ND Pharma & Biotech Co.

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ND PHARMA & BIOTECH A 1.000 miles travel commence with a single step. Chinese Proverb

Un viaje de 1.000 millas comienza con un solo paso. Proverbio Chino


ND PHARMA & BIOTECH Dear friend, customer, investor or prospective:

Estimado amigo, cliente, inversor o prospectivo:

Every other day our universe is expanding. We are growing continuously, in an ever expanding circle, improving for you, our brands, our products, our research, with the same drive, motivation and illusion that let us to reach this point of success and implementation of our philosophy of service and clean behavior with our customers. The ND Pharma & Biotech family is growing also in different aspects and directions, so this growing were nearby impossible to be reflected just on a website, flyer or catalogue. This is why we create different thematic websites, because we want to share with what we are and what we´re doing in a more informational, illustrative and commercial manner, showing and sharing new and more advanced points of interest for you, thru the open exposition of our corporate websites and pages.

Cada dia, nuestro universo se expande. Crecemos de manera continuada en un constantemente expansivo círculo, mejorando para ti, nuestras marcas, nuestros productos, nuestra investigación, con la misma energía y motivación e ilusión que nos ha permitido llegar hasta este grado de éxito en la implementación de nuestra filosofía de servicio y comportamiento transparente y ético para con nuestros colaboradores, ya sean clientes o proveedores. La familia de ND Pharma & Biotech crece además in diferentes aspectos y direcciones de manera que nuestro desarrollo es casi imposible de reflejar en una Web, catalogo o folleto. Esta es la razón por la que hemos creado diferentes sitios web de carácter temático, para poder compartir contigo lo que somos y lo que hacemos de un modo más ilustrativo y comercial, mostrando y reflejando los nuevos y más avanzados elementos que pueden ser de interés para ti en una exposición abierta de nuestro trabajo corporativo.

On behalf of the ND Pharma & Biotech family let me invite you to explore our world, the ND World, a complete universe of science, research and innovation designed to serve you, and of course, to make life better, as our mission prays. So please, feel free to browse and surf over our different sites, hostings and microsites, as well as within this pages and let us to be part of our life also. You deserve and We worth it. Sincerely Yours. Jess P. Harford. CEO ND Pharma & Biotech Co.

En nombre de la familia ND Pharma & Biotech, pido que me permitas invitarte a explorar nuestro mundo, el mundo ND, un universo completo de ciencia, investigación e innovación diseñado para servirte y por supuesto, como nuestro motto reza, para hacer la vida mejor. Por favor, se libre de navegar por las diferentes webs, micro-sites y páginas incluyendo las de esta publicación, y déjanos ser parte de tu vida también. Tu te lo mereces y no te defraudaremos. Afectuosamente Jess P. Harford, CEO ND Pharma & Biotech Co. iii

Overview ND Pharma & Biotech, is a young, recent company within the international market of bio-products and services to pharmaceutical and biotechnology. The Company is set to become one of the leading manufacturers / importers, designers, developers and distributors of the world, with different retail formats result of our constant quest for quality and our passion for innovation, both parameters that has led us to achieve record time series of unparalleled strategic alliances that allow us to place ourselves in the leading position respect to the number of references by area and catalog with over 12,500 references of active and unique products. setting appart the in a short period of time, we have developed the international network and the marketing of products and brands to our different biotechnological production lines have been developed and are among the most productive and profitable sector active . Our special system implementation process, allowing time to respond to record a significant amount of innovation and technological challenges that society demands by operators in different sectors, companies. So, we bond with our customers and partners in an effort to provide and serve the major producers in different sectors as well as small and medium entrepreneurs with their business and concern contribute to the advancement of the industry sharing their problems directly with us and allowing us to help them find solutions that make their products work more simple, natural, healthy, healthy and sustainable ..

The uniqueness of our business model, based on innovation and flexibility, and achievements have transformed our company into an European and International sector reference. Our understanding of industry, science, technology and life, is summarized in a few lines of expression, creativity, design of products that include a clear commitment to the highest quality and a quick response to the demands of the industry, its needs and market-has resulted in fast international expansion and excellent response to our sales and technology that our company stands by its ideology The first seed of what is today the company was born from the merger of the innovative zeal of its founder and the needs of an industry with a business model obsolete, outdated processes, little modernization and innovation void, as the market, consumers and industriademandaban sustainability of such a radical change in approach and orientation. From the sea, the first source of life and to the sea, and incomprehensible constant inspiration, was born the seed of our company, where the confluence of the Bay of Biscay, solemn and austere with the powerful and immense Atlantic, resulting in Asturias, the green paradise mystical place where the company started business and in which are located the headquarters of the company in the UK and the world.


Perspectiva ND Pharma & Biotech, es una empresa joven, reciente en el mercado español e internacional de productos y servicios bio-farmacéuticos y biotecnológicos que está llamada a convertirse en uno de los principales fabricantes/importadores, creadores, desarrolladores y distribuidores del mundo, con diferentes formatos comerciales fruto de nuestra constante búsqueda de la calidad y de nuestra pasión por la innovación que nos ha llevado a alcanzar en tiempo record una serie de alianzas estratégicas sin parangón, que nos permiten situarnos a la cabeza en número de referencias por área y catalogo, con más de 12.500 referencias de principios activos y productos únicos, ello sin contar la red internacional desarrollada y la comercialización de productos y marcas propias que nuestras diferentes líneas de producción biotecnológica han desarrollado y que se encuentran entre las más productivas, activas y rentables del sector. Nuestro especial sistema de implantación de procesos, permite dar respuesta en tiempo récord a una importante cantidad de desafíos tecnológicos y de innovación que la sociedad demanda a través de sus operadores, en los distintos sectores; las empresas. Así, nos vinculamos con nuestros clientes y colaboradores en un esfuerzo por dotar y servir a los principales productores de los diferentes sectores tanto como a los pequeños y medianos empresarios que con su negocio e inquietud contribuyen al avance de la industria compartiendo directamente con nosotros sus problemas y permitiéndonos el ayudarles a encontrar soluciones

que hagan de su trabajo y productos algo más sencillo, natural, sano, saludable y sostenible..

