ND Pharma & Biotech Catalogue 2015

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ND Pharma & Biotech Company

Products & Services 2015

We are revolutionizing industry from the inside with a number of products that we are delivering to a number of countries as a result of the significant expansion and Company´s global reach. We are growing as our clients grow with us. Together will fulfill our goal: make life better.


Food$Ingredients$ Many" of" the" world’s" largest" and" best4known" food" manufacturers" rely" on" ND" Pharma" &" Biotech" products" and" technology" designed" and" engineered" for" natural" preservaAon" and" protecAon" of" hundreds"of"essenAal"food"ingredients." "Our"high4quality"products,"best4performance"technologies" and"innovaAons"in"industries"from"agriculture"to"food"manufacturing"and"processing"are"in"many"of" the"products"consumers"use"and"enjoy"every"day,"from"grains"and"meats"to"salad"oils,"yogurt"and" chocolate,"ensuring"a"beGer"food"safety,"and"trust"on." " Baking$&$Cereals" Beverages" Candy$&$Confec7onery$ Dairy" Meat$Products$ Other$Processed$Foods" Snack$Foods$


Feed$Ingredients$ $

The"growing"of"industries"and"sectors"related"to"agriculture,"farming,"livestock"and"the"suppliers"of" greater" sectors" within" is" constantly" being" challenged" to" meet" growing" worldwide" demand," produce" aGracAve" products," fight" diseases," increase" performance" and" profitability" in" a" more" secure" and" sustainable" environment." ND" Pharma" &" Biotech" has" an" ever" increasing" number" of" quality" feed" ingredients" and" other" innovaAons" that" address" these" issues" giving" a" complete" saAsfacAon"to"producers"and"industries"in"a"supporAng"role"and"effort"to"give"value"to"the"sectors" and" fields" where" we" are" operaAng," both" directly" or" through" partners," commercial," industrial," technical"and"of"any"other"class.$ $

Aquaculture" CaAle$&$Sheep" Companion$Animals" Dairy" Equine" Poultry" Swine$


Industrial$Products$ $ Price" compeAAveness," evoluAonary" chemicals," green" chemistry," advanced" materials," nature" sourcing"as"natural"anAoxidants,"vegetable4based"lipids,"specialty"ingredients,"more"sustainable" products" with" enhanced" specificaAons," bio4based" content" and" performance," adaptability" to" changes" within" the" normaAve" frames" and" regulaAons," rise" of" low4priced" imports," and" many" others" are" just" some" of" the" baseline" philosophy" under" our" daily" effort" and" work" dedicaAon" of" excellent"service"to"the"industrial"sector." Give"us"the"opportunity"to"talk"about"your"needs"and"the"soluAons"we"may"offer"to"such"needs." $ Acidulants" Construc7on$ De4Icers" Packaging" Dust"Control"Products" Personal$Care" Emulsifiers"and"Thickeners" Plas7cs" FermentaAon"Nutrients" Pulp$&$Paper$ FerAlizers" $ Industrial"Oils" Polyols" Other$Products$ Propylene"Glycol" Starches" Dispersants" Superabsorbents" Solvents" Etc." $


Nutri7on/Supplements$ $ Consumers," and" thus" far" the" industry" is" looking" permanently" for" new" ways" to" make" their" lifestyles" healthier" and" beGer." This" means" essenAally" a" look" for" foods," beverages," ingredients," nutrients"and"supplements"that"may"provide"health4enhancing"and"health4protecAon"properAes." ND" Pharma" &" Biotech" develops" and" markets" thousand" of" such" kind" products," molecules," compounds"and"mixes"to"saAsfy"the"unceasing"demand"for"innovaAon." " Vitamins$ Minerals$ Olygoelements$ Amino$Acids$ Proteins$ Ac7ve$Supplements$ New$Molecules$ Natural$Sterols$ Isoavones$ Enhancers$ Buers$ Boosters$ $


Brands$ $ ND" Pharma" &" Biotech" Research" +" InnovaAon" +" EvoluAon" is" creaAng" new" and" beGer" products" every"day"to"let"our"customers"to"compete"within"the"most"demanding"and"exigent"markets." Thousands" of" ingredients" are" produced" by" our" company" and" used" in" food," feed," nutriAon," cosmeAcs," personal" care" and" the" chemical–industrial" sectors." Research" is" showing" that" consumers"are"increasing"their"necessiAes"for"learning"about"the"beGer"ways"of"pursing"health4 thru"nutriAon"brands"and"products."This"is"why"we"also"market"some"of"our"innovaAons"for"direct" consumpAon"or"directly"to"public"in"the"way"of"ready4to"go"soluAons"and"innovaAon"products." " $


