Technician - February 12, 2010

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Technician          

friday february

12 2010

Raleigh, North Carolina

Page Hall water test results cause concern High iron and turbidity levels result in questionable drinking water quality Caroline Barfield Staff Writer

• • • • •

Water quality checks are not part of regular maintenance checks Turbidity level [cloudiness of water] higher than normal Iron levels higher than normal Rust is likely cause of higher levels Sample does not indicate water is unsafe

Graphics co ur tesy NCSU

Source: Ken Kretchman, director of Environmental and Health Safety

According to the World Health Organization, (WHO) 5 NTUs is the maximum allowable turbidity. “The single sample indicated a level of 6.1 NTU,” Kretchman said. “Iron is the other contaminant which appears elevated, based upon an inexact comparison to federal guidelines and state standards. The state standard for iron of 0.3 milligrams per liter applies to water supply systems, as discussed. There is also a secondary federal standard for iron of 0.3 milligrams per liter. The secondary standard is not a health protection standard, but is based upon cosmetic and aesthetic considerations,” Kretchman said. He said a summary of the water condition can be attributed to the elevated turbidity levels. “Sampling results indicated the

likely conclusion that the two elevated values are linked. In other words, rust in the water is contributing to elevated turbidity levels.” Natalie Brown, a senior in graphic communications and intern in Page Hall, said she did not realize there was anything wrong with the water until Royal sent a notice to all Page Hall occupants. “I didn’t recognize there was anything wrong with the water until they sent us an e-mail,” Brown said. “Most people just go to Poe to get water from Poe Hall or use the water bottles on the first floor of Page.” Brown said she was most disturbed by the fact that she would have never


After a year of untested water, Page Hall occupants received answers to their worries about the water quality in the building. Concerns of colored water caused officials to request a water quality test. According to John Royal, a specialist in building construction and management, the water in Page Hall has been discolored for quite some time. “The water has had slight discoloration for at least a year, but the degree of discoloration seems to vary quite a bit,” he said. “It is always the most discolored on Monday mornings or after a long holiday weekend. It seems to have been the very darkest it has ever been when we returned from the recent holiday break.” Ken Kretchman, director of Environmental and Health Safety, explained what was wrong with Page Hall’s water. The samples indicated that that the turbidity and iron levels were higher than normal and probably linked, he said. “Depending on the type of filtration system used, the turbidity level [cloudiness of water] should not exceed ... 1 nephelolometric turbidity unit [NTU],” Kretchman said.

About Water quality checks:

known had an e-mail not notified her and wonders about the water condition of the other older buildings on campus. “I’m in Brooks Hall a lot and am always drinking the water; it’s also a really old building and makes me question whether or not any of the other older buildings have had their water checked,” she said. “I also wonder if they would notify the students who regularly access those buildings if there was an issue with the water.” Having a building’s water checked is not a regular maintenance check and

the only reason Page Hall had its water tested was because it was requested. Kretchman said that records do not indicate that any previous samples were taken prior to Jan. 19 and he also said that even though the water sample indicated excess levels for these contaminants, it does not necessarily make the water unsafe.

Parent support group helps students balance roles New Counseling Center class connects with parenting students

Caitlin Conway/Technician

Jim Ceresnak, a senior in political science and student body president, discusses bike rentals, bike usage and bus stops with the Student Senate Thursday.

President’s Roundtable tackles key campus issues Student leaders gather for discussion to address problems, solutions to improve University Nick Tran News Editor

Leaders from different areas of the University assembled Thursday night in the Student Senate chambers to address issues facing the University and present ideas for improving life on campus. A discussion followed which incorporated important campus problems. The President’s Roundtable, which occurs monthly, opened with “Bikeshare,” an initiative by the Cycling Club and the Sustainability Committee to make biking a more accessible mode of transportation on campus. The Bikeshare pilot will allow students to rent bikes from a site near Talley Student Center or Campus Recreation for use on campus, and if successful will increase in size and turn into an effort to implement a bike accessible network around the University.

“Cycling is a good way to get to classes,” Marycobb Randall, student centers president, said. “It’s healthy, convenient and low cost. Similar programs have been very successful at other universities.” Randall said it was important to install this infrastructure early, especially with the continued expansion of campus. “Right now we’re doing this on Central Campus and it would be great if we could expand it to Centennial Campus,” she said. “It would give students a reason to commute between Central and Centennial.” This sentiment caused discussion of another identified issue developing on campus: the increasing division between Central and Centennial Campus. Sen. Stephen Kouba, a junior in political science, said the climate on campus was no longer one of a unified University. “We need to create a more campuscentered environment for students,” he said. “We need better communication between Central and Centennial, more than just transportation

options.” Kouba said much of the time students on Centennial don’t know what’s happening on Central and vice versa and often students have no motivation to travel to the other campus. “We need to create a centralized feeling on campus,” Kouba said. “We also need to have general events for N.C. State students, not exclusively for engineering students or design students.” The discussion shifted to discussing a feeling of disunity among students from different colleges and ways to increase students’ pride and loyalty to the University as a whole. “There’s a sense of division among students based on their major, college or department,” Jim Cereznak, student body president, said. “The question is how do we get beyond those divisions and create a greater sense of community?” According to Cereznak and oth-

for building parenting skills, according to Haskett. Any parenting student of children ages 2 to 12 is invited to participate. Jessica Neville “The purpose of the program is to Staff Writer provide support and information to A new support group sponsored by parents to help them be the best parthe Counseling Center seeks to meet ents they can be,” Haskett said. “It the needs of students who, beyond the also helps parents lower stress levels, commitment of working towards a de- improve their children’s behavior and gree, also have the additional respon- increase positive family functioning.” Haskett said parents often see their sibility of fulfilling parenting roles. Kristen Lewis, a doctoral student relationship with their children as a in school psychology, distributed an job and forget how to have fun with online survey to graduate students at their children, a situation that the program works to the University who remedy. also have family obAlthough Triple ligations. The surP is used internavey asked questions tionally for all ages, about how well stutypes of parents and dents thought they family structures, balanced school and the program is befamily responsibiliing applied through ties and stress levels, t he Cou nsel i ng according to Lewis. Center specifically “T he resu lt s I for parents who also found indicated that have the additional graduate students stresses of school who are also parents Mary Haskett, associate and/or work. have a great deal of professor of psychology Sue Smith, a Tristress and find it ple P co-leader with difficult to balance work and school roles,” Lewis said. Haskett, was a graduate student and “The survey also asked if students parent at N.C. State as well as a parwould be interested in a program to ticipant in Triple P. “I learned a lot from the Triple P help them better fulfill these roles, and over half responded that they would.” program and I think it is beneficial Lewis shared these results with as- to any parent, but especially parents sociate professor of psychology Mary who also have to deal with school and Haskett, who decided to reach out work,” Haskett said. Erin Robinson, a doctoral student to parenting students by connecting whose dissertation focuses on single them with the Counseling Center. The program the Counseling Center mothers in college, said it can be esdecided to offer, called “Triple P” or pecially hard for mothers to attend “Positive Parenting Program,” is an internationally acclaimed resource Parenting continued page 3

“I learned a lot from the Triple P program and I think it is beneficial to any parent.”


meeting continued page 3

Valentine’s Specials at NC State Bookstores SOMEBODY AT NC STATE LOVES ME T-SHIRTS 2 for $14 Fresh cut roses $5, Bouquets for $15, & Helium Balloon Bouquets $3.99

Pack can’t size up against Duke story. See page 6.

viewpoint features classifieds sports

Representatives from NC State Class Ring Collection will be at NC State Bookstores TODAY from 10am to 3pm

4 5 7 8

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February 2010 Su

Send all clarifications and corrections to Executive Editor Russell Witham at viewpoint@



































Today EXCEL 2007 LEVEL 1 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., McKimmon Center


FACES AND MAZES Gregg Museum of Art & Design 12 p.m. to 8 p.m.




MOVIE: PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 7 to 8:30 p.m. Witherspoon Cinema

Mostly cloudy with a 20 percent chance of precipitation.

MOVIE: GOOD HAIR 9 to 10:40 p.m. Witherspoon Cinema


Muted for a reason

42 26 Snow mixed with showers in the morning with a 40 percent chance of precipitation.


49 34 Sunny with no chance of precipitation. SOURCE: WWW.WEATHER.COM

GET INVOLVED IN TECHNICIAN Technician is always looking for people to write, design, copy edit and take photos. If you’re interested, come to our office on the third floor of Witherspoon (across from the elevators) Monday to Thursday 9 a.m. to midnight and Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., or e-mail Executive Editor Russell Witham at viewpoint@technicianonline. com.



ay Miles, freshman in aerospace engineering, plays a muted trombone in a Jazz Ensemble performance in the Talley Ballroom Thursday. The N.C. State Jazz Ensemble has a spring concert on April 30 in Stewart Theatre.

