NUBIAN MESSAGE RALEIGH, NC n VOL. X, ISSUE 1 n NCSU.EDU/NUBIAN n AUGUST 24th, 2011 Student Government hosts First Annual Respect the Pack Event n5
A Freshman’s Perspective of the African American Symposium n3
MEMBERS OF DANCE VISIONS POSE FOLLOWING THEIR DANCE PEFORMANCE AT BACK TO SCHOOL JAM KAREEM WILLIAMS/NUBIAN MESSAGE MADAVIA JOHNSON | STAFF WRITER Back to School Jam! We did just that. Each year, the Back To School Jam provides a chance for students to meet new people and become reacquainted with old friends after a long summer. Many students mainly from the campus African American community and other groups as well gathered on Thursday, August 18, 2011 on Harris Field for this year’s Back To School Jam to enjoy music, socialize, eat, and introduce themselves to different clubs and organizations around campus. Traditionally, the event is led by the Union Activities Board Black Students Board. This year it was hosted Korne-
lius Bascombe, a senior in Sociology and former BSB chair, and music was provided by DJ Koldstone. This event served as an opportunity for students, especially freshman and transfer students new to the university, to obtain information, knowledge, and insight from a variety of organizations who set up booths and tables displaying information. These organizations included CHASS-MAS, Caribbean Student Association, Dance Visions, W.E.S.T, and Black Finesse Modeling Troupe and many more. Along with the opportunity to mingle, eat and learn about ways to get involved, the Back To School Jam provided much entertainment, including very energetic performances by NPHC sororities and fraternities. There were hype and wellchoreographed dance selections by CONTINUED ON PG. 7
August 24th, 2011
nubian message
Student plans to upstart social network to keep students active CJ GUION | EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Have you ever wanted to find a way to connect with students who share similar interests? Ever wanted to hold a pick-up basketball game, but didn’t have enough people to play? Well, one NC State student plans to change that after he launches his social media network on September 15th. Malique Booker plans to launch a social networking site PROFILE PHOTO entitled will be a social networking site in which NC State students will be able to log on and connect with other members of the community who share their interSUGGEST GROUPS ests and hobbies. It will also be an Easily connect with outlet where students can promote groups that fit your meetings and create study groups. interests According to Booker, he was inspired to create this website because it was partially a way to make a little extra money, but more so a way to create a business of his own. “I am a person who doesn’t really like to work under anyone,” Booker said. Booker also says that he wants “to create a social networking site to keep students active,” and to make sure that they are not spending all day on the computer wasting time on other social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. “Also, when many students move off campus they lose some of the connections that they use to have on campus and stop being as involved as they were beforehand,” Booker explains. will feature 100 different areas for students to browse. The target audience is any NC State student who wants to get out of their residence hall or apartment and do something constructive. However, Booker did mention that he wants to make sure that it is a website in which African American and other minority students can benefit from. “Sometimes it really gets to you, when you’re in a class and you look around and you see little to no one who looks like you.” Booker also plans to go around to different classes on campus and speak with students about his site. He plans to
INTERESTS Let everyone know your interests so you can connect with people who like the same things you do
SUGGESTED EVENTS Find events based on your interests
speak with classes and on panels. He has also garnered support from faculty and staff such as Dr. Karen Young, Interim Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs and Director of Undergraduate Programs. The new social networking site will also open up career opportunities for students as well. Booker and his staff are actively looking for new students who have experience in web design to join the staff. He hopes that he will be able to speak with students in other colleges such as the Poole College of Management which offers an entrepreneurship program. “If I can do it, anyone can do it. I want to show everyone, including African American males, that anything is possible,” said Booker. Students will be able to log onto the website starting today. The initial release of the site will be a beta version. If you are interested in being on the initial list of invitees for the test version you can contact Malique Booker at in September.
