ND Pharma & Biotech´s
We are revolutionizing industry from the inside with a number of products that we are delivering to a number of countries as a result of the significant expansion and Company´s global reach. We are growing as our clients grow with us. Together will fulfill our goal: make life better. PreserFoodTM Milk & Dairy is one of those products designed and engineered after a number of years of clinical research/lab testing, with the special care that we place in almost every action we take daily. Let us to introduce to you to the world of benefits of PreserFoodTM, one of our best-sellers that is helping the milk and milk-derived products´ industries all across the world.
Mark Thomas
Chief Operating Officer ND Pharma & Biotech Company
PreserFood TM Milk/Dairy
9. Preventive effects over contamination and the development od certain moulds, yeasts derived from residuals of manipulation, tubes, tanks and other transportations systems. 10. Limitation of physical-chemical properties of milk, pre- and post- operational changes. 11. Negative test to presence of bacteria inhibitors within milk. 12. Negative test to the appearing of chemical substances and organopreparates. 13. Prevent thermal-resistant proteolytic bacteria appearing. 14. Prevent from post pasteurization subproduct´s formations as well as protein degradation and spoilage. 15. Stabilize other milk added nutrients as vitamins, minerals fatty acids (Omega 3 up to 6 months stability without rancidity flavor and nutritional profile decreasing curve. 16. In dependence of dosage it´s able to prevent casein aggrupation formations and aggregate particles (oxidative fats and certain others). 17. Improvement of germicidal effect of thermic treatments reducing defensive capacity of microorganisms and augmenting the potential membrane differential, making thus far bacteria more sensible to temperature and reducing defensive capacity making those more sensible to temperature. 18. Improves heat and cold transmission speed within fluids, acting the mineral salts contained within the products as gelificant cations, so it both reduces freeze temperature and at same time providing an augmentation of the product to the thermal pasteurization temperature, prolonging the effect of temperature over foodstuffs, as well as it´s sustainable in terms of energy saving and optimization of production times. 19. Improving performance at storage temperature, (sustainable energy saving systematic).
20. Prevents the contamination and bio-accumulation within the industrial cooling systems and contact thermal processing. 21. It has antifoam effect during mandatory agitation periods and it squeezes c0oling also. 22. As pH stabilizer, it reduces the degradation of certain envelopes, cans and other storage and manipulation systems even those derived from bad fucntioning of closing and sealing systems broadly used within the industry. 23. Increase performance and utility of premises and deposits containing milk raw materials, reducing both the amount and frequency of production interruptions secondary to cleaning and disinfection needs. 24. Reduction lactic acid and acidifying sub-products even in stress episodes of raw material and non-optimal storage. 25. Offer protection against full and spontaneous disruptions of cold chain, giving full protection up to 24 hours at maximum of 30ºC. 26. Reduction of microbial multiply log. from minimal doses starting at 0´5 gr/ltr up to ´78 cfu´s /at 14 days timing-test. 27. Improves and elevates the nutritional profile of elaborates and milk-derived products as well as it´s energetic and caloric capacity without a sugar overcharge, especially those considered “bad sugar”, intensity or potentially harmful ones, making products more admissible for certain groups of population, (diabetics, insulin-resistant diabetics, etc.). Incorporation of this product even as a sweetener does not increase the pancreatic digestive-metabolic reaction, so therefore its ingestion does not need correction measures and thus far it can be consumed by all kinds of population. 28. Through some of its components (individual) it has recognized capacity of regulation and restoring of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems improving mood status, easing sleep and reducing oxidative stress and cell stress impact within our organism.