La singularidad de nuestro modelo de gestión, basado en la innovación y la flexibilidad, y los logros alcanzados, han convertido a nuestra compañía en un referente europeo e internacional del sector. Nuestra forma de entender la industria, la ciencia, la tecnología y la vida, se resume en pocas líneas de expresión –creatividad, diseño de productos que comprendan una apuesta clara por la máxima calidad y una respuesta ágil a las demandas de la industria, sus necesidades y del mercado- han permitido una rápida expansión internacional y una excelente acogida social de la propuesta comercial y tecnológica que nuestra empresa representa en su ideario La primera semilla de lo que hoy es la compañía nació de la fusión entre el afán innovador de su fundador y las necesidades de una industria con un modelo de negocio obsoleto, procesos desfasados, escasa modernización y nula innovación, mientras el mercado, los consumidores y la sostenibilidad de dicha industria demandaban un cambio radical de planteamientos y orientación. Desde el mar, la primera fuente de vida y para el mar, constante e inabarcable inspiración, nació la semilla de nuestra compañía, allí donde confluyen el Cantábrico, solemne y austero con el poderoso e inmenso Atlántico, desembocando en Asturias, ese paraíso verde y místico, lugar en el que inició su actividad la empresa y en el que se ubican los servicios centrales de la compañía en el Reino Unido y en el mundo.



History. ND Pharma & Biotech is a family owned company. Founded in 2008, as a divisional society of a large group of businesses related to the primary sector. Initially, the founder´s club attracted by the blend of experiences and the outstanding professional trajectories gained from the average 25 years within the sector, became forced to move forward within the independence of the company from its parent society.  During the period of 2009- 2010 company was ready to market as independent and launched several world-wide successful products and developments. 2011 was a consolidation year with entering in the market of new lines and brands of own developments mainly with the rising of the Food & Nutrition division. 2012, marked an impressive record of unparalleled achievements, and company established a business projection overwhelming any prevision or capacity.

ND Pharma & Biotech operates within the national and international markets of raw materials, elaborated and specialty products, growing every other day it´s commercial structure and business operations , without loosing the innovative talent and capacities owned and maintained, principal asset of the company.

The company has developed different lines of business from Pharmaceutical and Healthcare to Agri-Business, and each division is operating under the same heads and managers. Within this website the Product Portfolio can be explored to conforma a more accurate opinion about the company and the work we developed from the very inside, thanks to our in-house team od experienced scientists, researchers and academicians, as well as our Reference Laboratories and Associated Research Centers Worldwide, most of them from First Line Institutions as Universities, Clinical Centers, and other well reputed established programs of R+D+i around the globe.

Our Quality Compromise OUR GUARANTEE OF QUALITY The commitment of ND Pharma & Biotech pharma is much more than a commitment with product quality. It is a firm commitment to the perfection of a complete line of products ranging from those that stay and maintain fresh and tender food commodities to the methods, products and technologies capable of removing bacteria, toxic chemicals or radioactive elemnts from foodstuffs. Our products are made to fit the needs of our customers and composed with authorized ingredients worldwide and regarded as GRAS / E (Generally Recognized As Safe / Effective) by bodies such as the American FDA and European EFSA. Our real interest is in the development and realization of finished products to obtain the best results possible without the intervention of toxic substances - chemicals that have been included and are still present in many food commodities worldwide, (sometimes hiding the presence of those to the authorities and consumers). Our products are developed in a clear commitment with the highest standards of technical quality and therefore, we make sure these are kept free of allergens and are obtained mostly by natural processes from vegetable raw materials, minerals and other carefully chosen its origin, extraction methods and other important characteristics of these. Our products are designed for different stages of implementation in the industrial process, from the collectors, who benefit from our line called VegaFresh TM processors until they have at their disposal a wide variety of products such as the PreserFood TM, LactoLife TM or FruitFresh TM to the marketer that has other like the well known SterilFood TM as the homemaker to which our product lines are offered with different presentations of the same compounds. Our products can be consumed by virtually all ethnic groups present on the planet.This ensures that our raw materials base and active ingredients from its origin possess the appropriate certifications Kosher, Halal, and the Muslim community, among others, and where these will be consumed.

CUSTOM PRODUCTS From a selection of our range of products and multiple lines, ND Pharma & Biotech provides customers the opportunity to work closely with our scientists, in order to achieve developments and products that meet the needs of our customers are demanding. This service, despite being generally available and accessible to any company or customer (potential or actual) is a restricted service for existing customers of our company, so there is no commitment to provide this service or provide any other person or company, except that such services are performed by our scientific department under contract or specific agreement. The development of customized products is an arduous, complex seen from the point of view of technology and resources, and therefore be reserved as a reward for loyalty and trust of customers who really have a clear business vision and social responsibility convergent with our company interests, especially with regard to the elimination of production lines, chemical toxic elements harmful or detrimental to the health of consumers.


Fortunately, consumers are more committed every day to protect their health and the health of their families, as well as the knowledge of those healthy or harmful elements from different types of industries that can affect (and the food industry is one of these).Therefore at ND Pharma & Biotech, we are fully committed to health, health protection and consumers in general, within a business philosophy consistent with the times and the changes that these new times behave in terms of energy conservation, sustainability and distribution and optimization of available resources, as we are aware that these are not eternal.


