College of Law Careers Guide: 2019 Edition

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Editor & NDSLS Careers Director - Jessie Quinn Co-Editors & Sub Committee - Thomas Meaney, Natalie Liu President - Athena Krisanaleela Dean of Law - Michael Quinlan

CCOPY RIGHT & DISCLAIMER © 2019 Notre Dame Sydney Law Society This publication is copyright. Except where permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), no part of this publication may be reproduced or stored by any process, electronic or otherwise, without the specific written permission of the NDSLS.

Disclaimer The articles and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the NDSLS, the editor, or those of the Notre Dame Australia Faculty of Law. Although the editor and authors have taken every care in preparing and writing the guide, they expressly disclaim and accept no liability for any errors, omissions, misuse or misunderstandings on the part of any person who use or relies upon it. The editor, author and the NDSLS accept no responsibility for any damage, injury or loss occasioned to any person or entity, whether law student or otherwise, as a result of a person relying, wholly or in part, on any material included, omitted or implied in this publication.







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DEAN I am very pleased to commend the


NDLSLS Careers Guide 2019 to you. Students at The University of Notre Dame Australia, School of Law, Sydney (Notre


Dame Law) are very fortunate to be assisted in so many ways during their studies by the NDSLS. The provision of Careers Week and the production of this Guide are just some of the many activities and benefits that the NDSLS provides to students.

With its focus on “providing an excellent standard of training for the profession” Notre Dame Law provides students with a law degree which is not only academically rigorous but which also assists students to develop their practical skills in such areas as public speaking, advocacy and alternative dispute resolution. Notre Dame Law also provides all students with mentoring and internship opportunities. The commitment of the School to its


students is reflected in the latest Good Universities Guide results. This is an external survey of students across all university-based Australian law schools.



PROFESSOR Thanks to the hard work of our administrative and academic staff and to the hard work of the NDSLS in law Notre Dame ranked in: Skills Development (1st in Australia 92%), Teacher Quality (1st in Australia 92.8%), Overall experience (1st in Australia 90.5%) and Learner


Engagement (2nd in Australia/1st in NSW 81.4%).

Studying at Notre Dame Law and assisted by the NDLSLS, Notre Dame Law graduates are well prepared for employment in the legal profession and for other careers. This Careers Guide provides students with important and valuable information to assist them in planning their future and obtaining employment in the environment most suited to their many particular gifts and talents.

Notre Dame Law students should be justifiably proud of their School and of the achievements of their peers. I encourage all students to carefully review the contents of this Careers Guide and to continue the tradition of service, contribution and success of our students and graduates.

Professor Michael Quinlan Dean School of Law, Sydney Acting Dean School of Business, Sydney



FROM THE EDITOR 2019 is our year. A year to thrive both academically, socially and personally. Law school can be challenging but with effort comes reward, and satisfaction. Don’t forget that when facing these challenges you are not alone, and congratulate


yourself on your efforts.

Remember to look after yourselves, spend time with friends and take time to reflect on all the things that


you have achieved. University is only a short amount of time, compared to the time you will spend being in the workplace. Be present, open and sometimes go out of your comfort zone in law school because you determine your potential. Each and every one of us will get to where we need to be in the end, so don’t forget to be kind to yourself and to others.

Notre Dame alumni have a special bond. Our university is known for having the highest ranking of student satisfaction and this translates to a sense of belonging and camaraderie when our students graduate and move into the workplace.

This guide is designed to show you what others have done, and the path they have taken as examples of what is possible when you are studying at Notre Dame Law School. Remember, everybody has their own journey and their own definition of success. I challenge you all to you try your best, and seize every opportunity that comes your way.


A special thank you to Tom Meaney and Natalie Liu for their contribution to this guide and to Athena Krisanaleela for her assistance in the design. Looking forward to a fantastic semester two and make sure to keep your eye out future Careers events.



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CAREERS PATHWAYS Your law degree will be a useful tool , unlocking many potential employment opportunities. These range from the traditional roles in practice, to lesser known and more specialised roles - depending on your unique skills and interests.

Private Practice Solicitor Barrister 5


In-House Counsel Government Sector

Academia Finance Politics Writing and Journalism 6


We're looking for those who see things differently, the kind of people who bring new ideas and create innovative opportunities for our clients.

EVERYTHING ABOUT US With over 20 offices spanning Asia, Europe, Australasia, and the Middle east, we can show you exactly what a world class law firm has to offer, giving you the chance to work as part of an international team, on high-profile matters, for some of the most significant organisations in the market. Our focus is on the future: the future needs of existing and new clients, the future of the legal profession and investing in our future lawyers. That’s why we aim to attract the best talent from a broad range of backgrounds, ensuring we are optimising our position as a progressive, forward thinking professional services business. At Herbert Smith Freehills, you’ll be given the opportunity to develop the skills you need to help solve our clients’ most complex challenges in thoughtful and innovative ways.