29. Substitution of certain spoilage prevention substances within cheese and elaborated products, (especially certain chem-tox). 30. Improvement of elasticity of raw cheese up to a 47% in comparison to other raw cheese without product addition. 31. Improvement of result expressed in terms of reduction (bacteria/oxygen consumption) Reductase-Synthetase Reactivity. 32. Improvement of density tests within raw materials and elaborates (lactodensitometry) 33. Ingestion of 0´1 gr/day of principal component has shown improvement of memory and attention capacity (File s.E. et al. Journal of Clinical Psycopharmacology, US 1999, vol.19, Nº6, pp.506-512) in a totally natura way. 34. Anti-bacterial function within foods and drinks (JP-B2-72853). 35. Improvement of functional ingredients added and/or present within elaborates. (Reducing the alterations on brain functioning derived from probiotics, etc.). 36. Correct to use in any type of foods and elaborated ones including those pre-cooked and cooked where milk is some or part of the final product. 37. No daily maximum ingestion amount/quantity recommended. 38. Individual components of product are naturally present within the human organism, so the ingestion does not modify inner body levels of such components. 39. It pertains to a new generation of products that are made of natural ingredients and “clean label” solutions. 40. Improvement of absorption and functional expression of bio-active components naturally present within foodstuffs. It improves the absorption of nutrients within small intestine and acts as auxiliary agent to the prevention of derived from malabsorption syndromes and those secondary to fermentative disbiosis-disbacteriosis. 41. Improving of physical and mental perfomance and sleep quality, specially in altered situations derived from ingestion of certain foods containing irritants-excitant (caffeine, teaine, alcoholic drinks and beverages, etc.) as well as morning lack of appetite secondary to physical and mental stress. 42. It has tonic effects on vegetative nervous system and thus far it can be helpful in certain health conditions as IBS (irritable Bowel syndrome) and CAC (Chronic Atonic Constipation). 43. It prevents from reduction of organoleptic conditions during preparation of certain foods, especially those processed by high pressure and/or temperature. This is specifically evident within the case that such elaborated products may contain sugar, sweeteners and certain other substances reacting by hydrolisys after ingestion, as well as undesirable flavours appearing and causing consumer´s rejection. 44. Improves somnolence and day lethargy status, mental and physical fatigue, mood changes, irritability and certain functional imbalances as tensional headache, muscle tension derived from lack of quality sleep and rest, light sleep, superficial or insufficient. (Based on individual components action and limited to certain doses that act as bio-metabolic modulators/regulators. Including certain cases of dismetabolism disorders). These studies and test were performed with in-vivo patients and candidates establishing tolerance limits and frecuency of ingestion between 0.7 mg/day up to 35 mg/day o single components and composed product.
The Science behind PreserFood TMMILK & DAIRY PreserFood TM
Milk & Dairy
is designed end engineered using a proprietary technology that produces the natural accumulation of ionic mineral salts (with negative charge) assembled surrounding a sodium salt-amino acid base. This structuration conforms a balanced compound that reacts when in contact with H2O fraction of milk to release a number of such ions within the raw. That ions, when accumulated may lead to a disruption of the normal balance between peptidoglycan synthesis and controlled enzymatic hydrolysis during growth phases of bacteria via the creation of a poor substrate in the transpeptidation reaction, where a high percentage of neuropeptides remain uncross-linked, so morphological bacterial aberrations appear and a certain degree of spheroblast formation. The effect observed under electronic microscope is seen as a weakening of cell wall in the main place and a latter replacement of substances necessary to repair an regrow the membrane. The outermost lawyer is disintegrating in those cells affected by the action of the formula and DNA microfragmentation occurs when temperature appears in action as a result of pasteurization. The metabolic products and residues, the reactive elements and by-products as well as other triggers of milk bio-deterioration remain stable and lower for a number of days, so a natural downgrade in bio-deterioration occurs as a result, inhibiting thus far the potential growth of many bacteria. This new category of products are named, as proposed by regulatory bodies in different countries, as non-preservative ingredients with anti-bacterial secondary effects. No alteration of raw milk and/or milk technology is produced and little or no changes at all within the raw milk appear. The main difference resides in taste, smell and freshness of final product (as drinking one) and/or those derivatives obtained from the initial raw-fresh milk prior to pasteurization.