The use of our products, preparations and compounds, means for the producer, the merchant and the consumer not only a guarantee of freshness, quality and durability of the products your company produce or sell. In fact, the use of our products provides added value difficult to assess in advance by the customers themselves, but that is evident and manifest for our users as they grow, and outlook, increasing their margins, (the longer the duration less waste and therefore less impact on losses), increasing sales, (actually more durability means to reach more markets and distances), and providing their own brand of a guarantee of food security and health which until now was difficult to achieve or simply impossible to obtain.

At each step, our own customers report discoveries and improvements that had not even discovered in our research and in fact, can only be found when our products are applied on the ground, and under the complex and harsh conditions that each producer, processor or manufacturer knows and lives every day and in his own skin.Thus, recent studies show that our products, in example, added to infant formula and other milk preparations help fight (especially in certain countries) diarrheal disease, or causes the reduction of by-products such as acrylamide or GEA when food sources are subject either during processing or in cooking at temperatures above 100 degrees Celsius, with the consequent benefit to the general population health.

Occasionally, our products are used by manufacturing companies, such as stabilizers and reinforcements net nutritional food commodities for disadvantaged populations or people with special nutritional needs (PARNUTS), reasons why the European authority on food safety, has ranked some of our components or active ingredients as natural and suitable to provide these groups (patients, diabetics, children, immunocompromised, developing countries, etc..) part of the nutritional requirements they need.

The creation of value in those companies among our clients, ultimately resulting in an actual and target levels and degrees of satisfaction by both parties, and the security and confidence that together, we took our committed to the standards of excellence that we desire. Excellence is undoubtedly one of our goals

Nuestro compromiso con la calidad NUESTRA GARANTIA DE CALIDAD El compromiso ND pharma & Biotech es mucho más que el compromiso con la calidad de un producto. Es una apuesta firme por la perfección de una línea completa de productos que van desde aquellos que mantienen frescas y tiernas las materias primas alimentarias hasta los métodos, productos y tecnologías capaces de eliminar las bacterias, los tóxicos, químicos o radioactivos de los alimentos. Nuestros productos están confeccionados a medida de las necesidades de nuestros clientes y compuestos por ingredientes autorizados mundialmente y considerados como GRAS/E (Generally Recognized As Safe/Effective) por organismos como la FDA Norteamericana o la EFSA Europea. Nuestro verdadero interés se centra en el desarrollo y la consecución de productos terminados que permitan obtener los mejores resultados posibles sin la intervención de sustancias tóxico – químicas que han estado incluidas y continúan presentes en muchas materias primas alimentarias mundialmente, (en ocasiones ocultando esta presencia a las autoridades y los consumidores). Nuestros productos, se desarrollan en un claro compromiso con los más altos estándares de calidad y técnica, por lo tanto, procuramos que estos se mantengan libres de alérgenos y sean obtenidos por procedimientos naturales a partir de materias primas vegetales, minerales y otras, escogiendo cuidadosamente su procedencia, los métodos extractivos y otras características importantes de estos. Nuestros productos están diseñados para diferentes fases de aplicación dentro del proceso industrial, desde los recolectores, que se benefician de nuestra línea denominada VegaFresh TM hasta los procesadores que tienen a su disposición una amplia variedad de productos como el LactoLife TM el PreserFood TM o elFruitFresh TM hasta el comercializador que posee otros como el SterilFood TM o el ama de casa, a la que se le ofrecen diferentes presentaciones de estos mismos compuestos. Nuestros productos pueden ser consumidos prácticamente por todos los distintos grupos étnicos presentes en el planeta. Así nos aseguramos de que nuestras materias primas base y principios activos posean desde su origen las correspondientes certificaciones Kosher, Halal, y de la Comunidad Musulmana, entre otros y allí donde estos van a ser consumidos.

PRODUCTOS A MEDIDA De la selección de nuestra amplia variedad de productos y múltiples líneas, ND Pharma & Biotech ofrece a sus clientes la oportunidad de trabajar mano a mano con nuestros científicos, a fin de alcanzar desarrollos y productos que cumplan con las necesidades que nuestros clientes demandan.

Este servicio, a pesar de estar disponible de modo general y ser accesible a cualquier empresa o cliente (potencial o real), es un servicio restringido para clientes existentes de nuestra compañía, por lo que no existe un compromiso de dotar o proveer de este servicio a cualquier otra persona o empresa, excepto que dichos servicios se realicen por parte de nuestro departamento científico bajo contrato o acuerdo específico.

El desarrollo de productos a medida, es una labor ardua, compleja desde el punto de visto de vista tecnológico y de los recursos, y por tanto ha de reservarse como premio a la fidelidad y la confianza de aquellos clientes que verdaderamente poseen una clara visión empresarial y responsabilidad social convergente con la de nuestra compañía, especialmente en lo relativo a la eliminación de las cadenas de producción de elementos tóxico-químicos dañinos o perjudiciales para la salud de los consumidores.


Por fortuna, los consumidores se encuentran más comprometidos cada día con la protección de su salud y la de los suyos, tanto como con el conocimiento de aquellos elementos saludables o nocivos que desde los distintos tipos de industrias pueden afectarles, (y la industria alimentaria es una de estas). Es por ello, que desde ND Pharma & Biotech, estamos plenamente comprometidos con la salud, la protección de la salud y de los consumidores en general,dentro de una filosofía empresarial acorde con los nuevos tiempos y los cambios que estos nuevos tiempos comportan, en ahorro energético, sostenibilidad y distribución y optimización de los recursos disponibles, pues somos conocedores de que estos no son eternos.


