights reserved.
WAKE UP continued from page 1
change his name and identity against his will. Francisco Aragon Chavez, v o lu nt e e r c o ord i n at or from Uniting N.C., elaborated on t he phenomenon of name changing. Chavez said that he moved to the U.S. at the age of 11, and he described the experience as his name being slapped around. “It never feels good,” Chavez said. During the discussion, Nacoste shared experiences with students in which he asked for their names. Students would say their names were too long or they wouldn’t tell him at all.
“It’s like they were beaten into submission,” Nacoste said. “It’s not right.” As the microphone was passed around, the conversations became even more enlightening. A student said that in order for one to achieve the American dream, he has to become it, and fit the profile. The committee performed two skits to make the idea more relatable to the audience. The first skit was about an incident that had taken place in Dick’s Sporting Goods. It was a true story about an N.C. State student who was in a situation where he had to stand up against discrimination at the cost of losing his job. Afterward, he was rewarded for his actions. Nacoste closed the event with his own personal an-
ecdote. He said he too had experienced the difficulty of immigration as a grandson from a French Caribbean. He left the audience with the question of why people want to come America. He answered by saying that America is inviting, and one gets to live the dream. He dimmed the light a bit by giving the remark that the U.S. doesn’t live up to the dream. “It’s not the first time Americans betrayed their principles,” Nacoste said. He emphasized that diversity is the first American promise and hostility towards other students is inappropriate. It’s important stop judging and start speaking up, Nacoste said.
Gloria Trevi canta y entretiene el publico durante las festividades de los Premios lo Nuestro de 2012.
Premios lo Nuestro celebran la música y talento hispano Mayra Nevarro Corresponsal
Los Premios lo Nuestro celebrarán su 25a aniversario este viernes. Los Premios lo Nuestro son una entrega de galardones que reconoce a artistas y estrellas dentro del espectáculo en Latino América y los Estados Unidos. Celebrando 25 años, los Premios lo Nuestro, son la entrega más antigua de música latina dentro del E.U. Los premios se presentan en vivo en el American Airlines Arena en Miami, Fla. Estrenó por primera vez in 1989 desde el James L. Knight Center en Miami y desde entonces muchos artistas han recibido premios incluyendo Selena, Vicente Fernandez, Enrique Iglesias, Gloria Estefan y otros artistas. Los Premios lo Nuestro son los premios más vistos por hispanoamericanos en los Estados Unidos. Ninel Conde y Pedro Fernandez, los ambos que han interpretado en varias telenovelas y cantan también, van a conducir el espectáculo. Romeo Santos, Pitbull, Jesse & Joy, y Thalia a dueto con Prince Royce están confirmados para ser parte del elenco musical. Otros músicos que nos deleitarán con su música
incluyen Carlos Vives, Chino y Nacho, Ana Gabriel y la Arrolladora Banda el Limón de Rene Camacho. El cantante colombiano Carlos Vives hace un regreso a los escenarios tras una ausencia de diez años. Thalia regresa al escenario después de un hiato de cinco años. Gredmarie Colón, finalista de Nuestra Belleza Latina 2011, será la reportera tras vestidores. Ella entrevistará a los artistas presentes y les informará a televidentes lo que pasa tras vestidores. Lupillo Rivera, hermano de la reciente fallecida Diva de la Banda, Jenni Rivera, hará un homenaje en honor a su hermana durante los Premios lo Nuestro. Jenni Rivera tiene cinco nominaciones con Artista del Año, Artista Femenino del Año en la categoría pop, Artista Femenino Regional, Álbum del Año Pop por su álbum Joyas prestadas, y Canción del Año Pop por “A Cambio de que.” Habrá nominados en categorías de pop, rock/alternativo, tropical, regional, urbano y general. Jenni Rivera, Don Omar, Maná, la Arrolladora Banda el Limón de René Camacho y Romeo son los nominados para Artista del Año. 3BallMTY, Juan Magán, Kary Hernández y
Henry Santos son los nominados para Revelación del Año. Romeo Santos y Prince Royce encabezan la lista con siete nominaciones cada uno. Reguetonero Don Omar y el grupo mexicano de rock, Maná, tienen seis nominaciones cada uno. Alejandro Sanz fue escogido este año para el prestigioso Premio Lo Nuestro a la Excelencia. Este premio celebra los logros y la trayectoria de un gran artista y es otorgado cada año; Celia Cruz fue la primera en recibir este premio en 1990. Sanz interpretará su ultimo sencillo “Mi Marciana” de su más reciente lanzamiento, La música no se toca, durante los premios. Se nominaron para tres otros premios: Álbum del Año, Artista Masculino Pop del Año y Video del Año por su canción “No me Compares.” Podrá disfrutar de los Premios lo Nuestro a través de Univision empezando con la pasarela de las estrellas a las siete de la tarde. Fans pondrán mandar tweets con sus opiniones y lo que están viendo usando #PLN25 por Twitter. La entrega de los premios será de las ocho en adelante.
