NDACDA Chorister - Fall 2021 Issue

Page 10

The Chorister • Fall 2021 | 10

Midd l e-Level Hono r Choir


Tips and Updates

s we near the 2022 NDACDA State Conference, I would like to update you on some important event details. This annual event has proven to provide a high-quality opportunity for our middle school students. I do not have any doubts that 2022 will not disappoint! We are very excited to be bringing both Victor Johnson and Dr. Kira Winter to work with our students. With the audition process not far in the past, I wanted to make sure to communicate with teachers of a few tips. Paige and I have tried to post clear directions and simplify the process with the uploading option to the Google forms, but we both understand that there’s always areas that could be missed or misunderstood. We hope that the tips and reminders below can be saved in your files to help ease the process next year! Also, always know that we are more than welcome to help and answer your questions. Audition Process: 1. Overall, the uploading seemed to work very well this year! The only issue that we noticed were that a few people had their files mislabeled. The labeling is very important because when you submit them they are then moved into separate folders and sorted by voice part. Some students were listed as alto on the student form, but their files were labeled soprano. Also, please remember to use the following format when submitting: Part-LastName-FirstName-Solo (Example: AltoHanson-Lacey-Solo or Alto-Hanson-Lacey-America) 2. Please check your files before submitting. We try our best to listen to every single submission, but keep in mind we had close to 500 auditions! Some accidently sent the solo twice and had one labeled as “America”, some were blank, and others had some sound quality issues. (very soft – hard to hear the student, reverb, buzzing in the background, etc.) Also, please note for next year that “America” must be unaccompanied. We did have some submit files that had it accompanied. When it comes to the recording quality, we all understand that everyone has different types of recorders. We are very lucky that NDACDA has purchased multiple zoom recorders for members to check out and use to record their auditions. If you are interested in this, please contact Brian Saylor at: brian_saylor@bismarckschools.org 3. When you are submitting your forms, please do not close out of the window too

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