ND Pharma & Biotech
What is ALKIOW TM? • ALKIOW, from ALKaline IOnized Water is a WHOLLY NATURAL MINERAL bio-reactive method and product developed by ND Pharma & Biotech that let anyone to transform regular water, (mineral, tap or current) into ALAKLINE IONIZED WATER in just seconds, without discomfort of apparel, maintenances, supplies, with an easy teardrop just into the water wished to transform. Special mineral formula, lower costs and higher technology for health protection and wellness, makes ALKIOW TM and unparalleled and unrivaled product worldwide.
ALK-‐‑IO´-‐‑W The term Alkaline Water is just a label used to describe ideal drinking water as provided by nature; one of many labels that arise as we explore the hidden properties of water. All natural water, consists of H2O molecules and OH-‐‑ and H+ ions in very small quantities. These ions, are responsible of given acidity and alkalinity to water. When these ions are equal in number, the water is neutral, when the H+ is more it is acidic, when the OH-‐‑ ions are more, it is alkaline. Alkaline water has more excess oxygen and alkaline minerals than neutral or acid tap water. It is highly oxygenated water with the oxygen in the stable bias OH-‐‑ form that is needed by our cells. Each of these ions is bonded with an alkaline mineral in the all important colloidal form. At pH between 7.5 -‐‑10.0, ionized alkaline water will have 100'ʹs of times more excess oxygen than neutral tap water and no acid elements or toxic substances in it.
In health literature alkaline ionized water is also called: Micro-‐‑water Ionized Water Micro-‐‑clustered water Hexagonal water Structured Water Reduced Water Electrolysis Reduced Water (ERW) Ionic Mineral Water Light Water Living Water Anti-‐‑Aging Water Oxygenated Water Energized Water Miracle Water
Water is like a diamond, and it has all these properties which can be thought of as the different facets of the water diamond. Alkaline pH is just one of these facets, the most easily measured facet of the water diamond -‐‑ hence this term is used the most. The pH facet of the diamond can be easily checked by the litmus test or by a pH meter by anyone. The other aspects or facets of good water such as the Micro-‐‑ clusters, colloidal Mineral content, ORP values (show if the water is reduced or oxidized), bio-‐‑energy levels, and general life enhancing qualities are less easy to measure and quantify by the average person. Water researchers, particularly in Korea, Japan and The United States have researched all these aspects of ionized alkaline and acid waters. The Medical Case Studies and References section contains a selection of the published research papers.
PRODUCTION OF ALKALINE WATER Alkaline water can be produced in the following ways: 1. With a Water Ionizer 2. By passing water through selected Bio-‐‑ Ceramic and Bio-‐‑stone filters 3. By passing water through magnetic fields -‐‑ this can only reduce the water clusters to make micro-‐‑water. 4. By adding alkaline mineral drops to ordinary water – as it happens in the case of the use of ALKIOW TM.
Alkaline water has the following properties, as found in glacial water, that are not present in ordinary tap or filtered water: Alkaline pH -‐‑ pH 7.5 -‐‑ 9 Hydroxyl ions Micro-‐‑clusters -‐‑ low NMR Colloidal Minerals Active Hydrogen -‐‑ low ORP The discovery of ionized water/micro-‐‑water closely replicates the living qualities of high altitude mountain spring water: Fresh, Invigorating, Life Enhancing, Free Radical Scavenging and Delicious.
Alkaline water is drinking water as it should be, and as it is in natures best waters like glacial waters. If you measure the properties of glacier water, considered the very best drinking water, it has similar properties to ionized water -‐‑ alkaline pH, a high colloidal mineral content, active hydrogen and micro clusters. In nature you see a separation of water into acid and alkaline: high altitude spring waters tend to be alkaline (for drinking), whereas hot spring waters are acidic (but have a reputation for skin cleansing). Fresh Evian source spring water for example is alkaline and has small cluster sizes. Ionized alkaline and acid waters are used in hospitals and clinics throughout Japan and South Korea, where the water ionizers are classified as a medical devices, specially for certain uses (therapeutic).
Ionized water is considered to be one of the most effective and easy ways for your body to: Hydrate Alkalize and Detoxify Alkaline water can slowly reverse the aging process, which is a gradual process of acid waste accumulation. It is every effective because the water penetrates deeply to dissolve and remove toxins from the body. Acid wastes like lactic acid that are insoluble in neutral water become soluble in alkaline water and so can be removed from the body by drinking alkaline water.
High pH -‐‑ excess Oxygen: It has more OH-‐‑ ions than tap or acid water. Blood pH at 7.45 has been calculated to have an excess oxygen of around 65% at pH 10, in the stable bias form as compared with blood at pH 7.3. At pH over 9, alkaline water has 100'ʹs times more excess oxygen than tap water at pH around 7. Low NMR -‐‑ Reduced Water : The water molecules clump together in micro-‐‑clusters (measured by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, NMR). This makes the water beker at penetrating and hydrating. The water also has a low surface tension (measured in dynes).
High Colloidal Minerals: The ionization converts the minerals in the water into an ionic or colloidal form, considered the best bio-‐‑active form. Every OH-‐‑ ion will be bonded with an ionic mineral like calcium. Each glass of alkaline water has many billions of these life enhancing molecules. Remember, just dissolving calcium in water and drinking does not mean that your body will assimilate the calcium -‐‑ your body can only assimilate minerals that are in ionic form.
Low ORP -‐‑ Micro-‐‑clusters : Abundance of electrons which make it a powerfully liquid Anti-‐‑Oxidant, more effective than vitamin C because of of its smaller molecular size, and it doesn'ʹt need any synergistic elements. High Bio-‐‑Energy: this is indicated by devices that measure the electric frequency of substances. Alkaline water is alive, charged, life-‐‑enhancing as opposed to tap water or stored bokled water, which is dead.
Alkaline water has many reported Miraculous effects. It can help with weight loss, help the body detoxify, reduce the aging process, help in cases of Diabetics and other health conditions, provide valuable anti-‐‑ oxidants, help prevent cancer, help with skin conditions and more. Nails placed in ionized alkaline water do not rust, but they do rust in tap water, and in acid water (such as Cola, pH 2.5), they rust (oxidize) much faster. Blood cells photographs taken over a period of six months of drinking alkaline ionized water show that the blood cells are well hydrated, look strong, independent, reflecting the overall good health of the body
The rodents were injected with malignant skin cancer, separated into two groups and the growth of cancer cells measured. Tumor weight, size and no of cancer colonies halved for rodents fed ionized water as compared with tap water.
Childhood and adult skin conditions and allergies respond well with ionized water. Skin conditions that can be treated include: Eczema, Dermatitis, Skin Rashes, Psoriasis, Athletes Foot and Acne. The process can take several months, but there are no side effects The skin condition may not re-‐‑occur so long as a healthy diet with plenty alkaline water is consumed.
Ionized water was reported to have restored blood sugar levels and reduced the effects of Oxygen free radicals in the body, including the Lungs, Liver and Kidneys.
These pictures show that there is more to the life giving properties of water then we know. You are well advised to stay clear of microwaved foods, and also mobile phones which use microwave technology.
D r E m o t o h a s h a d a number of critics from some scientists that can'ʹt except truth when it is placed in front of their noses. His critics are c o n v i n c e d t h a t i t i s impossible for water to h a v e m e m o r y, r e fl e c t t h o u g h t s , e m o t i o n s , musical vibrations and the environment.
Please read the Published Alkaline Water Clinical Studies below that look at how Ionized Water protects DNA, including: 1. Electrolyzed-‐‑Eeduced Water Protects Against Oxidative Damage to DNA, RNA, and Protein (Appl Biochem Biotechnol. 2006 Nov;135(2): 133-‐‑44) 2. Electrolyzed-‐‑Reduced Water Scavenges Active Oxygen Species and Protects DNA from Oxidative Damage."ʺ ( Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1997 May 8;234(1):269-‐‑74.) 3. The Mechanism of the Enhanced Antioxidant Effects Against Superoxide Anion Radicals of Reduced Water Produced by Electrolysis."ʺ (Biophys Chem. 2004 Jan 1;107(1):71-‐‑82) 4. Protective Mechanism of Reduced Water Against Alloxan-‐‑Induced Pancreatic Beta-‐‑cell Damage: Scavenging Effect Against Reactive Oxygen Species (Cytotechnology, Volume 40, Numbers 1-‐‑3, 2002, pp. 139-‐‑149(11))
pH BALANCE What is it?
Our blood pH should ideally by 7.365. At this slightly alkaline pH level our bodies function optimally. Like gravity, we are continuously pushed towards acidity from the food we eat, and other certain e n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d p u r e physiological conditions. Even if we consume appropriate and near-‐‑perfect food, the digestion process will always create organic acid wastes which we will need to remove.
