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Biblical Principles about Race: Corruption
The spiritual fall of man from his original position of sinlessness and innocence in the Garden of Eden radically affected every area of his life, including race. As a result of man’s rebellion against God, sin has manifested itself in racial confusion and racial tension throughout all of history and all over the world! Rebellion against God always results in rebellion against man. Therefore, racial fears and racial insecurities result in racism, prejudice, bigotry, hatred, and racial fighting all over the world. Once again, the principle is this: racism is a sin problem; not a skin problem.
There is also a lot of wrong, unbiblical teaching and tradition about race and racial origins. Some teach the superiority of one race and the inferiority of other races. During the days of slavery in America, many wrongly taught that the “mark of
Cain” was black skin (Genesis 4:15).
Some in Haiti believe that God created the white man, while Satan or an angel created the black man and “left him in the oven too long” (an old Haitian proverb). Because these ideas were sometimes taught and believed in the church, many non-white people around the world have come to believe that the Bible is the “Bible of the white man,” and God is the “God of the white man.” Therefore, Christianity is perceived as the “religion of the white man” rather than the true faith for all men!
It should go without saying that Jesus wasn’t white. Unfortunately, artistic depictions through the centuries have skewed His true representation. Due to His parents’ Middle Eastern ethnicity, Jesus would have had olive or even brown skin. So the notion that Jesus is white is sheer nonsense!