Neagu mariuca english print architecture portfolio

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NEAGU MARIUCA ‘I O N M I N C U’ u n i v e r s i t y of a r c h i t e c t u r e and urban PLANNing - B U C H A R E S T 2009-2015


‘ION MINCU’ university of a r c h i t e c t u r e and urban PLANNing - B U C H A R E S T 2009-2015 e-mail



education September 2005 - Iuly 2009 Octomber 2009 - Iuly 2015

LANGUAGES english - advanced french - advanced italian - Medium

work Experince

high school math computer sciences Colegiul național Unirea, Focșani, contry Vrancea, Romania architecture student, Master’s Degree, Architecture “Ion Mincu” university of architecture and urban planning, Bucharest, Romania


Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe Indesign Autocad Autodesk Revit Modelare 3d

▪ Intern Architect Re-Act Now Studio Bucharest, Dates October 2014 - February 2015 ▪ My responsibilities consist in making the concept drawings for the project, 3D models, coordination and project documentation, feasibility studies and technical project, execution details and parts of the project organization, in particular working in AutoCAD ▪ Intern Architect SYAA - Architect Bucharest, The period September 2013 - February 2014 During my internship, I worked on existing and new projects, modification and implementation of CAD drawings, realization of concept drawings for the project, 3D models, developing drawings, site visits, participation in competitive projects. ▪ Volunteer Romanian Design Week,

T A B L E OF C O N T E N T S ACHITECTURE DIPLOMA PROJECT Winery and boarding housg, existing cellar grigoriu, odobesti vineyard ACADEMIC PROJECTS 01. office tower building 02. BUCHAREST CITY OF JUSTice 03. t e r r a c e house 04. collective housing 05. SIngle family house - product design 06. ‘ALEGRIA’ K I N D E R g a r t e n T E c h n i c a l p r o j e c ts 07.1 Thermal protection project 07.2 Solar protection project INTERIOR DESIGN 08. i n t e r i o r d e s i g n b o a t ‘mistral 60’



recoverd area from GRIGORIU-RUGINA CELLLAR

location: program: type: year:

Vineyard Odobesti, Vrancea contry Winery Diploma project 2015

Abstract This thesis concerns the design of a winery that should redevelop the existing cellar, underground galleries, Grigoriu - Rugina cellar, from the westen hills of Odobesti vineyard. The cellar is a local brand of the region of Vrancea, Odobesti - this caves are all over in the basement of the city since 18th-19th century, and even from 15th century. The project three components: -THE CELLAR - Underground gallery, which contains nine arched branches - 600 square meters. This cellar dates back since 1905. -THE WINERY - Facing the eastern slops, follow and emphasize the movement of the land the building stands in the hill. -THE BOARDING HOUSE - The second component of the winery is the boarding house orientated to the valley, upper in the hill.


The site

The existing cellar grigoriu rugina

The site The site is located in the outskirts of town Odobeşti, Vrancea county, in the north-west of this city and in the southern part of the village near Jaristei, known as wine centers in Vrancea county. The project it is about the research of an agricultural, industrial architecture that better relates with the surroundings site, that understand its phyisical language, having a structure, a dimension, a form of its own that communicate with the landscape The Grigoriu-Rugina underground gallery, which contains nine arched branches - 600 square meters, used for storing wine is the main reason for which I began this project in this special site. This underground, has to re-enter in the tourist circuit, to

regain part of the process of winemaking. This cellar dates back since 1905, first its belonged to a famouse community trademark from this area, that was a wine producer and then, later has entered in the circuit of storing wine for the Research resort Odobesti, which was a famous produceing center in the area. After 1990, the cellar has not been used, although it preserves the physical properties of the internal environment for wine production. Space, functions and materials Studing the image of the site, the intervention is seeking to emphasize existing slope of the site, in order to create areas which arise from the morphology of the site. The fragmentated spaces supports production as well as the visitors circuits.