Long term acidity is like rust; it corrodes our tissues, veins and arteries. It interrupts all cellular activity from the beating of the heart to the way we think. Slightly alkaline blood pH ensures that micro-‐‑organisms remain in harmony with the body. When the pH becomes acidic there is a lack of oxygen which causes a proliferation of antagonistic, anaerobic microforms to appear. The acidic body becomes a breeding ground for germs, fungus and viruses. They consume the food we eat and leave us more acid waste excrements! Acidity coagulates blood and clogs up the capillaries. Over-‐‑acidity interferes with life itself, leading to virtually all sickness and disease including heart akacks and cancer, premature aging and obesity
Our 75 trillion cells are slightly acidic within and are surrounded by slightly alkaline interstitial fluid around them. This polarity is essential for chemical or energy interchange, and is lost with acidity -‐‑ one reason why so many people lack energy. Acidic pH interferes with mineral absorption. We will receive no iodine unless the body pH is almost perfect and calcium is very difficult to absorb with an excessively acid body. Excess acidity weakens all our systems and forces the body to take minerals from vital organs and bones to buffer/neutralize the acid and safely remove it from the body. The body creates cholesterol (faky deposits) to safely store deadly crystallized acid wastes away from vital organs of liver, heart and kidney. ‘Obesity is an acid problem, the fat is saving our lives'ʹ explains Dr Robert Young.
Acid vs. Alkaline The Living Fight for Equilibrium
Water with more OH-‐‑ ions is alkaline, water with more H+ ions is acidic, and water is neutral if they are equal. It is the OH-‐‑ ions that carry the life giving and life enhancing properties of water. The H+ water state is a deficient state, deficient in oxygen and deficient in electrons. Energetically speaking, you can say that high H+ water (acidic water) is lacking in energy, which in the case of ionized water has been transferred to the OH-‐‑ ions. The pH of water is a measure of the quantity of H+ ions in it; if this quantity is high the pH is low and the water is acidic; if the OH-‐‑ levels are high, the pH is high and the water is Alkaline. Ordinary or distilled water is neutral (pH 7), sugary soft drinks like Colas are acidic (pH 2.5) and Ionized Alkaline Water has a high pH (around 10).
OH-‐‑ ions are a form of oxygen, a stable form as it is bonded with an alkaline mineral. When two such molecules combine they produce a molecule of water, the organic mineral and pure oxygen. All three are absolutely essential for your body. You get all three when you drink ionized alkaline water: water, oxygen, and ionic alkaline minerals. The bubbles in acidic soft drinks are carbon dioxide which forms carbonic acid, a waste product in the body. The bubbles seen in Ionized water are pure oxygen, which the body needs.
Reasons to Drink ALKIOWater? All of us are important.
We need to drink 2-‐‑3 liters of good quality water; this is an essential requirement for our body. We lose around 1.5 liters a day from sweat, urine and breath. Most of us don'ʹt because it'ʹs difficult to drink tap water -‐‑ it just doesn'ʹt taste good, is heavy on the stomach so we just don'ʹt drink enough. As a result, most of us are dehydrated and don'ʹt even know it. We often mistake the thirst signal for hunger, and overeat. There are many reasons for drinking ionized water, but for me the most important reason is that it allows you to drink the required 2-‐‑3 liters of water a day very easily. The other, some what magical properties are a plus.
Ionized water is light water, very easy to drink. This is the first thing you will notice when you drink it. It is considered the best water you can drink; water as it should be; pure, fresh, invigorating, life enhancing and delicious. Ionized water is like having pure water from the high Himalayas or the Alps on tap.
Most of all though, alkaline water will allow you to drink the required 2-‐‑3 liters of clean water that your body needs, which is difficult to do with tap or other waters. A l l t h e o t h e r b e n e fi t s m e n t i o n e d h e r e a n d elsewhere from drinking alkaline water are a plus.
Ionized water has been shown to be more effective then ordinary water in removing acid wastes from your body which cause Toxemia, the root cause of all degenerative diseases like cancer. It is up to six times more hydrating then ordinary water because of the smaller size of the water clusters, allowing the water to penetrate deeply and hydrate all the cells in your body if you drink enough of it. Not only does it tastes good, ionized water also gives you countless health benefits such as slowing down or reversing the aging process, giving you more energy, giving your cells and tissues an alkaline boost, and helping you to detox by dissolving and removing the acid poisons from your body.
Water  Facts We Love Water
Water is the number one nutrient. It is essential for life We are over 70% water, and water is required for virtually every cellular function. Studies show that 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated and virtually everyone in the U.S. has one or more toxic chemicals lodged in faky tissue as a result of ingestion of tap water; 53 million Americans drink water containing potentially dangerous levels of chloro-‐‑ and fluoro-‐‑ chemicals, lead, fecal bacteria, as well as pesticides and other impurities associated with cancer and metabolic dysfunction. In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger.
One glass of water deters hunger pangs for 98% of the dieters observed in a University of Washington study. The biggest trigger of daytime fatigue is lack of water. Research indicates that 8-‐‑10 glasses of water a day could ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers. A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-‐‑term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen or on a printed page. Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, breast cancer by 79%, and bladder cancer by 50%.
Alakline  Ionized  Water Probably the most important health discovery within the modern era (XXth Century and beyond)
There are two things to remember when it comes to water: It'ʹs the most important substance to all life on this planet Our bodies are made up of more than 70% water. Distilled, reverse osmosis, spring, bokled, tap and mineral are all water. But is all water the same or even similar? Is one beker than another? Volumes have been wriken on the subject. But the facts are facts… Ionized water is different than any of the aforementioned waters. It has twelve different properties to it that no other water (save glacier milk) has. Here are a few differences: Ionized water is hexagonally shaped (like a snowflake). It is considered to be the healthiest water in the world to drink. [Fish, plankton or algae quickly die in de-‐‑ionized, distilled pentagonal water].
Ionized water is structured water with hydrogen bonding. All bio-‐‑ mechanical processes of the human body function at the cellular level. It is the hydrogen bonding of structured water that provides the greatest support for these vital processes. Ionized water is living water. All electrons in water either spin to the left or the right. High speed of the left spin of electrons is considered to substantiate that the water is vital and alive. Only ionized water has this quality. Ionized water is the only water that has a low surface tension. Surface tension is measured in dynes. This allows for greater absorption of water and nutrients into the body.
Ionized water has a very alkaline pH. It can be from 100 to thousands times more alkaline than all the aforementioned waters. Alkaline water removes acidosis from the body, the environment in which all diseases dwell, as well as the cause of most diseases. Ionized water has Super Conductive properties. Only ionized water holds an electrical charge. This is what gives water it'ʹs vitality. Ionized water is in clusters of 4 to 6 H20 molecules. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance has shown that this is one third that of other waters, which has clusters of 10 to 15 molecules. This cluster reduction helps cells absorb ionized water quickly and efficiently.
Ionized water is ‘pure'ʹ or ‘virgin'ʹ water. Everything water has been exposed to leaves an electromagnetic frequency signature or imprint. Negative frequencies (example: is your tap water recycled sewage like in most major cities?) are associated with diseases like cancer. Ionized water is virgin water because the EMF (electromagnetic frequencies) have been ‘reset'ʹ. Ionized water has millions of hydroxyl ions per glass. No other water has this incredible benefit. Hydroxyl ions ‘neutralize'ʹ cancer causing and destructive free radicals in the body. Ionized water oxygenates the body via an increase in the Oxygen/ Hydrogen angle. All other water is void of this benefit.
Ionized water has positive polarity. Almost all other waters are negative in their polarity. Only positive polarity water can efficiently flush out toxins and poisons in the body at the cellular level. Ionized water is highly positive charged. This allows the cells to efficiently transmit photons to each other. This allows productive vital cell to cell communication. Ionized Water is thousands times more healthful to your body than any other water. And the proof "ʺis in the pudding"ʺ so to speak. Everyone who drinks ionized water, either in it'ʹs natural state as glacier milk, or from a properly built and functioning water ionizer, lives in a state of health light years beyond those that don'ʹt.
Ionized water is thousands times more healthful to your body than any other water. And the proof "ʺis in the pudding"ʺ so to speak. Everyone who drinks ionized water, either in it'ʹs natural state as glacier milk, or from a water ionizer, lives in a state of health light years beyond those that don'ʹt. Did you know that average life expectancy of those that exclusively drink glacier milk is over 110 years of age, and the 15% of the population of Japan that drinks ionized water from water ionizers have a 10 plus year longer life expectancy than those in the United States? And they have been drinking the ionized water for an average of only 12 years! Just think if they would have started drinking ionized water from birth! They would live to be 120 or more! One glass of Ionized water can hydrate your body beker than gallons of any other water.
Ionized water alkalizes your body beker than the only other method (eating a 100% organic and raw vegetarian diet). Ionized water removes damaging free-‐‑radicals from your body more efficiently than consuming bokles of vitamin C! Ionized water oxygenates your body more effectively than any other ‘oxygen'ʹ therapy. Ionized water can flush toxins and poisons out of your body beker and with considerably less negative effects than any other detox program/protocol. Cancer, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, kidney/ renal disease, cardiovascular disease, ad infinitum, are all slowed, stopped, and in most circumstances reversed when drinking ionized water.
Free Radicals O.R.P. Does it sound to you?
Free radicals are very reactive substances that damage the cells of our bodies; they have been described as public enemy number 1 and the cause of aging. If you cut an apple and leave it, it turns brown. This is because of the action of free radicals and oxidation. What stops this oxidation from happening substances known as anti-‐‑oxidants like Vitamin C and E that donate an electron, in effect sacrificing themselves to protect you. Free radicals are deficient in electrons, so they steal electrons (and energy) from others, which starts of a chain reaction. There is evidence that Ionized Alkaline Water is a very powerful anti-‐‑oxidant. Ionized Alkaline Water when measured with an ORP (oxidation reduction potential) meter shows an abundance of electrons that can counter act the effects of free radicals.
