Technician - August 28, 2009

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Technician          

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Raleigh, North Carolina

Committee evaluates comments from forum MeMbers iMpressed with student turnout, shocked at lack of focus on athletics Ty Johnson Editor-in-Chief

WheN is The NexT meeTiNg?

A day after students, faculty and the next meeting of the staff gathered for separate forums in chancellor search committee Stewart Theatre to discuss the qualiis scheduled for thursday, oct. 22. ties they would like for the new chancellor to possess, the search committee SourCe: ChanCeLLor’S oFFiCe that will select candidates met in the Park Alumni Building to evaluate the findings from the discussions. Members cited a division among qualifications outlined at the forums, forum attendees over whether candi- but said it would be possible to find dates should have an academic back- one that could fit the needs of the ground and determined that graduate University. “There’s not going to be a perfect school degrees would be preferred, but not necessary for a candidate to be person,” Carlton said. “We’re going to have to choose the best fit.” considered for the position. Board of Trustees Second Vice Chair Wendell Murphy said he was not Barbara Mulkey said under the impresshe was impressed sion that an effective with the comments chancellor needed to students voiced at come from the field their forum. of academia. He said “I’m overwhelmed it was more imporby t he mat u r it y tant to hire an effecof the students,” tive provost to head Mulkey said. “Espeacademics. cially compared to “He needs to be me at that age.” able to find the right The students’ conprovost for the job,” cerns were valid, she Murphy said, addsaid. ing interim Provost Steve Carlton, faculty senate “Yes, many [of the Wa r w ic k A rd e n chairman suggestions] were could be a candidate idealistic, but I was for the permanent impressed with how provost position. “We might have him already, we might serious they were taking it,” Mulkey said. not.” Still, she said one thing shocked her. Faculty Senate Chairman Steve “I was very surprised we didn’t hear Carlton said it would be difficult to find a candidate that fit all of the more about athletics,” she said.

“It [will] be difficult to find a candidate that fits all ... qualifications outlined at the forums.”

Through JoNAThAN’s leNs

Drier Carr/teChniCian

Jim ceresnak, student body president, speaks during an open meeting of the chancellor search committee in the hood board room at the park alumni center on centennial campus thursday, aug. 27. the committee discussed feedback from the open forms held in stewart theatre on wednesday, aug. 26 and drafted the job description for the new chancellor. ceresnak said that for students, the most important qualities in a new chancellor are visibility and the ability to actively listen to students.

Student Body President Ji m Ceresnak said he thought students likely considered the pursuit of athletic excellence as one of the requirements they wanted in a chancellor. He was glad, he said, that other qualities were major concerns for the student body -- among them most important-

ly being visibility. Students said they wanted a visionary leader, someone who “would bring us to the next step and bring us to the top,” he said While students may not have voiced their concerns about athletics during the forum, President of the Graduate Student Association Ali Kefeli said

photo By Jonathan StephenS iles Walker, junior in chemistry, hits back a scoring throw at the Ultimate Frisbee open games Wednesday night. “I just came out here for fun. I get to work out some. I’m not really interested in joining the team, I just came out to play.” Over 50 people turned out for the Ultimate open games hosted by the men’s and women’s Ultimate Frisbee teams. Jay Cope, senior in aerospace engineering and part of the Ultimate team, says, “It’s a fun event that attracts and bonds the community. It attracts more people to the game and provides a good outlet and workout at the beginning of the year.” Will Mullen, a freshman in chemical engineering, saw the posted flyers around campus ane emailed the captain of the team. “I played for two years in high school and [ultimate frisbee] quickly became a passion.” Many freshmen came out to play, interested in joining, as well as upper classman who attend every year. Michael Lloyd, senior in biochemistry, says he comes every year. Lloyd says, “It’s good to come out and play, practice, and improve with the club players. [You] get to see how they play and play right with them.”


his fraternity has a one-time cost for enrollment, affordability is already built into its recruitment plan. “Our fraternity is very affordable due to the one time cost for enrollJasmine Willis ment,” Bascombe said. Staff Writer Although his fraternity does not ofAs the recession continues on its fer any payment plans, Bascombe said roller coaster ride, sororities and fra- there are lots of ways to get financial ternities are finding new, innovative support. “On several occasions, members ways to maintain their numbers. Several affiliated members are given an will receive support by branching out incentive to continue their member- to sponsors, family members, or those ship despite the economic hard times. already in the fraternity,” he said. Taylor Resparc, a Sororities, like sophomore majorDelta Gamma, are ing in chemical enfinding ways to acgineering, said he commodate pledgwasn’t aware that es that may have anyone had ever left f i na ncia l issues. his fraternity, Phi “Many people are Kappa Phi, because pa nick ing about of a lack of funds. continuing their af“I don’t know anyfiliation, when really one personally who this is the best time has dropped out of to come through,” the fraternity beKellie Stanton, Delta tre McQueen, senior in cause of financial Gamma’s vice presmarketing reasons,” Resparc ident of finance, , said. said. “Because of the Resparc has been a economic state, the member of Phi Kapsorority is offering payment plans to encourage members pa Phi since last spring. The fraternity makes a one-time fee per semester to reinstate their membership.” Stanton said dues are being cut online. The amount paid depends on down as much as possible to make if the member desires to stay in the fraternity house or in a regular dorm this sorority more affordable. Kornelius Bascombe, a vice presi- room. “Some people might be a bit disdent of Alpha Phi Alpha and a junior majoring in criminology, said because couraged because of the price,” Re-

“Joining the fraternity helps one focus on the achievement in every field of human endeavor,”

Going above and beyond

NC State Bookstores Student T-Shirt 2nd Annual Design Contest

seArch continued page 3

Greek organizations deal with economic woes Fraternities, sororities offer ideas, payment plans to help pledges who may have financial burdens


that did not mean they were not finding other ways to let the committee know they cared about the University’s sports teams. He said that among the feedback he has received online, the two

Call fors! Entrie

Proceeds benefit:


WhAT does iT cosT To go greek?

the National pan-hellenic Council, the Interfraternity Council, the Collaborative Greek Council and the panhellenic Association make up the majority of the sororities and fraternities. For each council, the amount of members and the price of each individual organization varies. Some institutions offer a one-time fee, while others require semester payments. Fees cover programs held throughout the year and on or off campus housing in a fraternity or sorority house. SourCe: GreeK LiFe

sparc said. “But once they are in the fraternity, they see the benefit of the cost.” Kappa Alpha Psi’s publicity chair, Tre McQueen, a senior majoring in Marketing, said members of his fraternity pay a one-time fee and a small fee each semester, but that those who join think the price is reasonable, especially for what each member receives. “The cost of joining the fraternity helps one focus on the achievement in every field of human endeavor,” McQueen said.

Buy a new Mac for college & get a free iPod Touch. Go to for details. Offer expires Sept. 8th.

