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"Maskne:" What it is and how to treat it
By John DeNegris, MD
In a world changing so fast, keeping up can be difficult. A less common issue has struck the world and become commonplace – the dreaded “maskne.” This term merging the words mask and acne describes a rash acquired by wearing face masks to prevent the transmission of respiratory diseases, namely COVID-19. We don’t know when COVID-19 is going away, and we certainly don’t know when masks may be necessary in the future with other possible outbreaks. Now the questions arise – what is maskne, and what can we do to prevent and treat it? Well, there are multiple factors that lead to the rash, which means multiple things need to be done to combat it.
Part of the problem is that masks block the oil glands on the face. Friction, heat, and pressure from the mask irritate the skin and lead to an acne-like rash. The medical name for the most common cause of maskne is acne mechanica. This process creates a rash that is similar to acne in appearance. To battle this issue, avoid using materials like oil-based products and heavy makeup in the areas the mask comes into contact with. Products that block the oil glands of the face or increase the oil on the skin are going to predispose you to acne-like outbreaks. After wearing a mask, wash your face with a gentle cleanser as soon as possible.
Another common issue is contact dermatitis, a rash that occurs either from skin damage or an allergy to certain chemicals or materials. Different fabrics have different properties related to their protection from airborne diseases. Clean your mask frequently, as some fabrics will retain oils, moisture, and other irritating substances. Use a fragrance-free detergent to reduce the risk of an allergic reaction. Cotton masks are recommended because cotton fabric allows the skin to breathe. Also, avoid touching your face, and clean your hands and cell phone frequently.
What is one supposed to do when they already have maskne? The simple answer is to start with a treatment regimen similar to treating acne. We want to clean the pores, decrease the bacteria on the skin, exfoliate gently, create a barrier by hydrating the skin, and decrease inflammation. I am a fan of retinoids, a group of medications including prescription tretinoin (Retin-A™), overthe-counter adapalene (Differin™), and others that help the skin in numerous ways. Benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid washes help clean out the pores, exfoliate, and decrease bacteria. A gentle moisturizer like CeraVe™ works well to hydrate skin and create a barrier between you and the mask.
If you are experiencing a rash resistant to this approach, have a dermatologist evaluate your skin, as the rash may be due to allergic reactions, rosacea, seborrheic dermatitis, or other causes. Everyone’s skin is unique and requires care tailored to the individual. Sometimes there are multiple causes and a combination approach is best. If the rash is not improving, or you have any questions about your skin, a dermatologist can workwith you to find the treatment that works best for you. These skin care tips will help your skin stay healthy and clear even after masks are no longer needed. It’s never too early to start a good skin care regimen.

Dr. John DeNegris is a dermatologist with Yag-Howard Dermatology & Aesthetic Center in Naples.