La utilización de nuestros productos, preparados y compuestos, significa para el productor, el mercader y el consumidor no solo una garantía de frescor, calidad y duración de los productos que su empresa elabora o comercializa. En realidad, el uso de nuestros productos proporciona un valor añadido difícilmente valorable a priori por los propios clientes, pero que se hace patente y manifiesto a medida que nuestros usuarios van creciendo, y en perspectiva, aumentando su márgenes, (a mayor duración menos mermas y por tanto menos repercusión sobre pérdidas), incrementando sus ventas, (más durabilidad significa en realidad llegar a mas mercados y distancias), y dotando a sus propias marcas de una garantía de seguridad alimentaria y salud que hasta ahora era difícilmente alcanzable o sencillamente imposible de obtener.

A cada paso, nuestros propios clientes nos informan de descubrimientos y mejoras que ni siquiera habíamos descubierto en nuestras investigaciones y que en realidad, solo es posible encontrarlas cuando nuestros productos son aplicados sobre el terreno, y bajo las complejas y duras condiciones que cada productor, elaborador o procesador conoce y vive día a día y en su propia piel. Así, estudios recientes demuestran que nuestros productos, añadidos a leches infantiles y otros preparados lácteos ayudan a combatir, (especialmente en ciertos países) la enfermedad diarreica, o provoca la reducción de subproductos como la acrilamida o los GEA cuando las materias primas alimentarias son sometidas bien durante el procesado, bien en el cocinado a temperaturas superiores a los 100 grados centígrados, con el consiguiente beneficio para la salud poblacional general.

En ocasiones, nuestros productos son utilizados por empresas productoras, como estabilizadores netos y refuerzos nutricionales para materias primas alimentarias destinadas a poblaciones desfavorecidas o a personas con necesidades nutricionales especiales ( PARNUTS ), razones por las que la propia autoridad europea en seguridad alimentaria, ha clasificado a una parte de nuestros componentes o principios activos como naturales y aptos para proporcionar a estos grupos poblacionales (enfermos, diabéticos, niños, inmuno-comprometidos, países en desarrollo, etc.) parte de las necesidades nutricionales que precisan.

La creación de valor en aquellas empresas que contamos entre nuestros clientes, se traduce en definitiva, en un incremento real y objetivo en los niveles y grados de satisfacción que alcanzamos por ambas partes, y en la seguridad y confianza de que entre todos, llevamos nuestro cometido a los niveles de excelencia que deseamos. Excelencia que sin duda es, uno de nuestros objetivos.

Our R+D+i Philosophy. We vigorously invest in research, development and innovation to discover and develop new products and eventually, new treatments that meet the needs of specialty doctors and their patients. Our company try to develop world-class research + development + innovation (R&D) programs that embodies our efforts to bring the best of science to medicine and therefore to life, including some new developments within the nutrition science, food, feed and certain industrial sectors. Scientists and researchers work closely with specialists within their respective areas, to transform novel compounds into new therapeutics and products that help improve quality of life. This philosophy is consistent with our motto; Making Life Bette Our commitment to R&D has been evident since our inception, when we began pioneering new treatments to help preserve certain organic and body functions including neurological functions as memory and cognoscitive abilities. Since then, our investment in R&D+i has progressively increased to a level that is considered best in class for the industry, and we have followed our products into new specialty areas. Our R&D+i programs today are focused in many areas ranging from diabetes and nutrition to surgical innovations. Currently, we are investigating a rich arsenal of potential new treatments for chronic migraine, debilitating neurological conditions, eye disease, and stem cell transplantation, among other conditions and fields. Significant progress in these areas is expected to be made over the next decade - advances in which we look forward playing a prominent role. Since founding, our company retains the ability to listen and to learn - from our customers, and from each other - has been a cornerstone of our success. ND Pharma & Biotech´s R&D+i culture reflects this, providing an open forum for our and other scientists to share ideas, collaborate on projects, and gain access to the latest research. Access to world-class technology combined with intellectual stimulation results in a dynamic environment where scientists are excited about the work they do and committed to pushing the boundaries of what is possible. Our R&D+i organization is structured into integrated teams that focus on discovery for different targets. This unique architecture affords many benefits. Scientists normally confined to specific tracks have the opportunity to be involved in the full life-cycle of development, from early-stage exploration to human testing, for a much broader perspective. Additionally, meticulous research is streamlined with highly efficient project and information management, which can save years and millions of dollars from the overall cost of drug development.

Most of our discovery and development programs are initiated internally, which sets us apart from many other health care companies. Simultaneously, we explore new market opportunities and search for partnerships to develop superior technologies that are complementary to our own business model.

In short, at our company, there will be only one way in which we view the purpose of science and innovation - to identify those needs in health care and certain industrial sectors that are unsolved and commit to finding solutions through a meaningful R&D+i investment that fuels future growth. This is our unwavering commitment.

Our Commitment with/for Excellence in Research & Development. For every new treatment/product that comes to market, hundreds of important discoveries are made along the way that contribute to science, medicine, health and technology. For these contributions and many others, ND Pharma & Biotech provides several opportunities for our scientists to be recognized and rewarded for excellent work in their respective fields and broadly. Research at our company is ongoing, and with some of the best talent in the health care industry, our scientists regularly publish key findings in peer-reviewed medical journals and other scientific publications both indexed or not. Company also attends key medical and industry meetings throughout the year, where our scientists present their published findings and research in front of their peers.

We are grateful to those members on and related to any of our teams who have demonstrated their commitment to science, technology, healthcare and medicine. Their commitment, intellect, and innovative thinking have the power to advance clinical discoveries and product development and improve the way we and our beloved ones are living.

Our scientists, team leader and project managers are selected and distinguished members of different well-known, wellreputed scientific, medical and research organizations, professional bodies and institutions, maintaining membership and good standing with all relevant societies and up-to-date information, tools and means.