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PAGE 2 • FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 2009






In Thursday’s page 1 story, “Premiere brings protest, praise,” Joslyn Brenton and Jess Lane were both misquoted. Lane’s quote should have been attributed to Jessica Lawrence and Brenton’s quote should have been attributed to Will Lamb. Technician apologizes for any inconvenience this may have caused.







Sa 1































Today GRAPHIC QUILTS AT THE GREGG Gregg Museum of Art & Design, noon to 10 p.m.

In Wednesday’s page 4 editorial, “The chancellor checklist,” the length of Chancellor James Woodward’s term at UNCCharlotte was incorrect. He was chancellor at UNCC for 16 years.


Technician regrets these errors. Send all clarifications and corrections to Editor-inChief Ty Johnson at editor@

TERMINATOR SALVATION Witherspoon Cinema, 7 to 8:55 p.m. SUNSHINE CLEANING Witherspoon Cinema, 9:30 to 11 p.m.


TERMINATOR SALVATION Witherspoon Cinema, 11:59 p.m.


Working the wheel

84/70 Morning showers with scattered thunderstorms in the afternoon. Isolated thunderstorms in the evening with and overnight low of 70. Chance of precipitation at 40 percent.


88 72 Partly cloudy with isolated thunderstorms during the day gives way to partly cloudy skies overnight. Chance of precipitation at 30 percent.



amra Sair, a 2005 accounting alumna, sits at the potter’s wheel in the newly renovated Thomson Hall Craft Center. The center offers many introductory classes such as pottery and photography, as well as weaving and carpentry. “Since it is open at night me and my friends can come here and learn new things,” Sair said.

IN THE KNOW Institute offers free class The John William Pope Civitas Institute is offering a Campaign Management course for college students as part of the Civitas Institute Academy of Practical Politics. The class is held on Wedsnesdays from 3 to 6 p.m. throughout the



85 69 Scattered thunderstorms during the day with showers overnight. Chance of precipitation at 40 percent. SOURCE: WWW.WEATHER.COM

QUOTE OF THE DAY “I was very surprised we didn’t hear more about athletics” Barbara Mulkey, board of tr’ second vice chair, on student comments at the chancellor search forum

GET INVOLVED IN TECHNICIAN Technician is always looking for people to write, design, copy edit and take photos. If you’re interested, come to our office on the third floor of Witherspoon (across from the elevators) Monday to Thursday 9 a.m. to midnight and Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., or e-mail Editor-inChief Ty Johnson at editor@

ON THE WEB See exclusive audio/photo slideshows. Answer the online poll. Read archived stories. There’s something new every day at Check it out!

After 56 years, Kennedy family may lose control of Senate seat As mourners began to gather in Boston Thursday to say farewell to Sen. Edward Kennedy, Massachusetts officials began moving to fill his seat quickly — but possibly with someone from outside the Kennedy family for the first time in 56 years. His widow, Vicki, was mentioned by political insiders as a possible successor, but family members discouraged such talk. No one in the next generation of Kennedys, including former U.S. Rep. Joseph Kennedy II, the oldest son of Robert F. Kennedy, is seen as a serious contender. Rep. Patrick Kennedy, D-R.I., would have to give up his seat and move to Massachusetts to succeed his father. SOURCE: MCT

Sex offender, wife arrested in girl’s 1991 abduction A 58-year-old convicted rapist and his wife have been arrested in connection with the 1991 abduction of 11-year-old Jaycee Lee Dugard, who surfaced alive in the San Francisco Bay area on Wednesday after disappearing for 18 years. Phillip Craig Garrido, a registered sex offender, and his wife, Nancy, were booked into the El Dorado County Jail Thursday afternoon on kidnapping and other charges, after their arrest on Wednesday. Dugard was reunited with her mother earlier Thursday at a meeting in the Bay Area at an undisclosed location. SOURCE: MCT

Obama’s approval rating slips to 50 percent, poll finds President Barack Obama, who won the White House with an Electoral College landslide and

semester, beginning Sept. 9 and ending Dec. 2. The CIAOPP course is held each semester and includes real life scenarios that experienced campaign professionals face on a daily basis. There is no other equivalent political training available for aspiring campaign professionals in our area. The class is free, held in Research Triangle Park and dinner is served with each class. For more information and

enjoyed soaring public approval for the job he was doing in the weeks following his inauguration, has fallen to 50-percent jobapproval in the newest daily tracking of the Gallup Poll. The new low for Obama in the Gallup Poll, which measured the president’s public job-approval at a peak of 69 percent after his inauguration in January, tracks other national polls which recently have gauged his approval ratings at 51 percent. SOURCE: MCT

Judge’s order challenges executive branch secrecy In a highly unusual legal step, a federal judge ordered the government to grant an attorney a security clearance so he can represent a disgruntled former narcotics officer. The judge’s order significantly boosts attorney Brian Leighton’s long legal battle on behalf of Richard Horn, a Drug Enforcement Administration veteran whose service ranged from California’s San Joaquin Valley to the Burmese jungles. More broadly, the new judicial order challenges the president’s customary monopoly in controlling access to secrets. SOURCE: MCT

Tropical storm watch posted for part of N.C. coast A disorganized Tropical Storm Danny slowly wobbled westward Thursday. But forecasters still expected it to veer north and skirt the Northeast coast — though likely not as a hurricane. The National Hurricane Center posted a tropical storm watch at 5 p.m. Thursday for a portion of coastal North Carolina. New England could be bracing for a possible landfall or blustery sideswipe by Saturday. SOURCE: MCT

Facebook knows too much, ACLU says in warning of quizzes Privacy advocates have long warned that users of Facebook and other social networks who seek amusement from quizzes like “What Simpsons Character Are You?” might be mortified by the


Globalizing the University The Office of International Affairs is hosting a seminar today titled “Globalization Strategies and International Services at N.C. State.” The purpose of the seminar, which is a part of a series, is to inform campus communiway creators of such applications can access and potentially “scrape” personal information — not just about the quiz-takers, but their friends as well. Now, engaging in some online jujitsu, the ACLU of Northern California is employing a cautionary Facebook quiz of its own to illustrate how quizzes that may seem “perfectly harmless” can release an array of data to the wider world — including users’ “religion, sexual orientation, political affiliation, photos, events, notes, wall posts, and groups.” SOURCE: MCT

ties about the globalization strategies and will focus on the international programs that are available to students, staff and faculty. The seminar is also aiming to promote existing international programs, as well as develop new opportunities that will help to keep campus informed, trained and globally competent. SOURCE: NCSU.EDU

R-Greenville. In a brief news conference in Greenville, the Republican governor said Thomas is only interested in raising his political profile for his upcoming race for Congress. Sanford also said he was being unfairly held to a higher standard than past governors and lawmakers, repeating his claim that, during the past 25 years, 230 businessclass tickets were bought on the state’s dime for various lawmakers, staffers and governors. SOURCE: MCT

