1 minute read
The Universality of Racism
Since sin is universal, racism is universal. This irrefutable historical and cultural fact is seen in the innate tribalism of Africa, casteism of India, oligarchy of Europe, and renewed racism in America. It is because of this systemic sinful racism in the heart of every human that history has experienced regular bloody manifestations of racial war, ethnic cleansing, tribal genocide, etc. In previous centuries, the sin of racial superiority was almost globally manifested through colonialism, which often put a cloak of civilization over racism. But sadly, that same racist spirit has continued in many of these same countries just as viciously through many forms of nationalism. These homegrown movements of nationalism often became little more than legalized dictatorships that were worse than what the colonialists had imposed, especially on those of other tribes
or religions.
There are some 65 million displaced people in the world today. The vast majority of them have been reduced to refugee status due to various forms of hostile racism, tribalism, genocide, ethnic cleansing, or religious imperialism.
And ever since the horrific events of 9/11, America and the free world have been engaged in the War on Terror. From then till now, the world has witnessed the proliferation of Muslim radicals and jihadists who seek to impose their form of religious racism on the non-Muslim world through the forceful imposition of Sharia law.
I could go on and on with many more examples because I am personally familiar with them through our partnerships with strategic national leaders. Many face degrees of religious, political, and economic discrimination simply because they are followers of Jesus Christ.
In America, the same prejudice and discrimination is taking place. Having rebelled against the Judeo-Christian foundations of our country, there are those who seek to legally impose their
mentality on all of society—especially Christians. Sadly, they have convinced and co-opted many black Americans into equating the old Jim Crow laws with any and every form of prejudice against the LGBTQ community. In reality, their political and social agenda is really anti-Christian, anti-life, anti-marriage, anti-family, anti-responsibility, and anti-black. And as we are seeing almost daily in the news, many of them have increasingly become anti-law-and-order through their anarchist mentality and methodology.