‘Under’ and ‘above’ ground architecture are related. Reinterpretation of it, aims to achieve an artificial relief to protect winery spaces. This qualities of the earth, to maintain internal environment of the winery are used in the project. The winery modules are partially buried or placed inside the hill . Through local textures, vegetable, wood, earth aims to emphasize the local identity. Local specificity is oriented to tradition, however modern approach can be seen at the interior space intervations. The entire project is meant to reinterpret the traditional model, using local materials and constructive pattern sugesting specific features by respecting local tradition of boxes covered with wooden framing. The winery modernist approach is due to industrial quality param-

eters, equipment, technology - air conditioning systems, electric-powered machines, etc photovoltaic cell panels that are used in such profile building productive. The position of the building in the vineyard determinates a series of platforms for reception and delivery of material-wine and grape. The rooms are about 10 m high, because of the tanks of considerable size that can be handled or for packaging technologies.


situation plan

THE WINERY-tasting room perspective

GROUND FLOOr 0.00 topo 163.00 acces public winery

FIRST FLOOR 3.65 TOPO 167.00 Boarding house acces

The delivery module of the winery it is positioned at the end of production route close to the delivery platform for better handling of boxes to be sold. The internal circuit is doubled with the sightseeing Winery is both a farm and a factory produceing a raw material and manufacturing a finished product. route. Inside, the volumes are related with each other, outside they are emphasizing the central axis which is also the major direction of the landscape slope. They are all facing the valley, where is the city but also a view of vineyards. Located The four modules are dynamic and oscillates in nature, the site is characterized mainly by landmarks such as the city OdobeĹ&#x;ti area (valley), Magura Odobesti, around the central circulation, proposed as a printhe highest hill and also the existing cellar. These three poles positively influence the project position and design on the site. The winery has a roof structure that emphasizes the main direction of the site and the upper volume, the cipal axis. They communicate one with the other and are generated by the production route. boarding house opens to the view. The barrels room better relates to wine storing room and to the fermentation hall bottling room. That position is for Above is the floating tasting room, that offers a better handling of the merchandise between the two spaces. The fermenting room and grape processing relief visitors a panoramic view of the main rooms of the it is standing inside the hill to benefit from the qualities of the earth that maintain a constant thermal environment winery.


BOarding house ACCOMMODATION The other component of the project the boarding house has 12 rooms, for 25 persons, that are oriented to the valley. The main lobby of the accommodation floor has the view of the Măgura OdobeČ™ti hill and vineyards. The first floor of the boarding house has a common area, a restaurant for 70 people, used as a multi-purpose space that faces the valley area, in front has the cellar vents with its alleys for visiting. This new space should be able to permanently communicate between the two sides: one functional from the winery and one for tourists.Git L. Maedemus aliciverunti patis pri simius fursula

01 office Tower building

Study development ‘timpuri noi’ area Neighborhoods

location: program: type: year:

Bucharest Buisness center 5th year project 2014


THE LOCATION INSIDE OF THE CITY BUCHAREST Position of the project it is in the area between Dâmbovita river and Splai Unirii Boulevard, Nerva Traian continued with the passage over Dambovita. This location can develop a lot and, in the first instance the river Dambovita is the element generating activities in the city, and the Splai unirii boulevard is an important axis that connects downtown with the south of the city, entrance Vacaresti. The project of the tower has 26 floors, consisting of two liniar shapes that move vertically, acros the vertical axis, different, but planimetric level they act as a whole mass. The main reascon it is in case there is seismic risk, the two of them can’t collision.

SITE STUDY - Strategical development

1. Density of the area build 2. Streets and area availability 3. Buildings height of the area 4. Green surface of the area studied

like the study said, this area is fully lighted during day because there isn’t any other buldings higher than 24 metres. in the north side are collective housing buldings, so the tower shadow can’t create a inconvenient for the people inside them.

