3 minute read
The Power of God’s Word
“My name is Charles and I come from a family of 11 people. My mother passed away when I was still young, and my father is sick. My sisters take care of us. They work here and there to get something at least to put in our mouth. Sometimes they don’t get anything, so we must stay like that.
I joined Nairobi Language Institute (NLI) in class 1 in 2014. In NLI I found a better place for learning. I appreciate NLI so much for the love that it has granted me. Without NLI being here, I don’t know where I would be.
In January 2021 we received Bibles that we couldn’t afford. When the director gave us a Bible, I felt happy because I couldn’t imagine myself having a Bible. My life has changed since I was given the Bible. Sometimes I preach to my family about the Word of God. The Bible has kept me from bad company. In my leisure time, you will always find me reading the Bible. I thank NLI very much.”
Charles’ favorite verse: “In arrogance the wicked hotly pursue the poor; let them be caught in the schemes that they have devised” (Psalm 10:2).
– Charles, Bible recipient in Kenya
Our partner in Mali on the importance of audio Bibles:
“Most of these women come from the regions of North Timbuktu and are Sunday school teachers. They supervise young girls or women. These audio Bibles will serve as a tool for evangelization. These ladies start reading from morning until evening, so everyone who returns to their families listens to the Word of God. Thank you for your support, and at the same time informing you that many people hope to receive audio Bibles for their families.”
Hanan (RIGHT) is nine years old and lives with his mother and younger sister in Pakistan. The family received emergency COVID food relief, and Hanan received his own children’s Bible. He was excited to receive a Bible, and after reading some, he summarized what he learned:
“Jesus died on the cross and gave His life for our sins. Our sins are forgiven because He died on the cross.”
– Hanan, Bible recipient in Pakistan
“I had tremendous joy to see people receiving the living Word of God in their most distressful time, triggered by the second variant of the coronavirus which claimed thousands of lives. The Bible touched the brokenhearted and bound their wounds and brought smiles on their faces, as said in Psalm 147:3. To the wounded hearts, the Bibles were more precious than the Balm of Gilead (Jeremiah 46:11) and the gold of Ophir (Job 28:16). The awesome team members worked tirelessly in spite of challenging situations during the lockdown and prohibition orders. I do not have adequate words to thank God and you, our honorable partners, for your partnership in touching those lives. May God bless you.”
– Feed the Hunger Nepal Partner
Waqas’ birth mother abandoned him, and he was adopted by Shazia, along with four other children. Shazia used to work as a housekeeper, washing clothes and cleaning to provide for her five children. Unfortunately, she was in an accident in which she lost her right leg. She is a very brave woman, and our partners are helping support her and her family with emergency COVID food relief. Recently, Waqas received his own children’s Bible.
“Greetings to my brothers and sisters. We are so thankful for the Bible you gave to our son. He read in the Bible that you are to respect your parents, so now he does that. He reads and tells us about the Word of God, since we cannot read. Also, we are thankful for the food given to us from you.”