Ionized Alkaline Water (also called Reduced Water for this reason) has a negative redox potential of approximately -‐‑250 to -‐‑350 mV. This means it has a large mass of electrons ready to donate to electron-‐‑thieving active oxygen in the form of free radicals. Tap water has an ORP or redox of +400 to +500 mV. Because it has a positive redox potential, it is apt to acquire electrons and oxidize other molecules, and then rob your body of electrons in the form of energy. For more information, read the micro-‐‑water article by Dr. Hayashi.
Hunza? Wait, wait, I have not a clue what you´re talking about!
Alkaline ionized water is called 'ʹLiving Water'ʹ. It is similar in atomic structure to the waters that the people of Hunza drink directly from glacial streams in the high Himalayas. It is fresh, invigorating, life enhancing, free radical scavenging and delicious. The Hunza have the longest life span in the world and this has been traced as related to the water that they drink and their natural diet. Hunza water is an example of perfect natural water. Hunza has people who routinely live to 120-‐‑140 years, in good health with virtually no cancer, degenerative disease, dental caries or bone decay. Hunza people remain robust and strong and are also able to bear children even in old age. Research has proven conclusively that the major common denominator of the healthy long-‐‑living people is their local water.
Dr. Henri Coanda, the Romanian father of fluid dynamics is believed to be the first scientist to study the physical properties of Hunza water to determine what it was in this water that caused such beneficial effects for the body. His studies suggested that Hunza glacier water appeared to have a different viscosity and surface tension then normal city water. Dr. Patrick Flanagan and others picked up on this research. They found Hunza water had a high alkaline pH (high mineral content) and a high amount of active hydrogen (hydrogen with an extra electron), with a high negative Redox Potential (ORP). Similar natural water properties and longevity are found in other remote unpolluted places such as the Shin-‐‑Chan areas of China, the Caucasus in Azerbaijan, and in the Andes Mountains.
What we´ve done? Our research and discovery
We´ve got interest in research , and our lead scientists resolved the mysteries behind the pure healthy, natural energized water from the Himalayas and other fountains of youth as the Alps. We´ve discovered the natural-‐‑mineral water revolution, as ALKIOW TM is, in effect. Thus far, ALKIOW TM, represent the only natural, wholly organic & mineral bio-‐‑reactive method, with enough capacity to transform water into alkaline ionized water under our special formula patented and our manufacturing method protected as industrial secret. From these two discoveries, we are elaborating a product with a certain number of applications and uses, a number of others under research at the present time, and some other, certainly to discover. Lifelong learning, research and an immense curiosity to unveil the natural secrets and presents that Mother Nature is giving us from the past and everyday, even conscious or not, about their real and deep value. This is part of our philosophy of evolution and innovation. This is why ND Pharma & Biotech exists, and is called to be a leading company.
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Alkiow TM Recreating Hunza Water Composition… A Challenge and an Adventure!
In the late 40'ʹs and early 50'ʹs there was a lot of interest amongst researchers on the health of the Hunza mountainous people living in the foothills of the Himalayas. They showed likle disease, no tooth decay, very long life spans and robust health even in old age. Researchers wanted to establish what could account for it. They concluded that it could be due to the Hunza diet, in particular the glacier water that they drank, as well as the clean air and natural diet. The properties of Hunza water were studied in depth. In efforts to recreate this 'ʹmagical'ʹ Hunza water, Japanese scientists investigated Russian electrolysis technology. They found that electricity could be used to re-‐‑structure the water, giving it properties similar to Hunza water.
This was the birth of Japanese functional water technology, first developed in Japan in the early 1950'ʹs. The used electricity and magnets to improve the qualities of water. They conducted experiments, first on plants and animals, and found significant differences as compared to tap water in terms of growth and general health. Animals and plants remember are not subject to the placebo effect. Full scale experiments were started by several agricultural universities in 1954. Experiments on the human body followed, conducted by Japanese doctors. Satisfied with the experimental results, large ionizers were built in coordination with the Japanese Government. The first ionizers built were large units used in Japanese Hospitals in the early 60'ʹs. Following efforts by Japanese medical doctors and agriculture doctors, the water ionizer was approved for medical therapeutics by the Japanese Ministry of Health and Rehabilitation in January 1966. Later they were also approved as medical devices by the government of South Korea. Some 30 million people in Japan have used a water ionizer over the last 40 years.
Bio-‐‑Active Ions from Minerals? Yeah! It´s Nature in Action.
When water ionizes, the OH-‐‑ ions bond with minerals such as calcium. In this form the Calcium is in 'ʹIonic'ʹ or 'ʹColloidal'ʹ form. The body can only absorb minerals that are in colloidal form. The colloidal minerals in Ionized Alkaline Water will depend upon the water supply, and include Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Iron and Manganese. This means that you get the beneficial OH-‐‑ oxygen ions as well the ionic minerals in the same drink. The minerals in soft drinks like colas are mostly phosphorus in the form of phosphoric acid which is destructive to health. Acidic colas dissolve teeth and bones; Ionized Alkaline Water helps rebuild teeth and bones.
Alkaline Water electrolytes The electrolytes, or mineral elements that are found in water that conducts electricity, fall into the following classification: Positive Electrolytes (M+) Negative Electrolytes (X-‐‑) Ca++ Calcium CO3-‐‑Carbonic Mg++ Magnesium Cl-‐‑Chlorine Na++ Sodium SO4-‐‑Sulfuric K+ Potassium Fe++ Iron Mn4 Manganese The positive electrolytes present in the water are delivered in an ionic form as part of the Ionized Alkaline Water.
Hexagonal Water Blood Cells Hydration Three Concepts One Wholly Truth
Tap water, and static, dead water molecules tend to clump together to form clusters of 12-‐‑13 water molecules. This water clumping is a nuisance as it restricts how well the water can penetrate the cells in your body. When water is ionized, these clusters are reduced to half their size, and thus the hydrating properties of water are improved. Ionized water has predominantly six molecule or hexagonal cluster 'ʹstructure'ʹ. This is something that you feel immediately after drinking Ionized water -‐‑ it seems to just disappear, and there is not the same 'ʹbloated tummy'ʹ feel that you get after drinking tap water. Somehow, passing water through electricity seems to reset the cluster sizes. This effect lasts for 1-‐‑2 months in storage, after which the water clusters revert to 12-‐‑13 molecules.
The smaller cluster sizes explains why ionized water is 'ʹweker'ʹ; it has less surface tension, and can penetrate dehydrated body tissues much more effectively. Blood, which is mostly water, is also 'ʹweker'ʹ -‐‑ if blood falls on clothes, it readily soaks it, you don'ʹt get droplets as you do with water. This is because blood has less surface tension. Naturopaths that have taken photographs of blood cells, clearly see the benefits of ionized water at a cellular level, and advice their clients to get a water ionizer and drink ionized water daily. A UK microscopist says that the hydrating, anti-‐‑coagulating effects of alkaline ionized water can be seen in the live blood cell images in 15 minutes.
Water  Structuration? I´ve never hear that thing!
Scientists using NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) values believe that the water created by ionization, the natural water found in springs and glaciers and much of the water in our bodies has a hexagonal arrangement of its clusters. This hexagonal water is also called Structured Water. Remember, this 'ʹStructure Water'ʹ is dynamic -‐‑ the molecules actually perform a dance, but when viewed at any given instance, they display a hexagonal structure or arrangement of the molecules. Water clusters have been photographed by crystallizing the water by Massaru Emoto and described in his book "ʺThe Messages from Water"ʺ. Dr Emoto became intrigued when he was introduced to micro-‐‑clustered water, and also was told that every snow flake was different. He wondered if water could be micro-‐‑clustered, what shapes would these clusters have? Would it be possible to see them?
Dr Emoto devised a way to photograph the water clusters by freezing the water and taking pictures of the crystals formed. Look at the images and decide for yourself what message, if any, the water crystals are sending out. Initially, no one in Japan would publish his book, so he self-‐‑ published the pictures, initially for friends. Word of mouth spread, and countless people all over the world have seen his pictures. The Messages from Water is now on the New York Times best seller list! Here are some of his pictures: Images of Water Crystals . It is sensible to assume that the best drinking water would be hexagonal structured water -‐‑ but is there any evidence? Yes, there is evidence from research conducted in Korea that our body actually prefers hexagonal water. This is shown in Dr. Mu Shik Jhon book: "ʺ The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key -‐‑ Scientific Evidence of Hexagonal Water and its positive influence on health! "ʺ
I have had people tell me that "ʺWater does not form clusters, and if it did we'ʹd be dead. And devices sold that allegedly produce such waters are scams! "ʺ There are a number of products (often sold via multi-‐‑ level or pyramid marketing) that make various such claims -‐‑ which seem to be dubious, agreed. However, this does not mean that the research by people such as Dr Shik Jhon is flawed. There is some 50+ years of Japanese research (much that has not been translated into English, but some has) that has been conducted on ionized micro-‐‑clustered water -‐‑ for references search for Japanese Functional Water. The 'ʹhexagonal'ʹ water that these and other scientists are researching is a soft, moving water 'ʹclustering'ʹ phenomena that is continually changing; our thoughts are able to change it. The research is not related to any device that is pyramid marketed as being able to produce such water.