Great lawyers are both curious and creative. We encourage you to challenge assumptions and open yourself up to new ideas. It’s this growth mindset that creates opportunities for you and your clients. So, what exactly are we looking for? There’s no single path to becoming an exceptional commercial lawyer. We look beyond your academic record and your technical aptitude. We’re focussed on finding people who have the curiosity to explore all the angles and the empathy to place themselves in their client’s shoes. Building great relationships takes a certain understanding and as our global village gets ever smaller, we look for graduates who think of themselves as citizens of the world.



There’s nothing more important than finding a role and an organisation that’s right for you and there’s no better way to really get to know our profession than gaining practical, hands-on experience. Our vacation clerkships will immerse you in our business, networks and the international world of law. We encourage students to participate in our vacation clerkship program and we fill the majority of our graduate positions through this program. As a vacation clerk you’ll truly discover what it’s like to work at Herbert Smith Freehills, working alongside lawyers and partners. We’ll support you throughout your time with us with extensive training, touching on all aspects of the firm. We’ll also invite you to an exciting range of workshops and events, giving you the opportunity to network with people across the firm and the diverse groups we engage with. This is your unique opportunity to show us who you are. With us, you’ll be a part of everything. From the very start, you’ll be client-facing, gathering insights across diverse matters. You’ll be working in highlyspecialised teams, equipped with the resources you’d expect from a market leader.


We offer a range of summer and winter clerkships across our Australian offices. If you have queries about graduate or vacation clerk positions, please visit our website: vacation-clerkships or contact one of our graduate recruitment team.

KEY DATES/DEADLINES SYDNEY Approximate number of positions


Clerkship programs

Summer 2019/20

Applications for all 2019/20 programs open

11 June 2019

Applications for all 2019/20 programs close

14 July 2019

Offers made

18 September 2019

Please note: An application should only be submitted to the office where you intend to start your career as a graduate. Multiple applications will not be considered.

Our global practice groups • Alternative Legal Services (ALT) • Competition, Regulation and Trade • Corporate • Dispute Resolution • Employment, Industrial Relations and Safety • Finance • Projects and Infrastructure • Real Estate

Contacts James Keane Graduate Recruitment Manager T +61 2 9322 4313

© Herbert Smith Freehills 2019 NOF186936_v7_advertorial_A4_Sydney /160319

WHERE TO START? Welcome to the first stage of your future career! When starting to study a law degree often questions that are on the minds of all new law students is how to enter the workforce and when is it too early? The answer to this question is simpler than one would think. It is never too early to start, one merely needs the determination and drive to begin building a professional profile Start at your very own law school.

Build a good repertoire with your professors and fellow students as often opportunities arise within a familiar circle of people. 9

Involve yourself in the university community and actively participate in your classes - there is no better way to train your public speaking skill than in class.


Peruse online platforms such as your society's careers page or 'job hubs' to help you get an idea of the type of employment available for students.

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A ?



How to Craft the Perfect Cover Letter Your In-depth guide To Whom it May Concern,

An effective cover letter will be tailored specifically to the traits and skills that the employer is looking for. One generic cover letter is not going to work. Each individual letter needs to be crafted with the place of work and advertised role in mind, so that you can sell your suitability to it.


Read the job advertisement carefully Find out a bit more about the employer


You should always include your full name and date in the header Include what attracts you to the job and why you would be an exceptional candidate Within these points you should demonstrate your research of the company


Prioritise and experience in the legal field Highlight specific skills that you have gained in the course of your experience, but only those which are relevant to the position


Academic transcripts and achievements are important Always include some extra curricular activities here

Kind regards, School of Law

The Notre Dame Sydney Law Society



Cnr Broadway and Abercrombie St (PO Box 944) Broadway NSW 2007

CV CHECKLIST Highlight your achievements, with a focus on extra curricular activities!

Keep it concise, no employer has time to read an essay

Use professional language, and always double check your grammar and punctuation

Include positive and reliable references 12



What to avoid Avoid getting too fancy, keep the font and design simple and let your achievements do the talking There's no need to include a photo Never lie, nor should you exaggerate Get rid of unnecessary information

The main goal of your CV is to impress in a concise manner



Great change is here.

Are you ready? At Allens, we’re focused on equipping our people with the skills and experience they need to be the lawyers of the future. We’re ready to define tomorrow. Are you? With us, you’ll be more than a lawyer. Our people are technical experts, but they’re also trusted business advisers who think bigger, more broadly and more strategically. Together, we solve complex legal challenges, and collaborate across practice areas and disciplines to guide our clients.

Clerkship program

We work across borders too, thanks to our alliance with Linklaters. This provides opportunites for our firm and our people, including annual rotations in Linklaters London, Hong Kong and Singapore being available to our graduate lawyers.

>> run from three to 10 weeks;

A clerkship at Allens is the first step in a rewarding legal career, and will give you invaluable insights into our work and culture. With support from a buddy and development supervisor, you’ll work on real matters for real clients and be involved in a variety of projects. The programs: >> are available at our Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney offices; >> feature ongoing support, including a buddy system; and >> include exposure to one or two practice groups.

An early legal career at Allens includes highly tailored training through the Allens Academy. Developed in partnership with the Australian National University, our Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice will help you transition from law graduate to legal expert and trusted business adviser.