Estudiantes re-evaluan el ‘Sueño Americano’
Kenneth Smith Corresponsal
El comité de ¡Levántate! Es importante: Una campaña por el cambio unido con Uniting NC organizaron la noche del martes una discusión acerca de la inmigración y el sueño Americano. El evento también contó con la presencia del Rupert W. Nacoste, profesor del Departamento de Psicología. “Inmigración y el sueño Americano” fue la segunda de la serie de discusiones que la organización ha hecho. Tomó parte en el Caldwell Lounge y asistieron alrededor de 50 personas. Los miembros Lydea Bravo-Taylor, Omar Bajwa y Josh Andrews abrieron el evento con la misión del comité. ¡Habla y Levántate! Es responsable de combatir y estar en contra del racismo y la intolerancia. Bravo-Taylor, empezó con una frase de George Carlin, “El sueño Americano… tienes que estar dormido para creerlo.” Ella introdujo que el sueño Americano se fundamenta en la independencia, la vida, la libertad y la persecución de la felicidad. También dijo que los Estados Unidos es una tierra de oportunidades sin importar la raza, género o etnia. Continuó luego con la oculta realidad de que las minorías e inmigrantes no empiezan al mismo nivel que otros ciudadanos. “Todos pueden empezar igualmente, pero no con
igualdad.” Lydea abrió la discusión con el énfasis de que todos debemos hablar y levantarnos. Pero al mismo tiempo advirtió y pidió ser respetuosos con los demás. Omar Bajwa, estudiante de último año de Psicología, mostró un video de la Película “El Padridno.” En esta escena se hace referencia al momento en el cual Vito Andolini emigró desde Italia a Ellis Island, NY. El clip hizo que la audiencia reflexionara de la dificultad y lo desagradable del proceso migratorio que se mudan a América. En donde incluso tienen que lidiar con cambios en el nombre e identificación. Ésta es la realidad de Francisco Aragón Chávez, voluntario y coordinador de Uniting NC, quién se mudó a los Estados Unidos cuando tenía 11 años y desde entonces sufre con las confusiones que surgen al tener dos apellidos. “Nunca se siente bien,” dijo Aragón Chávez. El sueño Americano es un problema para todos, incluso hoy en día. Durante la discusión, el Nacoste compartió que ha tenido experiencias con alumnos que al ser preguntados por sus nombres, pondrían excusas al decir que eran muy largos o complicados y que preferían que les llamaran de otra manera. “Es como si ya se encontraran abatidos ante la sumisión,” dijo el Nacoste , “No es lo correcto.” Mientras los micrófonos fueron pasados alrededor, las participaciones en las discusiones empezaron a ser más
concurridas. Un estudiante dijo que para conseguir el sueño Americano, uno tiene que convertirse en él y ser parte del perfil del mismo. La discusión hizo que los asistentes estuvieran más conscientes de la discriminación y los problemas raciales. Para ello el comité realizó dos actuaciones de eventos reales. La primera interpretación relató un incidente en Dick´s Sporting Goods. Fue una historia real en donde un alumno de N.C. State tuvo que afrontar una situación discriminatoria aun cuando esto ponía en peligro su puesto de trabajo. Al final fue premiado por sus acciones. El Nacoste cerró el evento con un discurso fuerte. Dijo que también ha experimentado la dificultad de la inmigración al ser descendiente de Franceses del Caribe. Luego preguntó a la audiencia por qué la gente quería venir a América. A lo que respondió al decir que el país invita a perseguir un sueño, el sueño Americano. Pero que los Estados Unidos no se han regido a verdaderamente vivir ese sueño. “No es la primera vez que los americanos traicionamos nuestros principios,” dijo el Nacoste. Al final gritó con la audiencia el clásico grito de ¡Wolf Pack!, al decir que todos somos parte de esa manada en la universidad. Y enfatizó que la diversidad es la primera promesa del país y que las hostilidades son inapropiadas. Es importante dejar de juzgar y levantar la voz.�
7:00 P.M.