What we know is that hexagonal crystals are formed when water is frozen (such as a a snowflake); we also know from NMR values that electricity appears to reduce these clusters, a property that lasts for 1-‐‑2 months, after which stored water reverts to 12-‐‑13 clusters. Massaru Emoto'ʹs photographs are the first evidence that water responds to or reflects our thoughts. As we are mostly water, this means that if you have loving thoughts, these will change the cells in your body and the water clusters in your body will reflect this love. Conversely, thoughts of hate, fear, and so on will create the corresponding nasty looking, toxic 'ʹclusters'ʹ in your body. This could be the primary cause of all ill health and disease. Dr. Yang H. Oh, a biochemist with a Phd from Harvard Medical School, and Gil-‐‑Ho Kim have wriken a book based on the research of the late Dr. Mu Shik Jhon. The research explains that the clustering of water molecules is significant and that our body needs hexagonal structured water: Miracle Molecular Structure of Water: Human Body Loves Hexagonal Water.
World Water Crisis And other hidden dangers…
Tap  Water What we are paying for?
Water is the universal solvent. This is a double edged sword -‐‑ on the one hand it can dissolve and remove the toxins from our body, but it can also collect all kinds of toxins on its way to our tap as a result of industrial pollution. Dangerous pollutants such as toxic metals like lead and mercury, pesticides, industrial solvents, arsenic, nitrate and estrogen mimics (endocrine disrupters) are entering our water supplies. Hundreds of toxins have been detected in our drinking water. The water authorities can not remove all these as it would be far too expensive. There is not a water system in the world that has the time, manpower, money or capability to check for all the dangerous pollutants now being found in our water supplies. It would be an impossible task.
Water authorities also deliberately add poisons to the water to kill germs and allegedly to protect children'ʹs teeth! Fluoride is a toxic by product that was used by the Nazis in the concentration camps because it made the inmates obedient and docile. Most drinking water is chlorinated. It has been known for over 25 years now that chlorine has direct links to some very serious health problems. Chlorinated water contains cancer-‐‑ causing compounds called trihalomethanes. Studies by the National Cancer Institute have shown that drinking chlorinated water can double your risk of developing bladder cancer and have linked it to increased rates of colon, rectal cancer and heart disease. Water treated with chlorine also destroys vitamin E stores in the body, leading to mitral valve problems and other heart problems.
With the level of toxins in our drinking water, I think that it is essential to install a water purification system that purifies our drinking water at point of use. Remember, a water ionizer does much more then just remove the toxins present in drinking water.
Mineral  or  distilled? None of Both!
As it'ʹs kept in plastic bokles for long periods, some of the harmful, carcinogenic substances in plastic get into the water. Also, studies have shown that many mineral water bokles contain more contaminants then tap water. It'ʹs best to get mineral water in glass bokles or purify the water at point of use which would be much cheaper when you use lots of it. What'ʹs wrong with Distilled Water? Distilled water can be used to top up car bakeries, but it'ʹs no good as drinking water because it lacks the minerals we need, and can cause the leaching of minerals from the body. Fish and Plankton cannot live in distilled water.
What'ʹs wrong with charcoal filtered water? We would say that if you don'ʹt drink ALKIOWater, this would be your best bet, but once you try alkaline water water you'ʹll never go back! A couple of points to bear in mind are: You need a good 1 micron, multi-‐‑phase filter, and you must change the filter regularly Almost all charcoal filters acidify the water (check it'ʹs pH) Water filtration is a small, minor part of what a water ionizer does; however, the Bio-‐‑stone filters that come with the latest Royal Water ionizers are probably as good if not beker then any other charcoal filter in the market. Bio-‐‑stone filters are: 1 micron, multi-‐‑phase, hollow fiber, activated charcoal filters Have a layer of Coral Calcium Have a layer of Tourmaline Ceramic The running/replacement cost is significantly less then any other filter.
Do you know this guy? Sounds familiar,…uhmm?
Oko Warburg and the Real Cause of Cancer? An unknown Nobel Prize History?
Dr Oko Warburg discovered the real cause of cancer in 1923 and he received the Nobel Prize for doing so in 1931. Dr Warburg has made it clear that the prime cause of cancer is oxygen deficiency (brought about by Toxemia). In this lecture he explains that though there are many secondary causes of cancer, there is only ONE primary cause. A primary cause is one that is observed in ALL cases of cancer. Dr Warburg discovered that cancer cells are anaerobic (do not breathe oxygen) and cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen. He discovered that cancer cells have a metabolism similar to plant cells -‐‑ they seem to revert to this more elementary form when deprived of oxygen.
"ʺAll normal cells have an absolute requirement for oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen -‐‑ a rule without exception."ʺ Dr. Oko Warburg "ʺDeprive a cell 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours and it may become cancerous."ʺ Dr. Oko Warburg.
Cancerous tissues are acidic, whereas healthy tissues are alkaline. Water contains H+ and OH-‐‑ ions, if there is an access of H+, it is acidic; if there is an access of OH-‐‑ ions, then it is alkaline. Lack of Oxygen and Acidity are the two sides of the same coin. Presence of cellular Oxygen and Alkalinity are the two sides of the other coin -‐‑ healthy cells are alkaline, sick cells are acidic. High acidic levels encourage morbid, cancerous growth; high alkaline levels encourage healthy cell growth. As alkaline water provides Alkalinity and excess Oxygen to cells, many experts are suggesting that alkaline water may help prevent cancer.
Scientific Support Who needs more?
1. Influences of alkaline ionized water on milk yield, body weight of offspring and perinatal dam in rats.
J Toxicol Sci. 1998 Dec;23(5):365-‐‑71. Watanabe T , Pan I , Fukuda Y , Murasugi E , Kamata H , Uwatoko K . Department of Veterinary Physiological Chemistry, College of Bioresource Sciences, Nihon University, Kanagawa, Japan. The authors previously reported that male offspring of mothers rats given alkaline ionized water (AKW) showed a significantly higher body weight by day 14 after birth than did offspring of mother rats given tap water (TPW); furthermore, marked myocardial necrosis and fibrosis were observed particularly in the former male offspring at the age of 15 weeks. In the present experiment we looked for differences in bioparameters, namely the milk yield of mothers and suckled milk volume of the offspring, between the AKW-‐‑ and the TPW-‐‑treated groups in order to reveal the factors which cause the unusual body weight gain in the offspring. Even though we were able to repeat our previous observation (the body weight of the male offspring of the AKW group increased significantly more by day 14 and 20 after birth and of the female by day 20 after birth than did that of the TPW group (p < 0.05), no significant difference was noted in any of the bioparameters, including those related to milk production and consumption. It is thus suspected that the water-‐‑hydrated cation, which was transferred either to the fetus through the placenta or to the offspring through the milk, might be the cause of the unusual body weight increase. Since calcium plays an important role in skeletal formation, it is tentatively concluded that the higher calcium concentration of AKW enriched the mother, serum calcium which was transferred to the fetus through the placenta and to the offspring through the milk. PMID: 9922938 [PubMed -‐‑ indexed for MEDLINE]
2. Histopathological influence of alkaline ionized water on myocardial muscle of mother rats. J Toxicol Sci. 1998 Dec;23(5):411-‐‑7. Watanabe T , Shirai W , Pan I , Fukuda Y , Murasugi E , Sato T , Kamata H , Uwatoko K . Department of Veterinary Physiological Chemistry, College of Bioresource Sciences, Nihon University, Kanagawa, Japan. We have reported that a marked necrosis and subsequent fibrosis of myocardium occurred among male rats 15 weeks old given alkaline ionized water (AKW) during gestation and suckling periods, and after weaning. In this study, it was examined whether similar lesions would occur in mother rats which were given AKW from day zero of gestation to day 20 of lactation. The myocardial lesion in the mother rats given AKW showed cell infiltration, vacuolation and fibrosis in the papillary muscle of the left ventricle, as were observed in male rats of 15 weeks old. Myocardial degeneration may cause a leakage of potassium into the blood that results in a higher concentration of potassium in the blood in the test group than in that of the control group given tap water. PMID: 9922944 [PubMed -‐‑ indexed for MEDLINE]
3. Degradation of myocardiac myosin and creatine kinase in rats given alkaline ionized water.
J Vet Med Sci. 1998 Feb;60(2):245-‐‑50. Watanabe T , Kishikawa Y . Department of Veterinary Physiological Chemistry, College of Bioresource Sciences, Nihon University, Kanagawa, Japan. Recently, the authors have shown that marked necrosis and fibrosis of myocardium were observed in rats given alkaline ionized water (AKW). To clarify the cause of myocardial lesions, the activities of myosin ATPase, actomyosin ATPase and creatine kinase (CK) in myocardium of rats given AKW at 15 weeks-‐‑old were compared with those in myocardium of rats given tap water (TPW). Furthermore, sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-‐‑PAGE) of myocardiac myosin and isoelectric focusing (IEF) of myocardiac CK were performed which revealed a distinct difference between AKW and TPW groups. The activities of myosin ATPase and actomyosin ATPase in the AKW group were higher than those in the TPW group, and these elevated activities were caused by the degradation of myosin in the AKW group judging from the SDS-‐‑PAGE pakern of myosin. On the other hand, the activity of CK in the AKW group was lower than that in the TPW group, and the IEF pakern of CK showed leakage of myocardiac CK. These results indicate that increases in actomyosin ATPase activity and myosin ATPase activity, plus the decrease in CK activity caused the disorder of coupled reaction in male rats given AKW at 15 weeks-‐‑old. It is concluded that this disorder of coupled reaction may cause marked myocardiac necrosis and fibrosis in rats given AKW. PMID: 9524951 [PubMed -‐‑ indexed for MEDLINE]
4. Influence of alkaline ionized water on rat erythrocyte hexokinase activity and myocardium. J Toxicol Sci. 1997 May;22(2):141-‐‑52. Watanabe T , Kishikawa Y , Shirai W . Department of Veterinary Physiological Chemistry, College of Bioresource Science, Nihon University, Kanagawa, Japan.