IN THE KNOW Free Income Tax Form Assistance On Feb. 13 accounting students from the College of Management will be offering free North Carolina State and Federal income tax preparation services through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program. To qualify for the assistance, individuals must have a valid Social Security number and a household income that does not exceed $49,000. The service will be held in Nelson Hall labs at basement level and for more information contact Ernest Carraway at ernest_

Howl for Haiti Benefit Concert Monday, come support N.C. State’s campus-wide disaster relief effort “Howl for Haiti” with a jam-packed Benefit Concert. CSLEPS and UAB have collaborated to put together this event as a way to get the entire campus involved with the fundraising efforts for the people of Haiti. Food will be sold at 6:30 p.m. and the show starts at 7:30 p.m. Performers include The Grains of Time, The Packabelles, Fusion Dance Crew and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. Tickets are $7 with all of the proceeds going to the Howl for Haiti Campaign. “Howl for Haiti” T-shirts will be on sale for $10. For information contact Libby Orsega at SOURCE: NCSU CAMPUS CALENDAR


Bill Maher at Memorial Auditorium Pre-Law Services: Bill Maher started his ca- What do Attorneys reer as a stand-up comedian Do All Day? in 1979 and still performs at least 50 dates a year in Las Vegas and in sold out theaters all across the country. Maher will be performing at Memorial Auditorium on Friday, Feb. 12 at 8 p.m., and again on Saturday, Feb. 13 at 9 p.m. Maher has been on “Politically Incorrect” (Comedy Central, ABC, 1993-2002) and for the last seven years has been on HBO’s “Real Time.” In October of 2008, Maher created a documentary to take a swipe at organized religion, “Religulous,” directed by Larry Charles (“Borat”). The documentary has gone on to become the seventh highest grossing documentary ever. Tickets are available online and range from $39.50 to $59.50, and can also be purchased by phone at 1-800745-3000. SOURCE: VISITRALEIGH.COM


Unemployment, baby boomers cut into Social Security surplus WASHINGTON - A surge of early retirements and a decline in payroll tax revenue caused by the recession have begun to cut deeply into Social Security’s surplus funding. Led by aging baby boomers and older workers frustrated by the tough job market, record numbers of eligible Americans started receiving Social Security retirement benefits in 2009. SOURCE: MCT CAMPUS

Task force takes down cocaine cartel in Newton Grove Raleigh, N.C. - U.S. Attorney George E.B. Holding announced Thursday the conclusion of an investigation in Wayne and Sampson counties that resulted in the convictions of 26 people believed to have been members of a Mexican drug cartel operating in eastern North Carolina, which Julian Avilez was running out of a Newton Grove convenience store. Avilez was said to have imported up to 30 kilograms of cocaine per month from Mexico. It was known to have been distributed throughout the

MOVIE: PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 11:59 p.m. Witherspoon Cinema

southeastern United States. Money laundering was also traced to the organization. Avilez was sentenced to more than 15 years in prison. SOURCE: WRAL.COM

Iraq orders 200 current, former Blackwater employees to leave BAGHDAD - Iraq has ordered more than 200 current and former employees of the private security company formerly known as Blackwater, which still plays a role in guarding U.S. diplomats, to leave the country within the next four days. Interior Minister Jawad al-Bolani told the Associated Press that the order is directed at security contractors who worked for Blackwater in the fall of 2007.

seen this afternoon leaving the Oval Office and did not seem “too concerned” or “in a rush.” SOURCE: MCT CAMPUS

20 years after Mandela’s release, much work remains to be done in South Africa JOHANNESBURG - On the 20th anniversary of Nelson Mandela’s inspiriting release from prison Thursday, South Africa confronted a sobering reality. President Jacob Zuma, with a sex scandal hanging over his head, delivered his annual state of the nation address to Parliament in Cape Town. He promised better schools, a responsive public service sector, longer lives and lower crimes rates, not things the people wanted to hear from someone associated with scandal.


Bill Clinton hospitalized with chest pains LOS ANGELES - Former President Bill Clinton, who is 63, was hospitalized in New York City Thursday for chest pains. Clinton was rushed to Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in Manhattan where he had bypass surgery in 2004. Clinton’s wife, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, was

Suicide bomber strikes U.S. base Kabul, Afghanistan - Five U.S. soldiers were wounded Thursday when a suicide bomber attacked a U.S. base, according to an Afghan official. It is not known how the attacker got into the base, but the bomb was detonated around 9 p.m. in the “sleeping area” on the base, said Paktia province spokesman Roullah Samoun. SOURCE: CNN

POLICE BLOTTER February 8 6:19 A.M. | MEDICAL ASSIST Tucker Hall FP responded to student in need of medical assistance. 8:32 A.M. | SUSPICIOUS INCIDENT D.H. Hill Library Officers initiated investigation into suspicious incident. 9:27 A.M. | TRAFFIC STOP Varsity Dr./Western Blvd. Student was issued citation for stop light violation. 10:40 A.M. | ASSIST ANOTHER AGENCY D.H. Hill Library Officers met with student regarding concerns associated with accident that occurred off campus. Student was informed of protocol and referred to RPD. 11:24 A.M. | LARCENY Wood Hall Student reported bicycle stolen. 3:26 P.M. | DRUG VIOLATION Syme Hall Report of student acting erratic. Officers were unable to locate student at this time but will check again. 5:53 P.M. | CHECK PERSON EB II Report of suspicious subject in the area. Officers responded but did not locate subject. 5:58 P.M. | ASSIST ANOTHER AGENCY Off Campus Request for welfare check of staff member. Everything OK.

A panel of attorneys from a variety of areas of law will provide a panel discussion on their profession on Feb. 15 beginning at 7 p.m., followed by a reception for “meeting and greeting,” at 210 Park Shops. Areas currently represented on the panel: Banking and Finance, Construction, Business, Personal Injury and Workers Compensation, District Attorney, Family Law, Defense, Environmental, Wake County Judge and Guardian Ad Litem Attorney Advocate. The event is free and open to the public. For more information contact Mary A. Tetro at 919513-0912 or mary_tetro@

Saturday FACES AND MAZES 2 to 8 p.m. Gregg Museum of Art & Design WITH LATHE AND CHISEL: NORTH CAROLINA WOOD TURNERS AND CARVERS 2 to 8 p.m. Gregg Museum of Art & Design MOVIE: GOOD HAIR 7 to 8:40 p.m. Witherspoon Cinema MOVIE: PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 9:30 to 11 p.m. Witherspoon Cinema Saturday Sunday HOLD ON TO YOUR HATS! All Day D.H. Hill Library, East Wing FACES AND MAZES 2 to 8 p.m. Gregg Museum of Art & Design WITH LATHE AND CHISEL: NORTH CAROLINA WOOD TURNERS AND CARVERS 2 to 8 p.m. Gregg Museum of Art & Design MOVIE: PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 7 to 8:30 p.m. Witherspoon Cinema MOVIE: GOOD HAIR 9 p.m., Witherspoon Cinema


6:28 P.M. | CONCERNED BEHAVIOR Avent Ferry Complex Nonstudent was trespassed from NCSU property regarding incident with student. 7:19 P.M. | CONCERNED BEHAVIOR Turlington Hall Request to check on welfare of student. Officers did not locate student at residence hall but will follow up. February 9 9:02 A.M. | CHECK PERSON University Club Report of suspicious subject. Investigation revealed subject to be staff member. No action taken. 11:49 A.M. | SUSPICIOUS VEHICLE Jordan Hall Report of suspicious vehicle. Investigation revealed no police matter and complainant was referred to Transportation. 10:16 P.M. | ASSIST ANOTHER AGENCY Hunt Drive RPD requested assistance regarding assault. 11:54 P.M. | MEDICAL ASSIST Owen Hall Units responded to student in need of medical assistance. Student was transported for treatment. 12:13 P.M. | CONCERNED BEHAVIOR Avent Ferry Complex Investigation initiated into report of aggression regarding student and nonstudent. 12:53 P.M. | FIRE ALARM Leazar Hall FP responded to alarm malfunction. Electronics on the scene.