BUisness center bucharest. office TOWER in timpuri noi area

Etiam sit amet posuere augue. Donec in nuTnc quis neque fermentum condimentum. Aliquam commodo rhoncus urna quis tristique. Vivamus libero nunc, pretium id commodo sit amet, convallis at lacus. Integer ut aliquet orci. Pellentesque bibendum ullamcorper.

FORMAL TYPES Of visual appearance

office tower FORMAL TYPOLOGY One of the shapes have the inclination part which is directed toward the maximum side, on Dambovita. The other it is built in the NE of the site to leave space in front of him to have enough space. This body, the position and shape, a console - creats a​​ landmark of the area and marks also the main entrance in the tower. Following the analysis of the enviroment in the south area reflects that it isn’t no green space around the site, so I brought some horizontal and vertical hanging gardens, while marking the break between the two elements that make up the tower. These terraces are found on the floors of the tower, are some public social spaces.

THE STRUCTURE OF THE BULDING The tower is designed around a concrete hub of significant sizes, shape and metallic frames, braced and columns over the height of the tower. The body is supported by three beams adjacent lattice. At lower levels, the two structures intersect, is balancing each other. In terms of the envelope, the tower is closed with a double facade glass to change the inclination, hence, no longer having need sunscreen simple glass facade continue. Lower body is covered with opaque and open, perforated by a lattice generated game, and the last level is open with glass to provide views towards


double skin facade detail

02 Palace of justice bucharest ‘Unirii’ Boulevard

location: Bucharest program: Office program type: 5th year project year: 2014 Proposed for the image of Romania district court it unitary, in which each of the components of the buildings are represented by commun area in the basement, where is the public access, that it’s not involved with the justice membres and detainees. Organic typology proposed have the pattern support, the idea of an artificial landscape develops the compositional center. Each building contains an exterior mesh, sustainable, thermal protection and anti noise uniform look. The Prosecutors of the Tribunal of Bucharest bulding proposes a modular form which it’s dressed in the outer mesh. Inside the cover are separated modules for each floor, with differnt functions of each sectors, the central circulation space and reception. The interior courtyards that separate functional forms are intimate, for each body. The structure of each module explodes outside the

mesh structure on top, so these tubes are oriented to areas with visibility. Functional interior starts with the central nodes around which there is a movement, and near them are placed offices and court clerks. Circulations of the detainees are separated from those of justice membres, they have a detention room on each floor of which has acces to the hearing room. Achives secure areas are on each floor. Public archives are in the basement -1 where each person can study on identity card records .. At the basement -1 appear two entrance -justice membres and arrested. In central space is public space, in which people find functions such as restaurant cafe outdoor exhibition spaces

Master Plan Organic typology proposed have the pattern support, the idea of an artificial landscape develops the compositional center. Each building contains an exterior mesh, sustainable, thermal protection and anti noise uniform look. Each of the buildings of palace of justice assembly are directed toward the center of the composition, while vertical slope is raising to the Philharmonic building. Between five buildings it is created a microclimate, water oases of green spaces and walkways. The height increases from left to right, reaching the maximum height of office buildings.

Basement -1

Basement -2

Master plan palace of justice - Ground floor Basement -1 Basement -2 Render

Intimate courtyard in the back side. Thermal Composition.Acoustic and visual comfort. Private courtyard, posterior limit

03 terrance houses courtyard interior lighting

location: program: type: year:

Bucharest Residentianl program 2th year project 2011


Housing project structured around an interior atrium. The terrance house is the first step in the transition from the collective to the individual apartment block, for this proposed lifestyle of the middle class involves saving space and materials. Â In terms of volumes, the house functions are placed around a courtyard, so this place became a place of dining and socializing. Functional distribution of the house is divided into zones - day (ground floor) and night (upstairs) and is strictly determined by that of the proposed construction system bearing brick masonry; the first level, the children (bedrooms facing the backyard).