In a rapidly changing world, we seek opportunities to innovate, embracing creative thinking, new approaches and emerging technology. We don’t just seek opportunities to benefit ourselves and our clients, we believe strongly in driving positive change to do right by our community too, as demonstrated through our strong pro bono practices.

Our teams are open, inclusive and encouraging, giving you the opportunity to learn and grow while feeling supported. You’ll have the flexibility to drive your own career, and we’ll recognise your achievements and hard work as you progress through the firm. Are you ready to begin?

Graduate program In each rotation, you’ll gain a depth of experience that comes from seeing matters through to the end, and get exposure to stimulating legal challenges. At Allens, we don’t work in silos, meaning you won’t be limited to working with only one partner or by your practice areas. You’ll work alongside a range of partners and lawyers, giving you exposure to a wide variety of tasks. Working with different teams and leading organisations, you’ll grow a solid skills base and develop the agility needed to thrive in our ever‑changing world. The programs include: >> two 12‑month rotations in your areas of interest; >> secondment options in London or Asia, via our alliance with Linklaters; >> ongoing supervision, coaching and mentoring; >> completing a Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice (via Allens Academy); and >> a 12‑month weekly legal seminar series (Cornerstone Program).

Find out more at Allens is an independent partnership operating in alliance with Linklaters LLP.



First impressions last!

You need to look the part: formal wear should by clean, fitted and polished

Speak fluently, concisely and honestly

Follow up on the interview: a friendly email thanking your interviewer can go a long way



A message from our Social Justice Director, Rebecca Saleme

VOLUNTEERING! Volunteer work on a local, national or global platform is a fundamental responsibility of each person in serving the other. It is a challenging but liberating dedication to increase human solidarity. Volunteering offers each person a chance to contribute to the development of a resilient community, fostering active citizenship and helping those who are in vulnerable positions the opportunity to transform their life. Through living selflessly, each of us are able to live life in all its fullness. It is deeply rewarding for both those you serve and for yourself.

Studying and pursuing a career in the legal profession opens up an abundance of opportunities to engage in volunteer work. Volunteering not only boosts your experience and practical skills, but it demonstrates to potential employers that you are committed to fulfilling

For job descriptions, please visit

the purpose of the law, which

achieving justice for all – regardless of their circumstances.



BALANCING YOUR COMMITMENTS We've all figured out by now that successfully completing our law degree is no easy task, and is going to take an annoyingly high degree of self-discipline and time management. It's important not to lose sight of what you're studying for, and hopefully that reason is to become a more qualified, successful individual. With that in mind:

DON'T get stuck with your nose in the books everyday, and definitely try to avoid that awful feeling of seeing the sun rise out of your window with the assignment that's due today languishing unfinished on your screen.

DO schedule regular study breaks. DO take the time to get out and see your friends. DO try to eat healthy and get some exercise in (we know this is hard, but just a little bit is better than none at all!). And definitely DO try to get a good nights sleep.

The key is to keep a balanced schedule, so that all your necessary work gets done, but you also have the time for those activities that will keep you sane. We recommend writing your schedule down the day before, or a week in advance, rather than trying to organise yourself on the fly, as this usually makes it far easier to stick to.



Norton Rose Fulbright balances freedom for personal development with regular and consistent guidance. Sydney Summer clerkship Our summer clerkship offers you a real taste

of life as a Graduate. The clerkship involves doing many of the things our Graduates do, including attending clients meetings and visits to court. You will also enjoy exposure to our deals, culture and practice areas. There will also be lots of additional activities for you to take advantage of including: • key skills training • talks about practice areas and deals • networking and social events

What are we looking for? • • • • • •

Commercial awareness Global outlook Open mindedness Curiosity Strength beyond academia Long term motivation

Relevant dates 17 June 2019 - Applications open 14 July 2019 - Applications close 5 August 2019 - Interviews commence 18 September 2019 - Offers made If you are successful in securing an interview, you will also be invited to an information evening to learn more about our firm. To see how you could define your own path within our global legal practice, visit:

Progress with purpose





Check your uni email/society website




Rebecc a Salem e

Where d o you w ork? I work at Family L aw Cham bers How did you get the job? My cous in who w a s workin when th g there p ey were ut my na looking to Assistan me forw advertise t Clerk ard and hire a new What is your role ? It is main ly admin istrative sending duties, a emails a nswering nd mana as well a the telep g ing the d s liaising hone, iary of all with soli to court, th e c it B ors and d arristers, solicitors elivering and othe docume r chamb nts ers

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Daniel Attard

Where do you work? II am currently working as a ju nior legal clerk Garfield Barwic at k Chambers. How did you g et the job? I was given this opportunity th rough a barriste met through th r that I e mentor prog ram offered by school. the law

udan Stephanie Bo

What is your ro le? My role includ es a variety of re sponsibilities, p communicatin rimarily g on behalf of barristers, cou attendances a rt nd filing legal d ocumentation.



As a junior lawyer, your enthusiasm is in overdrive. Everything is interesting. You have a million questions for everyone. You want to be the best. And for me, I wanted to be the best lawyer and leader I could be. Right now I’m a corporate and tax lawyer, buying and selling companies, structuring investments and having the occasional battle with the ATO.