About Us ND Pharma & Biotech is an European biotechnology company focused on developing and commercialization of technologies and products with applications in diverse fields, from therapy to the food industry, with emphasis on the use of products and organic elements and the production of less toxic and dangerous to provide multiple solutions to emerging problems in the industrialized world today, from the massive overuse of toxic components - chemicals that pose a serious risk threatening our health and our lives.

DRUG REPROFILING The strategy of replacement drugs ("drug reprofiling" or "drug repositioning") is based on the search for new therapeutic indications for existing drugs. The investigation of drugs already approved for human use (phase II onwards), doing necessary steps of increased risk of developing (pre-clinical and phase I) which represent the main cause of failure of drug development. About 50% of the indications of marketed drugs today are for new applications (new indications) of these drugs originally approved for the treatment of other diseases.These discoveries have traditionally done by accident or by specific research on a particular drug.

Other product lines

Production of recombinant proteins of therapeutic and diagnostic use (for human health and animal welfare):

- Monoclonal antibodies; - Vaccines; - Biosimilars

- Non-therapeutic use Proteins (food, cosmetic and industrial use).

- Development and manufacture of advanced therapy products:

- Medicinal products for cell therapy and tissue engineering; - Intermediate products: GMP culture media and biomaterials (scaffolds or matrices).


Our research is distributed among the various conventions and agreements signed with universities and research centers with which we have agreements, and where research is carried out under our sponsorship, sponsorships and licensing, especially in the field of developing new drugs, biosimilars, therapy cell, regenerative medicine, tissue engineering, etc..

Sobre Nosotros ND Pharma & Biotech es una empresa biotecnológica europea centrada en el desarrollo y en la comercialización de tecnologías y productos con aplicaciones en los campos más variados, desde la terapia a la industria alimentaria, con énfasis en el uso de productos y elementos orgánicos y en la fabricación de productos menos tóxicos y peligrosos que aporten soluciones a los múltiples problemas emergentes en el mundo industrializado actual, derivados del sobreuso masivo de componentes tóxico – químicos que ponen en serio riesgo nuestra salud y amenazan nuestras vidas. ND Pharma & Biotech is a European Biotech company focused on the development and commercialization of technologies and products in the most varied fields from therapy to food industry, with principal emphasis in the use of organic products and production of less toxic – less harmful products and solutions to the multiple problems arising in the actual industrialized world and the massive overuse of toxic chemical compounds that are putting in high risk our health and endangers our lives.

DRUG REPROFILING La estrategia de reposición de fármacos (“drug reprofiling” o “drug repositioning”) se basa en la búsqueda de nuevas indicaciones terapéuticas de fármacos existentes. La investigación parte de fármacos ya aprobados para el uso humano (fase II en adelante), no haciendo necesarias las etapas de mayor riesgo de desarrollo (pre-clínica y fase I) que representan la principal causa de fracaso del desarrollo farmacológico.

En torno al 50% de las indicaciones de fármacos comercializados hoy en día corresponden a nuevos usos (nuevas indicaciones) de estos medicamentos, originalmente aprobados para el tratamiento de otras enfermedades. Estos descubrimientos se han realizado tradicionalmente de forma accidental o por investigaciones específicas sobre un fármaco en concreto.

OTRAS LINEAS DE PRODUCTO Producción de proteínas recombinantes de uso terapéutico y diagnóstico (para sanidad humana y sanidad animal):

- Anticuerpos monoclonales; – Vacunas; – Biosimilares – Proteínas de uso no terapéutico (alimentación, estética y uso industrial). – Desarrollo y fabricación de productos de terapia avanzada: – Medicamentos de terapia celular e Ingeniería de tejidos; – Productos intermedios: medios de cultivo GMP y biomateriales (scaffolds o matrices).


Nuestra Investigación se distribuye entre los diversos convenios y acuerdos firmados con los Centros de investigación y Universidades con las que mantenemos acuerdos, y donde se desarrollan investigaciones bajo nuestro patrocinio, auspicios y licencias, especialmente en el campo del desarrollo de nuevos fármacos, biosimilares, terapia celular, medicina regenerativa, ingeniería tisular, etc.

Pharma -Business. Our Pharmaceutical Division is the most important to us, as all the work, the efforts and resources are mainly designed and dedicated to help people and patients, relatives and beloved ones, of all of us, to have a better quality of life, a cure for a disease or a treatment to a condition, so we are so supportive and keen into continuous research and development, innovation and find of certain products and technologies that let us to reach desired objectives and goals.

Our mission is to discover products that will contribute to improve human health worldwide no matter if this is throughout diagnostics, prevention, treatment or definitively finding a cure for diseases, health problems and conditions.

As a company doing research and highly specialized, so our founder´s experience is, we focus over the field where we can have the most impact. Human health and disease fight. Another important challenge to our company is represented by the endeavor of filling the gap between innovation, innovative technologies, therapies, products and the medical, healthcare professionals, industry and operators. This is why most of the time, a vast number of patients and sufferers from a diverse variety of illnesses, diseases and conditions, reach very delayed in time, the optimal therapy and/or solution, treatment or control means to their particular situation. We are developing tools to fulfill such differences between researcher, innovators, industry and patients/consumers.

Food & Nutrition.

Our division of Food & Nutrition is gaining development every day and awakening conscience about the urgent necessities of the modern world and society. We are living and experiencing a world boom ahead of us in terms of population, health, fight to the poverty and famine, and other important political, economic and social issues. Within this future, food and healthy foods for a correcto nutrition will have to be supplied to more and more people every day. We want our products being part of this evolution, and this is why we research and developed products, services, ingredients and other important creations to make food, nutrition and health, more accessible to consumers, giving extra quality and safety to foods, specially those processed and elaborated, helping industry to avoid chemical-toxic substances with a high potential harmful effects and its use within the manufacturing and processing of such products.