4:53 P.M. | SUSPICIOUS PERSON Dan Allen Deck Report of subjects trying to gain access to vehicle. Investigation revealed subject to be owner. No action taken. 9:20 P.M. | SUSPICIOUS PERSON Vet School Report of suspicious subject. Officers canvassed area but did not locate anyone matching description. February 10 2:33 A.M. | ASSIST ANOTHER AGENCY Centennial Pkwy./Blair Dr. NCSU PD assisted RPD and State Capitol Police with vehicle accident. One was arrested for failure to appear warrant. 10:23 A.M. | LARCENY Avent Ferry Complex Nonstudent reported stolen MP3 player. Investigation revealed nonstudent was not student as had been previously implied. Investigation ongoing. 12:16 P.M. | MEDICAL ASSIST Talley Student Center Report of staff member in need of medical assistance. Response was later canceled by caller. 12:43 P.M. | MEDICAL ASSIST Student Health Center Units responded to student in need of medical assistance. Student was transported for treatment. 12:53 P.M. | LARCENY Public Safety Center Nonstudent reported incident of identity theft in 2002. Reporting was made from China. 2:26 P.M. | CHECK PERSON Williams Hall Report of skateboarders in altercation. Officers canvassed area but did not locate subjects.



CALS service assists with employment ‘Masterminds’ heads new approaches to career forums Arth Pandya Staff Writer

As a result of the current job market, the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Career Center has developed innovative strategies to help students prepare for the transition into the professional world. Career service centers across the nation are adapting new strategies in their effort to find jobs for graduates, according to Marcy Bullock, director of CALS Career Services. “We want to be current with the economy and recession, and it’s causing a lot of the universities to justify why they exist. That’s why we’re coming up with new ideas that will be different, and that will appeal to students and companies,” she said. The Wall Street Journal reports that this spring’s college graduates will be entering the toughest labor market the country has seen in the last 25 years. Colleges are also expected to see the highest number of graduates in a decade, accord-

“They hold each other acing to the publication. Due to the number of gradu- countable for whatever action ates, each individual is impor- items they have for the next week.” tant, according to Bullock. Chris Carr, a CALS ambas“We’re trying to be innovative, by listening to students, sador, said the program will understanding their needs, and help students stay proactive in then creating cutting edge pro- their efforts. “This will help people stay fograms,” she said. CALS Career Services and cused on their goals, whether it is getting the Biomaninto graduufacturing ate school or Training and finding a job,” Education he said. Center have “Particite a me d up pating with this semester [C A L S Cato host the reer Center] first annual makes them “MasterChris Carr, a CALS ambassador so much more mi nds” focompetitive.” rum. Carr said that CALS career “Masterminds” is a new approach to help students achieve services helped him get an intheir career goals, according to ternship last summer. “I got an internship through Bullock. “Masterminds is a really in- networks in CALS career sernovative idea. It’s where we vices,” he said. “It’s really been match up groups of similarly a blessing to have this sort of an motivated students and they opportunity.” He stressed the importance set up agendas every week for of using the resources available themselves,” she said. The student groups would on campus. “It’s important to start utimeet once a week to help motivate each other in their efforts, lizing campus resources, such similar to having workout bud- as CALS Career Services, especially if their in CALS, because dies, according to Bullock.

“This will help people stay focused on their goals.”

they have so many tools at their disposal that a lot of students wouldn’t have access to otherwise,” Carr said. “All they have to do is walk into Patterson hall and set up an appointment. That initial step can possibly make or break their future.” According to the Journal, graduates who do manage to get employed are likely to experience low wages for a decade or more, in comparison to those who graduated before them. However, this should not shy students away from actively searching for a job, according to Bullock. Carr said only a small proportion of students actually reach out for help, and those who don’t will be at a significant disadvantage when it comes time to find employment. “Only a small amount of students utilize it. What about the rest? What will happen to them when they start looking for jobs?” he said.

Light-hearted trivia

friday, february 12, 2010 • Page 3

Parenting continued from page 1

school and work because of their expected roles at home. “Mothers often times have the role of being the primary caretakers of their children, which can make it extremely difficult if they are going to school at the same time,” Robinson said. “In addition, single mothers usually have to work, which can leave little time for their children.” According to Haskett, money is a major source of stress for many student parents. “It’s expensive to raise kids as it is, but with the added cost of education it can be difficult,” Haskett said. “Child care is another source of stress, both because of the price and because as a student your schedule may not be consistent.”

Haskett said she expects students will see the typical outcomes parents who participate in Triple P experience. “Students should find their stress levels decrease and they learn better strategies for coping with their children’s behavior,” Haskett said. Students are welcome to bring their partners or spouses to the class, although Haskett said research shows Triple P produces the same results with one or two parents attending the class. The program will meet for 20 hours over three Saturdays, beginning on March 20. Haskett said she hopes more sessions will be available for students in the future. To contact Haskett for more information, send an e-mail tomary_haskett@ncsu. edu or call (919) 515-1710.


she said. “How we can fuse 11 colleges into one N.C. State.” One suggestion discussed was continued from page 1 to improve orientation events ers around the table, students to improve the connection stuoften identify more with their dents initially have when they individual college than with arrive on campus. “Students are divided into N.C. State. This is largely because students do not apply their majors as soon as they to N.C. State, but to a college get here and those are people within the University and are they would meet eventually placed in that college immedi- anyway,” Rogers said. “Maybe there’s a way to let students ately upon admittance. “We compare ourselves meet other people. We’re looking at using to d if ferorientation ent schools g roups to a n d t h a t ’s form more of important,” an N.C. State Cereznak community.” said, “But we According need to deto Rogers, any cide what our movement to identity as a help students whole Unicross departversity is.” mental diviCereznak Jim Cereznak, student body sions would said it was president have to inimportant to clude effort build a sense of unity among students and from every department. “Orientation is really the increase their devotion to the first time students begin to university as a whole. “Everyone wants to be part of feel a part of State,” she said. a strong, prideful community. “Improvements to orientation We need to decide how we can must be a top priority for every be the best N.C. State we can department for this to work. The attempt to bridge the gap be.” Kelli Rogers, student senate must begin at orientation and president, said she echoed the be led by each department.” More coverage of individual need for students to see beyond departmental divisions and issues addressed at the President’s Roundtable are to come. join a larger college family. “We need to determine how we can better connect students early on in their college career,”

“We need to decide how we can be the best N.C. State we can be.”

David Mabe/Technician

Maggie Williams, a second-year graduate student in civil engineering, writes down answers at Trivia Night in Sammy’s Tap and Grill while Adam Amortnont, also a second-year graduate student, and Sandy Boles, a junior in elementary education, look on Thursday. “We usually come once a week,” Williams said. She said that their team was competitive, but took the event light-hearted.

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page 4 • friday, february 12, 2010


{Our view}

The Facts:

Water impurity is unacceptable A

After a test at the bequest of Page Hall occupants, the University revealed that the water-turbidity levels of the building were more than six times higher than suggested levels. Elevated turbidity is known to cause many gastrointestinal illnesses among other ailments.

Our Opinion:

The University has ignored this problem for far too long and is, perhaps, jeopardizing the wellness of the campus community. It must immediately take steps to remedy the situation.

nyone who has ever owned an old car or lived in a dated house can assuredly say that older properties require extra tender, loving care to stay in top condition. While N.C. State certainly isn’t the oldest college in North Carolina, it isn’t necessarily spry either. With almost 123 years under its belt, the University has her old spots, and students, faculty and staff expect a few inconveniences and fragility due to the age of many of the buildings. There is a big difference, though, between problems of age and those of safety. Problems of heating and cooling in Tompkins Hall are almost endearing (except during the dead of winter), but potentially unsanitary drinking water is a

The unsigned editorial is the opinion of the members of Technician’s editorial board excluding the news department and is the responsibility of the Executive Editors.

completely different matter. Students and faculty, alike, can attest to the high amounts of particulate matter University buildings’ water typically sees. The sight of cloudy water (turbidity) or murky water isn’t a pleasant sight, but the campus community can come to terms with it to a point as a result of the campus’ age. What’s not acceptable is to have water that is more than six times the nationally accepted level of turbidity as defined by the Environmental Protection Agency. At the request of Page Hall occupants, the University did a spot test on the cleanliness of its water and discovered that

the water had a nephelolometric turbidity unit rating of 6.1 in addition to elevated iron levels. The state of North Carolina and federal government recommend that drinking water should ideally have turbidity lower than 0.3 NTU. The water sample from Page Hall was more than 20 times higher than that recommendation. Not only is it a cosmetic issue, elevated turbidity correlates to higher levels of disease-causing organisms. These viruses, parasites and bacteria can lead to elevated levels of nausea, cramps, diarrhea and headaches. To potentially subject the

University community to any of those symptoms is completely unacceptable and the University must take some immediate steps to remedy this situation. Other buildings have similarly murky water. To assure the campus community that this is an isolated problem and not an epidemic, the University must immediately obtain water samples for every building and make that information public. The water in Page Hall must be immediately brought in line with state and federal standards and postings of the levels must be posted throughout that building. This is a disgrace to the University; it has some explaining to do.