California selling cars, dental chairs, laptops in giant `garage sale’ The U.S. government paid for clunkers, but California wants it the other way around. To reduce government waste and raise money, the state is selling thousands of items including old cars — some have Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s signature on the visor — at what it’s calling the Great California Garage Sale at a Sacramento warehouse on Friday and Saturday, and on eBay and Craigslist. SOURCE: MCT

Mom in kidnap hoax sentenced to nine months Bonnie Sweeten, the Philadelphia area mother of three whose faked kidnapping in May drew national coverage, was sentenced Thursday to serve at least nine months in prison. Sweeten, 38, of Feasterville, Pa., was labeled “a calculating, manipulative, cold-blooded woman” by Bucks County Court Judge Jeffrey L. Finley after she pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges of identity theft and false reports. Finley sentenced her to serve nine to 24 months, followed by four years of probation. SOURCE: MCT

Sanford strikes back at state Senate probe South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford blasted a state Senate subcommittee investigation Thursday and the investigation’s leader, Sen. David Thomas,

Owner of coalfired power plants accused of violating Clean Air Act The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan on Thursday sued the owner of six coal-fired power plants that are some of the biggest contributors to dirty air in the Chicago area. In a 75-page lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Chicago, the federal and state governments accused Midwest Generation of extending the life of its aging power plants without installing pollution controls required under the federal Clean Air Act. SOURCE: MCT

POLICE BLOTTER Aug. 25 4:18 A.M. | CHECK PERSON Wolf Village Way Report of suspicious subject. Officers checked area but did not locate anyone. 4:59 A.M. | CHECK PERSON Wolf Village Way Housekeeping report seeing subject from earlier incident. Officers located student out walking. No problems noted. 7:39 A.M. | TRAFFIC ACCIDENT Faucette Drive Nonstudent was backing vehicle and struck a nonstudent. 8:32 A.M. | CHECK PERSON Talley Student Center Report of subject sleeping on bench. Subject left prior to officer’s arrival. 11:15 A.M. | SUSPICIOUS INCIDENT NCSU Bookstore NCSU PD initiated investigation with NCSU Bookstore Loss Prevention Officer. 11:53 | SUSPICIOUS INCIDENT Talley Student Center Staff member reported suspicious incident. 11:59 A.M. | DAMAGE TO PROPERTY Avent Ferry Complex Student reported upon return to room door was ajar and door frame damaged. Housing was notified and investigation ongoing. 1:22 P.M. | LARCENY Carmichael Gym Student reported theft of unsecured wallet. 1:41 | BREAKING AND ENTERING SAS Hall Student reported theft of engagement ring. 2:28 P.M. | WARRANT SERVICE Public Safety Building NCSU PD arrested nonstudent for suspected bike larceny. 3:12 P.M. | SAFETY PROGRAM Williams Hall Officer conducted RBI Safety Program. 3:22 P.M. | DRUG VIOLATION Wolf Village Report of possible drug violation. Investigation revealed nonstudent smoking cigarettes. Housing is following up reference. 5:37 P.M. | ASSAULT Avent Ferry Complex Report of dispute between students. Officers located subjects arguing over which vehicle to drive. Threat assessments were completed on both subjects.


The Technician staff is always looking for new members to write, design or take photos. Visit for more information.


for new members to write, design or for more information.

Who is on the committee?

ian was there. ou can be too.

The 17-member chancellor search committee is made up of members of the University’s Board of Trustees, members of the faculty and staff, and students. • • • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • • •

Trustee Bob Jordan Trustee Jack L. Cozort Trustee Benjamin P. Jenkins III Trustee Gayle S. Lanier Trustee Barbara Mulkey Trustee Steve F. Warren Trustee Cassius S. Williams Student Trustee Jim W. Ceresnak Kenneth “Ken” M. Atkins, Executive Director of Wake County Economic Development Steven “Steve” A. Carlton, Chair of the Staff Senate A. Lynn Daniel, President and Founder of The Daniel Group Meredith J. Davis, Director of Graduate Programs in the Department of Graphic Design Ali Kefeli, President of the Graduate Student Association Todd R. Klaenhammer, Professor of Food, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences Wendell H. Murphy, Chairman and CEO of MurFAM Enterprises LLC Margery F. Overton, Chair of the Faculty Senate Daniel L. Solomon, Dean of the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Trustee S. Lawrence Davenport, Ex Officio, President of J.P. Davenport and Son, Inc.

Technician was there. You can be too. The Technician staff is always looking for new members to write, design or take photos. Visit www. for more friday, august 28, 2009 • Page 3 information.

Technician was there. You can be too.



“People were very impressed with the [student] turnout,” Ceresnak said after the comcontinued from page 1 mittee meeting. “It’s the largest they’ve ever seen at any searches and Mr. Bakerphotos. has done words have cometoup the design ways looking for newthat members write, or take most have been leadership and about 500 academic chancelVisit followed forormore information. lor provost searches so that morals by athletics. “Let’s not think students carries a lot of weight.” Ceresnak said the commitdon’t care about athletics,” tee is dedicated to allowing stuKefeli said. The turnout at the forum dent input into the process and was also impressive, said Jerry recognizes the student body is Baker of Baker and Associates an integral part of the search. “The members understand LLC, the executive firm the University selected to help fa- that students have an imporcilitate the chancellor search. tant voice and are an important Baker said the student turnout piece of the process,” Ceresnak was the largest for any provost said. or chancellor search that he had ever been a part of. The Technician staff is always looking for new members to write, design or take photos. Visit for more information.

Technician was there. You can be too.

The Technician staff is always looking for new members to write, design or take photos. Visit www. for more information.

The Technician staff is always looking for new members to write, design or take photos. Visit for more information.

Technician was there. You can be too.


page 4 • friday, august 28, 2009


{Our view}

Congestion and mayhem flood campus T

The FacTs:

Traffic congestion and severe parking issues have plagued the University this semester. The construction projects on and around campus have created a lack of available spaces. This has led to overflow on some areas of campus despite several alternate modes of campus transit.