Nubian Message
Sentinel of the African-American Community at North Carolina State University CJ GUION | EDITOR - IN - CHIEF JASMINE HARRIS | MANAGIING EDITOR STAFF WRITERS: MADAVIA JOHNSON HIND MALIK KIERRA LEGGETT YOLANDA RAY SHALIESE HARDY ALEXIS TEASDELL TEVIN BYRD COURTNEY PREISTER Only with the permission of our elders do we proudly produce each edition of the Nubian Message. Dr. Yosef ben-Yochannan: Dr. John Henrik Clark: Dr. Leonard Jeffries: The Black Panther Party: Mumia A. Jamal: Geronimo Pratt: Tony Williamson: Dr. Lawrence Clark: Dr. Augustus McIver Witherspoon: Dr. Wandra P. Hill: Mr. Kyran Anderson: Dr. Lathan Turner: Dr. M. Iyailu Moses: Dokta Toni Thorpe and all those who accompany us as we are STILL on the journey to true consciousness. COPYRIGHT 2011 BY NORTH CAROLINA STATE STUDENT MEDIA, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Locations Avent Ferry Complex Brooks Hall Caldwell Hall Harrelson Hall DH HILL LIBRARY Witherspoon Student Center Wolf Village Apartments
372 Witherspoon Student Center Box 7138 NC State University Raleigh, NC 27695-371 PHONE NUMBER: 919.515.1468 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: TWITTER: @NUBIANMESSAGE
August 24th, 2011
nubian message
A Freshman’s Perspective of the African American Symposium with everyone. This was a great way to get to know students who you are most likely to see around the most, having atAttending the African-American Symposium was a great tended the same college. Later in the evening, we had the experience. It provided networking opportunities with oth- advantage of meeting other incoming freshmen who were er freshmen as attending the sympowell as uppersium as well. classmen; and it One of the key also provided an things I personally felt abundance of inwas a great word of formation about advice that a student our campus releader offered was to sources and supintroduce oneself by port services. saying, “I am…”, rathThe symposium er than saying, “My also gave the stuname is…” This was dents a chance to a helpful tip because it meet with very is a more formal way successful Afriof introducing oneself. can-American Another key thing we faculty and staff. were told was to keep Prior to arin mind that we were rival, most of the not in a “competition” students, myself and we were encourincluded, main aged to help and supintention was to port one another. move-in early In all, attending the and of course A group of students listening to a seminar at the Annual African American Symposium event African-American pick the side hosted by Multicultural Student Affairs Symposium gave me a of the room we Melvin Moore/Nubian Message chance to make new friends favored. Howas well as catch up with ever, we gained more than that. After attending the African- friends made during New Student Orientation. I would recAmerican Symposium, we all felt we acquired more informa- ommend this event to all incoming freshmen, even to those tion than those who had not attended. Attending this event who are not African-American so everyone would have a gave us a chance to talk with one another and discuss our chance to learn more about the school and its multi-cultural main concerns and our goals for the upcoming school-year. affairs. I hope this event continues so that all incoming stuUpon arrival, we were split into groups with the people dents and transfers have a chance to experience the fun and who are in the same college later being brought back together helpful information he/ she would need while at NC State.
PERSPECTIVES | 3 Question of the Week What are your goals for Freshman Year?
Akua Adu-Nyako, Freshman Transition Program “To get at least a 3.5 GPA”
Davonte Falls, Freshman First Year College To get a 4.0 GPA, meet as many people as possible, and become get involved
Kristen Mabina, Freshman College of Textiles “I want to find out what I want do in life, get involved, and stop procrastinating.”
LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Lisa Redfearn, Freshman Fashion Mgmt. and Marketing “I want to stay focused, get a 4.0 GPA and make an impact on campus, while not trying to do too much.”