Don’t Ask Don’t Tell or tell and get hell?


in your words

Is the University’s water clean? Why or why not? by david mabe


resident Obama’s State of the Union address contained several points that make even the most conservative ideologist happy. Lower taxes for some, a new generation of nuclear power and a commitment to search for new offshore areas for oil and gas develChad opment. His Rhoades plea for biparStaff Columnist tisan cooperation was also a key point that should not be neglected. Nothing is being accomplished in Congress because the members are simply not willing to work together in fear of losing constituents. However, one element of his speech that I found completely absurd was his promise to end DADT — more commonly known as “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.” DADT was put into effect during the Clinton administration; the policy allows gay men, lesbians and bi-sexuals to serve in the military as long as they do not openly suggest they are gay or commit homosexual acts. T hose who are LGBT will not be invest igated or asked about their sexual orientation by fellow officers or superiors. I a m not suggesting that this act should never be repealed (I’m a little smarter than to suggest that). Let’s put our ideas of morality and feelings about homosexual rights aside for a few moments. We are in the middle of a war and a half right now. How in the world is this the appropriate time to repeal a policy of this nature? The military and our Commander and Chief should be more focused on getting the jobs done in Iraq and Afghanistan before trying to repeal a policy that has been in place for 16 years. The social implications of repealing DADT are completely unknown. The soldiers currently serving could take it in stride, or it could completely blow up and result in hateful

acts of violence. It is impossible to tell. It is apparent that the stresses during wartime would make the repeal much more difficult to accept, whether soldiers are in combat or waiting to be deployed. The military is built with strong units and bonds between men and women. We would hope that those bonds would not be broken if information of this kind is disclosed, but why risk it at this particular time? People in the military look at one another not as males or females, gay or straight but American soldiers. These men and women deserve our respect no matter what their gender, race or sexual orientation because they are voluntarily making sacrifices for our freedom. I just do not understand how openly admitting that a person is homosexual will improve the circumstances that our country and military are facing today. The most dangerous thing about this whole proclamation is that it appears to be only an attempt to maintain constituents. The majority of the LGBT community supported Barack Obama and, like the rest of his supporters, are asking the same question: where is the change? He has done little to prove to this community why they should vote for him in 2012. Our president has had it rough; both Democrats and Republicans can see that, but people want to see action. I think that he should take some of his own advice. Instead of having solid “shortterm politics” there needs to be a deep consideration for the timing and effectiveness for such an appeal. Wartime is not the right time. Unfortunately, for those of you who are just chomping at the bit to see DADT repealed there is an obstacle must first be faced: CONGRESS. We know how difficult it can be. Checks and Balances ftw (for the win).

“... one element of his speech that I found completely absurd was his promise to end DADT.”

Send Chad your thoughts on Don’t Ask Don’t Tell to

Executive Editors Lauren Blakely Kate Shefte Russell Witham

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Tia Thompson sophomore, biology

In an effort to ease overcrowding on morning and afternoon commutes, Transportation takes a cue from across the pond.

Mark McLawhorn, Editor in Chief Emeritus

{ AskAvani } My suitemate is really clingy. For example, I usually invite her along to hang out, but sometimes I will go out with friends and not tell her where I’m going because she isn’t in the suite. But then, she goes crazy and keeps texting me until I tell her where I am, and then gets pouty for a few days. Now, she wants to live with me next year, but I don’t know what to do because I don’t want to live with her ... Can you help me? Smothered Suitemate


ow, that’s a sticky situation. Talk to your suitemate. Tell her that it’s nice to spend time with her, but t h at y ou need your space. Let her k now t hat t he constant texting ne e d s t o stop ; you Avani Patel aren’t Staff Columnist available at the moment and if it’s not an emergency you’d rather not be disturbed. Basically, be very frank with her, but be tactful about it. Remember that you will be spending the rest of the semester with her and that you need to maintain a healthy relationship for that sake, if nothing else. HARP is just around the corner, and it’s not fair to her if you spring something like “You need to find new suitemates” on her at short notice. Be straightforward and honest about it. Let her know that you don’t think

living together would be a good idea, and specifically discuss the reasons you feel that way. Who knows? If she gives you your space and takes the crazy down a notch, things could work out! One very important thing: although you and your suitemate may not be best friends, she is a friend to some extent. I’ve learned that no matter what kind of a relationship you sha re w it h another person, it is very important to be the bigger person and strive to keep that relationship as healthy as possible. To put it bluntly, don’t burn your bridges. If you aren’t happy with the way things are with her, or anyone else for that matter, make it a point to be an adult about it and just talk it out. I know it sounds cliché but any relationship, especially one where there are tensions, requires communication. An interesting perspective I ran into this week really changed a lot of things for me:

Deputy Features Editors Justin Carrington Rich Lapore Jessica Neville Laura Wilkinson

Deputy Sports Editors Taylor Barbour Tyler Everett Jen Hankin

News Editors Alanna Howard Nick Tran

Viewpoint Editor Russell Witham

Sports Editor Kate Shefte

Assistant Viewpoint Editor Zakk White 323 Witherspoon Student Center, NCSU Campus Box 7318, Raleigh, NC 27695

“I would say it’s clean, but it smells funny at times, so I’m not too sure on that.”

HOW TO SUBMIT Send Avani your day-today questions, comments, concerns, issues and whatever else you’d like to have answered in a calculating and thoughtful manner to letters@technicianonline. com. Mark them comments with the subject line “Ask Avani.”

any human relationship is not tangible. Rather, it is merely a state of mind that exists between two people. If any force, positive or negative, alters this state of mind it is very crucial to discuss what it is and how it has affected the relationship. Unfortunately enough, we c a n’t hope and pray the other person will just understand our feelings and emotions; it has to be explicitly stated, but in a way that is sensitive to her feelings. Understand, also, that this won’t necessarily be easy. Honesty takes a lot of courage, but this is an issue that needs to be tackled — fast.

“HARP is just around the corner...”

Photo Editor David Mabe

Design Director Lauren Blakely

Todd Maultsby freshman, political science

“I drink it. I’m not dead.” Elizabeth Ayscue freshman, First Year College


Online poll


This week’s poll results:

Was the Krispy Kreme Challenge an enjoyable experience? I don’t care because it doesn’t affect me 35%

Yes 53%

No 13%

Next week’s poll question:

Does the Wolfline provide effective service for students? • Yes • No • I don’t care because it doesn’t affect me Visit to cast your vote.

Deputy Design Editor Nettie Fisher

Design Editor Biko Tushinde

“I’m going to say no, because if I get water out of the water fountain in my dorm it’s murky.”

Advertising Manager Laura Frey

Technician (USPS 455-050) is the official student newspaper of N.C. State University and is published every Monday through Friday throughout the academic year from August through May except during holidays and examination periods. Opinions expressed in the columns, cartoons, photo illustrations and letters that appear on Technician’s pages are the views of the individual writers and cartoonists. As a public forum for student expression, the students determine the content of the publication without prior review. To receive permission for reproduction, please write the editor. Subscription cost is $100 per year. A single copy is free to all students, faculty, staff and visitors to campus. Additional copies are $0.25 each. Printed by The News & Observer, Raleigh, N.C., Copyright 2008 by North Carolina State Student Media. All rights reserved.



friday, february 12, 2010 • Page 5


Pouring the music like never before The Pour House was rocking at 25,000 watts Feb.5 and 6 from an incredible line-up of songs at the seventh annual Double Barrel Event. Russell Witham Executive Editor

The event, a benefit concert for N.C. State’s student-run radio station, WKNC, featured eight incredible bands across two nights for a relatively inexpensive entrance fee of $9 at the door — $7 if students had purchased tickets in advance. DBB is WKNC’s biggest fundraising event of the year and for the last few years has been held at the Pour House off Moore Square in downtown Raleigh. The two-floor venue is reminiscent of a street alley and, in fact, uses an alley as its entrance; but for Double Barrel, the vibe worked. The peeling paint on the walls, cold concrete floor, musty upstairs, fading colors and scattered band stickers felt damp and cool Friday evening when The Light Pines came to the stage, but the atmosphere brightened immediately as the sculptured rhythms of the guitar and smooth melodies lit up the stage. The first night was a melee of mixture, though. The crowd was brought up to a simmer by The Light Pines and then cooled right back down by the next act, Veelee. With their ethereal bliss of percussion and vocals, Matt and Ginger of Veelee brought a cool rush over the crowd and cooled down the heat of the previous act. The cavernous stage area had some breathing room during the first act and into Veelee, but began to really fill as the night progressed. By the time the rockers from Chapel