Our OpiniOn: The University and students need to actively address the issue and find some alternatives to the current mayhem.


campus FOrum


HOW TO SUBMIT Letters must be submitted before 5 p.m. the day before publication and must be limited to 250 words. Contributors are limited to one letter per week. Please submit all letters electronically to viewpoint@ Thanks for Fox Thanks so much for your article “Megan Fox isn’t the only fox.” Noticing the incoming freshmen ladies, and women of all ages, it completely irks me that our gender is still convinced they have to strive to obtain ridiculous cookie-cutter shapes and dumb themselves down to fit our modern media-crazed society. I wish that each woman would recognize “being a young, educated woman already makes you hot.” Not only will they be free to look however they want, but will be released of the burden of feeling inadequate because they may not meet ultimately irrelevant standards. Letisha McLaughlin graduate student, physics Look both ways, please Crossing the street should not be such a hard concept. Look both ways, and then cross. It seems to me that no one does that anymore. The ones who don’t do it appear to be a part of the huge freshman class that has taken over campus this year. People, you’re in college, you should know how to cross the street without almost getting run over. Use the crosswalks and make sure you make eye contact with the driver you are walking in front of. And please, hurry! We are trying to get somewhere too and have very little patience to sit there while you Bebop on across with your headphones on. Also, it aggravates me more than anything when people don’t use crosswalks and cross when they don’t have the right of way. You’re only endangering yourself and causing more stress for those of us trying to drive through you. We will let you cross, as long you don’t act like you own the road. I am so tired of almost hitting people crossing the streets around campus and dealing with those that don’t pay attention. Mae Elizabeth Cooper senior, extension education We must increase our consciousness I went to Harris Field with a friend on Wednesday to walk by the line in front of Campus Cinema at the controversial showing of the movie “I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell”. I noticed two lines there. One line consisted of my fellow students

he start of a new school year entails certain inevitabilities. Sweltering heat, bewildered freshman and the buzz of construction are events we’ve all come to know and accept. Congestion and excruciating parking should not and must not be allowed to enter those hallowed ranks. The traffic situation this semester has been particularly unbearable — not to say this isn’t a perennial issue, but it certainly has taken on a life of its own. The construction and subsequent decrease in parking spaces certainly deserves some blame, but there are ways students can help alleviate this semi-temporary difficulty. There are many alternative

The unsigned editorial is the opinion of the members of Technician’s editorial board excluding the news department and is the responsibility of the Editor-in-Chief.

ways to reach campus — many of which also take vehicles off campus’s roads. The Wolfline is an extremely efficient service (compared to many other city-bus services) that is paid for by student fees. To not utilize the buses, if you can, is a waste of money you’ve already doled out to the University. Not only will riding the bus, even a few times a week, take automobiles off the road, it’s akin to rewarding yourself. For students who live offcampus, the buses serve several park & ride lots. These satellite-parking areas relieve parking-induced stress and can allay some of the pressure

that has ravaged on-campus parking areas. This has been especially prevalent this year at the Coliseum Deck, which has experienced serious overflow issues. Many students were upset with the changes the University made to the GoPass program over the summer. The truth is that the ability to ride Capital Area Transit and Triangle Transit Authority buses for free is an incredible privilege. Take the time to go and get a pass from NCSU Transportation — even if you only ride every once in a while, it’s worth your time. Additionally, students might want to consider riding their


EDITOR’S NOTE Letters to the editor are the individual opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Technician staff or N.C. State University. All writers must include their full names and, if applicable, their affiliations, including years and majors for students and professional titles for University employees. For verification purposes, the writers must also include their phone numbers, which will not be published. The word length has been waived for the following letters.

waiting to enter the Campus Cinema to see the movie. The other consisted of students and some staff silently protesting the movie with signs about rape and rape culture. What was surprising was not the protest but how people reacted to it. I noticed students from the Campus Cinema line inciting the protesters by asking questions like “do you want to see this movie with us? I’m being serious, do you?” Of course they don’t, that’s why they are protesting! The atmosphere was one in which the protesters were seen as the bad guys. Why is this the case? Why is it that our society always sees our first amendment right of protesting, despite how positive the message may be, as negative? Why did the police keep watching the peaceful protesters like hawks and completely ignore the people in the Campus Cinema line who continually tried to provoke the protesters? I do not know the answer to these questions but it says a lot about our society if peaceful protesters are seen as unwelcome intruders. If peaceful protesters continue to be seen as unwelcome, how will we ever increase the conscious of our society? How will we be able to stand up for things that we care about so deeply, whether they its animal rights or gun rights? If we as a society continue to foster an environment where peaceful protesters are incited by other students and seen as the bad guys, our hope for the future will be completely lost. Our hope to increase the consciousness of a society and the betterment of a people will be diminished. My point has nothing to do with whether the Union Activities Board should have hosted the movie or not, but more so, with how it is a reflection on our society of the difficulty it takes to create change. As MLK said, “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” And the answer to the TV/ interview crew, associated with the “I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell” movie, which asked me Wednesday “Isn’t it true that a girl who is raped is not a virgin anymore?” I’m afraid the answer to your question is yes, and that comment alone was enough for me not to want to see the movie. Timur Ender junior, criminology

323 Witherspoon Student Center, NCSU Campus Box 7318, Raleigh, NC 27695 515.2411 515.2029 515.5133


in yOur wOrds

Should freshman be allowed to have campus parking passes? BY SARAH TUDOR

“No, because they are still immature from high school, also because its good to have seniority rights to make us feel good, it also makes it so all the upper classmen can drive around the lower-class ladies around.”

cinematic incentive. Mark McLawhorn, Editor-in-Chief Emeritus

Ryan Story junior, mathematics

It’s a unity issue


he University has an easy way to improve — we aren’t utilizing it: the unity of the Triangle itself. There are many benefits to greater unification. Unfortunately, they a ren’t a lways obvious. For e xample, the nature Jake Goldbas of the inStaff Columnist tentional division between U NC-Chapel Hi l l and NCSU was the emphasis of one on liberal arts, Carolina, and the other on engineering, State. Despite this difference, the schools share an obvious overlap in the sciences and many other programs. Unification in this situation means the necessary blur between the schools. UNC students who want to take an engineering course could have access to better instruction over here. Many times this would be the only place to get information on an engineering topic. This same example applies to dozens of other majors. Two of my friends have utilized the unity of the Triangle to great success. One friend took a basic level Hebrew course at UNC — the other is taking specialized courses in upper-level economic philosophy. Neither class is offered here.

Too many of us have no idea how to utilize these resources without deep friendships with professors. There are no computer programs to help, and advisers have no recommendations for such programs. Likewise, but in a different way, if there is a class Carolina and State offer, but have too many students for, having access to more teachers and classes brings down the class sizes. This is an essential poi nt c onsidering the budget cuts and increasing class sizes on campus. Schools that a re i n t he UNC System, such as UNC a nd Nor t h Carolina Central University, already provide this sort of access. A greater diffusion means students would have the ability to experience other schools. If people have access to more teachers the quality of education would increase. Small class size is important because students have an easier time learning in those environments. Additionally, distance courses would invite a sort of intercampus diffusion. UNC and Duke University are integral parts of the Triangle, but their significance to the University seems marginal. Most students here will admit that cultural diffusion between

Editor-in-Chief Ty Johnson

Deputy News Editor Amber Kenney

Sports Editor Kate Shefte

Managing Editor Ana Andruzzi

Arts & Entertainment Editor Bobby Earle


Deputy Sports Editors Tyler Everett Jen Hankin

Campus & Capital Editor Jane Moon

Viewpoint Editor Russell Witham

these schools from clubs, intramural (intra-Triangle) sports, conferences and various other programs are nonexistent. People who are friends with students from these schools were friends in high school or met through Greek Life programs. But the biggest thing that both the student-life culture and the classes could benefit from is fun. The nature of more students means that there are people w it h ou r interests a nd specializations at t hose schools — schools which are literally across the highway. NCSU students, professors and faculty need to research these programs. Administrators and professors need to implement student exchange programs immediately. Duke and Carolina already have intricate programs for semester exchanges and intra-institutional classes. We must follow this example. The InterResidence Council and the Union Activities Board should work toward greater Triangle unity with various interscholastic programs. Clubs and individuals should reach out and act for greater unity.

