Illinois Institute of Technology
Department of Mathematics and Science Education Chicago, Illinois Institution Comment Comments submitted by: Norman Lederman, Department Chair
We found the report for our institution to be highly inaccurate on several standards. These inaccuracies will be reported below: Standard 1: All of our students are admitted based on their performance as undergraduates. They are held to the admissions standards of graduate admissions, which includes a GPA of 3.0. Our students do not take the GRE because the teacher education degree does not involve a research thesis. All students (undergraduates and graduates) are required to have a GPA of 3.0 in their subject matter courses, and two preliminary education courses, as well as passing the state’s basic skills test. In addition, students’ are monitored throughout the program and must repeat courses in which they receive a C or lower. Overall, through conversations with Julie Greenberg (Senior Policy Director of NCTQ), it is clear that all NCTQ cares about with respect to subject matter knowledge is the GRE. Clearly this decision is not informed by any through of the research literature. Most teacher educators familiar with the pedagogical content knowledge literature have known better for at least two decades. The GRE is not a valid indicator of success in teacher education programs or in teaching. Standard 2: Although we received a 4 for this standard, the evaluation still contains an inaccurate statement about how much attendance and participation counts for the final grade in MSED 501/502. Standard 3: The report states that all we consider is the state’s subject matter test and there are no other assessments of the quality of students’ content knowledge. Referring to what has been stated in Standard I, all students are required to have a GPA of 3.0 or higher in their subject matter for admission and they must maintain a 3.0 GPA throughout the program. No other exit exam is needed. Standard 14: We do track all of our students’ employment and retention. We monitor assessments of performance from their administrators.