CORDERA J. GUION | EDIOR - IN - CHIEF When I joined the Nubian Message staff in 2009, I never imagined that I would typing this letter as the new Editor - In Chief. I have spent most of my summer putting together plans to take the Nubian Message to a different level this year. I’ve been working on a new layout, a new website, as well as a special editon of the Nubian Message for the Multicultural Student Affair’s African American Symposium. This is officially the first issue that I will be releasing as the Editor - In - Chief, and while I realize that the Nubian has a long way to go, I do believe that you will be pleased with what we have in store for you this year. I have seen the Nubian Message at it’s best and at it’s worst. However, we are here to continue the mission that was set forth in 1992 when this publication was started. If you are unaware, the Nubian Message was started in 1992 by a group of students who were frustrated with the content and lack of an African American presence in the Technician. They did not feel as if they were being represented in the publication and decided to do something about it by starting their very own publication. They were not allowed to use Student Media equipment and had to pay the costs of the paper out of their own pockets for the entire first year of publication. Thanks to assistance of the Campus Echo at North Carolina Central University who graciously shared their printing equipment, the Nubian Message was born. In order for the Nubian Message to continue to deliver news to you each and every week, we need your support. This is not something that we can do on our own. If you like what we are doing let us know. If you don’t like what we’re doing let us know that as well. We can’t change something if we don’t know what it is that we need to change. For example, last year many people were upset about a story that one of our male staff writers wrote a story detailing his frustrations with females. However, not one person wrote a “Letter to the Editor.” When you choose to remain quiet about certain issues in our community, you give the impression that you agree with what is being said. This is yor paper just as much as it is our paper. I would like to hear more from students, as well as the faculty and staff on our campus this year. I hope that I have your support in making sure that this is a successful year for the Nubian Message.
Trabazz Bruce, Freshman Design Studies “I want to maintain a GPA higher than a 3.0”
Leah Chavis, Freshman First Year College “My goals are to make a 4.0 GPA, get involved, and meet as many people as possible”
August 24th, 2011
nubian message
Student Press Law Center Questions Termination of Student Media Coordinator JASMINE HARRIS | MANAGING EDITOR Student Media has taken a considerable turn this year. Bradley Wilson, former Student Media adviser and veteran of administering all campus student publications for several years, has left the university. Wilson held the position as Student Media’s adviser for nearly nine years, overseeing all campus publications and media outlets since December 2002. Based on sources, after attending a workshop that took place a less than a month after a blunder in Student Media, Wilson returned to find out his job as the adviser would be discontinued on August 2nd. The Student Press Law Center believes that there is a possibility that Wilson was fired due to controversy this summer on campus surrounding student publication, The Brick. The Brick is a handbook that showcases the student traditions of NC State, and is put together by Student Media along with Student Government, the NCSU Alumni Association and the First Year College. This summer’s edition of The Brick included a photo of the derogatory and racist graffiti in the Free Expression Tunnel that took place last semester, which started uproar amongst students. The decision to dissolve Wilson’s “coordinator” position was made by Michael Giancola, director of the Center of Student Leadership, Ethics, and Public Service, who served as Wilson’s supervisor. Wilson’s position was an at-will position (EPA position), which can be terminated for any reason or no reason at all. Giancola made a statement to the SPLC disputing a connection between Wilson’s termination and The Brick incident. The SPLC also wrote a letter to Dr. Thomas Stafford, the Vice Chan-
cellor for Student Affairs, expressing concern over the “sudden and suspiciously timed removal of Wilson.” In the letter, the SPLC also mentioned that Wilson “undoubtedly is a taskmaster whose forcefulness is not to everyone’s liking,” which could also have easily played a part in his termination. In spite of the possibility that Wilson was fired over this incident, several others including Wilson’s colleagues have made remarks denying that it is the reason. However, a couple of the students who worked closely with Wilson are suspicious of the termination. The university now wants to move forward with the search for a new director of Student Media. Until a new director can be found, additional advising duties have been distributed among the to the remaing professional staff members to remedy the situation until the new position can be filled. Another position which has been affected by the termination of Wilson is the IT position which had been narrowed down to several candidates before Wilson was let go. During Wilson’s time at the university, Student Media won several awards and honors. To many, it is a disappointment to see Wilson go after so many years, however, ciphering through candidates and finding a distinguished replacement is the first concern. Student leaders will also be involved in the selection of the new adviser. The SPLC plans to keep a close eye on the search and stated in their article that they hope that Student Media hires someone who has similar credentials to Wilson; one who is independent –minded, as well as a person who will protect the first amendment rights of the students.