“The schools share an obvious overlap in the sciences and many other programs.”

Photo Editor Luis Zapata

Design Director Lauren Blakely

Editorial Advertising Fax Online

bikes or walking to campus when feasible. Not only is this great exercise, it can help everyone get to school a little easier. The University needs to do its part on these congestion issues. Perhaps N.C. State should look into the possibility of only providing on-campus parking passes to students with a sophomore standing or higher. This is in line with the policies of many other universities and makes a lot of sense when the campus demographics are taken into consideration. In any case, students and the University’s administration need to address some of campus’s lingering congestion and parking issues, or they’re only going to get worse.

Design Editor Biko Tushinde

Deputy Design Editor Jose Tapia

Advertising Manager Laura Frey

“Upper classmen should have priority, but if there is availability then freshman should be allowed.” Drew St Claire junior, creative writing and english


Online pOll


This week’s poll results:

Should the University have a language requirement?

37% No

7% i don’t care, because it doesn’t affect me

57% yes

Next week’s poll question:

Will you be attending the first football game? • yes • No • i don’t care because it doesn’t affect me Visit to cast your vote.

Technician (USPS 455-050) is the official student newspaper of N.C. State University and is published every Monday through Friday throughout the academic year from August through May except during holidays and examination periods. Opinions expressed in the columns, cartoons, photo illustrations and letters that appear on Technician’s pages are the views of the individual writers and cartoonists. As a public forum for student expression, the students determine the content of the publication without prior review. To receive permission for reproduction, please write the editor. Subscription cost is $100 per year. A single copy is free to all students, faculty, staff and visitors to campus. Additional copies are $0.25 each. Printed by The News & Observer, Raleigh, N.C., Copyright 2008 by North Carolina State Student Media. All rights reserved.

Features Business & Money


friday, august 28, 2009 • Page 5

Budget reductions increase class sizes Reductions foRce depaRtments to make cuts, Re-evaluate initiatives Priyanka Byas Coorespondent

With budget cuts of 5 to 10 percent for individual departments on campus, faculty members and students are now facing larger class sizes, course offering delays and students having to pay for services that otherwise would have been free. James Nau, professor and associate head of civil, environmental and construction engineering, said his department did not escape the budget cut effects. “While we have been fortunate to have been able to maintain funding of research

proposals, we still had to do some belt -tightening. We have cut teaching assistantships, which has made class sizes larger,” Nau said. “We are trying to handle bigger classes, but it impacts the delivery of the courses.” Departments like that of mechanical and aerospace engineering, the second largest in the University, and the foreign language department are also now having to cope with larger classroom sizes in the absence of fewer assistantships. Larry Silversberg, associate department head of mechanical and aerospace engineering, said the department found a

way to not dramatically increase the number of assistanships. “Last year, we had 40 to 50 positions of teaching assistants, but now it would be probably 30 to 40. But we give fewer hours to more students as we don’t want to disappoint anyone drastically,” Silversberg said. In the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, reduced budgets may also mean a delay in some of the new programs that it was considering offering. “We are working on offering a major in Asian studies, but with tight budgets, we don’t know how long it will

take for us to offer the course. We already have a hiring freeze and we now have a class size of 30 to 35, which is not ideal,” said Dudley Marchi, associate department head of Foreign Languages and Literatures. “It is creating more work for our faculty.” However, according to Silversberg, budget reductions also have a positive -- cuts are forcing departments to reevaluate costs. “It forces us to look into how we can improve efficiency and services at a reduced cost,” he said. One example of this, Silversberg said, is monitoring

the machine shops or the research labs, which his department houses. Until last year, they were available to students for extended hours for free. “But now, you pay out of research expenditure,” he said. “So, we track our machine shops, which leads to better accountability and a small stream of revenue.”

Two CenTs Facebook knows too much, ACLU says in warning of quizzes Privacy advocates have long warned that users of Facebook and other social networks who seek amusement from quizzes like “What Simpsons Character Are You?” might be mortified by the way creators of such applications can access and potentially “scrape” personal information — not just about the quiz-takers, but their friends as well. Now, engaging in some online jujitsu, the ACLU of Northern California is employing a cautionary Facebook quiz of its own to illustrate how quizzes that may seem “perfectly harmless” can release an array of data to the wider world — including users’ “religion, sexual orientation, political affiliation, photos, events, notes, wall posts, and groups.” Source: McT

Jobless claims fall for first time in 3 weeks First-time filings for state unemployment benefits fell by 10,000 to a seasonally adjusted 570,000 last week, marking the first drop in initial claims in three weeks. Both initial claims and continuing claims ticked down in the latest readings, the Labor Department reported Thursday. Economists surveyed by MarketWatch were expecting initial claims to drop back to 565,000. A year ago, initial claims were at 433,000.

walking in unifoRm

Source: McT

Claims had risen by 26,000 over the past two weeks.

TiM o’Brien/Technician

casey mckinley, sophomore in computer engineering, walks outside of engineering Building i to grab a snack before heading back to class next door in eBii thursday, aug 27, 2009. mckinley had ece 200 then ece 209 back-to-back in the same lecture hall but had a ten minute break in between.

Own a piece of


Although claims have fallen below the 600,000 level that prevailed earlier this year, economists are disappointed with the pace of improvement in the data. Bank fees going up The growing number of troubled banks is forcing regulators to shore up deposit-insurance reserves, which in turn is going to cost consumers more in the form of fees and tighter lending standards. On Thursday, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. said that the number of distressed banks is at it highest level in 15 years and that 20 percent of the Deposit Insurance Fund was lost in the second quarter. The DIF, a private industrysponsored insurance company that the FDIC manages and is considered a backstop for the insured deposits, fell to $10.4 billion—its lowest level since March 2003. The FDIC insures up to $250,000 per account. Source: McT

Small business owners fear new health care burden From afar, Nathan Carnahan has monitored the health-care debate unfolding in Washington. He confesses uncertainty about how it will play out, and fears government mandates could add to his firm’s cost of doing business. As members of Congress fan out into their districts to lead discussions on health care, small businesses are bracing for profound changes in the role they play in the country’s health care system. Carnahan’s employer, Rack N Road, sells and installs automobile racks. Last year, the Sacramento firm shuttered two of its 10 stores and laid off employees. To further cut costs, the company even closed its corporate office— forcing its executives to work from home. “I still don’t know how it will impact the business,” Carnahan, the company’s director of human resources, said of pending healthcare legislation. “There’s still so much out there that’s unknown.” Carnahan wonders whether the plan that emerges will require his company to provide health coverage to 42 part-time employees. “Would it break us? Probably not. But it would make life much more difficult,” Carnahan said. Source: McT


page 6 • friday, august 28, 2009

Pa ce S t.