Innova7on$&$Technology$ Research$+$Development$ Online$Services$and$Con7nuing$Support$ " " Innova7on$&$Technology$ $ At" ND" Pharma" &" Biotech" Co.," we" believe" a" worldwide" company" needs" to" offer" outstanding" services" to" every" consumer," investor" and" customer," all" around" the" globe." This" is" why" we" strongly"invest"in"our"World4Class"R&D"that"lets"us"to"offer"the"best4available"soluAons"to"our" customers"and"theirs"too." "

Behind" every" ND" Pharma" &" Biotech" product" is" our" comprehensive" global" research4and4 development"network."Our"scienAsts,"researchers"and"technical"representaAves"can"help"with" product" development" or" work" with" any" of" your" formulaAons." When" you’re" ready" to" test" finished"products,"our"sensory"tesAng"team"can"provide"objecAve,"detailed"evaluaAons."In"our" state4of4the4art"culinary"center,"advanced"pilot"plants"and"laboratories"all"over"the"world,"our" network" of" researchers" blends" experAse" and" experience" with" state4of4the4art" equipment" to" meet"our"customers’"needs." "

+ Innovation

Online$Services$and$Con7nuing$Support$ $ Specifically"for"our"customers,"we"offer"e4ND"Pharma"that"consAtutes"an"ND"Pharma"&"Biotech"" plaXorm"enables"customers"to"cost"effecAvely"manage"their"business"with"automaAc"inventory" monitoring" and" ordering," payments," product" and" ingredient" searches," logisAcs" management" and" reporAng." Our" informaAonal" services" provide" increasing" collaboraAon" and" informaAon" sharing" with" suppliers" during" product" research;" increases" consistent" and" reliable" delivery" to" meet" producAon" demands;" expands" use" and" acceptance" of" electronic" trade" documents" and" remiGance;"and"helps"integrate"companies"with"trading"partners"to"facilitate"cost"avoidance." " Our"personnel,"both"commercial,"technical"and"back"office"are"available"for"consultaAons"and" problem4solving"in"an"effecAve"manner,"with"different"communicaAon"tools"from"telephone"to" internet" access" and" many" others" to" make" easier" the" incorporaAon" of" our" products" and" developments"to"your"industry"and"operaAons,"products"and"client"saAsfacAon."




ND Pharma & Biotech is a biopharmaceutical company that discovers, develops and commercializes innovative products and therapeutics in areas of unmet medical, food, nutritional, agro, industrial and many other needs. The company mission is to advance the care of people suffering from certain diseases, worldwide and to make life better promoting green chemistry issues and removing certain chemical toxics from our daily lives. Company also acts as a chemical supplier and molecular provider including certain rare molecules and hard-to find compounds, API´s Intermediates, Reactives, etc. Headquartered in Surrey, England, UK, ND Pharma & Biotech Company has operations worldwide thru a network of commercial and industrial partners, both companies and/or corporations. PreserFood, Acarisin, Moldstop, Mycostop, Glaice, Lactolife, Acqualife, SterilFood, Fruitfresh, Kangen, Alkiow, Noopeptil, Nooglutil, Inofish, Zoeltar, Bacterskin, Bacterskin 5000, Pinolipol, Veri-K and Veri-K Series, X-Fresh, Acnifol, Glicospart, Mitoprotect, Citrusol, Inusol, Stevisol, Sucrasol, Acek. 250, PureATP, Aminoprot 100, Asparsol, EcoEff, Anisakill, Calclor, Ferristat, Chiknsafe, Cocqwa, Maltolan DRM, Monkí, Peppersol, Reduxalt, Vegafresh, Sugar 50, Sugar 20, Florafresh, FishFresh, Zelitem, Tancream, Psoriacrem, Ovofresh, Xantamar, Mohostop, PS454 Nitroboost, PS452 Glicoboost, M.A.R.S. (Micro Alcohol Reaction System) and many others, are registered trademarks of ND Pharma & Biotech Co. Ltd. And/or some of its related companies. Marks may not be available everywhere. For product information, territorial availability, terms and conditions and/or any other relevant information please visit us at www.ndpharmabiotech.com or alternatively write us an e-mail to: info@ndpharmabiotech.com, referencing and stating clearly the purpose of your communication.


Making Life Better Delivering Innovation

ND Pharma & Biotech Co. Church Street, Great Bookham Surrey, England United Kingdom KT23 3PB www.ndpharmabiotech.com info@ndpharmabiotech.com Tel#: (+44)(0)7045-758-894 Tel#: (+44)(0)7822-153-641 Fax#:(+44)(0)8435-643-106

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