This is why we are adhered to the Green Chemistry Initiative, taking leader positioning in the global approach to chemical substances management, engaging with all industry operators into a new wave of thinking and action to develop and promote an effective, scientific and risk-based approach to the use of toxic chemicals within our everyday live, specially foods.

Our company has taken contact with a number od national, regional, local and state agencies and regulatory bodies to ensure that rational, scientific and risk based approaches to chemical management and assessment are embodied into federal and state legislation and regulations, that informed substitution is the centerpiece of alternative assessment about the concerns rising drom the massive proliferation of chemicals that actually is not managed both effectively and efficiently.

Our company is constantly exploring some of the most important food and chemical-related science policy issues to generate enough documentary evidence and attract to consumers to take action and responsibility thru key scientific articles, regulation considerations and food and beverage applications as well as market insights.

ND Pharma & Biotech is Registered within the Food & Drug Administration of the United States of America 
 Reg.# 11014242610

Agri-Business. Our work and products, our research and developments aren´t limited to food, nutrition or parma. Agribusiness is an important part of our aspiration as a company and we focus some of our efforts within this important field as we understand that every product should be generated in certain conditions, to preserve its quality and nature from aberration, or this will be a non-reversible situation when the product is collected, manufactured, processed or ingested by a human being, an animal or eve a plant.

this is why we are involved and generate science advancement to the most varied steps and operators involved into the industry from food production, including farming, to seed, agri-chemicals, wholesale and distribution, processing, marketing and retail, sales.

Excellence in Research For every new treatment that comes to market, hundreds of important discoveries are made along the way that contribute to science, medicine, and technology. For these contributions and many others, ND Pharma & Biotech provides several opportunities for our scientists to be recognized and rewarded for excellent work.

Research at ND Pharma & Biotech is ongoing, and with some of the best talent in the health care industry, our scientists and research cooperators regularly publish key findings in peer-reviewed medical and scientific journals. We also attends key medical and industry meetings throughout the year, where our scientists present their published findings and research in front of their peers.

We are grateful to those members on the ND Science team who have demonstrated their commitment to science, technology, and medicine. Their commitment, intellect, and innovative thinking have the power to advance clinical discoveries and improve the way we live.

Corporate Research Agreements and collaborations

While most of our discovery and development programs are developed internally - making ND Pharma & Bitoech quite unique in the industry - we are continuously looking for partnerships and superior technology that complement our business model. Some of our current collaborations include:

Exclusive licensing agreements with multi-purpose Research Centers and Universities Worldwide, including some of the most prominent in the fields.

A multi-year alliance with Mayfield Clinic and major providers of Regenerative Research and Treatment in the Stem Cells sector.

Multiple lines of research opened within different private institutions worldwide where ND Pharma & Biotech participates within different collaborative ways.

Our new molecules laboratory develops and investigate within new molecule´s latest developments to give industry and professionals different levels of response and tools to fight against certain conditions and unmet medical and health illnesses from neurology to orthopedics, eye care to vascular disorders o addictions medicine. Between those discoveries appear certain forms of plant-derived new molecules for the treatment of most aggressive conditions.

Agreements with major industry labs and research organizations to develop solutions for food and nutrition industry in order to achieve one of our motivational goals of removing toxic-chemicals from food within the industry.

BIENVENIDO A NUESTRO PROGRAMA DE APOYO A LA EMPRESA Nuestro programa especial de APOYO A LA EMPRESA te ofrece: ! ASISTENCIA TECNICA PERSONALIZADA: personal técnico y cienHfico de nuestra empresa eva-­‐ luará la situación y los retos que nos plantee tu empresa y te acompañará en el desarrollo de soluciones durante todo el proceso.

DIAGNOSTICO DE SITUACION: evaluación global de las formas de hacer y de los resultados alcanzados por la organización así como nuevas formas de solución y apertura de estas solu-­‐ ciones hacia otros mercados. PROPUESTA DE SOLUCIONES A MEDIDA: bien de manera exclusiva, comparWda o libre, nues-­‐ tra empresa desarrollará soluciones para afrontar las debilidades y amenazas idenWficadas y elevar el potencial de nuestros clientes y colaboradores hasta el máximo alcanzable. FORMACION: allí donde sea precisa una formación específica, adaptada a tus necesidades y las de tu empresa, estaremos apoyándote para sacar el mayor rendimiento de nuestros pro-­‐ yectos y desarrollos comunes. Para información sobre requisitos de parWcipación y opciones comerciales comparWdas en-­‐ víanos una propuesta formal exponiendo las necesidades a las que te enfrentas y te respon-­‐ deremos con celeridad. Estamos encantados

ND INNOVATION At ND Innovation we are concerned by you. ND Innovation Limited is wholly owned by ND Pharma & Biotech ND Innovation has three main business activities: ND Innovation helps our researchers to commercialize intellectual property arising from their research: patenting, licensing, spin-out companies. ND Innovation manages ND Innovation Consulting which helps ND Pharma & Biotech to identify and manage consulting opportunities and helps clients access experts from world-class, interdisciplinary research base. ND Innovation provides consulting expertise and advice in technology transfer and innovation management to clients across the public and private sectors around the world. ND Innovationwas established by ND Pharma & Biotech as its wholly owned technology transfer company. ND Innovation has developed substantially over the years in a number of phases, as the technology transfer activity has grown, and with the formation of ND Innovation Consulting . Our mission is to be the leading international technology transfer organisation, to transfer technology and expertise from Research to Industry, to deliver value to all our clients, and to maximise social and economic benefits in a commercial manner. ND Innovation manages the ND Pharma & Biotech intellectual property portfolio, working with University researchers on identifying, protecting and marketing technologies through licensing, spin-out company formation, consulting and material sales. ND Innovation funds patent applications and legal costs, negotiates exploitation and spinout company agreements, and identifies and manages consultancy opportunities. ND Innovation works on projects from all areas of the University’s research activities: life sciences, physical sciences, social sciences and humanities. ND Innovation provides access to expertise and provides researchers with advice on commercialisation.