#PackMentality ·
4. 5.
The Meteor Report 3. 2. STORY BY HASSAN DURANT | PHOTO ILLISTRATION BY GREG WILSON This past weekend saw two big astronomical events. First was Asteroid 2012 DA14, which got closer to Earth than even our own satellites. Fortunately, even at its closest point the asteroid was 17,200 miles away. Asteroid 2012 DA14 passed safely by Earth on Feb. 15, and NASA provided an online feed of the asteroid’s passing for those who wouldn’t be able to glimpse it otherwise. The second event made a slightly bigger commotion: a devastating meteor strike earlier that day that caused massive property damage, injuries and an outbreak of spectacular videos of the meteor’s explosion over Russia. According to NASA, the meteor entered Earth’s atmosphere and exploded over the city of Chelyabinsk, Russia at 10:20 p.m. EST. The meteor exploded in midair, miles above the Earth’s surface, sending powerful shockwaves throughout the area. The
meteor’s explosion reportedly injured over 1,000 people, yet no deaths have been reported. According to calculations from several sources, the 55-foot-wide meteor is believed to have exploded with nearly 500 kilotons of power—more than 30 times the energy of the atomic bomb that devastated Hiroshima. Fortunately, because of the meteor’s distance from Earth, the explosion was not nearly as devastating as the Hiroshima attack. After the explosion, Russian citizens rushed to find a piece of the meteorite for themselves. If you don’t want to waste money on a plane ride to Russia to hunt for meteorite fragments, you can see a meteorite for free at Raleigh’s own natural history museum. The museum is home to a meteorite that landed on Earth in Farmville, N.C. in 1934. The meteorite remains on display in main wing’s third floor.
COMET, ASTEROID, METEOR, OR METERORITE? When reporting about the Chelyabinsk meteor, many news sites have been confused about what to call the rock. Here’s a handy way of keeping track of giant rocks speeding toward Earth. 1. Comets are objects that orbit the sun and have volatile chemical composition and appear to have a blueish tail when the comet is in transit. 2. Asteroids orbit the sun in a clear, elliptical path and are made up of less violatile compunds. 3. Meteoroids are fragments of asteroids that break off mid-flight 4. A meteor is the phenomenon you can watch as a meteoroid burns through the atmosphere 5. Meteorites are rock fragments left over from a meteor impact SOURCE: SPACEGUARDUK.COM
TUNGUSKA METEOR Date: June 30, 1908 Location: Tunguska, Siberia; currently Krasnoyarask Krai, Russia Size: 120 feet wide Weight: 11,000 tons Energy Level: 30 megatons. 185 Hiroshima bombs Devastation: Area laid to waste, animal deaths
FARMVILLE METEOR Date: December 4, 1934 Location: Farmville, N.C., west of Greenville Weight: Over 100 pounds Devastation: Crater 6 feet wide and 3.5 feet deep; shockwave felt in several counties
CHELYABINSK METEOR Date: February 15, 2013 Location: Chelyabinsk, Russia ; on the Europe-Asia border Size: 55 feet wide Weight: 10,000 tons Energy Level: 500 kilotons. Brighter than the Sun. Devastation: Over 1,000 injuries, property destruction
LITTLE BOY ATOMIC BOMB Date: August 6, 1945 Location: Hiroshima, Japan Weight:4.85 tons Energy Level: 16 kilotons Devastation: 700,000 immediate deaths, hundreds of thousands more from burns/radiation/disease
WOLFPACK FOOTBALL TRYOUTS! The NC State Wolfpack Football program will be holding a meeting for students interested in trying out for the team! The meeting will be held at 5:00pm on Wednesday, February 20, 2013, in the Murphy Football Center lobby (located at Carter-Finley Stadium, 4600 Trinity Rd., Raleigh, NC). Please bring a pen and your class schedule. Note: In order to be eligible to tryout, you must be currently enrolled as a full-time, four year degree seeking student at NC State. Prior to the tryout date, you will need to have medical clearance from a physician as well as the results of a sicklecell test (both of these are necessary for the tryout, but not necessary to attend the meeting). Below is a link to the tryout waiver and medical clearance form: auto_pdf/2012-13/misc_non_event/Tryout_Waiver_Form.pdf
Wednesday, February 20, 2013 5:00 pm Murphy Football Center Lobby
Researchers Identify New Role of Sp2 Protein Nasir Khatri Staff Writer