So, a little while after I started at Clayton Utz, I joined the social committee. A powerful assembly fuelled by lunchtime pizzawielding lawyers making important decisions like choosing the Christmas party theme. They knew I liked pizza, but had no idea I was gay. You see, I wasn’t out at work yet and this became a genuine source of anxiety for a good two years. But In May 2015 this all changed... To listen to Luke’s full story, go to: Academic brilliance certainly counts, but graduates who thrive here have something extra – a natural passion for connecting with people and a strong sense of self. That’s what staying true is all about. If you have these qualities, Clayton Utz is for you.

CLERKSHIP PROGRAM If you’re a law student in your penultimate year, our Clerkship Programs will expose you to the fast pace of a full-service commercial law firm and show you the law in action. You’ll be working under the guidance of some of the sharpest legal minds in Australia, on challenging, complex and high-profile transactions and matters. You’ll be mentored by partners and lawyers who are leaders in their fields, in a firm where individuality is embraced and innovation actively encouraged.

GRADUATE PROGRAM It’s not just about wearing a suit. There’s always a gap between theory and practice, and post-university prospects can be daunting. How do you make the leap to working in the industry?

That’s where we come in. Once you’ve completed your studies, our national Graduate Program gives you the perfect foundation for your legal career. Our 2.5 week orientation program is designed to ensure that you’ll hit the ground running. It consists of PLT+, local training and a national orientation week in Sydney. Our rotations will help you discover different areas and find the right fit. From day one you’ll be working on complex and sophisticated legal issues, and with our innovative learning and development approach, you’ll get the support to become the best you can be.

You’ll get… • Three rotations of six months in our national practice groups • continuing legal education programs and professional development support • mentoring from some of the best lawyers in the country • a buddy who’ll give you the inside information

• the chance to participate in our Community Connect and Pro Bono programs and really give back

• meaningful performance feedback so you know you’re on • social and sporting activities, because we know it’s not the right track all work and no play.

We hire most of our Graduates from our Clerkship Programs. Occasionally, additional opportunities may arise. These opportunities will be listed on our website.

03 W N







Clerkships are holiday work experience that many firms offer to law students. Clerkship programs are the preferred hiring method of Top and Mid Tier corporate law firms. Here are a few tips to help you get through the process and help you begin your clerkship application:

1. Narrow your field

2. Do your research

3. Plan your approach

4. Prepare your application

5. Apply




11 June

Clerkship Applications OPEN

14Â July

Clerkship Applications CLOSE

18 Sept

Offers made for summer clerkship

20 Sept

Offers must be accepted or declined



A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE At KWM we believe in a culture of collaboration. Grow as an individual, succeed as a team. That’s The Power of Together.

2019_Grad_Adverts_A4.indd 3

6/02/2019 11:26:23 AM

As an elite international law firm headquartered in Asia, we are reshaping the legal market by challenging our people and our clients to think differently about what a law firm can be today, tomorrow and beyond. We thrive on exceeding the expectations of our clients, and as such the world’s leading organisations turn to us to unlock their biggest opportunities and deliver solutions to their most vexing challenges. With ambitious thinking and innovation in our DNA, we partner with our clients to bring to life pioneering solutions which will help them to adapt, reinvent and grow. We believe innovation comes from giving our people room to grow, and as such actively encourage input and ideas from all levels of the firm. Our people are encouraged to think differently and shape their own career path, supported at every step of the way, with world-class training, coaching and hands-on experience. There is no ‘one size fits all’ career model, and we offer multiple opportunities for our lawyers to gain experience and thrive. At King & Wood Mallesons we provide you with the opportunities to reimagine a career in law to become what you want to be. Are you ready?

KEY STATISTICS: • Most Popular Overall Law Employer in the 2018 AFR Top 100 Graduate Employers Rankings • One of the Top 100 Graduate Employers in GradAustralia’s 2018 Student Survey • Top 15 global brand* • 27 international offices; • One of the largest international legal networks in the Asia region with 500+ partners and more than 2000 lawyers; • Our clients range from a mix of global financial and corporate powerhouses through to new industry-makers and all levels of government • With an unmatched ability to practise Chinese, Hong Kong, Australian, English, US and a significant range of European laws under one integrated legal brand, we are connecting Asia to the world, and the world to Asia. *Source: 2018 Acritas Global Elite Law Firm Brand Index


Graduate Program

The King & Wood Mallesons network extends across the following regions:

We offer a unique training experience with multiple rotations and a bespoke comprehensive learning and development program for our graduates. We invest heavily in development to support graduates in fulfilling their potential.