Hill, Bellafea, hit the stage, the room was full to the brim and ready to rock. The paint seemed to roll back a little more with every strong move from the hard-hitting trio and the crowd was jumping to the sound of the beat. All the pent up excitement was unleashed just a little later when the night’s headliner, Max Indian, hit the stage. Many of the boys from The Light Pines, including Ryan Gustafson, Carter Gaj and James Wallace, took the stage for the second time, sending the building wild with several of their hits, including “Now I Know,” “Heaven Help Us” and “Whatever Goes Up.” Their tone and beat were similar in many ways to the opening act, The Light Pines, but Max Indian was able to take the crowd up on its shoulders and bring it back down into the moment. The show was raw and intense and left the crowd going home happy with the thought of another entire night of music. The monument to one of college radio’s most influential stations — its 25,000 watts alone places it in the top 10 for college broadcasting power in the country and makes it the largest in the state — continued Saturday evening with the same bitter chill in the outside air and familiarity of purelocal music. The second night started out with Christy Smith, Staci Sawyer and their guest — “local legend” Phil Cook — playing some mellow notes with a simple guitar harmony and African drum. The group was a little dreary at first despite the packed crowd, but was able to loosen up after a cover of the Carpenters’ “Close to You” and Phil’s lightening admission that he was playing bass for the first time in a public venue. “It’s a small bass, but I’m a tall guy,” Cook said. All too soon, and after finally catch-

Michele Chandler/Technician

The Tender Fruit performs at The Pour House during Double Barrel Benefit 7 as the opening act for Saturday night.

ing the crowd in its gaze, The Tender Fruit ended its eight-song set. Soon after, Midnight Dickens changed the tempo and feel of the room with its quirks. Kym Register and Catherine Edgerton caught the building crowd with their emotive lyrics, quirks and multi-instrumentalism. The duet, which usually plays as a piece of a sextet, banged the drums with spoons, pulled out an accordion, banjo, trumpet and added the usual sounds for a creative and unparalleled mixture. Their set felt more like an experiment than anything else, conveying a sense of spontaneity not seen in the most of the other acts. In fact, the two

said they had finished writing one of their songs on the ride over. It made for a truly unique experience and held the audience captive. Spider Bags was yet another dramatic transition — truly, the theme of the night — and crushed the crowd beneath an intense set that felt like an explosion. The group of Dan McGee, Rock Forbes and Gregg Levy was incredibly eccentric and seemed almost possessed at times with vicious finger work on the guitar and pounding drums. Last, but certainly nowhere near least, Roman Candle closed the 2010 DBB with a long set — including an encore — that capped off a spectacular carnival of sound. Pabst Blue Ribbon,

one of the event’s sponsors, seemed to have broken through with the bubbly and enthused crowd that pushed the final set off into a ride through the group’s hits. The event pulsed and moved to the flow of the intoxicating rhythms all the way to the end, celebrating the music and paying tribute to the power of WKNC. The event left the crowd with a mental mark of excellence and set quite a precedent for next year’s acts. One can only hope they come close.

weekend update

WKNC pick of the week Pick of the week


The Magnetic Fields Nonesuch

Charlie Burnett WKNC DJ

Stephin Merritt, leader of the band The Magnetic Fields, has long been one of music’s more underappreciated lyricists, as well as one of its best. Whether he’s writing 69 love songs or applying walls of guitar distortion to his songs, the one thing that always stands out the most in his songs are his lyrics. Sung in a deep baritone that can be an acquired taste for those unaccustomed to it, Merritt delivers charming, clever lines full of self-deprecating humor and wit. For The Magnetic Fields’ ninth record, “Realism,” Mer-

ritt, pianist/vocalist Claudia Gonson, cellist Sam Davol and guitarist/banjo player John Woo strip away the guitar squalls found on the previous record “Distortion” for a more stripped down, acoustic sound reminiscent of “Distortion’s” predecessor and the group’s excellent live sets. Acoustic guitar, piano, mandolin, cello and the contrasting voices of Merritt and Gonson fill the songs with an organic sound. The Magnetic Fields, while always having a noticeably different sound than other bands, craft their songs around pop melodies that can only be described as indelible and lovely, as evidenced in their first track “You Must Be Out of Your Mind.” Wrapped in an exceedingly beautiful musical arrangement, Merritt begins the self-deprecation and crucifying of ex-lovers with such classic lines as “You can’t go ‘round just saying stuff because it’s pretty … And I no longer drink enough to think you’re

witty.” Riding on a buoyant, upbeat melody, “Everything is One Big Christmas Tree” offers a detour, if not all together relief, from Merritt’s notorious lyrical cynicism. A self-help anthem of sorts, Merritt asks the song’s subject “Why sit in your dark and lonely room?” and goes on to recommend to the unnamed subject that if people don’t like them, “screw them … Don’t leave your fortune to them.” On “Always Already Gone,” Gonson takes over the role of lead vocalist to offer a lament of an ex-lover who, while together, seemed to be “always already gone.” A heartbreaking song most could probably relate to, it is made that much more delicate and lovely by a lilting arrangement of banjo, cello, piano and acoustic guitar. Complet ing a self-proclaimed “no-synth trilogy,” “Realism” offers longtime fans the same wit and playfulness The Magnetic Fields has always

Friday, Feb. 12 The Pour House Colourslide & Fullproof The Cave The Late Comers with Storm Front Demolition String Band The Moaners Pneurotics Slim’s Downtown Thieves Shards Death Rats Berkeley Café Creatures of Havoc Hellrazor Viper

courtesy of

been known for, but is also accessible enough to appeal to not just the common indie pop/ rock listener, but the top-40 radio or NPR listener, as well. As a collection of oddball pop songs, “Realism” offers a great starting point for newcomers of

the group, as well as another great entry into its already excellent discography.

Sunday, Feb. 14 Cat’s Cradle Joseph Author

MonsterQuest puts a new spin on something old

Mahmudul Islam Correspondant

From Bigfoot to the Chupacabra, the show covers numerous sightings of “monsters.” Using evidence such as corpses, DNA, videos and photographs, the show weighs in on the possibilities of such creatures ever existing. The team of experts that “MonsterQuest” relies upon, however, varies with each in-

Berkley Café Lonnie Walker Gross Ghost Onward Soldiers Local 506 Butterflies Graveyard Fields The Mugs


From footprints to eyewitness accounts, to strange sonar readings, the History Channel’s show “MonsterQuest” deals with it all. Now in its fourth season, “MonsterQuest” is a show that goes deep into cryptozoology, the study of mythical animals that may or may not exist.

Saturday, Feb. 13 The Cave Chocolate Martini Therapy Robert Griffin Stu Cole

vestigation — and with each monster they plan to investigate. Some of those included in the mix are hunters, former movie costume designers, artists, university scientists and animal researchers. All of them come together to prove whether or not evidence suggests a certain “monster” is real. Perhaps the most interesting part of the show is the actual degree of investigation that goes into each claim. In a recent episode, a sculptor was brought in to recreate an eyewitness account of the Jersey Devil, and a Hollywood costume designer worked to dissect video footage of a Bigfoot sighting to see if it was authentic or simply a man in a monkey suit. While the majority of episodes do delve into the mysteries of the unknown, there have been a few instances where the show takes a look at real phenomena, such as great white

sharks. In another recent episode, the MonsterQuest team attempted to investigate the apparent rise in the population of great white sharks. Through analyzing an assortment of data, the researchers gathered that an increase i n t he se a lion population is causing the great white populat ions to grow, which consequently has resulted in more sightings of sharks of this species. Adding to the historical, investigative part of the show is a dynamic that makes it more viewable. The show does have the tendency, however, to overdo dramatization with

eerie background music or outlandish renderings. At one point, the show goes as far as comparing the great white shark to a serial killer. There was even a reenactment of serial killer stalking women in a dark alley to further emphasize the metaphor. The reenactment was a ploy to vilify the great white sharks. Fittingly, t he show draws a parallel between Steven Spielberg’s depictions of the great white in “Jaws” and actual sightings. In addition to this lighter content, the show does actually provide viewers with some discussion of common-held

“All of them come together to prove whether or not evidence suggests a certain “monster” is real.”

beliefs about the ocean’s deadliest killer, including how and why great white sharks will attack humans. The team of experts even displayed how sharks will mistakenly attack humans when looking for prey. The only downside is the reliance upon some cheesy 3-D animation used to depict actual attacks. Despite this, the show is still worth viewing. Maybe it won’t make you a believer in Bigfoot or one of those elusive sea monsters, but then again, maybe it will. One can surely appreciate the time taken by the MonsterQuest team to investigate all of these fascinating mysteries.

in theatres Release: Feb. 12 Valentine’s Day (PG-13) This comedy film about 10 people living in LA, whose lives intersect on Cupid’s holiday. The movie features a cast of Who’s Who in Hollywood, including Jessica Alba, Julia Roberts, and many more. The Wolfman (R) When Lawrence Talbot sets out to find his brother, he discovers something that he never expected. The movie was inspired by the classic horror film “The Wolfman” and features Oscar winner Anthony Hopkins as Talbot’s father. Percy Jackson & the Olympian (PG) This flick centers around the life of a 12-year-old boy who just so happens to be Poseidon’s son.