‘Hear Here,’

Pa ce St .

coming saturday Collaboration Celebrates loCal musiC with CD anD ConCert


N Bl oo dw or th St .

N Pe rs on St .

Story By Sarah Ewald| photoS CourteSy JoShua hoffman | graphiCS By biko TuShindE


KNC 88.1, the University’s radio station, has teamed up with Terpsikhore Records and Flying Tiger Sound studio to produce a local music compilation. Select bands from the compilation will perform at Cat’s Cradle Saturday night at 8:30 p.m., with all ages welcome. The show at Cat’s Cradle will include WKNC Audio Production Consultant Mike Perros came up with the initial idea performances by The Never, Birds of when he started working at the station a Avalon, The Annuals and Hammer No year ago. He said he wanted to put out a More the Fingers. The bands will permusic compilation and contacted local form for free. Alston said there was no science bebands to secure their involvement. hind chosing which At Tir Na Nog bands to perform. for one of WKNC’s “We just wanted “Local Band, Local to pick a lineup that Beer” nights, Perros would draw well. met a Flying Tiger Ultimately, the show Sound sound engiis a celebration of neer, B.J. Burton, the compilation’s who worked with release,” he said. mutual friend Mike He said most of the Robinson at Terpbands asked said yes sikhore Records. immediately, which Mi ke Alston, made the planners’ general manager of lives easier. WKNC, said even The bands listed the idea was a colon WKNC’s Web laborative effort. HeAr Here coMpiLAtion cd cover, courteSy site include all who “It was an idea Wknc 88.1 FM performed on the they all had separately. Once it was brought up collec- CD, but not all of them will necessarily be on tively, the concept really began to grow,” Alston, a senior in civil engineering, the night’s stage. Brian Corum of Lonnie Walker said said. Perros said the three of them together the band will not be performing at the had all the tools necessary to launch concert Saturday. “We made prior the project off the commitments and ground. Marker denotes the Flying tiger c ou ld n’t ove r“We had the equipSound studio where 16 out of the 17 song on the compilation were b o ok ,” C o r u m ment to record, the recorded. said. studio to press it and Pe r r o s s a id the station to proa second show mote it,” Perros will take place Hear Here at a glance: said. October 3 at Burton recorded Venue: Cat’s Cradle, Carrboro, starts at the nearby Pour the 17 bands in nine 8:30 p.m., all ages welcome House and will weeks, starting in feature perforMay 2009. Flying Price: $10, includes compilation CD mances by The Tiger Sound Studio Love Language, recorded 16 of the bands Performing: the Never, Birds of Inflowential and 17 bands for free. avalon, annuals, hammer No More the Colossus. Fingers Jared Wofford, Perros said it guitarist for Blount bands on Compilation Cd: americans in will be a myriad Harvey, said they France, the Beast, Birds of avalon, Blount mix, with metal, recorded one song harvey, Colossus, hammer No More the hip hop and indie for the compilation. Fingers, inflowential, the Kingsbury rock represented “We knew which Manx, Kooley high, Lonnie Walker, the by Colossus, Insong we wanted to Love Language, Motor Skills, the Never, f lowential and do going in, and it the old Ceremony, the rosebuds, Static Minds, Sunfold The Love Lanfeatured all the band guage, respecmembers,” Wofford where to buy Compilation Cd: tively. said. Schoolkids records (raleigh), Bull City “It’ll be differAc c o r d i n g t o records (Durham), CD alley (Chapel hill), ent and unique Alston, every band costs $5 and awesome,” recorded one song Source: Mike ALSton, generAL MAnger, Perros said. for the compilation. Wknc Tab O ne of Wofford said the Kooley High said process took about they also will not a day before Burton be playing the concert since they are went back and mixed it. For the album art, Robinson found art scheduled to play The Pour House durat the Visual Art Exchange downtown. ing the same night. One said his group had met Burton at Perros said the proceeds from ticket the Flying Tiger Sound Studio during sales will be donated to the VAE. “We didn’t want profit, this was just for Inflowential recording sessions, who told him about his project with Perros. the community,” Perros said. One liked what he heard and wanted to “We did reach out all over the local spectrum, including bands from Vol- get involved. They recorded the compilacom Entertainment, Merge Records and tion album around the same time. “People should check it out — it’s a Odessa Records, but it only really made sense to have one label involved with the lot of good bands from N.C.,” One said. pressing of a CD — that being the label whose idea it is,” Alston said.


Turn the dial — to something good. WKNC 88.1 FM is a student-run, non-commercial, educational radio station that broadcasts at 25,000 watts. WKNC prides itself in offering forms of music that cannot be heard anywhere else on the dial. Primary formats are indie rock, metal, hip-hop and electronica • 515-2400 •

N Bo un da ry St.

Jonny tunnell from the never recording at the Flying tiger sound studio for the hear here compilation CD.

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take shots so that at games we can remember to shoot. If you don’t shoot, you can’t score,” Cain said. Cain also believes that shooting against Kern at practice has greatly improved the team as a whole. “We shoot what we think are amazing shots, and she saves them. I really like her work ethic, and she’s making us better as a team,” Cain said. Cain and Kern said the team doesn’t know much about the Davidson Wildcats other than the fact that they are ranked tenth in their region, which Cain considers to be advantageous to the Wolfpack. Team members hope playing on campus at Dail Fields versus at the Method Road Stadium, along with continuing a winning streak, will greatly contribute to the amount of fans that come out to home games. “Hopefully if we keep winning, they’ll keep coming,” Kern said.

last year returning, the passing game will be in as good a hands as any could realistically hope for it to be, with (preferably) or without Wilson. In addition to O’ Brien and Wilson, with 13 of 22 starters returning, this team has proven experience at nearly every position, and especially along both the offensive and defensive lines, where many coaches and experts say more games are won and lost than anywhere else. With three returning starters on both sides of the ball and a projected starting lineup that will feature seniors starting at virtually every position on both lines, it is hard to foresee either line getting pushed around. If

continued from page 8

Brent Kitchen/technician file photo

Senior defenseman Gia Cipollini throws the ball in against Old Dominion Friday, August 21, 2009. The Pack won 3-0.