TEMPORARY ADVISING INTERIM PLAN Tyler Dukes - Technican, Nubian Message Martha Collins - Agromeck, Windhover, SCJ Jamie Gilbert - WKNC, Wolf TV, Liason to Student Media Board of Directors Krystal Pittman - Business Office, WolfTV, Overall team-building efforts for SM IT Support will be provided by Student Affairs Information Technology The application for the Director of Student Media has been posted at: http://jobs.
Fall 2011 Trend Report KIERRA LEGGETT | STAFF WRITER The brickyard— not only is it the one place on campus where you can always stop and get a daily dose of church from the infamous “brickyard preacher,” but it is also the Fashion Mecca of NC State. Here NC State students from all walks of life congregate, some meeting up to grab lunch, others to go over notes and for a select few to be seen and make a fashion statement. You can usually spot the ones utilizing the brickyard as a personal runway as routinely they are perched along the corridor outside of Harrelson Hall with a cup of coffee in one arm, and a fancy designer bag casually hanging off the other. However as the leaves on trees begin to change colors, and summer makes way for fall, it will be even easier to distinguish the style savvy from the general campus population as they will surely be dressed from head to toe in some of these latest trends. Chic in Crimson Wolf pack lovers will be excited to know that NC State school colors are currently en vogue. All hues of red are brightening up the fall color pallets of top designers and adding a splash of color into a season usually full of fashion saturated with neutrals. Loafers: Time to go raid your grandfather’s closet! The shoes that have been popular among geriatric men (seemingly) forever are now making their way mainstream, however with a little more spice as many designers are giving them a more feminine look by adding a heel. Bottoming out at around $30, college fashionistas every-
where can breathe a sigh of relief knowing they won’t have to live off Ramen for two weeks in order to get a pair. Tux Luxe: Recently included in Vanity Fair’s esteemed 72nd annual International Best Dressed List, Bad Boy Records artist Janelle Monáe has mastered this style, effortlessly making it her own. The classic look consists of a crisp white shirt, tailored black bottoms and of course a black neck piece. This year however, designers are reinvigorating the look with different textures and color pallets, but keeping intact that same great and figure flattering silhouette. While perhaps a full on tuxedo ensemble may not be appropriate for trekking across campus to class (no matter how fabulous you are) it would be ever so chic for a party or fancy dinner out on the town. Capes: Little Red Riding Hood and your favorite super heroes are not the only ones that can pull this look off. A few years back we saw the revival of the 1960’s popular fashion staple of ponchos, and now the cape is back for another bask in the limelight. Come this fall, the brickyard will look like backstage at a fashion show, with NC State’s fashion conscious making these new fall trends come alive the way only NC State students can!
August 24th, 2011
nubian message
On Tuesday, August 16th Student Government hosted the first annual Respect the Pack Event. The event was a response to the controversy that occurred in the summer surrounding a derogatory and offensive racial slur found in the The Brick, which was a student traditions booklet passed out to students during New Student Orientation. On July 8th, an incoming student and his parents discovered the racial slur in the booklet and contacted Parents and Family Services. Students, faculty, and staff came up with a decision to place a sticker over it so that it could continue to be distributed. Over the past couple of years there have been several incidents in the tunnel directed at several groups primarily the African American community and the GLBT community. The most memorable incident in the tunnel occurred when offensive racial slurs were found in the tunnel that were directed at President Obama following his victory in the 2008 election. Many students, faculty, and staff came out to the event to paint the tunnel in unity to speak out against hateful and offensive speech that has been found in the tunnel in the past. NC State University is an institution that values diversity, equality, and mutual respect for all. There was free popcorn, shaved ice, music, and entertainment from groups such as Acappology. Dr. Nacoste and Chancellor Woodward also spoke at the event to the attendees.