From allowing us to breathe to helping fight infection, protein molecules keep us healthy, but research over the past several decades has shown that proteins only keep us healthy if produced in the right quantity. Protein, a special type of molecule found in food and produced by the human body, plays a key role in our biological processes, but any more or any less of the right amount of different proteins, and we get different diseases. Which diseases are caused by the over or under production of different proteins, though, has been the subject of a vast
amount of research, especially at N.C. State. For the past several years, Troy Ghashghaei and Jon Horowitz, both faculty in the Department of Molecular Biomedical Sciences, studied the role of a protein known as Sp2 which helps cells divide. Their results, which were published in the journal Development, showed that both an over and under production of Sp2 in stem cells were linked to the same types of problems. Ghashghaei and Horowitz believe that these results can be used to create therapies for patients, especially for those with brain injury, cancer and diseases related to the nervous system. The researchers became interested in Sp2 when earlier
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work by Horowitz showed an overproduction of the protein in mouse skin stem cells resulted in tumors. Tumors are produced when a normal cell loses its ability to control its division to produce mature normal cell offspring, so there is an uncontrolled production of immature cells. “It became clear at that time that Sp2 plays a role in the normal life cycle of a stem cell,” Horowitz said. “The problem occurs when there is an over or under production of this molecule, though.” To study this phenomenon in depth, researchers used two different types of mice. One set of mice, known as transgenic mice, were genetically altered to
continued from page 8
produce an abundant amount of Sp2. The other set, known as knock-out mice, were genetically altered to produce no Sp2 at all. “In the transgenic mice, we saw no symptoms right away,” Horowitz said. “However, when these mice and normal mice were exposed to carcinogens, the transgenic mice formed a lot more tumors when compared to their normal counterparts.”
credited back to the team’s stellar rebounding performance, outscoring the Seminoles 42-30 in the paint. After losing three straight conference games to Virginia, Miami and Duke, the Pack is currently on a three game winning streak, claiming victories against Clemson, Virginia Tech and Florida State. “I do think there’s some momentum gained,” Gottfried said. “You always want your team to be playing its best basketball in February and March. Hopefully we can continue to improve and play well.” “We needed a game like this, we needed to play well,” Gottfried said. “I feel good about how we played so it was an important game for us tonight.” The Pack (19-7, 8-5 ACC) will be back in action on Saturday as it takes on bitter rival UNCChapel Hill (17-8, 7-5 ACC) on the road. Tip-off is scheduled for 4 p.m.
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1 When Romeo
10 His mausoleum is in Tiananmen Square 13 Close-Up, e.g. 15 Posterior 16 See 15-Down 17 Pro foe 18 Ready to pour 19 Paint as wicked 21 Peoria-to-Decatur dir. 22 TD’s six 25 Question eliciting “Let’s!” 26 Vital vessel 28 Tidy up 31 Stratford’s river 34 Holm and McKellen 36 “Star Trek” role 37 2011 film in which Owen Wilson says, “Wonderful but forgettable. That sounds like a picture I’ve seen. I probably wrote it.” 40 No __ sight 41 Letterman rival 42 “99 Luftballons” singer 43 Thaw once more 45 Give a good talking-to 47 In the lead 49 U2 producer or, backwards, U2 hit 50 Aswan landmark 53 Gift of a sort 56 Simoleons 58 Justin Bieber or the golden calf 59 Winner of screenwriting Oscars for the three quoted films 62 Stax Records genre 63 “Titus __”: 16thcentury play 64 Pre-LCD screen 65 Makes a home 66 Time in ads DOWN 1 Oldest musketeer 2 Directing brothers
By Eric Williams 2/22/13
3 Rich cake 4 “__ small world” 5 12-in. albums 6 Cereal grain 7 Previously owned 8 Scatter, like petals 9 Sycophant 10 Lionel train, say 11 1998 animated film released the month before “A Bug’s Life” 12 Jim Davis dog 14 “Fantasia” tutu wearer 15 With 16-Across, 1986 film in which Dianne Wiest says, “But you have to remember while you read and you’re cursing my name, you know, that this is my first script.” 20 Outmaneuver 23 Calc prereq 24 Lesley of “60 Minutes” 26 1977 film in which 59-Across says, “Awards! They do nothing but give out awards!” 27 Starts the pot
2/20/13 Tuesday’s Puzzle Solved
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29 Consumer advocate Brockovich 30 Mercury Seven org. 31 From the U.S. 32 Hollywood crosser 33 Fifth wheel 35 From then on 38 Fjord, for one 39 High time? 44 Formosa, now