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friday, august 28, 2009 • Page 7

continued from page 8


continued from page 8

ticipated in a very light schedule that included a scrimmage game against Campbell University and an entry into the National Basketball Tournament that was held at N.C. State at the end of last semester. In the tournament they made it into the second round of play before being eliminated. “We set up a scrimmage with


the team has one weakness, it is in the defensive backfield, where the loss of Nate Irving and inexperience in the secondary will have opposing offenses challenging our pass coverage every c h a nc e t he y get. But the defensive secondary should have help if the experienced f ront s e ve n, led by redshirt senior Willie Young, can get after the quarterback half as effectively as they did in April’s Red and White Game, when they recorded 12 sacks. And for those mortified by Nate Irving’s injury, consider that sophomore Dwayne Maddox, Irving’s likely replacement, started as many games last year, four, as Irving

started in 2007, the year before his breakout season. Knowing the Pack has a coach like O’Brien, a standout quarterback with a promising backup, and an abundance of experience and talent ret u r n i ng at various positions, I am hoping - as always - and expecting for the first time since I can remember - that the 2009 football season will be as successful as so many seem to think it will be. However, I really hope this does not end up making for a sickly amusing story about the time I wrote a column predicting a successful season that ended in yet another letdown.

Campbell and we entered the national tournament at N.C. State, where we made it into the second round,” Kostelic said. “But just getting the experience and the feel for playing together in real events was huge for us.” The team will have three coaches this year. The head coach, Bryan Bender, works with Campus Outreach for N.C. State. His brother Alan Bender, a recent Clemson graduate, and Emmanuel Acquaah, who is a junior majoring in psychology, will serve as assistant coaches.

Both Kostelic and Elliot expressed how much more beneficial it is to have coaches that can focus on the technical side of the game, allowing for both of them to be able to focus on playing the game and performing at a high level. “[Bender] comes to all of all games and practices,” Elliot said. “He gets us drills to do in practice and tells us what defenses we are going to run. In games he is able to make adjustments, and just having him there for leadership is a huge deal.”

“It’s hard to foresee either line being pushed around.”


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By The Mepham Group

1 2 3 4 FOR RELEASE AUGUST 28, 2009

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle

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Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis

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There’s a movement on campus. It’s time so each to rally for Talley Studentgrid Center. Thisrow, is your time to leave a legacy to generations column and of NC State students to come. Plans for 3-by-3envision box the new Talley Student Center a world-class student lifestyle center full of (in bold borders) dining options, retail with a variety of contains arts every student gathering and performing spaces. In fact, the new Talley nearly digit 1will to 9. double the space available for students.

For strategies And you can play a role inonbringing how to this solve incredible new facility to the heart of Sudoku, visit every future NC State student’s college experience. So let’s together to make NC State a better place for everyone.

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ACROSS 1 NBA stats 4 Meccan, e.g. 9 Silver fish 14 The Rams of the NCAA’s Atlantic 10 Conf. 15 Popular place to go downhill 16 Something not done 17 Insect’s working hours? 19 Peace goddess 20 Tools with teeth 21 Where users meet 23 Composer Stravinsky 24 Seaman who saw it all? 28 __ Moines 29 Scout’s concern 30 Site of bedlam 31 One-named model on many romance novel covers 32 Attention-getting sounds 34 Split end? 38 Young Aussie hoppers 39 Plumbing outlet 40 911 response org. 41 Tiny African threat 43 Gal __ 46 London museum’s hidden camera locations? 49 __ Alto 50 Must 51 Malice 52 Former #1 woman pool player Corr 53 Where two-wheelers aren’t allowed? 57 __ Corning, maker of Fiberglas 58 Gave in 59 Israeli weapon 60 Do figures, in a way 61 Doglike scavenger 62 Whole lot


By Elizabeth A. Long

DOWN 1 Rotten 2 “M*A*S*H” system 3 Perverted types 4 Impudence 5 Burning issue? 6 News letters 7 Rapper Mos __ 8 Back from a trip, say 9 Clown’s accessory 10 Sausalito’s county 11 Charles’s miser 12 Like the road in a classic ballad 13 __ the line 18 Flooey lead-in 22 Little louse 24 Bills for drinks 25 First Arabic letter 26 Ask for more 27 Scrubbing brand 29 Soviet news agency 31 Five-time Emmy winner Tina 32 End in __ 33 Attila, notably 34 Western weapon 35 Interstate feature

Thursday’s Puzzle Solved

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36 Museo display 37 Fracture treatment 38 Air Force One, e.g. 41 Asian holiday 42 It’s often served with soda 43 End successfully 44 Former NBA star Mourning 45 Chinese menu offering


47 Olympics contest, e.g. 48 Horse __ 49 Dispensable candy 51 Hindu sacred text 52 Decks in a ring 54 Light line 55 “__ been meaning to tell you ...” 56 “Jeopardy!” great Jennings

8/27/09 11:53 PM



•6 days until the football team’s season-opening game against South Carolina


• Page 7: Continuation of the soccer preview, men’s basketball preview and Tyler Everett’s column


PAGE 8 • FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 2009



Pack to battle Wildcats Friday

Bouemboue named to award watch list


Ronnie Bouemboue, a senior on the men’s soccer team, has been named one of 30 candidates for the 2009 Lowe’s Senior CLASS award. He is one of two ACC players to be nominated for the award, which is generally given to the top senior in Division I each year. In order to be eligible for the award, a student athlete must be classified as an NCAA Division I senior and have notable achievements in four areas of excellence – classroom, character, community and competition.



“Meet the Pack” to take place Saturday The annual “Meet the Pack Day” will take place Saturday, August 29 at Carter-Finley Stadium. The event will run from 2 to 4 p.m. and admission is free. Players will sign autographs on the concourse and a limited number of team posters and schedule cards will be available. The first 2,000 fans will receive a 2009 NC State Autograph Book to have the players and coaches sign. Books will be given away at the East and West Entrances. All Carter-Finley Stadium lots will be available for free public parking. SOURCE: N.C. STATE ATHLETICS

Former Pack center Ritcher wins award Former State football player Jim Ritcher, who was the first center in college football history to win the prestigious Outland Trophy, has been named the 2009 recipient of the President Gerald R. Ford Legends Award. Award recipients must either play the center position at the collegiate or professional level, have made extraordinary contributions to his team during his football career or have proven to be an exemplary leader or philanthropist in the business or football community. SOURCE: N.C. STATE ATHLETICS




































In second year of existence, team has big things planned for upcoming season Taylor Barbour