• Asia Pacific (Australia, Mainland China including Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore) • Europe • Middle East • North America

OUR PROGRAMS Seasonal Clerkship Program Applications open: 11 June 2019 Applications close: 14 July 2019 How to apply: Via our online application system Our clerkships give you a clear picture of what it’s like to be a lawyer at King & Wood Mallesons. You’ll get to know our people, the way we like to work, our culture, practice areas, clients and more. During your clerkship, you’ll learn: • The day-to-day skills to get you started – taking instructions, meeting with clients, drafting memos/documents, managing your practice and professional relationships. • Our core practice teams – who they are, what they do, how they’re structured, the clients they work for, and of course, your role within them. • Our culture – you’ll be exposed to (and encouraged) to get actively involved in the many activities and events that define KWM. • Our people – you’ll find that people from every part of the business will help you by sharing their knowledge and ensuring you have everything you need to succeed.

What you’ll learn The program provides a practical business foundation for junior lawyers. You’ll receive: • Meaningful work covering a wide range of practice areas • Client contact and an in-depth understanding of how they operate in a commercial and regulatory environment • The opportunity to work as part of a team with a range of partners, senior associates and solicitors in different practice groups • A practical understanding of areas of our legal practice • A comprehensive knowledge of the firm, our technology, our resources, our processes and, of course, the people you’ll work with. As part of the Graduate Program, we also offer a Practical Legal Training (PLT) course with the College of Law to our Australian Law graduates, ensuring that you meet the requirements for admission to legal practice. The program also promotes and supports the mobility of our staff across our offices by giving you the opportunity to apply to go on exchange in one of our interstate or overseas offices. Through this, you are able to access a greater choice and variety of destinations and on-thejob experience.

Your role Clerks usually work in one or two different practice groups, depending on the length of the clerkship. You’ll be allocated a supervisor in each of your practice groups and you’ll work closely with the partners, senior associates and solicitors in that team. It’s a hands-on role, so you won’t just be watching from the sidelines. Our people are encouraged to get involved in the many social and sporting activities that go on in the firm as well as the broader community.

SOFIJA JOVIC People & Development Advisor (Graduates) T +61 2 9296 3272


How did you have the opportunity to a clerkship? I had the opportunity to do a clerkship through Herbert Smith Freehills over the 2018 summer break. What’s been the most valuable lesson you have learned doing your clerkship? The most valuable lesson I learned was that clerkship applications can honestly be luck of the draw. There are so many students applying to such few positions, that getting a position really comes down to so many factors outside of your control. AS much as you research a firm and talk to people who have been through the process in the past, there is no knowing what goes on in the HR department of that law firm, to determine who gets an interview. There is also no knowing exactly what the reviewer of you application is looking for in an application.

Esther Adeyinka

What is the best way to approach applying for clerkships? The first thing I did when considering whether to apply, was to talk to those who I knew had been through the process before. I asked them their views on particular law firms, how they found the process and how they would recommend me approaching the process. I then researched all the firms I thought I would be interested in and narrow them down to a short list. I kept a spreadsheet on excel which I used to track my progress through each firm’s application procedure. But most importantly, I made up my mind that no matter the outcome, I would use the clerkship to learn about what I really wanted in a law firm and hone my job application, networking and interview skills. How did you have the opportunity to a clerkship? I spent the better part of my holidays applying to firms that I was interested in. From there I had the opportunity to attend a number of interviews and cocktail nights and be fortunate enough to be offered a clerkship. What’s been the most valuable lesson you have learned doing your clerkship? To try everything, there were so many wonderful opportunities available during the clerkship whether it was from attending client meetings, firm wide events or engaging in pro bono activities, so make the most of them.

Madeleine Goodsir 25

What is the best way to approach applying for clerkships? Make sure you get a feel of the firm’s offering clerkships during careers week and have discussions with their representatives about their specific process (as each one is unique). Also attend any clerkship tip sessions because this will help at the application process. Be selective, you will not have the time to apply to every firm that offers a clerkship so work out which firms you would be interested in working at. Finally, most importantly be yourself.


How did you have the opportunity to a clerkship? Clerkship applications open in June each year and is the buzz topic for most law students in their penultimate year. In August, I had the opportunity to interview with a few firms and stuck gold when I was introduced to the Thomson Geer team. I heard about what the work would entail across the summer and could see myself fitting in with the culture and working alongside these hardworking and inspiring people. Despite the daunting application process, the hard work does pay off and I would recommend to anyone to get out there and network, see what the line of work you are interested in entails.

Bella Noon

What’s been the most valuable lesson you have learned doing your clerkship? The most valuable lesson I learnt during my clerkship was that when choosing the right job for you, it’s so important that you feel motivated by the people that will be your potential mentors. They are the ones who can make your career and inspire the best work out of you. Don’t over look smaller or boutique firms, and if you have options, go with your gut on where you think your personality will best fit in with a firm. What is the best way to approach applying for clerkships? The best way to approach applying for clerkships, as cliche as it sounds, is to be yourself and to let your natural personality shine through the application questions. You need to differentiate yourself on paper and confidence is key. You need to be able to sell yourself, and the value you can offer to a firm in the most authentic way possible. Make sure you can provide lots of examples that demonstrate your key skill set and why you would be a great fit for that particular firm. Try not to get caught up in other peoples races for clerkships. Finally, have fun with it. It is definitely not the be all and end all. There are countless opportunities out there, but I would recommend undertaking a clerkship to gain that insight into the firm early on in your career and see if the field and culture is the right fit for you! Remember, it’s not just about the firm picking you, you have to pick them as well, so see what options are out there! Good luck!.