Features /Sports

page 6 • friday, february 12, 2010


Not your average Valentine’s Day A few alternative ideas to dinner and a movie Story By staff


alentine’s Day is quickly approaching. Your significant other is expecting a romantic evening, and you’re in charge of surprising him or her. You’re starting to feel the last-minute panic settling in. But fear not; Technician has compiled a few interesting suggestions to keep your holiday interesting. If you and your loved one are looking for more than dinner and a movie, but want to keep from frying your debit card, look no further than this list of creative Valentine’s Day ideas.

For those who really want to escape the ordinary this Valentine’s Day, there are several horseback riding trails in Raleigh. Dead Broke Farm ( is excellently reviewed and the horses are rescued from abusive or neglectful owners. No previous experience or lessons are required, but you do run the risk of having your boyfriend or girlfriend fall more in love with his or her new furry friend than with you.

If you’re celebrating Valentine’s Day early, the Carolina Brewing Co. in Holly Springs, N.C. offers a free tour of the facility, which is both educational and entertaining. Those over 21 can sample local brews for free while learning about the process used to make them.

women’s Basketball

Pack can’t size up against Duke Devils’ post play, rebounding prowess blows State out Ty Johnson Senior Staff Writer

Duke showed why it’s alone at the top of the ACC Thursday night as the Blue Devils thumped the Wolfpack in a 70-39 blowout at Cameron Indoor Stadium with State scoring the fewest total points in a game this season. Just days after an inspired defensive performance against Virginia Tech, State couldn’t stop the Devils’ 6-foot 5-inch center Allison Vernerey. The Pack had no answer for the freshman inside with Tia Bell and Inga Muciniece still sidelined with injuries, and Vernerey thrived, scoring 20 points and pulling down 10 rebounds. “They’re a very big basketball team to start with and we’re a small basketball team to start with,” coach Kellie Harper said, adding the loss of two post players made defending Duke’s bigs an even taller task. “It really takes some things away from you.” But size wasn’t the only thing that mattered as State dropped another game in a venue where it hasn’t won since 1996. “[Vernerey] wanted the ball and she found a way to get it,” Harper said. “She was very mobile.” Vernerey wasn’t the only Blue Devil who wanted the ball though, as senior Joy Cheek pulled in 10 rebounds as her team outrebounded the Pack 47-27. “We knew that rebounding was going to be a key point for our team this game and we were unable to keep them off the boards,” Harper said. “They did a nice job being relentless and finding ways to get

The Winterfest Ice Skating Rink will be open from noon to 9 p.m. on Valentine’s Day. Complimentary rickshaw and carriage rides will be offered from 5 p.m. to close to those wearing their ice rink admission wrist bands. Rickshaw rides will include romantic music, a rose and a blanket to keep you warm, so all the mood setting is pretty much done for you.

Non-profit class tries to help Haiti With the aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti mounting, students are still making efforts to remain committed to helping those affected. The same is true for Eric Fotheringham’s Introduction to Nonprofits class. Lauren Shute Staff Writer

Peggy Boone/Technician

Junior forward Brittany Strachan falls victim to a steal by Duke’s Shay Selby during the first half. Duke tallied 17 steals compared to State’s 12, and the Wolfpack fell to the Blue Devils 70-39.

second shots.” The defensive pressure on State’s guards caused by Duke’s relentless pressing early on frustrated freshman point guard Marissa Kastanek, who began running the point last game. “This is the most aggressive defense we’ve seen all season and that was a little bit of a concern for me,” Harper said of letting a freshman run the offense against the Devils’ defense. “But, you know, honestly, I feel like she needed to experience it to realize she could handle it.” Kastanek committed six turnovers in the first half, but turned it over just once more after intermission as she said

she gained confidence in her abilities. “It was pretty tough,” she said of the first half pressures. “In high school I didn’t see this pressure at all. The biggest lesson I learned is that I can do it.” The loss drops State to 3-6 in ACC play, leaving Harper’s first team in the bottom third of the standings with five games left in the regular season. It has a chance to get back on the right track with a home game against Miami Sunday. “Our kids’ resiliency is about to be checked,” Harper said of the final stretch of the regular season.

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Under normal circumstances, the class is committed to volunteering with a local nonprofit for three to five hours in order to gain experience with service learning. This semester, however, the class decided to do something a bit different. “The first day of class was held on the day of the earthquake,” Fotheringham said. “We talked about it in class, and the students expressed a strong desire to help, so I changed the lectures to focus on international aid and broke them into groups to find ways to help Haiti.” Instead of simply asking for money to fuel aid, each group was assigned the task of creating a way to generate money that focused more on its skills and connections. The groups were asked to assess the amount of time they had available to donate to the cause, and the outcome has been impressive,

according to Fotheringham. “We’re still in the beginning stages, but I’ve been incredibly impressed with how excited and creative some of the groups are,” he said. The groups of students have created ideas that range from selling ribbons for Howl for Haiti, a campus-wide effort to raise money for Haiti, to selling tickets to a benefit dinner. Some students have even decided to do research on the history of Haiti and stem their donation-making ideas from there. Some Haitians have become so impoverished that they must literally derive their nutrients from cakes of mud, a concept that clearly hit home for the students as one group chose to sell “mud pies” – pudding with gummy worms and Oreo cookie crumbles – in order to raise awareness. Another group chose to raise money for Haiti by selling heart-shaped cookies in keeping with a “Hearts for Haiti” theme. Taylor Elkins, a sophomore in psychology, is a part of this group. “We’re capitalizing on Valentine’s Day,” Elkins said. “We’re selling them in packs around campus closer to Valentine’s Day and will also reach out to organizations on Hillsborough Street.” The profits, according to Elkins, will be donated to Kids in Distressed Situations, or KIDS,

which provides toys, clothes and educational materials to children who are in impoverished conditions or have been affected by a natural disaster. This cause is especially important for Elkins, who was planning to volunteer at an orphanage in Haiti over spring break before the catastrophic earthquake hit. “I’m really excited about this because kids are one of my biggest passions and with my trip to Haiti over spring break disrupted, I’m glad to be able to reach out to kids in Haiti regardless,” Elkins said. For many students like Elkins, this volunteering experience has been like no other. According to Fotheringham, the fact that students are able to develop their own projects instead of just volunteering with one that has already been developed will enable students to better apply these skills to creating change in their future. “Hopefully after this project is over they will continue to help with relief efforts in Haiti,” Fotheringham said. “The help needs to be long term and sustainable, and the students seem to understand that. For them, it’s not just a grade, it’s a passion.”


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HARPERS continued from page 8

big part of our lives.” “And if we win, it doesn’t matter what we do. We’ll be happy,” Kellie said. Kellie, the starting point guard for the 1995-1998 University of Tennessee teams that won three consecutive national championships, met Jon in 1997 at a basketball camp while he was a manager for the Auburn University women’s team. They were married two years before they first coached together. She had already broken into coaching at the collegiate level, something Jon had always wanted to do. The decision to work together was natural for the Harpers, though friends and peers were quick to voice their objections. “Even when we went to work as assistants together, people were like, ‘That’s a bad idea,’” Jon said. “I was just like, first of all, this is an opportunity to do what I want to do. I also felt very confident that it would work.” Kellie was named head coach of the Western Carolina Lady Catamounts in 2004 and the dynamic shifted. “When she was made head coach, everyone was like ‘now this really won’t work, because at least before you were equals,” Jon said. “But it just works. I’m sure people think we’re crazy. We have a different relation-

to get that done with this staff, ship, but it works for us.” N.C. State offered Kellie and specifically with Jon. I’m the head coaching job and very comfortable with how he the Harpers uprooted their coaches and what he knows, lives and moved on again. Of and making decisions based course, Jon was right back at on the advice he gives me.” According to team members her side again. According to Kellie, switching jobs was an and the coaches themselves, easy transition, but moving what enables the Harpers to cohabitate in the workeverything else was less so. “Things as simple as going place, where so many other to the dentist – any time you couples would be at each othmove, there’s stress involved,” ers’ throats, is that both share Kellie said. “We don’t have all similar dispositions. They are the boxes unpacked at home, calm and at ease in most situawe’re both so tied up in our tions, but when the clock starts, work. Pretty much any project they rarely leave their feet and scream themwe had prior selves hoarse. to November In addition, is not done, they feel the and it will not same affecget done until tion toward the season’s over.” the 14 new T hei r readditions to lationship the extended translates to Harper “famt h e c ou r t , ily.” where, along Jon Harper, women’s basketball “As coachwith Richard es, we get to assistant coach Barron and take on difStephanie ferent roles,” McCormick, the coaching Kellie said. “Sometimes, we’re tandem is taking Pack women’s their parents, big brother, big basketball in a new direction. sister, friend, teacher, discipliKellie said her husband gives narian. We take on so many valuable advice, though she roles. Especially for us, because doesn’t always take it. we don’t have kids, we see them “We look at the game dif- as our family.” ferently and that’s good,” KelRedshirt sophomore guard lie said. “We have different Emili Tasler said her coaches strengths on the floor, which is aren’t showy about their relagood. As a head coach, I want tionship in front of the team. to be surrounded by assistants “It’s pretty cool,” Tasler said. who are better than me in dif- “You really can’t tell though. ferent areas. I feel like I’m able They goof around with each

“People might think it’s separate, but basketball is a big part of our lives.”