and the adults (master bedroom with dressing room and bathroom); living area opens to the back yard which has privacy. landscaped terraces and green space, and in front of these openings are controlled by windows library) with input device (vestibule distribution to garage and main entrance) and another dedicated party day (living room and kitchen with dining embedded)

Benefiting backyard privacy, landscaped terraces and green space, and in front of these openings are controlled by well-proportioned windows, framed; ground floor consists of two functional units - one defined workspace (office-library) with input device (vestibule distribution to garage and main entrance) and another dedicated party day (living room and kitchen with dining embedded). The courtyard becomes a privileged space in the composition of home : it becomes so

wide planimetric separation zone between common functions: office kitchen, washroom and living area, a privileged space. Upstairs the bedroom is the separation of the parents acopiilor. The master bedroom is large with dressing room and terrace, the position which can monitor children’s bedrooms with peripheral circulation.

Ground floor house First floor

interior glazing courtyard vizibility

04 Housing architecture calea grivitei

location: program: type: year:

Bucharest Residentianl program 3th year project 2012


Housing project structured around an interior atrium. The project starts with the objective interpretation of the present relation between the component of the site. The analysis of the nearby zone in urban site propose a special solving of the project. The Square Chibrit, it is a well-defined element in the left of the blvd. May 1 at Caransebes Clabucet continued with a major axis that separates the site and links to public space and the clinic. The two proposed blocks answer to the site requirements. Need for privacy of a site near an avenue withdraw it from the outside and their location. Our proposel project site is very diversified: on

one hand,at Mircesti Mures street, we have an old street with low houses, bordered by continuous facade boundary the property and near the Caransebes street we have a industrial area, with much high facade ,well-defined front, which is shapde by the other existing structures. The housing buildings block the view from the industrial area and opens to the low houses zone. We proposed two volumes, arranged around the perimeter of the site, a decision based on the sun direction. The two volumes building are connected by a glass joint, which is a public-private separation (buried garden). The garden is a component of the site, 1.5 m underground, dedicated to the residents of the area being accessible through joint. I wanted to create a semi-private markets dedicated to both residents and the public, that has been made to increase the missing green space in this area.


1st- 7th floor building Ground floor ABOVE Detail housing floor BELOW Detail apartament RIGHT Detail section structure

Proiect Locuinta insiruita curte interioara. iluminare spatiul interior.

Curte intima in zona posterioara a parcelei. Alcatuire termica.Confort acustic si vizual. Integer ut aliquet orci.

collective housing project. structural bladdes. yard buried privately It’s high facade,well-defined front, which is shapde by the other existing structures. The housing buildings block the view from the industrial area and opens to the low houses zone. We proposed two volumes, arranged around the perimeter of the site, a decision based on the sun direction. The two volumes building are connected by a glass joint, which is a public-private separation (buried garden). The garden is a component of the site, 1.5 m underground, dedicated to the residents of the area being accessible through joint. The project design wanted to create a semi-private garden used by both residents and the public.The main reason of it is to increase the missing green space in this area. Interior design of the housing building has a living area that opens into the backyard benefiting of privacy, landscaped terraces and green space, and in front of these openings are controlled by well proportioned windows, framed;

05 single family house interior design inner courtyard

location: program: type: year:

Bucharest Residential program 3th year project 2012

The existing patio provides better illumination of interior spaces.

At the begining, the project appearance was dictated by the layout of the site, a narrow field surrounded by buildings, in which the building will be seat and, also, the need for indoor lighting. So, this patios become green spaces and pleasant views for each rooms.

Each of the chambers modules oscillates around the central axis of composition, the connecting hall . It is crossed by areas where light come by exterior sun shading made of wood. Each patio is used by the family as reunited places.

The room used as office with a view from the inner courtyard. Light shades of wood.