Practical Legal Training Practical Legal Training

completed all Priestley 11

(PLT) is a structured

core subjects of your law

training program designed

degree – with no more than

to help you develop the

two electives remaining.

practical, day-to-day skills you will need as an entry-

To start your Practical

level lawyer.

Legal Training early, you will need to seek approval

Completion of a PLT program is the an essential step to being admitted as a lawyer after you have finished your law degree.

from the admitting authority in the state you wish to be admitted to practise. Rules and processes relating to early starts vary by state.

You can start doing your hours for PLT if you have completed all Priestley 11 core subjects of your law degree – with no more than two electives remaining.

To start your Practical Legal Training early, you will need to seek approval from the admitting authority in the state you wish to be admitted to practise. Rules and

You can start doing your hours for PLT if you have


processes relating to early starts vary by state.


Activate your career. Practical Legal Training programs that better activate your career. • Just 5 days face-to-face attendance • Study full-time online, part-time online, or full-time on-campus • Emphasis on task-based learning • More than 20 start dates in Sydney in 2019

Con Pana

Lawyer, Federal Government of Australia Graduate of the Practical Legal Training program

Learn more at or call 1300 856 111

Practical Legal Training Study freedom With delivery modes including full-time, part-time, online and on-campus, you can select a program that will fit your work and personal commitments. You can also choose from more than 20 start dates a year in Sydney so you can complete your practical legal training at a time that suits you.

Hands-on learning Practical, task-based and hands-on, our program ensures that you will transition into the workforce successfully. You will learn through everyday scenarios that parallel real‑life practice such as drafting an affidavit or preparing a statement of claim.

Aligned with the legal industry Developed in close consultation with employers, our program includes the communication, leadership, time management and client relationship skills that will ensure you have the profile that is more attractive to employers. Nine of Australia’s top 10 law firms have chosen The College of Law to prepare their graduates to enter the profession.

Lecturer support Passionate and experienced legal practitioners will support you throughout the program. You will have regular one-on-one contact with your lecturers who will provide advice and feedback via email, phone or via our online learning portal.

Leading provider The College of Law has been at the forefront of practical legal education since 1974 and over 60,000 of our graduates now work across all facets of our industries. Innovative and forward thinking, The College of Law has proven to be one the most trusted names in legal training.

Learn more at or call 1300 856 111


The College of Law



Not all corporate law firms are the same. The only way to understand the work and culture is to experience it for yourself. A Gilbert + Tobin clerkship is both positive and challenging. You’ll work directly with partners and lawyers who will assist with your professional development and challenge you intellectually. While your main focus will be corporate work, everyone at G+T has the opportunity to assist on pro bono matters and participate in firm-wide activities. As you progress through your rotations you will develop invaluable skills and knowledge and gain first-hand experience of our various practice groups. Our Sydney program runs for 9 weeks, consisting of two fourweek rotations across the firm’s practice areas. During both rotations each clerk is assigned a supervising partner, mentor and buddy to assist with on-the-job training. Participating in our customised in-house training will build your confidence and help you understand the mechanics of legal practice. You’ll have the chance to jump right in and immerse yourself in a leading corporate law practice. And we’ll encourage you to contribute ideas and your own fresh perspective.

TOP 100


The G+T clerkship experience is open to students in their penultimate and final year of study. We’re not a prescriptive firm when it comes to our people; we invite individuality and diversity. We also hold ambition, creativity and entrepreneurial spirit in high regard. Our people are collaborative, passionate and dedicated – but most of all they enjoy what they do and never forget to have fun. We seek clerks and graduates who will complement our practice groups and don’t feel the need to take themselves too seriously. Ready for more? Applications for 2019-20 summer clerkships in our Sydney office are open from 11 June to 14 July 2019. For more information about applying for a clerkship or for program dates please visit, or contact Kristie Barton on 02 9263 4575 or at


Not all corporate law firms are the same. A clerkship with Gilbert + Tobin is your chance to see if you’ll thrive here. To test yourself with meaningful work from day one. To learn skills and concepts beyond the legal scope. To be integral to an organisation that’s challenging the very way legal services are delivered. If you want to be part of something different then G+T is the place for you.

TOP 100


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On 26 February 2019, I sat the New York Bar Exami nati on i n order to have my Austral i an Legal Degree recogni sed i n the Uni ted States. Studyi ng for thi s exam hi ghl i ghted the val ue of my Uni versi ty degree; thi s educati on has provi ded me wi th cri ti cal anal yti cal ski l l s, knowl edge and l ogi cal reasoni ng. Moreover, these ski l l s and knowl edge have si gni fi cantl y opened doors of opportuni ty i n the Uni ted States. Ti ps for Law students:

I am a University of Notre Dame, Australia graduate of 2017, with a background in Nursing. I was admitted as a Lawyer in the Supreme Court of NSW on 21 April 2017. The very next day I travelled to the United States of America to gain international legal experience via J1-visa. During this time, I have worked as a Paralegal at Hancock, Daniel & Johnson, P.C., a medical mal practice law firm which specializes in defending physicians, hospitals, nurses, nursing homes and other healthcare providers. I am responsible for supporting up to seven attorneys and have managed up to 21 active cases at one time. My tasks include managing all stages of the matters, trial attendance, conducting legal/medical research, reviewing medical and legal documents, drafting legal documents, internal documents and correspondence, meeting with clients and experts, and drafting client advisories.