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other. But it’s not weird at all, its actually funny at times, they’re pretty comical.” A f ter a n emot ion a l 2008-2009 campaign and a complete staff overhaul that summer, the team is roughly where it should be and has defied many expectations. But Kellie said Tasler and her teammates will have to buckle down in hopes of overcoming the inconsistency that has plagued them all year and defeat Miami Sunday afternoon. “We’ve been inconsistent. We’ve shown signs that we can be a good basketball team, and then we’ll follow that up with inconsistency,” Kellie said. “We’ve had a good few weeks of practice and I’m excited about that, and hopefully, the kids will be resilient and continue to work hard.” And if the Pack pulls out a win? Maybe there will be a Valentine’s Day outing in the head coach’s future after all. “If we do something, it’ll be a surprise,” Jon said.



continued from page 8

will be a silent auction prior to tipoff, featuring several Yow items, including pink Yow “1” jerseys, a basketball signed by David Thompson and Carolina Hurricanes tickets. Fans will receive free T-shirts at the door while supplies last. Coach Kellie Harper, whose grandmother and several family friends lost the fight with breast cancer, believes the disease touches everyone in some way and hopes the community fills Reynolds in support of the cause. “You can easily make this fight personal. Whether it’s you, someone you love or someone you know, there’s a reason to get behind the initiative,” Harper said. “We hope people realize this is more than just a game. It’s an event, it’s the place to be on Sunday.” Like Harper, redshirt sophomore guard Emili Tasler lost her grandmother to breast cancer and Sunday’s game will hit home for her. “It’s a big deal and it means a lot to me,” Tasler said. “Knowing what Coach Yow and my grandmother went through provides more motivation.” Harper said the team will work to pay tribute to Yow but still remain focused on the contest against Miami. “We’re still trying to find ways to honor her and yet

still be ourselves, still be in the present. But it’s important that we lead the way,” Harper said. “N.C. State needs to be the leader in the fight and set the precedence for other teams across the country to show support and raise money and awareness for breast cancer.” Last year’s game sold out in advance with 8,560 fans in attendance. The Pack rewarded the crowd with a 60-54 victory over No. 17 Virginia. The game, which will be aired on ESPN2, gives Harper and company the chance to shine on the national stage. “I hope we play inspired. We’re on national television, we have the f loor. We can showcase our talents and abilities, but at the same time, celebrate and honor the survivors and those who have lost their battle with breast cancer,” Harper said. “Because of everything our players have gone through in the last two years, they understand the big picture. You can’t take life for granted. We’re just playing a basketball game. I think we want our passion on the court to be inspiration as well.” For Strachan, the event minimizes everyday struggles on and off of the court for her. “With basketball, if you do something bad in the game, it’s so minimal compared to people battling for their lives. The whole event puts things in perspective for you,” Strachan said.


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Wolfpack SWeetheartS

Alicia, I love you! Have an amazing Valentine’s Day with Danial. XOXO Andrea, Happy Valentine’s Day! I love you most and I WIN! Love, Alan Kaid. Dear Ronilyn, I love you. Happy Valentines Day. -Miles Happy Valentine’s Day Laura, Charlie, Andrea, David, Chelsea, Julia, Ronilyn, Miles, John, Alex, Sasha, Caleb, Olivia, By The Rachel, Matt, Brian, Abby, Meredith, Leah and Nathalie.

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Hab Techs Needed!! Maxim Healthcare needs staff to work w/developmentally disabled clients in Wake Co. Flexible hours in afternoons, evenings and weekends. $9-$10/hr. Need own transportation. 919-676- 3118. Help Wanted for downtown fitness center. Must be an early morning person. 2-3 mornings a week. Pay negotiable. Pay starts at $9.00 an hour. Call (919)-961-6367. Leave message.

Help Wanted

YMCA Camp Cheerio Seeking energetic, fun, and highly motivated staff who enjoy working with children 7 -15 years old. Work 5-11 weeks. Pay ranges $190-$230/wk plus room and board. High atop the mountains in Roaring Gap, NC. Directors will be in the brickyard TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16th to conduct interviews or to answer questions. Contact Leigh Landis at leigh@ for an application or to schedule an interview.

Work Wanted

Summer Camp Staff Wanted No Weekend Work The City of Raleigh Parks and Recreation Department is seeking applicants 18 and older that are interested in working with campers ages 6-11 this upcoming summer in a recreational setting. Experience working with children or in a summer camp environment is a plus, but not necessary. Pay range is $8.25 and up per hour. Position begins in late May and ends in mid-August. Please contact Tiffany Hiller by email, tiffany. or by phone, 919831-6165. The City of Raleigh is an Equal Opportunity Employer.


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Needed: A technician with vast experience in conducting organic synthesis is needed for occasional organic synthesis work in a Centennial Campus laboratory. Please send resume to: or call: (919) 515-0741. Available immediately.

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Work one on one w/children w/disabilities. part time evenings and/or weekends. we will train. $9-14 p/h. for more info or application go to

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LIVE OFF CAMPUS. Wolfline•City Bus•Walk. 2bd. W/D. Energy effi­cient. Unique location. Appt. 832-6083 Walk to campus - 1BR 1BA 1513 Collegeview $400/month includes all utilities, cable, internet, W/D, kitchen, living, parking. Furnished units also available. 919-341-7233

Homes For rent

4 BR, 3 Bath, Kitchen, Den, Laundry, parking, yard, $895/ Month, For the 10/11 school year. Contact Charlie Dick at or cell 336-707-7788.

Parking For rent

Convenient Parking! Directly next to campus. Valpark saves you gas, tickets, and towing! 919-821-7444.

ServiceS Spring Break

BAHAMAS SPRING BREAK $189 5DAYS or $239 7-DAYS. All prices include: Round-trip luxury cruise with food. Accommodations on the island at your choice of thirteen resorts. Appalachia Travel. 800-867-5018. Looking for Spring Break options? Check out the Travel Center at the top of

HOUSE FOR RENT – 4BR, 2 car garage, 1800sq ft, plus basement. Trailwood Hills Subdivision, close to campus. $1850/ month plus utilities. Call 622-1480 or Near NCSU. Exceptional 3, 4, and 5 Bedroom Houses. Close to Campus. Available August 1, 2010. Very attractive. Ideal for students. Call day: 833-7142 and evening: 783- 9410. Please visit our website

By The Mepham Group

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ACROSS 1 Big theme park star 6 Fancy dance 10 Cookie fruit 14 Fabulous storyteller 15 Reed instrument 16 Katz of “Hocus Pocus” 17 Mill input 18 Two-time 1980s skating gold medalist 19 German wheels 20 Theft with a clean getaway? 23 Bruise treatment 24 Corpulence 25 Filling the shelves with no leftover merchandise or space? 30 Manx, for one 31 Insult 32 Attractive locale 36 Short range 38 Play for time 41 [It’s gone!] 42 No-frills 44 Word repeated in a famous FDR quote 46 St. whose northernmost division is Boundary County 47 Loud signal when the fries are done? 51 Without means of support? 54 Mil. rank 55 Yoko? 60 Take too much of, briefly 61 Fictional plantation 62 They have their pride 64 Ascend 65 __ Valley: Reagan Library site 66 1940s-’50s NFLer __ “Crazylegs” Hirsch 67 Turndowns 68 Carrier since 1948 69 Heads to sea DOWN 1 Droop 2 Bierce defines it “His”


By Kurt Mengel & Jan-Michele Gianette

3 “__ stands now ...” 4 Inlaid work 5 Market advances 6 Get a spare, perhaps 7 Irish Rose’s guy 8 Plenty 9 Doesn’t bother with 10 Suspense movie sound 11 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame architect 12 Epithet for many leaders, with “the” 13 Frivolous 21 Diamond et al. 22 Mine stratum 25 Line crosser of a sort 26 “Later” 27 Plains natives 28 Enthusiast 29 Plant connection 33 Prepare to strike, snake-style 34 It can’t be understood until it’s broken 35 Whence the wise men? 37 Some crop dusters 39 Sign before Virgo

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40 End 43 Either of two filmmaking brothers 45 Grandly entertains 48 Fly over Africa? 49 Go after with vigor 50 Hun king 51 He was inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame the same year as Billie Jean


52 Music player 53 Strike __: model 56 Funny Bombeck 57 Leave in a hurry, slangily 58 Actress Petty 59 Hydroxyl compound 63 Method: Abbr.