Today VOLLEYBALL VS. MORGAN STATE Reynolds Coliseum, noon

Senior Staff Writer

For a school such as N.C. State, which has 50 official clubs, an ordinary person would assume that one of those 50 clubs would have been a men’s basketball team. This was not true, however, until last year, when senior Matt Kostelic and junior Lucas Elliot went through the process of starting a club that became the university’s first club basketball team. “N.C. State had about every sport you could think of for club, but we didn’t have men’s basketball, which I thought was a bit strange,” Elliot, a junior in biological science, said. “We love to play and we just tried to start it up and it worked.” In its second season the club team has big expectations for this year, beginning with tryouts, which will be held Sept. 9 at 8 p.m. in Carmichael Gym. Another round of tryouts will be held the following Wednesday at the same time and place. Tryouts are open to everyone and the team is

VOLLEYBALL VS. CHARLESTON SOUTHERN Reynolds Coliseum, 7 p.m. WOMEN’S SOCCER VS. DAVIDSON* Dail Soccer Field, 7:30 p.m. Saturday VOLLEYBALL VS. CAMPBELL Reynolds Coliseum, noon FOOTBALL MEET THE PACK DAY Carter-Finley Stadium, 2 p.m. VOLLEYBALL VS. DAVIDSON* Reynolds Coliseum, 7 p.m. *Student Wolfpack Club event


Monday: A recap of the RTP Hilton Classic Tournament at Reynolds Coliseum Tuesday: A feature on women’s soccer player Paige Dugal Wednesday: A story on the promotions that will take place at Carter-Finley Stadium for the home opener against South Carolina

Weekly Specials

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few weeks. I’d like to have a bit more offensive output tonight than against Campbell. We want to defend well like we’ve been doing and try to improve a little bit on it, and on the attacking side try to find a way to score more goals,” Springthorpe said. The Wolfpack’s practices have fo-

cused on several skills, but there have been designated practices to hone in on offensive efforts. “We’ve had shooting practices where forwards and midfielders get out and

SOCCER continued page 7

Men’s basketball club’s schedule heats up

Sa 1



At Dail Soccer Field, junior midfielder Nadia Aboulhosn jumps to headbutt the ball while staving off an Old Dominion defender Friday Aug. 21, 2009. Aboulhosn scored one of three goals against ODU. N.C. State won, 3-0.


August 2009 Su


Kate Barnes The last time the Wolfpack found itself face-to-face with the Davidson Wildcats for a regular season game, it was a 5-1 shutdown by N.C. State. It was a monumental opening-season game for the 2007 team, as it was the first career hat trick of 2009 graduate Lindsay Vera. However, no matter how impressive the last face-off was, the team itself has changed tremendously since the last full length match against Davidson two years ago. Since that August 2007 game, the team itself has changed hands. Along with the new administration came a new attitude for the players and coaches alike, and a heated desire to defeat Davidson, who they tied in a spring scrimmage. “We’re expecting to do better than last time. We don’t know what to expect from them, but we’re not worried about that. We’re just worried about ourselves,” sophomore goalkeeper Kim Kern said. Kern hasn’t allowed a goal in three matches — one preseason, two regular season — and her hopes are set high that she won’t allow any into the net during tonight’s game either. “From the forwards back, we’ve been working on defense. It’s not just the keepers who get the shut-out, it’s the whole team,” Kern said. Sophomore forward Tanya Cain scored a goal against Campbell in the first seven minutes of the match Monday, giving her team a 1-0 lead and “getting things started.” The Pack ultimately won by a score of 2-0. “They’ve been telling me to shoot, shoot, shoot. I found the opportunity and I did,” Cain said. Coach Springthorpe commended the defensive efforts and success of the team, but plans on further improving the offensive procedures to make improvements every time the Pack steps on the pitch. “We want to have good defending, which we’ve been pretty good at the past


looking to keep anywhere from 12 to 15 players. “We will have two or three cuts depending on the number of kids and the level of talent that is there,” Kostelic, a senior in human biology, said. “With school work and the heavy schedule that we are planning on playing this year, we will try to take about 12 to 15 kids to ensure we have a decent sized team all year long.” After the roster is finalized, the team plans to practice once a week and is hoping to sponsor a tournament in conjunction with the women’s club basketball team during the middle of October. “We are trying to host a tournament with the women’s club team at State and we are trying to make it a school wide tournament,” Kostelic said. “We are shooting for a midOctober time, hopefully on the weekend of the sixteenth and seventeenth. We are just trying to get as many teams out there as possible and just have a good time.” The team’s schedule begins to go into overdrive during the second semester when they have multiple tournaments scheduled for each month, with most being played on the weekends. In the team’s first season, last spring semester, it participated


Men’s basketball club co-founder Lucas Elliot attempts to block a shot during last year’s men’s intramural basketball final for the Money Bi$cuits team.

CLUB continued page 7



Major letdown unlikely

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s a lifelong Wolfpack football fan, I have painful and unfortunately vivid memories that include, but are certainly not limited to, fiascoes like the triple overtime failure against defending national champion Ohio State in 2003. To recap for those fortunate souls Tyler Everett who struggle to recall that Deputy Sports afternoon, the Editor game ended in a loss when we found out that, apparently, running the ball on three of four plays when facing first and goal from the 4-yard line with the best quarterback in school history is not the way to go. Memories like these explain why I rarely let myself get too excited about State football; more times than I can count, the higher my hopes have been raised, the more demoralizing it has been when the team has given way to reality in the form of things like the three-game losing streak that followed an 8-0 start to the 2002 season . But we are all probably well aware of and fully capable of spouting off about various miserable moments from the past 10 years of Wolfpack football, so I will go ahead and explain why I think - and hope/pray that this year will be different. A number of things about this team tell me this season will not leave fans feeling stupid for expecting a big season, and nothing is more responsible for my high hopes than coach Tom O’Brien. O’Brien’s priorities are to run the ball, stop the other team from running the ball, and win lowscoring games with an offense that limits turnovers and penalties. In addition to having a reputation for tolerating none of the turnovers and penalties that so often derail promising seasons, O’Brien also prides himself on the character of his teams. This showed last year, when the Pack finished the regular season with four consecutive victories after a 2-6 start. My guess is if he can keep the team focused and positive enough to fi nish the regular season with four straight wins and a bowl game after a disastrous eight-game stretch like the one a year ago, he will have little difficulty keeping the team grounded and playing to the best of its ability under the pressure that will accompany this season’s high expectations. Though O’Brien may be partly responsible for my optimistic outlook on this season, the situation at quarterback is even more encouraging. After last season, everyone knows what redshirt sophomore quarterback Russell Wilson is capable of, and a scary thought for opposing defenses is that he and O’Brien have both said he spent much of last year learning to read defenses. Throwing 17 touchdowns and just one interception while rushing for 388 yards and four touchdowns was not bad for a freshman “learning the defense.” And although Wilson’s incredible running ability creates questions about whether or not he will be able to stay on the field, redshirt freshman Mike Glennon is as talented a backup as there is in the country, and with every receiver from last

EVERETT continued page 7

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