There is power in numbers, lean on your fellow students. One of the best ways of learning is teaching others the content you learned and vice versa. Take advantage of the smaller class room size – ask questions! The chances are someone else is puzzled by the same topic. Participate in legal competitions, they will provide you with advocacy skills that you will utilize throughout your legal career. Be sociable! Attend the social events, network and meet students from other years/faculties. You are all on the same journey. Write your study notes every week whilst they are still fresh in your memory. Other student notes are great, but everyone has a different style or writing and learning. By drafting your notes each week you’ll have extra time to focus on practice questions, perfecting your notes and memorization. Fi nal l y, I woul d hi ghl y recommend practi ci ng abroad. Li vi ng i nternati onal l y has opened my eyes to the many pri vi l eges we experi ence on a dai l y basi s i n Austral i a, most notabl y, our heal th care system and gun l aws. Learni ng of the i ntri cate l egal di fferences between the Uni ted States and Austral i a, two countri es based on the common l aw, has emphasi zed the pi votal si gni fi cance that a country’s consti tuti on has on the popul ati ons cul ture and communi ty.


studying that you forget to enjoy the experience while you’re there. I really feel balancing the social and academic is so important for your wellbeing. Listen to the lecturers and don’t be afraid to ask questions. When doing the readings, write down your questions and ask them in class. The most enjoyable part of law school was definitely the people I met, the friendships I made and the invaluable knowledge I gained. I currently work in a regional practice called O’Brien Lawyers and am one of three solicitors. One of the best parts about where I’m working is the variety of work I’ve been given. Not one day is the same, so I’m definitely never bored. I was exposed to a lot of wills, estate matters, powers of attorney and property law during my PLT Placement. Now, I’m being exposed to other areas of the law such as family law, criminal law and civil litigation.

I attended Notre Dame University from 2013 - 2017. I studied a Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Arts (with a Major in Journalism and a Minor in Politics and International Relations). A couple of weeks after finishing university I moved to regional Victoria with my family. I completed my Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice in November last year and was admitted in February this year. I love university, it was stressful, of course, but it’s definitely a time that I look back on with a smile on my face. I think that’s important! Don’t get so caught up in

On an average day I’ll draft various letters or documents for property settlement matters, or I could be drafting court documents or following up on matters. I do get to sit in on appointments and the exposure is really helpful in building my knowledge of the practical side of law. I also frequently have contact with clients, be it through email, telephone or face-to-face. Getting to where I currently am, in a job I love, with great staff and mentors has certainly not been easy. I’ve made some tough decisions, including saying no to a couple of job offers, but there is not one bit of regret. It’s important to remember when applying for jobs that the workplace needs to meet your needs as much as you do theirs. It’s hard to not get that job you so badly wanted, but as cliched as it sounds… one door closes, another one opens.




Where do you work? I am a Law Graduate at Sparke Helmore Lawyers. What do you do in your job? I am currently working in the Commercial Insurance (Compulsory Third Party) group. I work with some immensely clever people to resolve and manage major insurance claims from catastrophic motor vehicle accidents all over Australia. The legal matters stretch far and wide to all aspects of motor vehicle disputes, indemnity disputes, fraud, actions against third parties, and recovery actions between insurers. What does an average day look like? Being a Law Graduate is a very dynamic time for soon-to-be lawyers. No day is ever the same, everything moves very quickly, and you are learning a lot in a condensed amount of time— so an average day is really one which



isn’t the same as the last. That being said, my day also has some regularity and generally involves liaising with my supervising solicitors on the active insurance matters we are managing. Often I spend my week contributing to the bits-and-pieces which make up a just, quick and cheap resolution for the client. Our practice group is a very dispute resolution-centric so there is plenty of court document drafting, pre-trial procedures, and settlement conferences. Any tips for future/current law students? Apart from the cliché— do your readings, never stop learning, and making sure you network far and wide— my number one tip for incoming law students and seasoned silks is to take care of yourself. A life in the legal profession can be an extremely fulfilling career decision. However, given its demands, the profession can also bear down significantly on our lives. So, it is absolutely essential that you are taking care of yourself throughout the entire climb. Make sure you stay balanced in and out of work (this includes eating well, and sleeping well), be aware of your limits, communicate well with your superiors and colleagues, and be grateful for all of the learning opportunities that will certainly come your way. What was the most enjoyable part of law school? The law competitions run by the Notre Dame Law Student Society. The practice of law is sevenfold more exhilarating and comprehensive when we are able to advocate persuasively— beyond pen and paper. Being able to master oral argument, think quickly on your feet, and frankly, be absolutely thrown by questions and answers from mockcolleagues, mock-judges, and mock-witnesses, is what will sharpen you to be an excellent lawyer. Translating black-letter law and legal problems into plain-english will be your ‘bread and butter’ in the profession, so you’ll be in good stead practicing this early on.

