All-Round Technology Ingredient for Integral Oral Care Toothpastes, Mouthwashes, Gels, Professional Products
Perfect Biocompatibility Enamel Remineralisation and Repair Seal Dentin Tubules Prevention of Nerve Exposition Reduced Dental Hypersensibility-Hypersensitivity Protection of Teeth from Acids Attack Regression of Certain Stages of Teeth Damage _____________________________________ NovaFLASH® is made of nano-hydroxyapatite particles with particle size below 50 nm in a rod-like shape (30-40 nm length and 5-10 nm width) suspended in ultrapure water with hydroxyapatite concentration of 15.5 (w/w)% of total content. For other specific and/or “custom-made” formulations, please ask us writing an e-mail to:
Nanotechnology Reference: NovaFLASH
Calcium Nano Hydroxyapatite Dental Care Paste Ingredient
NovaFLASH® is a syntheses made nano-hydroxyapatite H2O based paste for industrial and clinical use.
Our key ingredient, the nano-hydroxyapatite is the smallest building block of teeth. Added to toothpaste, mouthwashes, gels, and any other element that remain within mouth, as Chewing Gum, Candies, etc., the nanoHA can rebuild enamel and make it strong, smooth and shiny, so therefore, a large number of benefits are clinically proven and many other are being discovered right now and in the future, as promissory the ingredient is.
Because it is very expensive, only a select few high-end toothpastes and integral dental care products can use it the ingredient in the market, and many from those that use it, do do not use the ingredient in form of high a concentration as it should be.
Now We are offering the ingredient in a very convenient presentation, at the most convenient cost you can find worldwide. That is our compromise to let you make a, toothpaste, mouthwash, and other products that wouldn’t be the same without it.
DENTAL HYPERSENSIBILITY/PAIN Calcium Nano Hydroxyapatite Dental Care Paste Ingredient NovaFLASH® · PRODUCT INFORMATION Specifications Hydroxyapatite, Ca10 (PO4)6 (OH)2, wt %15.5 ± 0.5 Potassium chloride, KCl, wt %4.5 ± 0.5 " Aqua, H2O, wt %≤ 81.0" Heavy metals, in ppm ≤ 20 pH10.0 ± 0.5" Total Aerobic Mesophilic Microorganisms (Bacteria, yeast and mold), cfu/g ≤ 100 General properties Specific gravity, g/cm 31.13 ± 0.02 Particle size, nm < 50 Shelf Life : 24 Months Physical appearance; white suspension GENERAL INFORMATION " NovaFLASH® is an ingredient mainly used in oral care, cosmetic and food products. The main applications of this product are toothpastes, mouthwashes, chewing gums and creams, with typical incorporation rates between 3% and 15 wt/wt %. No incorporation limits are defined and values up to 90 wt% are being used successfully in professional dental products. NovaFLASH® can be easily incorporated in water-based products. In emulsion-type products it should be added after emulsion formation, during cooling-process with continuous mixing. To insure homogeneity of the ingredient components, the NovaFLASH® should be stirred before every usage. Packaging Available in 20 kg HDPE food grade containers. Other options may be available upon request. Storage, Safety and Handling To ensure the quality of the product, keep it in a closed container at room temperature in a clean and dry place. Do not freeze. For more details about product safety and handling information, please refer to the NovaFLASH® Safety Data Sheet (SDS).
Dental hypersensi.vity is a worldwide concern. As a dental condi.on pain derived from this condi.on occurs in approximately 72% of adult popula.on. If periodontal disease is present as subjacent condi.on, then the prevalence can reach up to a 98% of adult popula.on including young adults. As a result of con.nuous teeth erosion by the ac.on of foods, drinks and hot and cold temperatures, acid aEacks and bacteria and/or poor hygiene habits, den.n and underlying nerves became exposed, so therefore external s.muli are transmiEed to the nerves, causing brief but intense pain and general discomfort.
This condi.on, commonly known as dental hypersensi.vity is usually controlled and/or treated by applying desensi.zing toothpastes that as a general rule are composed by chloride or potassium nitrate. However, these products do not simulate the natural composi.on and structure of den.n and enamel and in some cases, as chemical addi.ves and compounds are so aggressive with enamel, teeth, mucosa, and the oral .ssue.
The mineralized .ssues in human body are majorly composed by hydroxyapa.te (HA), a natural calcium phosphate ceramic-like compound quite abundant in den.n (70%), enamel (97%) and bone (60%).
Tooth enamel is the hardest .ssue in humans and is made up of building blocks of HA nano-crystals, of around 40nm size. par.cles The .ssue is acellular so contrary to bone, cannot be naturally repaired. the surface of tooth enamel therefore poses a significant challenge to the science of materials where our findings were discovered first and the applica.ons that can be derived from such research and discoveries.
Nano-hydroxy-apa.te (nano-HA) is a material used for a variety applica.ons both in medicine, den.stry as well as many other. The excellent bioac.vity and biocompa.bility as its similarity to the mineral component of teeth and bone conforms the special characteris.cs and of nano-HA. This calcium phosphate is already being used in oral care formula.ons and offers a number of benefits, such as reduc.on of teeth sensi.vity, fast enamel remineralisa.on, improved smoothness of tooth surface and whitening. In some other applica.ons product is able to revert incipient stages of bacterial ac.vity within the piece thus far caries progression.
In other hand nano-HA is able to fill and reach osseointegra.on status within the dental tubules, enhancing their occlusion. This sealing ac.vity acts within the tubules those and it from exposure, especially the nerves against the external s.muli, reducing dental hypersensi.vity and pain.
The nano-HA present in NovaFLASH® acts employing a higher surface area, improved biological ac.vity and chemical reac.vity. That in synergy helps to facilitate product binding to the den.n apa.te and tooth enamel a new apa.te layer that re-mineralizes enamel and protects the surface of the tooth.
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