Alkaline ionized water (AKW) produced by the electrolysis of tap water (TPW) was given to pregnant rats throughout gestation. AKW was subsequently given to infants as a test group until 15 weeks old to determine changes in body and organ weights, erythrocyte hexokinase (HK) activity and histological preparations of myocardiac muscle. The results were compared with those for rats given TPW. Body weight of male and female rats given AKWA at 3 to 11 weeks of age after birth significantly increased beyond control group values. Organ weights of offspring at 15 weeks-‐‑old showed no statistical difference for either group. HK activity, the rate-‐‑determining enzyme in erythrocyte glycolysis, significantly increased in males given AKW at 15 weeks-‐‑old. This suggests that AKW intake causes elevation of metabolic activity. Hyperkalemia was observed in males and females given AKW at 15 weeks-‐‑old. Especially in males, pathological changes of necrosis in myocardiac muscle were observed.
PMID: 9198011 [PubMed -‐‑ indexed for MEDLINE]
5. Effect of alkaline ionized water on reproduction in gestational and lactational rats.
J Toxicol Sci. 1995 May;20(2):135-‐‑42. Watanabe T . Department of Veterinary Physiological Chemistry, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Nihon University, Kanagawa, Japan. Alkaline ionized water (AKW) produced by electrolysis was given to gestational and lactational rats, and its effect on dams, growth of fetuses and offsprings were investigated. The results showed that the intake of food and water in dams increased significantly when AKW was given from the laker half of the gestation period and from the former half of the lactation period. Body weight of the offsprings in the test group, both males and females, increased significantly from the laker half of the lactation period. During the lactation period and after weaning, the offsprings in the test group showed significantly hastened appearance of abdominal hair, eruption of upper incisors, opening of eyelids and other postnatal morphological developments both in males and females, as well as earlier separation of auricle and descent of testes in males compared with the control was noted. As mentioned above, it was suggested from the observations conducted that the AKW has substantial biological effects on postnatal growth, since intake of food and water and body weight of the offsprings increased and postnatal morphological development was also accelerated. PMID: 7473891 [PubMed -‐‑ indexed for MEDLINE]
6. Impact of extra waters on immunosystem in mice
Wei Sheng Yan Jiu. 2004 Jul;33(4):422-‐‑5. [Article in Chinese] Li Y , Han C , Li Y , Li Y , Zhao X , Zhong K , Chen T , Zhang M , Fan F , Tao Y , Ji R . Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100021, China. OBJECTIVE: To study impact of extra waters on immunosystem in mice-‐‑alkaline ionized water, mineralecology water, activated water, and pure water. METHODS: According to Function Assessment and Experiment for Function Food, 1996, the ratio of spain and body weight, the ratio of thymus and body weight, the delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH), the phagocytosing functions by cock RBC, the plaque forming cell (PFC) and HC50 testing were assessment with 120 male Balb/c mice of 17.8 -‐‑ 23.3 g (group I), the mice were divided into four group, and drank daily the four kinds of waters respectively until 50 days. The lymph cell transformation by ConA and NK cell activity were assessment with otherl20 male Balb/c mice of 17.8 -‐‑ 23.3 g (group II), the mice were divided into four group and drank daily the four kinds of waters respectively until 50 days. The phagocytosing functions by carbon powder were assessment with other 120 female Balb/c mice of 16.7 -‐‑ 22.0 g (group III) were divided into four group and drank daily the four kinds of waters respectively until 50 days. The data were statisticed by Stata soft. RESULTS: Other three waters compared with the pure water: (1) Alkaline ionized water and activated water can alleviate the body weight increase of male Balb/c mouse (P < 0.01 & P < 0.05), but alkaline ionized water, mineral-‐‑ecology water, activated water don'ʹt impact on the female Balb/c mouse body weight (P > 0.05). (2) Activated water can remarkly increase the ratio of thymus and body weight (P < 0.05), and increase the phagocytosing ability by cock RBC (P < 0.01), and increase the NK cell activity (P < 0.01). (3) The three extra waters don'ʹt impact on othe items for the Balh/c mouce. CONCLUSION: The study must be continued to impact on immunosystem in mice for extra waters. PMID: 15461264 [PubMed -‐‑ in process]
7. Selective stimulation of the growth of anaerobic microflora in the human intestinal tract by electrolyzed reducing water.
Med Hypotheses. 2005;64(3):543-‐‑6. Vorobjeva NV . Department of Physiology of Microorganisms, Biology Faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119992 Moscow, Russia. nvvorobjeva@mail.ru 96-‐‑99% of the "ʺfriendly"ʺ or residential microflora of intestinal tract of humans consists of strict anaerobes and only 1-‐‑4% of aerobes. Many diseases of the intestine are due to a disturbance in the balance of the microorganisms inhabiting the gut. The treatment of such diseases involves the restoration of the quantity and/or balance of residential microflora in the intestinal tract. It is known that aerobes and anaerobes grow at different oxidation-‐‑reduction potentials (ORP). The former require positive E(h) values up to +400 mV. Anaerobes do not grow unless the E(h) value is negative between -‐‑300 and -‐‑400 mV. In this work, it is suggested that prerequisite for the recovery and maintenance of obligatory anaerobic microflora in the intestinal tract is a negative ORP value of the intestinal milieu. Electrolyzed reducing water with E(h) values between 0 and -‐‑300 mV produced in electrolysis devices possesses this property. Drinking such water favours the growth of residential microflora in the gut. A sufficient array of data confirms this idea. However, most researchers explain the mechanism of its action by an antioxidant properties destined to detox the oxidants in the gut and other host tissues. Evidence is presented in favour of the hypothesis that the primary target for electrolyzed reducing water is the residential microflora in the gut. PMID: 15617863 [PubMed -‐‑ indexed for MEDLINE]
8. Water desirable for health in terms of ORP (oxidation-‐‑reduction potential) to pH relationship Review PMID: 16180690 [PubMed -‐‑ indexed for MEDLINE] Shokuhin Eiseigaku Zasshi. 2005 Aug;46(4):J228-‐‑33. [Article in Japanese] Okouchi S. Department of Materials Chemistry, Faculty of Enginnering, Hosei University, 3-‐‑7-‐‑2, Kajino-‐‑cho, Koganei-‐‑shi, Tokyo 184-‐‑8584, Japan. Publication Types: Review PMID: 2829704 [PubMed -‐‑ indexed for MEDLINE]
9. Influences of alkaline ionized water on milk electrolyte concentrations in maternal rats.
J Toxicol Sci. 2000 Dec;25(5):417-‐‑22. Watanabe T , Kamata H , Fukuda Y , Murasugi E , Sato T , Uwatoko K , Pan IJ . Department of Veterinary Biochemistry, College of Bioresource Sciences, Nihon University, 1866 Kameino, Fujisawa, Kanagawa 252-‐‑8510, Japan. We previously reported that body weight on day 14 after birth in male offspring of rats given alkaline ionized water (AKW) was significantly heavier than that in offspring of rats given tap water (TPW), but no significant difference was noted in milk yield and in suckled milk volume between the two groups. Additionally, the offspring in the AKW group and TPW group were given AKW and TPW, respectively, at weaning, and unexpectedly, the necrotic foci in the cardiac muscle were observed at the 15-‐‑week-‐‑old age in the AKW group, but not in the TPW group. The present study was designed to clarify the factors which are involved in that unusual increase of body weight and occurrence of cardiac necrosis. Eight dams in each group were given AKW or TPW (control) from day 0 of gestation to day 14 of lactation. The milk samples were collected on day 14 of lactation and analyzed for concentrations of calcium (Ca), sodium (Na), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg) and chloride (Cl). The AKW and TPW were also analyzed. Ca, Na and K levels in milk were significantly higher in the AKW group compared to the TPW group. No significant difference was noted in the Mg and Cl levels between the two groups. These data suggested that the Ca cation of AKW enriched the Ca concentration of the milk and accelerated the postnatal growth of the offspring of rats given AKW. PMID: 11201172 [PubMed -‐‑ indexed for MEDLINE]
10. Electrolyzed-‐‑reduced water scavenges active oxygen species and protects DNA from oxidative damage.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1997 May 8;234(1):269-‐‑74. Shirahata S , Kabayama S , Nakano M , Miura T , Kusumoto K , Gotoh M , Hayashi H , Otsubo K , Morisawa S , Katakura Y . Institute of Cellular Regulation Technology, Graduate School of Genetic Resources Technology, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan. sirahata@grt.kyushu-‐‑u.ac.jp Active oxygen species or free radicals are considered to cause extensive oxidative damage to biological macromolecules, which brings about a variety of diseases as well as aging. The ideal scavenger for active oxygen should be 'ʹactive hydrogen'ʹ. 'ʹActive hydrogen'ʹ can be produced in reduced water near the cathode during electrolysis of water. Reduced water exhibits high pH, low dissolved oxygen (DO), extremely high dissolved molecular hydrogen (DH), and extremely negative redox potential (RP) values. Strongly electrolyzed-‐‑reduced water, as well as ascorbic acid, (+)-‐‑catechin and tannic acid, completely scavenged O.-‐‑2 produced by the hypoxanthine-‐‑xanthine oxidase (HX-‐‑XOD) system in sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0). The superoxide dismutase (SOD)-‐‑like activity of reduced water is stable at 4 degrees C for over a month and was not lost even after neutralization, repeated freezing and melting, deflation with sonication, vigorous mixing, boiling, repeated filtration, or closed autoclaving, but was lost by opened autoclaving or by closed autoclaving in the presence of tungsten trioxide which efficiently adsorbs active atomic hydrogen. Water bubbled with hydrogen gas exhibited low DO, extremely high DH and extremely low RP values, as does reduced water, but it has no SOD-‐‑like activity. These results suggest that the SOD-‐‑like activity of reduced water is not due to the dissolved molecular hydrogen but due to the dissolved atomic hydrogen (active hydrogen). Although SOD accumulated H2O2 when added to the HX-‐‑XOD system, reduced water decreased the amount of H2O2 produced by XOD. Reduced water, as well as catalase and ascorbic acid, could directly scavenge H2O2. Reduce water suppresses single-‐‑strand breakage of DNA b active oxygen species produced by the Cu(II)-‐‑catalyzed oxidation of ascorbic acid in a dose-‐‑dependent manner, suggesting that reduced water can scavenge not only O2.-‐‑ and H2O2, but also 1O2 and .OH. PMID: 9169001 [PubMed -‐‑ indexed for MEDLINE]
11. The mechanism of the enhanced antioxidant effects against superoxide anion radicals of reduced water produced by electrolysis.