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Tips for clerkship success Be self-aware and remember that first impressions count

Remember to request feedback after completing tasks

• In locations with multi-clerkship opportunities, a 3.5 to 4 week clerkship is essentially a long interview for a graduate position

• A clerkship is a great opportunity for you to learn and develop your legal knowledge and skills

• Consider your personal brand and how you want to be perceived and remembered in terms of your strengths and fit with firm

• Take the time to follow up your work providers and get their thoughts on the work you have completed - however be aware of their workload and the timing of asking for feedback

• A great attitude, enthusiasm for any sort of task and the ability to quickly build rapport with others goes a long way

• Acting on this feedback is a great way to demonstrate your ability to learn quickly – a key skill for junior lawyers

Show initiative and seek opportunities

Develop your networks – speak to as many people as possible

• What do you want to get out of your clerkship? What do you want to learn about the firm and what work do you want to get involved in?

• As well firms looking at your abilities and fit to the firm, it’s also your opportunity to find out if this is the place you want to start and establish your career

• Take the initiative to get to know your team as well as other practices across the firm, meet as many people as possible and try to get involved in different types of work, projects and activities

• Take every opportunity to meet people from across the firm to learn about the practice groups and if they are people you would like to work with in the future

Keep your supervisor updated on workload and schedule

• Lastly, take the time to get to know your fellow clerks – you may be colleagues one day

• Communication is key in a law firm. Take on a variety of work for different people across the team, but don’t forget the importance of managing your priorities and keeping your work providers up to date • Clerkships involve a number of training sessions and other activities so it’s important to keep people informed as to where you will be if you are away from your desk for a long period of time

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My Clerkship Experience Crystal, Seasonal Clerk

Studied: Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of International Studies, University of Wollongong Rotations: Energy & Resources and Intellectual Property 1. WHY ASHURST Ashurst’s excellent reputation in the international market was a clear drawing factor; several of the practice areas I was interested in were ranked as first tier and the firm was clearly committed to long-term growth with a goal to be ‘the world’s most progressive law firm’. Beyond that, I was attracted to the ‘firm culture’ that pervaded throughout the clerkship process. I specifically sought a firm where I could work with like-minded people who were genuinely passionate about what they do. Thus, a key deciding factor for me was how passionate and fulfilled the staff came across at various events throughout the process.

2. YOUR WORK AS A CLERK The practice groups are generally split into transactional, advisory and litigious areas of work and this will by and large determine the type of work you will do during your clerkship. During my rotations, I had the opportunity to research areas of law, draft advice to clients, deliver documents and sit in on client meetings. I found that no matter how small the task, the lawyers took the time to explain the context of the task which greatly enhanced the learning experience.

3. SOCIAL ASPECTS OF THE CLERKSHIP I was surprised at just how social the clerkship was and this aspect was truly encouraged by the firm. The quintessential clerkship experience includes inter-firm sport, Christmas parties, group dinners, karaoke and the clerk cruise. At Ashurst, we even organised a getaway to the Hunter Valley for all the clerks! This all speaks for itself as to how much fun a clerkship can be but it also allows you to build really meaningful relationships to carry throughout your future career.

4. CAREER DEVELOPMENT AT ASHURST The clerkship was more than an opportunity to gain work experience in commercial law; the program was structured as an investment in our professional development and career growth. There were multiple training sessions each week over a broad range of development areas, including technical skills, knowledge of the firm and personal

growth. There is also an abundance of support provided during the clerkship. Further, each clerk is allocated a team buddy, supervising lawyer and supervising partner who act as your direct support network in each rotation. Outside of this, there was a general positive approach around the firm to assisting clerks with any queries.

5. ASHURST IN THE COMMUNITY Ashurst takes great pride in its commitment to pro bono and corporate social responsibility. There were several pro bono opportunities during the clerkship, ranging from volunteering, short-term secondments and even completing a rotation in the Pro Bono practice. A personal highlight of mine was coordinating a volunteering experience for the clerks at the Exodus Foundation to help serve community members in need.

6. APPLICATION TIPS Firstly, apply! You do not have to be a record-breaking athlete who has climbed Mt Everest while maintaining a HD average to get a clerkship. There is no perfect formula and you lose absolutely nothing by applying. As to applications, start early. The applications can be time consuming and you should not discount the personal questions that don’t relate to law – they do matter! All the firms are genuinely trying to get a picture of who you are. On that note, be yourself. Don’t discount any of your experience from your application (retail, hospitality etc) – this all contributes to a holistic impression of you. Finally, contact someone from your university that has gone through the process for all the little questions you may have about the firm or application process.

7. WHO SHOULD APPLY I would genuinely recommend a clerkship to anyone – it is an invaluable experience to try out areas of law that are not often readily available to trial. More specifically, I would recommend a clerkship to those that seek collaborative, challenging and market-leading work.

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2019 College of Law Careers Guide Notre Dame Sydney Law Society

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