CCCC Virtual Networking Lounge The CCCC 2021 Networking Lounge will host a variety of networking activities for registered Convention attendees. Within the Virtual Convention platform, find the “Networking Lounge” menu option on the page. What do things look like where you are? What problems, issues, challenges, rewards, or solutions are true about where you teach? Common Ground conversation spaces are intended to invite participants to share locally-specific experiences with interested others solving similar institutional problems related to teaching and learning. These interactive conversations held in the “Networking Lounge” will be facilitated by members of the Executive Committee and are intended to build relationships and engage in reflective dialogue. Topics are as follows: 1. Writing Program Administration: Placement and First-Year Writing, Independent Writing Programs—What does your program look like? What does it value and do? How are you supporting and sustaining your writing program? 2. Labor and Equity: Working Conditions, Material Realities of Teaching College Writing—What are your experiences working as a writing teaching where you are? 3. Graduate Education and Teacher Development: How are you experiencing graduate education, and how is teacher development—your own, or that of others—relevant to grad education? 4. Teaching in a Two-Year College: Diversity, Inclusion, and Access—What is your experience of teaching at a two-year college? 5. Antiracist Pedagogy and Assessment Practices: How are you supporting minoritized and marginalized students at your institution? How are you changing your curricula/pedagogical practices to work toward the goal of antiracist education? 6. Writing Centers: How are you supporting our students, tutors, and writing center leaders? 7. First-Year Writing, Basic Writing, and College Writing Transitions: How are you conceiving and navigating writing classes and instruction? How are you understanding and meeting the needs of students? See schedule on next page.
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