“ Things we never again want people to do, think, or say towards our group” College of Natural Resources and Textiles Retreat 2011 African Americans Males That we are: *Lazy *Ignorant *Uneducated *Shiftless *Hyper-sexualized *Just athletic Not all of us smoke “pot” No more holding purses when being approached No more dumbing down to speak to us No more accusations
Christians * Narrow- Minded *Hypocrites/Judgemental *Exclusive * Constant Preaching We are: open minded, embrace diversity, and forgiving
Women That we are: *Bad Drivers *Weak *Dependent *Smart or pretty, not both *Property *Drunk = Promiscious
Gays, Lesbians, Transgendered *Use the word “gay” as an insult *Say gay people are going to hell *Refer to the GLBTA community as “those people” *Just because someone is gay that they are going to hit on you * Gay couples can’t create good families *Think that gay, lesbian, or bisexual is a disorder
6| YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL You..Are..So..Beautiful.. I don't care how many numbers are in your phone I don't care how many nights you feel alone You..Are..So..Beautiful There is something in you you are sweet, you are creative you are caring, you are contemplative You..Are..So..Beautiful I don't care if no one says it I don't care if they are too blind to see it there is someone out there that gets you and are special You..Are..So..Beautiful If you weren't here someone's life would be dimmer and when you see your greatness your beauty truly shimmers You..Are..So..Beautiful I don't care if your status is single I only care about how you see you I don't care if there are things you despise that you can't change you are perfect, because God doesn't make mistakes You..Are..So..Beautiful that beauty isn’t even the perfect word and the thought of you deserving to be mistreated is absurd. A hand should never strike your face and everything adds to it your height, your weight and your race You..Are..So..Beautiful and I pause between each word just to take it all in and as us women find our men I'm sure they'll repeat it again and again You..Are..So..Beautuful from outside to within from your soul to the crown of your head to your toes You Are So Beautiful and I just wanted you to know nobody else determines your beauty but you And you never become more beautiful until you are beautiful to you Alexis Teasdell
August 24th, 2011
nubian message
Earthquake Hits Virginia, Rocks NC State MELVIN MOORE | STAFF WRITER Around 1:50 PM, Students at NC State were sitting attentively in class when buildings around campus were shaken. Approxiamately 150 miles NE of Raleigh the weather center confirmed an earthquake with an estimated maginitude of 5.8. The university quickly utilized the WolfAlert system to notify students through email and text messages after the earthquke was announced. The earthquake occured in the state of Virginia in what is known as the “Central Virginia Seismic Zone.” It has produced small earthquakes since the 18th century. It was felt all the way from the coast of North Carolina to Rhode Island. Parts of the pentagon, White House, Capitol, and monuments on National mall were evacuated. It was reported that residents in North Carolina could likely feel tremors for the next six hours following the occurance. Thanks to smart phones and social media networks, students around campus were glad to find out that they were not imagining things and word spread around without seconds detailing what had just taken place. “I was in my dorm, I thought people were acting crazy until I saw the Twitter messages.” said Alexandria Pitts, a freshman in Elementary Education. No structural damage was reported and it appears that everyone was just fine after the earthquake just a little shaken.
Alexx Pitts Freshman, elementary education
Lakesha Alexander Freshman, math education
I was in my dorm room. I thought people in my dorm were making all of the commotion, until I saw the Facebook and Twitter messages. It was kind of cool that North Carolina had an earthquake, but luckily no one was hurt.
I was at work at a day care when the earthquake happened. We thought the kids were being rowdy. As soon as the earthquake was over parents starting calling saying there was an earthquake and checking up on their kids.
Zachary Blackwell Senior, English I was in my room. I just saw something shaking and I did not know why it was shaking. I was thinking to myself that it could not be an earthquake in North Carolina.