Biophys Chem. 2004 Jan 1;107(1):71-‐‑82. Hanaoka K , Sun D , Lawrence R , Kamitani Y , Fernandes G . Bio-‐‑REDOX Laboratory Inc. 1187-‐‑4, Oaza-‐‑Ueda, Ueda-‐‑shi, Nagano-‐‑ken 386-‐‑0001, Japan. hanak@rapid.ocn.ne.jp We reported that reduced water produced by electrolysis enhanced the antioxidant effects of proton donors such as ascorbic acid (AsA) in a previous paper. We also demonstrated that reduced water produced by electrolysis of 2 mM NaCl solutions did not show antioxidant effects by itself. We reasoned that the enhancement of antioxidant effects may be due to the increase of the ionic product of water as solvent. The ionic product of water (pKw) was estimated by measurements of pH and by a neutralization titration method. As an indicator of oxidative damage, Reactive Oxygen Species-‐‑ (ROS) mediated DNA strand breaks were measured by the conversion of supercoiled phiX-‐‑174 RF I double-‐‑strand DNA to open and linear forms. Reduced water had a tendency to suppress single-‐‑strand breakage of DNA induced by reactive oxygen species produced by H2O2/Cu (II) and HQ/ Cu (II) systems. The enhancement of superoxide anion radical dismutation activity can be explained by changes in the ionic product of water in the reduced water. PMID: 14871602 [PubMed -‐‑ indexed for MEDLINE
12. Protective mechanism of reduced water against alloxan-‐‑induced pancreatic beta-‐‑cell damage: Scavenging effect against reactive oxygen species Authors: Li Y.1; Nishimura T.1; Teruya K.1; Maki T.1; Komatsu T.1; Hamasaki T.1; Kashiwagi T.1; Kabayama S.2; Shim S-‐‑Y.1; Katakura Y.1; Osada K.1; Kawahara T.1; Otsubo K.2; Morisawa S.2; Ishii Y.3; Gadek Z.4; Shirahata S.5 Source: Cytotechnology, Volume 40, Numbers 1-‐‑3, 2002, pp. 139-‐‑149(11) Publisher: Springer Abstract: Reactive oxygen species (ROS) cause irreversible damage to biological macromolecules, resulting in many diseases. Reduced water (RW) such as hydrogen-‐‑rich electrolyzed reduced water and natural reduced waters like Hita Tenryosui water in Japan and Nordenau water in Germany that are known to improve various diseases, could protect a hamster pancreatic beta cell line, HIT-‐‑T15 from alloxan-‐‑induced cell damage. Alloxan, a diabetogenic compound, is used to induce type 1 diabetes mellitus in animals. Its diabetogenic effect is exerted via the production of ROS. Alloxan-‐‑treated HIT-‐‑T15 cells exhibited lowered viability, increased intracellular ROS levels, elevated cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration, DNA fragmentation, decreased intracellular ATP levels and lowering of glucose-‐‑stimulated release of insulin. RW completely prevented the generation of alloxan-‐‑induced ROS, increase of cytosolic Ca2+ concentration, decrease of intracellular ATP level, and lowering of glucose-‐‑stimulated insulin release, and strongly blocked DNA fragmentation, partially suppressing the lowering of viability of alloxan-‐‑treated cells. Intracellular ATP levels and glucose-‐‑stimulated insulin secretion were increased by RW to 2–3.5 times and 2–4 times, respectively, suggesting that RW enhances the glucose-‐‑sensitivity and glucose response of beta-‐‑cells. The protective activity of RW was stable at 4 °C for over a month, but was lost by autoclaving. These results suggest that RW protects pancreatic beta-‐‑cells from alloxan-‐‑induced cell damage by preventing alloxan-‐‑derived ROS generation. RW may be useful in preventing alloxan-‐‑induced type 1-‐‑diabetes mellitus. Affiliations: 1: Department of Genetic Resources Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 6-‐‑10-‐‑1 Hakozaki, Higashi-‐‑ku, Fukuoka, Japan 2: Nihon Trim Co. Ltd., 1-‐‑8-‐‑34 Oyodonaka, Kita-‐‑ku, Osaka, Japan 3: Hita Tenryosui Co. Ltd., 647 Nakanoshima, Hita, Oita, Japan 4: Center for Holistic Medicine and Naturopathy, Schmallenberg-‐‑Nordenau, Germany 5: Department of Genetic Resources Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 6-‐‑10-‐‑1 Hakozaki, Higashi-‐‑ku, Fukuoka, Japan (Author for correspondence; E-‐‑mail: sirahata@grt.kyushu-‐‑ u.ac.jp; Fax: +81 92 642 3052)
13. Electrolyzed hydrogen-‐‑saturated water for drinking use elicits an antioxidative effect: a feeding test with rats.
Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 2005 Oct;69(10):1985-‐‑7 Yanagihara T, Arai K, Miyamae K, Sato B, Shudo T, Yamada M, Aoyama M. MiZ Co., Ltd., Fujisawa-‐‑shi, Kanagawa, Japan. A new type of electrolyzed hydrogen-‐‑saturated (EHS) water was produced using a water-‐‑ electrolyzing device equipped with a special cation exchanger. Use of the EHS water for drinking in a feeding test with rats elicited an antioxidative effect. After intraperitoneal injection of 2,2-‐‑azobis-‐‑ amidinopropane dihydrochloride, urinary secretion of 8-‐‑hydroxydeoxyguanosine and hepatic formation of peroxidized lipid were significantly lessened in rats which had received the EHS water for one week. These results suggest the possibility that this drinking water shows an effect in reduction of oxidative stress in the body. PMID: 16244454 [PubMed -‐‑ in process]
14. Effects of supplementing of calcium, iron and zinc on women'ʹs health during pregnancy
Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi. 2001 Nov;35(6):365-‐‑9. [Article in Chinese] An H, Yin S, Xu Q. Department of Maternal and Child Nutrition, Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, Beijing 100050, China. OBJECTIVES: To determine the effects of supplementing biscuits fortified with calcium (Ca) and vitamin D (VD), iron (Fe), vitamin C (VC) and zinc (Zn) to pregnant women from the 5th month of gestation until delivery on their health, and to explore a way to improve their Ca, Fe and Zn nutritional status during pregnancy. METHODS: A total of 313 healthy and primary pregnant women were enrolled and divided into five study groups based on their order visiting the hospitals for prenatal care. Each woman of the study groups was given three pieces of biscuit fortified with VD, Ca and VD, Ca, Zn and VD (Ca + Zn + VD), Ca, Fe, VC and VD (Ca + Fe + VD), Ca, Fe, VC, Zn and VD (Ca + Fe + Zn + VD), respectively, from the 15th month of gestation until delivery (24 weeks in total) daily. The fortified levels were 10 micrograms VD, 400 mg Ca from carbonate calcium, 10 mg Zn from lactate zinc, 10 mg Fe from ferrous lactate, and 50 mg VC, respectively. A parturient women was selected from the same hospital as control after one trial subject for each study groups selected. RESULTS: The daily dietary intakes of Ca, Zn and Fe in pregnant women were only 47.7%, 54.7% and 86.7% of the Recommended Dietary Allowances for Chinese. Incidence of anemia for mid-‐‑term pregnant women was 35.2%, and Fe-‐‑supplementation could significantly improved their hemoglobin level (P < 0.05). Prevalence of anemia in the groups of Ca + Fe + Zn + VD and Ca + Fe + VD was 35.3% and 40.7%, respectively, before Fe supplementation and reduced to zero and 4.0%, respectively, after Fe supplementation. Whereas, prevalence of anemia in the other groups without Fe supplementation still kept in a relatively high level. In the groups supplemented with Ca, their plasma Ca level increased, especially with the best results in Ca + VD group. Plasma level of Zn declined with length of gestation, which could be improved by Zn supplementation. Serum level of alkaline phosphatase activity increased a likle bit with length of gestation. There was no significant difference in radial and ulnar bone mineral density (BMD) between trial groups and controls two months after delivery. Maternal radial and ulnar BMD correlated significantly with their dietary Ca intakes in Ca + VD group. CONCLUSION: The best way to improve maternal nutritional status is supplementation of Ca + Fe + Zn + VitD, based on the Recommended Dietary Allowances for Chinese. PMID: 11840760 [PubMed -‐‑ indexed for MEDLINE]