LEFT Single house plan ABOVE East facade BELOW West facade

Interior design

06 Alegria kindergarden luigi cazzavillan play ground

location: Bucharest program: Educational program type: 3th year project year: 2012 The Alegria kindergarten is placed in the central area of Bucharest, in which the tissue limits of the proposal area has two main parts that are marking the corner area, the intersection of the street. Luigi Cazzavillan street and Transylvania street. Kindergarten is limited to three age groups 3-4, 5-6, 7-preparatory. The main composition of the groups is ascociate with an courtyard, landscaped playground. The project proposes a perimeter movement that aligns the two blind walls, so you can achieve a more efficient lighting around the court. The administrative area is separated from the public and children. Multifunctional hall is located in the corner of the site, and it can be accessed by parents and employs.

The kitchen location along the blind wall its for a good supply in the street.The second floor is for bedrooms of the children that can be accesed from each classroom with a stair for children. The bedrooms can be monitored by a corridor that opens to the playground on the terrace. It is equipped with playgrounds and study landscaping.

RIGHT - First floor kindergarden bedroom floor BELOW RIGHT - Section BELOW RIGHT - South facade Classroom render On the faรงade there is a composition of light and color, placed on a white wall that will filter light inside. The shape of the main hall its expressed in the facade with tall body , that it is adiacent to the Transylvania street. Treated wood slats that role hood right lighting creates a meeting place. In this room appear activities and public gatherings or celebrations for the year.


West Facade

Technical project Thermal building protection

location: program: type: year:

Bucharest Residential program 4th year project 2013

Residential complex has five housing units on a triangular site, near Grivitei Bd. Its structure is made of reinforced concrete with masonry exterior walls (vertical hollow ceramic blocks Porotherm 38 cm). The interior walls have a metallic aluminum structure that are trapped plasterboard. We chose ceramic blocks Porotherm 38 cm, due to high thermal efficiency, are relatively light construction elements, shows a low thermal conductivity, they are very durable. The exterior cladding of the facades we realized of aluminum composite panels because of the extreme weather resistant, impact and humidity, Alucobond Eco. For energy-efficient we choose rigid boards mineral wool and also for the floors of the terrace, we used extruded polystyrene, an insulating material witha high resistance to compression .

Situation plan

Housing floor

Section AA

Coefficient thermal for walls and floors

Detailed plan thermal protection

Span detail

Facade detail

1. Technical detail

2. Technical detail


Technical project solar building protection

location: program: type: year:

Bucharest Hotel *** program 4th year project 2013

Study sunscreen during summer A. Hotel room view S-W during summer Note that in June May. June the amount of light reaching the surface of the glass between 18:00 -20: 00 with a temperature of 15 degrees. and in April and August between the hours of 16: 30-19: 00 with a temperature of 25 degrees. Conclusion: after installing mobile frosted glass horizontal sun visors, Quantitative light that reaches the glass is more than half reduced, thus ensuring sunscreen. The fact that mobile offers protection sun visors are differentiated by the angle at which the blades are inclined.

West Facade

Situation plan

B. Hotel room view S-W

light at a lower point of the room

For horizontal sunshades mobile solution adopted by frosted glass, I managed to get a total of 200 lx falling in the regulatory minimum limit. Housing floor

Section AA

A. Hotel room view S-W during summer

B. Hotel room view S-W lower point of the room

08 interior design Boat ‘mistral Family and crew spaces

The proposed project for the interior design of the boat Mistral 60, separates the users of the main family from the support crew (the family has 2 children.) The two circulations are separated, the crew access must be one that is easy enough to get at the point of control of the boat. The living space area is centrally located where height is greater. the bedrooms are narrow storage and bunk beds. Crew area contains

a desk, with a center the control, and especially separate from the bathroom. The structure of the boat is made of wood resistant to compression and stretching PÊternÊ., treated wood. The interior design is made of wood that hasen’t no sharp corners, that can caused damage to the users.

Falling water- Frank Lloyd Wright. Graphic design made with graphite and waterpaint


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