Patents & Licensing

Creating Spin-Out Companies Research reagentsND Innovation Consulting provides access to the full breadth of the portfolio research. It offers clients world-class expertise to enhance innovative capability by supporting: discrete problem solving, external review and assessment (e.g. advisory boards, due diligence), professional coaching, open innovation, and blue-sky envisioning/future thinking. Whether in the private or public sector, organisations can often require an independent and authoritative partner to provide insight and advice and to act as an innovative stimulus. ND Innovation acts as a single point of contact for both the clients and academics in arranging these consulting services. Additionally, we can arrange access to the wide array of specialist services and facilities in the different centers, Universities and Institutional settings where we maintain agreements


ND CellexP ND Pharma & Biotech is a leader in the development of patient-specific multicellular therapies for the treatment of certain diseases from neurological conditions to wound and skin injuries to severe, chronic cardiovascular diseases. Stem cell therapy is the infusion, injection or transplantation of whole cells into a patient for the treatment of a disease or condition.The goal of cell therapy is to repair or restore damaged tissues or organs. One of the most common cell therapies is the use of bone marrow transplantation. Our scientists and researchers use a proprietary cell processing manufacturing technology to expand naturally occurring populations of cells derived from the patient’s own bone marrow. The bone marrow sample taken from the patient, in the first step of the process, contains a range of cells known to play important roles in the natural healing mechanisms of the human body. Through research and clinical development, it has been shown that ND Pharma & Biotech´s proprietary stem-cell manufacturing process yields a mixture of cell types with diverse properties that promote long-term tissue repair in conditions such as critical limb ischemia and dilated cardiomyopathy—critical cardiovascular diseases that currently have limited or no treatment options. Contact us with questions about our research and development or manufacturing process.

Advantages of Using Patient Bone Marrow & ND Pharma CellexP in Treating Severe and Chronic Diseases.

ND CellexP has several features that are critical for success in treating patients suffering from a complex, multi-factorial, severe and chronic diseases such as critical limb ischemia (CLI), dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) or certain neurodegenerative diseases (CND´s)

Patient-specific (autologous): We start with the patient’s own cells, which are accepted by the patient’s immune system, allowing the cells to differentiate and integrate into existing tissues. This characteristic of our therapy, we believe, eliminates both the risk of rejection and the risk of having to use immunosuppressive therapy pre- or posttherapy. Our data also suggests that ixmyelocel-T provides the potential for long-term engraftment and repair.

Expanded: We begin with a small amount of bone marrow from a patient (approximately 50ml) and significantly expand the number of certain cell types, primarily CD90+ mesenchymal cells, CD14+ monocytes and alternatively activated macrophages to far more than are present in the patient’s own bone marrow (up to 300 times the number of these cells compared with the starting bone marrow).

Multicellular: We believe the multiple cell types in ND CellexP, which are normally found in bone marrow but in different quantities, possess several functions required for tissue remodeling, immuno-modulation and the promotion of angiogenesis.

Minimally invasive: Our aspiration procedure for taking bone marrow can be performed in an outpatient setting and takes approximately 15 minutes. For diseases such as CLI, the administration of ND CellexP is also performed in an outpatient setting in a single procedure lasting approximately 20 minutes.

Safe: Bone marrow and bone marrow–like therapies have been used safely and efficaciously in medicine for over three decades. ND CellexP leverages this body of scientific study and medical experience. Further, of the nearly 300 patients who have been treated in recent clinical trials (over 4000 patients safely treated since inception), There appears to be no safety issues and or concerns associated with ND CellexP treatment.

Contact us for more information about CellexP or about partnering with ND Pharma & Biotech or associated clinics performing such treatments worldwide*. *ND Pharma & Biotech has agreements with a number of institutions and medical centers (both teaching, public & private) worldwide. These centers are not agents of this company, neither NDPharma & Biotech maintain commercial, business or economic interest within and/or in partnership with such centers and/or institutions. The reference centers are selected and agreed to use ND CellexP system only under strict training and supervision of the physicians and surgeons performing and attending real patients at that centers and locations those centers has in different places and countries, including but not limited to U.S. Mainland and Territories, The U.K. and some Overseas Territories, EU, Latin America and certain Asian countries. For more detailed information, pleasecontact us.

EXPANDING HORIZONS-GROWING UNLIMITED ND PHARMA & BIOTECH is constantly seeking for partnerships and associations in everyone of the fields that we developed and where we conduct business. These partnerships and associations include academic institutions, research centers, other corporations and individuals. Partnering is a key component of our business strategy, as we consider every possibility to develop and partner successful

programs to pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device products, services, components and companies. We welcome enquiries from other companies wishing to discuss any partnering opportunity with us. In-Licensing is another source of business for us. We welcome contacts from academic institutions, inventors, researchers

and other operatori within the industry from biotech, pharma, or other related fields. Our prime filter criteria is based on a three step consideration initial process: •

have strong intellectual property positions;

address significant unmet medical, health, food, nutrition, or analogue needs, and

have the potential to enter into development within 12 to 18 months after acquisition or licensing.