15. Supplementation with alkaline minerals reduces symptoms in patients with chronic low back pain.
1: J Trace Elem Med Biol. 2001;15(2-‐‑3):179-‐‑83. Vormann J, Worlitschek M, Goedecke T, Silver B. Institut fur Pravention und Ernahrung, Ismaning, Germany. vormann@ipev.de The cause of low back pain is heterogeneous, it has been hypothesised that a latent chronic acidosis might contribute to these symptoms. It was tested whether a supplementation with alkaline minerals would influence symptoms in patients with low back pain symptoms. In an open prospective study 82 patients with chronic low back pain received daily 30 g of a lactose based alkaline multimineral supplement (Basica) over a period of 4 weeks in addition to their usual medication. Pain symptoms were quantified with the "ʺArhus low back pain rating scale"ʺ (ARS). Mean ARS dropped highly significant by 49% from 41 to 21 points after 4 weeks supplemention. In 76 out of 82 patients a reduction in ARS was achieved by the supplementation. Total blood buffering capacity was significantly increased from 77.69 +/-‐‑ 6.79 to 80.16 +/-‐‑ 5.24 mmol/L (mean +/-‐‑ SEM, n = 82, p < 0.001) and also blood pH rose from 7.456 +/-‐‑ 0.007 to 7.470 +/-‐‑ 0.007 (mean +/-‐‑ SEM, n = 75, p < 0.05). Only intracellular magnesium increased by 11% while other intracellular minerals were not significantly changed in sublingual tissue as measured with the EXA-‐‑test. Plasma concentrations of potassium, calcium, iron, copper, and zinc were within the normal range and not significantly influenced by the supplementation. Plasma magnesium was slightly reduced after the supplemenation (-‐‑3%, p < 0.05). The results show that a disturbed acid-‐‑base balance may contribute to the symptoms of low back pain. The simple and safe addition of an alkaline multimineral preparate was able to reduce the pain symptoms in these patients with chronic low back pain. Publication Types: * Clinical Trial PMID: 11787986 [PubMed -‐‑ indexed for MEDLINE]
16. Physiological effects of alkaline ionized water: Effects on metabolites produced by intestinal fermentation
Takashi Hayakawa, Chicko Tushiya, Hisanori Onoda, Hisayo Ohkouchi, Haruto Tsuge (Gifu University, Faculty of Engineering, Dept. of Food Science) "ʺWe have found that long-‐‑term ingestion of alkaline ionized water (AIW) reduces cecal fermentation in rats that were given highly fermentable commercial diet (MF: Oriental Yeast Co., Ltd.). In this experiment, rats were fed MF and test water (tap water, AIW with pH at 9 and 10) for about 3 months. Feces were collected on the 57th day, and the rats were dissected on the 88th day. The amount of ammonium in fresh feces and cecal contents as well as fecal free-‐‑glucose tended to drop down for the AIW group. In most cases, the amount of free-‐‑amino acids in cecal contents did not differ significantly except for cysteine (decreased in AIW with pH at 10) and isoleucine (increased in AIW with pH at 10).
17. Clinical evaluation of alkaline ionized water for abdominal complaints: Placebo controlled double blind tests
Hirokazu Tashiro, Tetsuji Hokudo, Hiromi Ono, Yoshihide Fujiyama, Tadao Baba (National Ohkura Hospital, Dept. of Gastroenterology; Institute of Clinical Research, Shiga University of Medical Science, Second Dept. of Internal Medicine "ʺEffect of alkaline ionized water on abdominal complaints was evaluated by placebo controlled double blind tests. Overall scores of improvement using alkaline ionized water marked higher than those of placebo controlled group, and its effect proved to be significantly higher especially in slight symptoms of chronic diarrhoea and abdominal complaints in cases of general malaise. Alkaline ionized water group did not get interrupted in the course of the test, nor did it show serious side effects nor abnormal test data. It was confirmed that alkaline ionized water is safer and more effective than placebos.
18. Effect of Electrolytic Water (Ionized Water) Intake on Lifespan of Autoimmune Disease Prone Mice Research from Texas University
Recent studies on electrolyzed water indicate that anode or acidic water is most effective as disinfectants; whereas, reduced or alkaline water processed through cathode is used as safe drinking water. The present drinking water study was undertaken in two strains of autoimmune disease prone mice to establish the spontaneous disease process and longevity. Weanling MRL/lpr and NZBxNZW [B/W] F1 female mice were provided daily with (1) tap water [pH ~7.5, oxygen reduction potential (ORP)~600+] (2) electrolyzed water with pH of ~9.0 and ORP ~400-‐‑ and (3) hyper-‐‑reduced water with pH~10.0 and ORP~600-‐‑. Mice were provided H2O and chow diet ad libitum and weekly body weights and spontaneous deaths were recorded. The mean survival data recorded as days for MRL/lpr mice [25 mice/group] is as follows: (1) tap water 235±25, (2) reduced water 287±40 and (3) hyper-‐‑reduced water 346±45 days [<0.05]. In the case of B/W mice [25 mice/group], (1) tap water 269±16, (2) reduced water 298±19 and (3) hyper-‐‑reduced 302±18 days. A significantly decreased (<0.05) serum lipid peroxides were observed in mice fed hyper-‐‑reduced H2O. Also, the source of water did not alter lymphocyte subsets or their response to mitogens. In summary, hyper-‐‑reduced water with pH~10.0 appears to inhibit autoimmune disease of MRL/lpr mice whereas only a modest increased lifespan was noted for B/W mice. The increased lifespan by electrolyzed H2O appears to be related to the changes in free radicals and antioxidant enzyme levels. [Supported in part by Zanix Co. and Mr. Waterman Co., Tokyo, Japan]
19. Physiological effects of alkaline ionized water: Effects on metabolites produced by intestinal fermentation
by Takashi Hayakawa, Chicko Tushiya, Hisanori Onoda, Hisayo Ohkouchi, Harul-‐‑~to Tsuge (Gifu University, Faculty of Engineering, Dept. of Food Science) We have found that long-‐‑term ingestion of alkaline ionized water (AIW) reduces cecal fermentation in rats that were given highly fermentable commercial diet (MF: Oriental Yeast Co., Ltd.). In this experiment, rats were fed MF and test water (tap water, AIW with pH at 9 and 10) for about 3 months. Feces were collected on the 57th day, and the rats were dissected on the 88th day. The amount of ammonium in fresh feces and cecal contents as well as fecal free-‐‑glucose tended to drop down for the AIW group. In most cases, the amount of free-‐‑amino acids in cecal contents did not differ sign-‐‑ icantly except for cysteine (decreased in AIW with pH at 10) and isoleucine (increased in AIW with pH at 10).
20. Reduced Water for Prevention of Diseases
Part paper delivered by Dr Shirahata to the Functional Water Symposium in Tokyo by Dr.Sanetaka Shirahata, Graduate school of Genetic Resources Technology, Kyushu University,6-‐‑10-‐‑1 Hakozaki, Higashi-‐‑ku, Fukuoka 812-‐‑8581, Japan. It has long been established that reactive oxygen species (ROS) cause many types of damage to biomolecules and cellular structures, that, in turn result in the development of a variety of pathologic states such as diabetes, cancer and aging. Reduced water is defined as anti-‐‑oxidative water produced by reduction of water. Electrolyzed reduced water (ERW) has been demonstrated to be hydrogen-‐‑rich water and can scavenge ROS in vitro (Shirahata et al., 1997). The reduction of proton in water to active hydrogen (atomic hydrogen, hydrogen radical) that can scavenge ROS is very easily caused by a weak current, compared to oxidation of hydroxyl ion to oxygen molecule. Activation of water by magnetic field, collision, minerals etc. will also produce reduced water containing active hydrogen and/or hydrogen molecule.
21. Clinical Impovements Obtained From The Intake Of Reduced Water
Extracts from the Presentation At The Eight Annual International Symposium On man And His Environment in Health And Disease on February 24th 1990, at The Grand Kempinski Hotel, Dalls, Texas, USA by Dr. H. Hayashi, M.D. and Dr. M Kawamura, M.D ., on: THE CONCEPT OF PREHEPATIC MEDICINES Since the introduction of alkaline ionic water in our clinic in 1985, we have had the following interesting clinical experiences in the use of this type of water. By the use of alkaline ionic water for drinking and the preparation of meals for our in-‐‑patients, we have noticed :-‐‑ Declines in blood sugar levels in diabetic patients. Improvements in peripheral circulation in diabetic gangrene. Declines in uric acid levels in patients with gout. Improvements in liver function exams in hepatic disorders. Improvements in gastro-‐‑duodenal ulcer and prevention of their recurrences. Improvements in hypertension and hypotension. Improvements in allergic disorders such as asthma, urticaria, rhinitis and atopic dermatitis. Improvements in persistent diarrhea which occurred after gastrectomy. Quicker improvements in post operative bower paralysis. Improvements in serum bilirubin levels in new born babies.