46 Willy, Biff or Happy of drama 48 Blackmore heroine 50 Sweets, in Naples 51 Native Alaskan 52 Minister’s house 53 Oft-burned object 54 Stench 55 Approves quietly 57 Lena of “Chocolat” 60 Seuss’s “The 5000 Fingers of __” 61 Rocky hellos
• 3 days until men’s basketball travels to Chapel Hill to take on the Tar Heels
• Page 7: Scientists identify a new role in the Sp2 protein in neuron creation
Warren, Wolfpack make statement
Volleyball hires new assistant coach Kimberly Martinez, a veteran college head and assistant coach, has been named assistant volleyball coach at N.C. State, Wolfpack head coach Bryan Bunn announced on Tuesday. Martinez has spent the last four seasons as the top assistant at Marshall, after serving as the head coach for three seasons at Texas A&M-Corpus Christi, where she was one of the youngest head coaches in NCAA Division I. “We are excited about adding Kimberly to our staff,” Bunn said. “She brings a wealth of experience to this job, in addition to her experience as a Division I head coach. SOURCE: N.C. STATE ATHLETICS
Wolfpack runner earns weekly ACC honor After a record-setting performance in the Wanamaker Mile at the 106th Millrose Games, N.C. State redshirt senior Ryan Hill has been named the ACC Indoor Track and Field Men’s Performer of the Week, the conference office announced on Tuesday. Hill broke a 39-year-old ACC record with a time of 3:54.89 in the mile run at the Armory in New York, topping the time of 3:55 by North Carolina’s Tony Waldrop that had stood since 1974. Hill’s time was the fourth-fastest ever by a collegian and the second-fastest by an American college runner. SOURCE: N.C. STATE ATHLETICS
Jonathan Stout Senior Staff Writer
Freshman forward T.J. Warren set season and career highs in points and rebounds, playing an essential part in N.C. State’s eighth conference win against Florida State Tuesday night at PNC Arena. Warren scored 31 points and grabbed 13 rebounds, his first double-double of the year and his collegiate career. It was Warren’s fifth start of the season and the fifth time he has scored 20 or more points on the year. His previous career highs were 22 points and eight rebounds, both against Penn State in the RYAN PERRY/TECHNICIAN Puerto Rico Tip-Off Nov. 15. He Freshman forward T.J. Warren walks out as he’s introduced against Flordia State Univesity Tuesday, Feb. 19. has now scored in double figures Warren had 31 points and 13 rebounds in the Wolfpack’s 84-66 win against the Seminoles at PNC Arena. 16 times in 25 games. “My teammates did a good job ranks 14th most in Atlantic Coast Seminoles. the ballgame. finding me on the offensive end Conference history. Leslie recorded his eighth doubleState’s ability to dominate the and everything “We a l l k now double of the season with 19 points Seminoles on the boards, 45 rejust fel l into [ Wa r r e n ] c a n and 10 rebounds. Wood went 3-for- bounds to 21, gave the team an upplace,” Warren score the ball,” se- 5 from three-point land taking on per hand in second chance points, said. nior forward Scott 13 points. The team now leads the 26-6, easily the deciding factor in His 31 points Wood said. “He’s ACC in double-doubles with 29 on the game. a re t he f i rst a real good player the season. “I think that was one of our better time a freshman for us. He stepped Wood is now ninth in program complete games where we reboundhas scored 30 up when we needed history with 302 three-point baskets ed the ball really well,” head coach or more points him and we know and extended his ACC lead in three Mark Gottfried said. “I thought we since Brandon he’s c apable of pointers among active players. He adjusted to some things defensively freshman forward T.J. Warren Costner scored that.” now needs 19 to tie N.C. State’s all- throughout the game and defended 30 against Duke H i s cont r ibu- time leading scorer, Rodney Monroe pretty well.” on March 8, 2007. Former player tions, along with double-digit for most in program history. The team tallied 24 defensive and J.J. Hickson scored 31 as a fresh- performances by Wood and junior The Pack jumped out early, grab- 21 offensive rebounds. man against William & Mary forward Calvin Leslie, guided the bing a quick lead and didn’t look State seamlessly scored at will University on Nov. 15, 2007 and team to an 84-66 win against the back as Florida State never led in under the basket, which can be
“My teammates did a good job finding me...and everything just fell into place.”