Ac:on of PreserFood TMMILK & DAIRY Applied on Fresh Raw and Posterior Pasteuriza:on On clinical and laboratory testing performed on pasteurized milk with PreserFood TM MILK & DAIRY , results demonstrate higher shelf life extension capacity and antimicrobial action on total bacterial count (TBC´s) to the extent shown in the graphic*. Counting that 50.000 TBC´s is considered in certain EU countries as the maximum limit for milk discard reference standard, PreserFood TM at 1,5 gr/L extended up to 21 days in single-port sampling laboratory testing. Industrial test performed verify that for 10.000 L tank, the amount needed to achieve these results is lowering down to 0,8 gr/L. Test on 2 gr/L exhibited results with maintenance of milk standard up to 32 days under 50.000 TBC´s. On industrial testing these results are achieved with lower doses of around 1´5 g/L for a regular 10.000 L tank. *This Controlled Trial was performed by an Official Diagnos:c and Reference Laboratory pertaining to the na:onal Network of Governmental Labs of an European Union State Member under circumstances out of control of ND Pharma & Biotech Co. Results were served by Laboratory Officials without interven:on of the company unless indica:ons about mode of use and certain procedure references. Results are verified by a Double-‐Controlled Blinded Reference Check System to guarantee the accuracy of results and to ease the verifica:on processes done on demand.
Total Bacterial Count (TBC´s)
10.000.000" 9.000.000" 8.000.000" 7.000.000" 6.000.000" 5.000.000" 4.000.000" 3.000.000" 2.000.000" 1.000.000" 0"
0"g/L" 1,5"g/L" 2"g/l" Dosage grs./Lt.
2"g/l" 1,5"g/L" 13"Days"
Days of Clinical and Laboratory Tes:ng
0"g/L" 20"Days"
4 Days
6 Days
8 Days
11 Days
13 Days
15 Days
18 Days
20 Days
22 Days
0 g/L
1,5 g/L
2 g/l
Talking about food? THE NATURAL SOLUTION IS
© 2015. ND Pharma & Biotech Company Limited Publica:ons Service.
ND Pharma & Biotech is a biopharmaceutical company that discovers, develops and commercializes innovative products and therapeutics in areas of unmet medical, food, nutritional, agro, industrial and many other needs. The company mission is to advance the care of people suffering from certain diseases, worldwide and to make life better promoting green chemistry issues and removing certain chemical toxics from our daily lives. Company also acts as a chemical supplier and molecular provider including certain rare molecules and hard-to find compounds, API´s Intermediates, Reactive substances, etc. Headquartered in Surrey, England, UK, ND Pharma & Biotech Company has operations worldwide thru a network of commercial and industrial partners, both companies and/or corporations. PreserFood, Acarisin, Moldstop, Mycostop, Glaice, Lactolife, Acqualife, SterilFood, Fruitfresh, Kangen, Alkiow, Noopeptil, Nooglutil, Inofish, Zoeltar, Bacterskin, Bacterskin 5000, Pinolipol, Veri-K and Veri-K Series, X-Fresh, Acnifol, Glicospart, Mitoprotect, Citrusol, Inusol, Stevisol, Sucrasol, Acek. 250, PureATP, Aminoprot 100, Asparsol, EcoEff, Anisakill, Calclor, Ferristat, Chiknsafe, Cocqwa, Maltolan DRM, Monkí, Peppersol, Reduxalt, Vegafresh, Sugar 50, Sugar 20, Florafresh, FishFresh, Zelitem, Tancream, Psoriacrem, Ovofresh, Xantamar, Mohostop, PS454 Nitroboost, PS452 Glicoboost, M.A.R.S. (Micro Alcohol Reaction System) and many others, are registered trademarks of ND Pharma & Biotech Co. Ltd. And/or some of its related companies. Marks may not be available everywhere. For product information, territorial availability, terms and conditions and/or any other relevant information please visit us at www.ndpharmabiotech.com or alternatively write us an e-mail to: info@ndpharmabiotech.com, referencing and stating clearly the purpose of your communication.
Making Life Better Delivering Innovation
ND Pharma & Biotech Co. Church Street, Great Bookham Surrey, England United Kingdom KT23 3PB www.ndpharmabiotech.com info@ndpharmabiotech.com Tel#: (+44)(0)7045-758-894 Tel#: (+44)(0)7822-153-641 Fax#:(+44)(0)8435-643-106