Contact Mary S. Kay Chief Financial Officer cfo@ndpharmabiotech.com

Working with corporate partners. ND PHARMA & BIOTECH focuses in developing pioneering and novel products, drugs, and molecules in specialist areas, from food to pharma and therapy where there is a distinct lack of existing solutions, with emphasis in personalized medicine and novel therapies in the field of Regenerative Medicine, Stem Cell Advancement and other like nutrition. Since our foundation, our research strategy has been to work closely to different "first line" institutions and operational centers that conduct investigation for us, under guidance and supervision of our clinical & scientific director´s team. These institutional cooperation enables us to access innovative research and cutting edge discovery with substantial added value and immediate application to the developments under a relatively optimized costs. ND Pharma & Biotech maintains exclusive tights to all the intellectual property assets generated under such cooperation agreement and the research and development conducted. Our market strategy, specially referred to pharmaceutical and therapeutic industry is to license our assets to leading international corporations and/or other industry operators (nutrition, food, feed, etc.) that are interested in further development and commercialization of some molecules and/or drugs. We offer distinctive solutions to a number of unmet clinical conditions, diseases and pathologies.

Business development and clients. ND PHARMA & BIOTECH entered into some important and interesting corporate deals with major companies worldwide. So some of the "multi-billion dollar" corporations are now within our client´s list. Specifically within the food and nutrition industry we developed product innovation and license deals with the major producers of drinks, sodas, sport beverages and related industry sectors in the field, helping them to improve the quality, health and nutrition properties of their own products, both existing and other to appear. Other huge market corporations we work for include desert and icecream industry, infant nutrition labs and manufacturers, and large corporation of general foods. ND PHARMA & BIOTECH also supply with active principles, transformation and refining of molecules and own developments to pharmaceutical industry including some of the "top ten" Pharma Corporations, with presence all around the world.

Operations. ND PHARMA & BIOTECH operations are conducted worldwide. Since our PHARMA-BUSINESS DIVISION operates directly from our UK Headquarters, other related operational areas as FOOD and NUTRITION, conduct operations directly from different geographical areas.

Intellectual Property Propiedad Intelectual

We research, We discover, We Care. ND Pharma & Biotech is more than a Manufactures/Importer of active principles and fine chemicals. Our company is concerned with the research, discovery and creation of new formulas, products and solutions with the objective of making our lifes better. In this mission and consistent with such vision, we register our creations and discoveries with the proper IP Registries, ( both public and private ) and for a better protecion of our scientists results and our business future. All with the clear idea within our mind about making these advancements available and accessible to every human being in the world at affordable, reasonable and ethic costs. This conforms an important part of our compromise. A compromise with excellence, quality, service and you.

Nosotros investigamos, descubrimos, cuidamos. ND Pharma y Biotech es más que un fabricante y / o importador de los principios activos y productos químicos finos. Nuestra empresa se ocupa de la investigación, el descubrimiento y la creación de nuevas fórmulas, productos y soluciones con el objetivo de hacer nuestra vida mejor.En esta misión y de acuerdo con esa visión, nosotros registramos nuestras creaciones y descubrimientos con los Registros IP, (tanto públicos como privados) y para una mejor protecion de los resultados científicos y de nuestro futuro negocio.Todo ello con la idea clara dentro de nuestra mente sobre la fabricación de estos avances y hacerse accesible a todos los seres humanos en el mundo a precios asequibles, razonables y éticos. Esto conforma una parte importante de nuestro compromiso. Un compromiso con la excelencia, calidad, servicio y con usted.



More than a product, our complete line PreserFood, is a whole new world of formulations and compositions, derived from our proprietary inventions, designed for the food safety and as a natural way and system of food and drinks shelf-life extension while nutritional profiles of such products improves. Want to know more? Visit us www.preserfood.com or send us an e-mail to any of our addresses within the last pages of this published catalogue.

ACARISIN TM Natural Solution for Raw Foods, Stored, Flour, Cereals, Seeds, and every kind of product you may need to keep it free from mites, insects, egg deposition, larvae, and other certain similar infestations.


ALKIOW, from ALKaline IOnized Water is a WHOLLY NATURAL MINERAL bioreactive method and product developed by ND Pharma & Biotech that let anyone to transform regular water, (mineral, tap or current) into ALAKLINE IONIZED WATER in just seconds, without discomfort of apparel, maintenances, supplies, with an easy teardrop just into the water wished to transform. Special mineral formula, lower costs and higher technology for health protection and wellness, makes ALKIOW TM and unparalleled and unrivaled product worldwide.


Design to produce water transformation and fluids conversion from current and residual technological waste from certain industries, as lacto-serum and ammonium waters, etc., into bio-reactive, microstructured fluids, without the need or use of complex machinery, installations and premises modification. Portable, easy and simple, improves accessibility in every place and moment. The mineral composition is classified as food safe and suitable to use in any kind of alimentary preparations, especially those in need of being stabilized. Can be used also as preventative of certain kind of spoilage in foods, drinks and/or beverages, specifically when high antioxidant or free radical neutralization power could be demanded. It can be use also as biological detergent and its use can save up to an 80% of other chemical detergents within de Industrial Laundry Business Sector, what constitute an ecological and sustainable improvement contribution. Other interesting and alternative uses, as removal of pesticides from plants, vegetables and other products, as cleaner, specifically on grease surfaces, can be considered by industrial producers and processors, as it´s safe, cost-effective, efficient, and 100% Mineral.





CHIKNSAFE TM Safer is Better

For Industry and Processors The 1 Cold Sterilization System for Meat & Poultry Industry Worldwide. #

FDA (GRAS) EU (1925/2006)

Be Safe - No concerns

PRESERFOOD TM/® ANTIOX Over the basic formula we´ve added a number of natural antioxidants boosting its power and giving it and those foods containing activity strength.

PRESERFOOD TM/® CARNOSOL Over the basic formula we incorporate the natural rosemary dry extract and other active principles from this plant to present an exceptional product with incredible power in certain applications.

PRESERFOOD TM/速 MARINE Special Formula designed to give the highest degree of protection against bacterial spoilage, natural appearance, good smell and tasteful flavor to all those foods from the seas, rivers and aquaculture.



*Including potatoes, watermelon, kaki, kiwi, and other particularly sensible species.




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