Shakil Jefferson Junior, communications and visual arts I did not feel it. I was in Witherspoon about to go to work
nubian message
The Nubian Message’s Guide to What’s Goin’ On in Arts & Entertainment
BLAZIN 8 OF THE WEEK 1. Nicki Minaj - Super Bass 2. Liil Wayne - How to Love 3. Headlines- Drake 4. I’m On One- DJ Khaled (featuring Rick Ross, Kanye West, and Lil Wayne) 5. Best Thing I Never HadBeyonce 6. Otis- Kanye West and Jay Z 7. Motivation- Kelly Rowland (featuring Lil Wayne) 8. Quickie- Miguel
August 24th, 2011
WATCH THE THRONE A Review of Jay-Z and Kayne West’s New Album BY COURTNEY PREISTER | One of the most anticiwas released August 08, rappers in the game, Jay-Z ists gave their fans a taste ing H.A.M. and Otis. Just was released via ITunes, the topics on Twitter. I really favorite tracks on the alWhy I Love You (feat. Mr. Beyoncé), Murder to ExcelNew Day, and No Church Ocean). There were a lot the album some people cause of the beats, others over all. Watch the Throne ent topics related to fame, and the downside of sucreoccurring themes in the album stands out because two artists who are at the This album is a must-have. from $12-15. The Watch the tober 2011- December 2011. will be in Greensboro, NC price ranges from $49.50 are both very talented and ers.
Watch the Throne was released by Jay-Z and Kanye West on August 8th, 2011. The album features, Frank Ocean, Beyonce, Otis Redding, and Mr. Hudson Album cover courtesy of: Def Jam Recordings, Roc-A-Fella Records, and Roc Nation
pated albums of the year 2011 by two of the hottest and Kanye West. The artof the album by releasminutes after the album tracks became trending like the album so far. My bum are: Gotta Have It, Hudson), Lift Off (feat. lence, Made in America, in the Wild (feat. Frank of mixed reviews about felt tracks were hot bethought it was amazing addressed many differpower, materialism, cess. These have become hip-hop world but this this view is coming from top of their industry. The album price ranges Throne Tour starts OcJay-Z and Kanye West October 30, 2011. Ticket +tax - $199.50 +tax. They both are great perform-
B2SJ cont.
Starring Zoe Saldana as a young woman who grows up to be a hardened assassin after witnessing the murder of her parents. Working as a hitman for her uncle, she hopes to find the individual responsible for the death of her parents.
The members of Kappa Alpha Psi, Fraternity, Inc. perform at the Back to School Jam Kareem Williams/Nubian Message CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1.... The Game - The R.E.D Album 8/23
Dance Visions and Fusion, as well as a very fashionable modeling performance by Black Finesse Modeling Troupe. However, the fun did not stop there! There was a dance off where a few students went up on stage and did a couple of the latest dance crave called “Cooking” and “The Dougie.” All of the performances were very entertaining and a few even gave the crowd a good laugh. “The 2011 Back to School Jam was so organized and was packed with performances and information about several of the multicultural campus organizations” quoted to Shuffarel Bonaparte, a sophomore majoring in Electrical Engineering. “I really enjoyed how Kornelius got the crowd involved he was a great host, and I really enjoyed being around people that I can relate to,” quoted an anonymous freshmen majoring in Communications. The 2011 Back To School Jam turned out to be a big success and it seems as if it gets better as the years go on. Now that all this excitement is over, it is expected that events like this have prepared the student body to return to a new year of hard work, to continue to grow and network with the new friendships and relationships they have made, and to become active in the organizations and opportunities that they have learned about.
August 24th, 2011
nubian message
Also a part of Wolfpack Welcome Week was RecFest. Created and hosted by NC State University Recreation, RecFest is reguarded as the largest experiential college lifestyle festival in the nation. Kareem Williams/Nubian Message
Students pose for a picture with Mr. and Mrs. Wuf Melvin Moore/Nubian Message
Wolfpack Welcome Week is an annual tradition at North Carolina State University. It is a time to become more knowledgeable about classes, explore campus, and make new friends. CJ GUION/NUBIAN MESSAGE
This year during Wolfpack Welcome Week, Service NC State hosted a blood drive, where NC State is hoping to set a campus record by donating one thousand units of blood. Kareem Williams/Nubian Message We will be launching our new website on August 31st
SOCIAL NETWORK Easily connect with us on Facebook and Twitter
New Site, New Features, New Possibilites
SCROLL BAR Easily find our feature and breaking news