22. Effects of alkaline ionized water on formation & maintenance of osseous tissues
by Rei Takahashi Zhenhua Zhang Yoshinori Itokawa (Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine, Dept. of Pathology and Tumor Biology, Fukui Prefectural University) Effects of calcium alkaline ionized water on formation and maintenance of osseous tissues in rats were examined. In the absence of calcium in the diet, no apparent calcification was observed with only osteoid formation being prominent. Striking differences were found among groups that were given diets with 30% and 60% calcium. Rats raised by calcium ionized water showed the least osteogenetic disturbance. Tibiae and humerus are more susceptible to calcium deficiency than femora. Theses results may indicate that calcium in drinking water effectively supplements osteogenesis in case of dietary calcium deficiency. The mechanism involved in osteoid formation such as absorption rate of calcium from the intestine and effects of calcium alkaline ionized drinking water on maintaining bone structure in the process of aging or under the condition of calcium deficiency is investigated.
Chlorination  Water Some studies
1 Commikee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment (2000). Chlorinated Drinking Water and Reproductive Outcomes. 1998 Annual Report of the Commikees on Toxicity Mutagenicity Carcinogenicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment: pp 7-‐‑8. London: Department of Health 2 Commikee on Carcinogenicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment (1993). Epidemiology of Chlorinated Drinking Water and Cancer. 1992 Annual Report of the Commikees on Toxicity Mutagenicity Carcinogenicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment: pp 55-‐‑56 and Correction issued September 1993. London: HMSO 3 Commikee on the Carcinogenicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment (2000). Drinking Water. 1999 Annual Report of the Commikees on Toxicity Mutagenicity Carcinogenicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment: pp 59-‐‑61. London: Department of Health 4 Swan SH, Waller K, Hopkins B, Windham G, Fenster L, Schaefer C, Neutra RR (1998). A prospective study of spontaneous abortion: relation to amount and source of drinking water consumed in early pregnancy. Epidemiology ; 9: 126-‐‑133 5 Toledano MB, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Bennet J, Best N, Whitaker H, Cockings S, Fawell J, Jarup L, Briggs DJ, Elliok P (2001). Chlorination disinfection by products in relation to birthweight in three water areas in England (unpublished draft) 6 Waller K, Swan SH, DeLorenze G, Hopkins B (1998). Trihalomethanes in drinking water and spontaneous abortion. Epidemiology ; 9: 134-‐‑140
Recent epidemiological studies:
7 Dodds L, King W, Allen AC, Armson BA, Fell DB, Nimrod C (2004). Trihalomethanes in public water supplies and risk of stillbirth. Epidemiology ; 15: 179-‐‑186 8 Dodds L, King W, Woolcok C, Pole J (1999). Trihalomethanes in public water supplies and adverse birth outcomes. Epidemiology ; 3: 233-‐‑237 9 Fabiani L, Materazzo F, Ensabella F, Giuliani AR, Patacchiola F, Oleandri V, Leoni V (2003). [Low birth weight, life style of mothers during pregnancy and chlorinated drinking water]. Ann Ig ; 15: 933-‐‑43 10 Gallagher MD, Nuckols JR, Stallones L, Savi„ DA. (1998). Exposure to trihalomethanes and adverse pregnancy outcomes. Epidemiology ; 9: 484-‐‑489 11 Jaakkola JJK, Magnus P, Skrondal A, Hwang B-‐‑F, Becher G, Dybing E (2001). Foetal growth and duration of gestation relative to water chlorination. Occup Environ Med ; 58: 437-‐‑442 12 Kallen BAJ, Robert E (2000). Drinking water chlorination and delivery outcome -‐‑ a registry-‐‑based study in Sweden. Rep Tox; 14; 303-‐‑309 13 King WD, Dodds L, Allen AC (2000). Relation between stillbirth and specific chlorination by-‐‑ products in public water supply. Env Health Perspec ; 108; 883-‐‑886
14 Righi E, Fantuzzi G, Montanari M, Bargellini A, Predieri G, Aggazzoki G (2003). [Exposure to water disinfection by-‐‑products and adverse pregnancy outcomes: results of a case-‐‑control study carried out in Modena (Italy).] Ann Ig ; 15: 649-‐‑62 15 Toledano MB, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Best N, Whitaker H, Hambly P, de Hoogh C, Fawell J, Jarup L, Elliok P (2004). Relation of trihalomethane concentrations in public water supplies to stillbirth and birth weight in three water regions in England. Env Health Perspec ; doi:10.1289/ehp.7111. hkp://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/docs/2004/7111/abstract.html 16 Waller K, Swan SH, Windham GC, Fenster L (2001). Influence of exposure assessment methods on risk estimates in an epidemiologic study of total trihalomethane exposure and spontaneous abortion. J Exp Anal and Env Epidem ; 11: 522-‐‑531 17 Wright JM, Schwar„ J, Dockery DW (2003). Effect of trihalomethane exposure on fetal development. Occup Environ Med ; 60: 173-‐‑180 18 Wright JM, Schwar„ J, Dockery DW (2004). The effect of disinfection by-‐‑products and mutagenic activity on birth weight and gestational duration. Env Health Perspec ; 112: 920-‐‑5 19 Yang CY (2004). Drinking water chlorination and adverse birth outcomes in Taiwan. Toxicology ; 198: 249-‐‑54 20 Yang C-‐‑Y, Cheng B-‐‑H, Tsai S-‐‑S, Wu T-‐‑N, Lin M-‐‑C, Lin K-‐‑C (2000). Association between chlorination of drinking water and adverse pregnancy outcome in Taiwan. Env Health Perspec ; 108; 765-‐‑768
Recent papers on exposure and uptake
21 Backer LC, Ashley DL, Bonin MA, Cardinall FL, Kieszak SM, Wooten JV (2000). Household exposures to drinking water disinfection by-‐‑products: whole blood trihalomethane levels. J Exp Anal and Env Epidem ; 10: 321-‐‑326 22 Lynberg M, Nuckols JR, Langlois P, Ashley D, Singer P, Mendola P, Wilkes C, Krapfl H, Miles E, Speight V, Lin B, Small L, Miles A, Bonin M, Zei„ P, Tadkod A, Henry J, Forrester MB (2001). Assessing exposure to disinfection by-‐‑products in women of reproductive age living in Corpus Christi, Texas and Cobb County, Georgia: Descriptive results and methods. Envir Health Perspect ; 109: 597-‐‑604 23 Miles AM, Singer PC, Ashley DL, Lynberg MC, Mendola P, Langlois P, Nuckols JR (2002). Comparison of trihalomethanes in tap water and blood. Environ Sci Technol ; 36: 1692-‐‑1698
Recent studies in laboratory animals:
24 Bielmeier S, Best DS, Guidici DL, Narotsky MG (2001). Pregnancy loss in the rat caused by bromodichloromethane. Tox Sci ; 59: 309-‐‑315 25 Bielmeier S, Best DS, Narotsky MG (2004). Serum hormone characterisation and exogenous hormone rescue of bromodichloromethane-‐‑induced pregnancy loss in the F344 rat. Tox Sci ; 77: 101-‐‑108 26 Chen J, Douglas GC, Thirkill TL, Lohstroh PN, Bielmeier SR, Narotsky MG, Best DS, Harrison RA, Natarajan K, Pegram RA, Overstreet JW, Lasley BL, (2003) Effect of bromodichloromethane on chorionic gonadotrophin secretion by human placental trophoblast cultures. Tox Sci ; 76: 75-‐‑82 27 Chen J, Thirkill TL, Lohstroh PN, Bielmeier SR, Narotsky MG, Best DS, Harrison RA, Natarajan K, Pegram RA, Overstreet JW, Lasley BL, Douglas GC (2004). Bromodichloromethane inhibits human placental trophoblast differentiation. Tox Sci ; 78: 166-‐‑174 28 Christian MS, York RG, Hoberman AM, Diener RM, Fisher LC, Gates GA (2001a). Biodisposition of dibromoacetic acid (DBA) and bromodichloromethane (BDCM) administered to rats and rabbits in drinking water during range-‐‑finding reproduction and developmental toxicity studies. Int J Toxicol ; 20: 239-‐‑253 29 Christian MS, York RG, Hoberman AM, Diener RM, Fisher LC (2001b). Oral (drinking water) developmental toxicity studies of bromodichloromethane (BDCM) in rats and rabbits. Int J Toxicol ; 20: 225-‐‑237 30 Christian MS, York RG, Hoberman AM, Fisher LC, Ray Brown W (2002) Oral (drinking water) two-‐‑generation reproductive toxicity study of bromodichloromethane (BDCM) in rats. Int J Toxicol ; 21: 115-‐‑146
Recent review papers:
31 Bove F, Shim Y, Zei„ P (2002). Drinking water contaminants and adverse pregnancy outcomes: A review. Env Health Perspec ; 110 (Suppl 1): 61-‐‑74 32 Graves CG, Matanoski GM Tardiff RG (2001). Weight of evidence for an association between adverse reproductive and developmental effects and exposure to disinfection by-‐‑products: A critical review. Reg Tox and Pharm ; 34: 103-‐‑124 33 Nieuwenhuijsen MJ, Toledano MB, Eaton NE, Fawell J, Elliok P (2000). Chlorination disinfection by-‐‑products in water and their association with adverse reproductive outcomes. Occup Environ Med ; 57: 73-‐‑85
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