Avent picks up 600th victory at NCSU Nolan Evans
couraging.” Senior pitcher Ethan Ogburn came into the game in the fifth inThe N.C. State baseball team ning and shut down the 49ers hopes picked up its first win of the of a win. Over the final five innings, season Tuesday and head coach Ogburn allowed just one hit on Elliott Avent earned his 600th two strikeouts and one walk as he career win as the Wolfpack’s received the win for the Wolfpack. skipper, taking down UNCWith State leading 1-0 in the sevCharlotte (1-1) in shutout fash- enth inning, freshman designated ion, 5-0. hitter Will Nance got things going The game was for the Pack with a pitcher’s duel a leadoff single up t h r ou g h t h e the middle, his secfirst six innings ond hit of the game. as State held a Freshman Chance slim 1-0 lead Shepard took over head i ng i nto for Nance on the the seventh, but base paths as a another strong pinch runner. sophomore left fielder Jake performance After a pop out, Armstrong by sophomore Shepard advanced shortstop Trea to second base folTurner and a two-run triple by lowing a groundout from senior sophomore left fielder Jake Arm- second baseman Matt Bergquist. strong put the game away for the Following a balk that advanced Pack Nine. Shepard to third base, Turner douSophomore pitcher Logan bled to left field to score Shepard Jernigan earned the start for the from third to give the Pack a 2-0 Pack and had a solid outing, go- lead. Turner then stole his third base ing four innings while striking of the season, bringing him within out five and allowing just three 13 of tying the N.C. State career rehits. He allowed four walks but cord of 73 by Tom Sergio (1994-97). was always able to recover, strikJunior third baseman Sam Moring out the final batter in each gan singled up the middle for his inning. second hit of the day, scoring Turner Even with a scoreless outing, to put State up 3-0 heading into the Jernigan was not entirely satis- eighth inning. fied with his performance. Turner also scored the first run “I didn’t have my best stuff,” of the game, which was unearned, Jernigan said. “But I fought in the third inning after hitting through it. I didn’t give up any a single, advancing to third on a runs and we got the win.” passed ball and pop out and home On the other hand, Avent on a groundout. seemed pleased with the sophSenior catcher Brett Williams omore’s season debut on the started out the bottom of the eighth mound. by reaching on an error. Sophomore “I thought Logan really com- right fielder Jake Fincher laid down manded the strike zone really a bunt single to advance Williams well for a guy who at times last to second, putting two men on with year struggled with the strike nobody out. zone,” Avent said. “And this was After a pop out in foul territory a cold wet day…That was en- and a strikeout, Armstrong stepped Deputy Sports Editor
QUOTE OF THE DAY “...This has just always been my school and I love this school.” Elliott Avent, Baseball Head Coach
“I was nervous at first...I put a good swing on it.”
Senior relief pitcher, Ethan Ogburn, throws the ball during the 5-0 victory over UNC-Charlotte on Tuesday Feb. 19. The Wolfpack win improved the overall record to 1-1. The next home appearance will occur on Friday Feb. 3 against Villanova at 3 pm.
up to the plate, knocking a triple into the right field corner to score both runners. Armstrong, a junior college transfer, was all smiles after his first start and hit with the Wolfpack. “I was nervous at first, but after the first bit I got comfortable and I just started seeing the ball better and felt more comfortable,” Armstrong said. “I put a good swing on it.” Ogburn pitched a three up, three down inning in the ninth to finish the game and collect the win for the
Pack. With the win, Avent reached a new milestone with his 600th career victory in Raleigh. “This school means a lot to me,” Avent said. “It always has. To get the 600th win here, it just means a lot. Not that they didn’t mean anything at New Mexico State, but this has just always been my school and I love this school.” N.C. State (1-1) will return to Doak Field at 3 p.m. Friday as it takes on Villanova.