Innova've Formula for CROP & CROP Protec'on from ND Pharma & Biotech
The Novel Innova've Formula for CROP & CROP Protec'on from ND Pharma & Biotech • • • • • • • • •
High Efficiency in Grain Silos Without Pes'cides 100% Mineral Cer'fied as Food Addi'ves Forms a dry barrier preven'ng insects from access to grains Prophylac'c and Therapeu'c Uses Non-‐toxic / Non-‐Harmful (Dangerless®) No pes'cide residues aUer treatment. Suitable for Organic Farming. Common-‐use food ingredients
PESTICIDE-FREE ANTI-PARASITIC ECO-FRIENDLY FORMULA ACARISINTM CROP´s The Safe and effec've solu'on to control parasites from ND Pharma & Biotech • • • • • • • • •
Effec've in 100% of tested parasites Combined Ac'on both Physical and Mechanical Parasites may not develop any kind of resistance Eco-‐Friendly and Biodegradable Long –Term Effec've Non-‐Subjected to Evapora'on (Suspension) Applica'on on Surfaces without special equipment needs The effec've alterna've to conven'onal pes'cides Compe''ve Cost-‐in-‐Use/Efficacy
ND Pharma & Biotech
Is The Biological Alterna've to Insec'cides and pes'cides for CROP & CROP Protec'on from ND Pharma & Biotech consistent with our model of Green and Sustainable Chemistry. This innova'on is respec^ul with ecosystem, environment and living creatures well-‐being and health. Product creates a novel mechanisms of ac'on against parasites, insects and certain bacteria without possibility of development of any kind of resistance. It comprises 4 basic formula'ons in dependence of applica'on pretended and the field of ac'on. All formula'ons are extensively tested and clinically proven. The synergis'c ac'on is based on the different mineral combina'on present within the formula and our proprietary and special technology of manufacturing called “single-‐grain fusion technology”. Thanks to that we obtain a full natural sodium salt (chlorine free) assembled with amorphous non-‐ash silica, with a mul'plicity of applica'ons that can react also in contact with proper humidity of cereals and crops, or alterna'vely ac'ng within different rheology levels in dependence of the amount of water used to spread product as a carrier. These applica'ons will be adapted (as suspension) to the different applica'ons desired, from home and domes'c to poultry farming, crop protec'on or food industry applica'ons. Other uses are well-‐defined as protec've agent within flour and semolina, bakery industry, confec'onery, ecology farming and agriculture, etc.
ND Pharma & Biotech
More Information and assistance: Please contact us to: Ref: ACARISIN or browse on the World Wide Web under ACARISIN
In strict accordance with World Initiatives of Pesticide Reduction Plans in Crops as Eco-Phyto 2018. It complies with REACH/ECHA Regulation of human health preservation and environmental protection. In the US ingredients are declared as GRAS fitting for human and animal consumption without MDI*. It may act as a good source of natural sodium (chlorine free) and as animal metabolism regulator. Ingredients provide a number of recognized benefits in human and animal nutrition and health.
*Maximum Daily Intake
ND Pharma & Biotech is a biopharmaceutical company that discovers, develops and commercializes innovative products and therapeutics in areas of unmet medical, food, nutritional, agro, industrial and many other needs. The company mission is to advance the care of people suffering from certain diseases, worldwide and to make life better promoting green chemistry issues and removing certain chemical toxics from our daily lives. Company also acts as a chemical supplier and molecular provider including certain rare molecules and hard-to find compounds, API´s Intermediates, Reactive Substances, etc. Headquartered in Surrey, England, UK, ND Pharma & Biotech Company has operations worldwide thru a network of commercial and industrial partners, both companies and/or corporations. PreserFood, Acarisin, Moldstop, Mycostop, Glaice, Lactolife, Envirud, GucoFen, FoliSol, Acqualife, SterilFood, Fruitfresh, Kangen, Alkiow, Noopeptil, Nooglutil, Inofish, Zoeltar, Bacterskin, Bacterskin 5000, Pinolipol, VeriK and Veri-K Series, X-Fresh, Acnifol, Glicospart, Mitoprotect, Citrusol, Inusol, Stevisol, Sucrasol, Acek. 250, PureATP, Aminoprot 100, Asparsol, EcoEff, Anisakill, Calclor, Ferristat, Chiknsafe, Cocqwa, Maltolan DRM, MonkĂ, Peppersol, Reduxalt, Vegafresh, Sugar 50, Sugar 20, Florafresh, FishFresh, Zelitem, Tancream, Psoriacrem, Ovofresh, Xantamar, Mohostop, PS454 Nitroboost, PS452 Glicoboost, M.A.R.S. (Micro Alcohol Reaction System) and many others, are registered trademarks of ND Pharma & Biotech Co. Ltd. And/or some of its related companies. Some brands, products and/or Trade Marks may not be available everywhere. For product information, territorial availability, terms and conditions and/or any other relevant information please visit us at or alternatively write us an e-mail to:, referencing and stating clearly the purpose of your communication.