1 minute read

National Heart Disease

Human history proves that laws about justice and equality are needed to regulate sinful behavior. Virtually every country has been guilty of some form of legalized apartheid (discrimination/segregation) by one race against another. Often it is the minority against the majority. Whichever group has the most power rules, or “might makes right.”

Apartheid is a disease of every human heart. We naturally want to differentiate, discriminate, segregate, and dominate. It takes something supernatural—conversion—to cause people to repent of the apartheid in their hearts. Only a radical spiritual transformation can bring about permanent racial reconciliation.

Therefore, until beliefs are changed, behavioral modification will only be superficial and temporary, regardless of what our laws say. Until God’s


laws of love are written on our hearts, no lasting change can take place in our homes or in our streets. Unless the heart is truly changed, nothing else will permanently change. Only God can change the human heart.

In light of this, a dangerous moral shift has been taking place in America for decades. We have cut ourselves loose from the strong moorings of God’s Word, leaving behind the absolute truths of the Bible and the Ten Commandments for moral relativism.

Without the moral clarity of God’s Word, everyone can determine their own morality based upon their whims, feelings, desires, and passions. Objective truth has been exchanged for subjective experience. As a result, “everyone did as they saw fit” (Judges 17:6). Indeed, we have a national heart disease.


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