•8 days until the baseball team’s season opener against La Selle University


• Page 6: A recap of the women’s basketball game against Duke




Big weekend for Wolfpack Women

Football coaching staff adds one Head football coach Tom O’Brien announced Thursday that Jon Tenuta has come on board the Wolfpack coaching staff. He will replace Andy McCollum as the linebackers coach. McCollum departed State on Tuesday for another job. Tenuta’s resume includes 29 years of coaching experience, in addition to 16 as a defensive coordinator. His most recent position was at Notre Dame for the past two season. He has also tenured at Georgia Tech, North Carolina, Ohio State, SMU, Kansas State and Marshall. SOURCE: N.C. STATE ATHLETICS

Club ice hockey to honor seniors The men’s club ice hockey team will honor its graduating seniors on Senior Night tonight against UNCWilmington. 10 players will be leaving the program in May. A special ceremony prior to the puck drop will commemorate those players. The Wolfpack face off with the Seahawks at 9 p.m. at the RecZone off of Wake Forest Road. The Pack fell 5-4 in overtime to Duke in its last contest. For directions and more information, visit www. SOURCE: N.C. STATE ICE HOCKEY












Sa 6
























DID YOU KNOW? New Pack linebackers coach Jon Tenuta coached current Carolina Panther Julius Peppers when he played defensive end at Carolina.


Monday: A recap of the men’s basketball game on the road against UNC Chapel-Hill

Coaching the Pack a family affair Head coach Kellie Harper and husband Jon will spend their Valentine’s Day on the sidelines

Pack expects plenty of pink in the stands for fifth annual Hoops 4 Hope game, hopes to carry on Yow’s legacy vs. Miami

Kate Shefte Sports Editor

State fans have come to recognize Kellie Harper, who took over the State women’s basketball head coaching position from inStephanie Glance last year. She quickly ascended the ranks to become the youngest women’s basketball head coach in the ACC. Harper is known for taking her work home with her, but she has a good reason. Her assistant coach also happens to be her husband of over 10 years, Jon. Jon has f lourished in a supporting role and his booming voice and big personality are mainstays on the side court at Reynolds Coliseum. He coaches point guards, helps run practices and assists with recruiting. It also happens to be his job to plan the couple’s Valentine’s Day evening, something he said he hasn’t thought much about. Will they be doing anything this year? “Hopefully,” Kellie said, looking in anticipation at her husband. According to Kellie, the Harpers are fairly “laid back” and “down-to-earth” people, and if they did make

Hoops 4 Hope event supports a cause ‘bigger than basketball’

Lindsey Hall Senior Staff Writer


Kelly and Jon Harper plead with their team Jan. 25 in a game against UNC-Chapel Hill. State takes on Miami this Sunday in the program’s fourth annual Hoops 4 Hope game.

Valentine’s Day plans, they would probably include dinner and a movie. But most Valentine’s Days don’t see both husband and wife on the floor coaching one of State women’s basketball’s biggest games of the regular season. The annual Hoops for Hope event will take place Sunday at 5:30 p.m., which preemptively put the kibosh

on whatever Jon might have planned for the holiday. “I’m not making big plans, because if we lose it would not be a good idea for us to go out and try and celebrate,” he said with a laugh. “I know how both of us are. That would not be a fun dinner. People might think it’s separate, but basketball is a

HARPERS continued page 7

Whether you’re spending Valentine’s Day with a significant other or celebrating “Singles Awareness Day,” one of the great ways to spend your Sunday afternoon is in Reynolds Coliseum at the fifth annual Hoops 4 Hope game. The Wolfpack Women host the Miami Hurricanes at 5:30 p.m. in the event created with the help of legendary coach Kay Yow. Hoops 4 Hope is a basketball game centered around hope -- hope for early detection of breast cancer, hope for increased survival and hope for a cure. Admission is $10 for adults, $5 for youth and free to students with a valid I.D. Ticket sales and funds raised from donations, merchandise sales and a silent auction go to the Kay Yow/WBCA Cancer Fund. Last year’s event raised $91,200 in addition to a $200,000 check from GlaxoSmithKline, as well as other donors. One in seven women ei-

ther has or will develop breast cancer in her lifetime and cancer clearly is not selective in its attacks. Just over one year ago, on Jan. 24, 2009, the Wolfpack community lost one of its own in Hall of Fame Coach Kay Yow. The disease may have taken her life, but it did not win the battle. For years, Yow devoted her time and efforts outside of coaching to raise breast cancer awareness and funding. Hoops 4 Hope is just one of her endeavors. During the game there will be a special tribute to Yow and at halftime, survivors will be recognized on the court. Junior forward Brittany Strachan said that she will draw extra motivation and strength on the court from the Hoops 4 Hope storyline. “Seeing how much hope people have now, with new technolog y, medicine and fundraising – just to see those people walk out on that court with their heads held high, it definitely adds adrenaline.” Strachan said. “When you think of all the people, like coach Yow, who never give up, it always makes you try even harder.” The program combines breast cancer awareness, fundraising and celebrating of the lives of so many who have battled or are currently fighting breast cancer. There

HOOPS continued page 7


Wolfpack in battle of ACC basement teams this Saturday Saturday’s game to feature two teams looking to bounce back from disappointing losses

 Brent Kitchen
 Senior Staff Writer

The men’s basketball team heads to Chapel Hill Saturday with pride on the line. Not only will it be playing for bragging rights against rival North Carolina, but it will also be playing to avoid the unique distinction of worst team in the ACC.

The Pack sits at last in the ACC with a conference record of 2-8 but just one loss behind the 2-7 Tar Heels, meaning the loser of the game will gain sole possession of last place.

The team, however, is coming off a difficult loss at the hands of the Virginia Tech Hokies, a loss in which coach Sidney Lowe said physicality played a key role. The Hokies had it; State did not.

But according to freshman forward Josh Davis, the practices before the contest at Carolina will help the team regain its intensity.

“We’re going to go in the gym and it’s going to be a hard practice,” Davis said. “That’s basically the thing we’ve got to do.”

The records, however, are not indicative of the rivalry.

The Tar Heels are just 1-4 in conference at home this season, including a loss Wednesday to Duke. The Pack matches that mark with a 1-4 road record in the conference this season.

State will have to avoid long scoring droughts in order to keep pace with the home team Saturday, according to freshman guard Scott Wood.


can’t go into seven minute droughts where we don’t score,” Wood said. “That will definitely help.”

Junior forward Tracy Smith put up a team-high 20 points in the earlier meeting between the two teams, a 77-63 Carolina win. But he will need help from the guards to play well in the post again, according to Lowe.

“You have to shoot the ball better to take pressure away from the bigs,” Lowe said. “We have to make some shots and better decisions.”

The Pack will also need another big night from junior guard Javier Gonzalez. Gonzalez had 19 points during the Jan. 26 game against the Tar Heels, including a 3-4 shooting performance from three-point range.

“[The guards] know they’re going to get looks,” Lowe said. “The thing that’s frustrating is you can’t shoot the ball for them.”

The team shot just 27.8 percent from the field Wednesday night against the Hokies, including an 0-7 performance from beyond the arc.

The Pack has beaten the men from Chapel Hill just once under Lowe and has lost seven straight contests. Whichever team walks out of the Dean Dome the victor will snap a lengthy losing streak. The last win for the Heels came against the Wolfpack in the RBC Center Jan. 26, while the Pack’s last ACC win came against Duke Jan. 20.

But according to Wood, despite the poor performances by the teams, the game will come down to the fundamentals.

“I think if we execute and play good defense and rebound, it should be a good game,” Wood said.

Tipoff is set for 4 p.m. at the Dean E. Smith Center in Chapel Hill.


Tracy Smith tries to dribble past Carolina’s Ed Davis during the second half of State’s 77-63 loss Jan. 26. The Pack will have another go at UNC this weekend.

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4 West Virginia vs. 23 Pittsburgh Maryland vs. 7 Duke 20 Georgia Tech vs. Wake Forest N.C. State vs. UNC Virginia vs. Virginia Tech

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