ChurchPartner Newsletter May 2022

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Newsletter Staying Steady! It’s been a tough business year (or 2) making it difficult to plan and even guess what will happen in the near future. Many churches and businesses have had to cut back on expenses and staff. Often those expenses are critical to the operation of the organization. We can feel the far reaching affects not only for our churches and businesses but also for us as worshippers and consumers. It would be a very long list of all the effects on our economy, our social life and on our mental and physical health. However, everyday we get to make a choice, in fact several choices, as to how we allow what is happening around us determine the path we will take for today and tomorrow. One of my favorite pastors ever, always tells us to “Stay Steady!”. When times are tough and you feel you have reached the end of what you can do “stay steady” in God’s word and in our faith in Him. This applies to every area of life AND business. For many, business (church) is our life. We shouldn't treat either one any differently in placing our trust in the Lord. The most “steady” thing we know is God. He loves us without condition and always has our back. Give ALL things to Him both easy and tough and you will be blessed beyond measure! “Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.” Proverbs 16:3

“ChurchPartner’s mission is to serve God by helping Christian and community service organizations effectively utilize the time, talents and treasures of their supporting members and staff.” Inside this issue Christian Education…..………..…..2 VBS…………………………………....…..2 Church/Worship Supplies……. ...2 Education/Curriculum ........ …….2 Employee Profile ................ …….2 2022 Supply Chain Update……...3 Planning Ahead……………………….3 Standing Orders……………………...3 Office Depot Name Change…..…4 Furniture ............................ …….4

Special points of interest • Staying Steady • VBS is around the corner

The ChurchPartner Team Top Golf Outing The ChurchPartner Team was all together at Top Golf including our team members located in OH and FL.

• ODP Business Solutions

ChurchPartner Hours Monday - Friday 7:30 - 4:30 Mountain Standard Time

May 1, 2022 Volume 1, Issue 5

Church & Worship Supplies Since 1995, ChurchPartner has provided churches throughout the U.S. and Canada, a wide variety of church supplies at low, discounted prices. Our commitment to providing churches with high quality products is best illustrated by our continuous product additions to our website.

Employee Profile Meet Austin Rowe Worship Supplies Buyer Austin has been at ChurchPartner for 1.5 years initially starting out as the warehouse specialist. Recently he was promoted to the worship supplies buyer position. He has taken great care of the company’s well over 30,000 church customers. Austin is a native Coloradan and attends the Denver Church of Christ. He has been attending there for 11 years and serves in a leadership role for small groups. He has 3 sisters and is uncle to 2 nieces and 1 nephew.

When Austin isn’t working he enjoys hiking in the Colorado Mountains as well as off roading with his Nissan Xterra. He is also training in the art of jiujitsu and is a 3 stripe white belt. Austin’s favorite scripture is Hebrews 12: 1-4 “1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted. 4 In your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood.”


Throughout our website you will find worship ware and supplies by respected manufacturers such as: Sudbury...Broadman & Holman...R J Toomey...Abingdon and many more. Additionally, our broad offering of candles and accessories include quality pieces from Emkay, Will& Baumer, Lux Mundi and others.

“I’ve really enjoyed my time so far here at Church Partner. I look forward to growing into my new role.” Austin Rowe, Worship Supplies Buyer

VBS / Education / Curriculum It’s not too late to order your VBS Materials and Supplies! We carry a wide variety of VBS programs so you have options during those important summer gathering times. Our low prices along with free freight goes a long way to stretch your VBS budget. As always, we also carry a large selection of VBS accessories that support your selected program.

The summer quarter is nearly here. You can order your Christian Education materials and supplies from ChurchPartner which has always been one of our strong points. We have materials for children, youth, and adults as well as materials specific to men and women studies.

2022 Supply Chain Update labor, materials, equipment shortages and now overseas port shutdowns.

As we are well into 2022, the hopes of an improved supply chain both internationally and domestically has not improved. For imported items going through the west coast of the US the container rates are at 162% above last year at this time with the east coast experiencing rates at 176% higher than last year. This is a contributing factor to the current inflation we are seeing in all retail products. Manufacturers continue to experience challenges with

The US supply chain has been impacted at every level. Domestically, we are also experiencing labor and material shortages as well as logistics challenges. Fuel prices have exceeded $5.00 per gallon for diesel for the first time ever in our history. We have been hopeful for some relief from the supply chain crunch in 2022 but so far the manufacturers have been unable to stabilize their costs and every item available to us has increased in price multiple times. We will continue to experience the flow of product impacted for the remainder of 2022. We appreciate our customers understanding of the increase in our pricing as well as the longer transit times.

“We pledge that we will continue to offer you the best prices possible as we partner with you to serve your church, school and organization.”

Plan Ahead for Your Church We at ChurchPartner knowing the impact of rising prices and product availability on your church, we encourage you to plan as far ahead as possible. We pledge that we will continue to offer you the best prices possible as we partner with you to serve your church, school and organization. We will do everything possible to ensure you can serve your church community with the products, materials and resources you need.


Create a Standing Order Consider the creation of a standing order. The benefits you will receive by having a standing order include:  Guarantee to your church that you will always have your items in stock as your standing orders will be pulled first before the general public. 

All orders will be shipped to arrive by the date you provided us.

You can modify order quantities up to 7 days prior to shipping

Standing order can be cancelled at any time (only exception is if an order has already shipped, then that order cannot be cancelled but future ones can)

This applies to any items you use on a regular basis such as communion cups, bread/wafers, pre-filled communion wafer/juice combo’s, candles and much more. Certain items if placed on a standing order can benefit from a discount and we will hold prices as long as possible. We wish we could offer price guarantees for a year, however, the manufacturers have already alerted us to price increases for 2022.

Create a Standing Order during the month of May and receive $10 off of your first standing order of $75 or more!

Furniture ChurchPartner discounts the best in church chairs, pew chairs, church furniture, pulpits, communion tables, classroom tables, chairs and whiteboards, office furniture, fellowship hall chairs, banquet chairs and folding tables. ChurchPartner believes that churches and religious institutions need one source where furniture can be found that has been specially selected for churches, chapels, temples and synagogues. To that end, ChurchPartner offers church furniture for every room of the facility, including church sanctuaries, fellowship halls and classrooms at excellent prices.

Group Purchasing (GPO) Partnerships As of May 1st Office Depot Business Solutions is now

There is no change to our pricing program that has proven to save you $$$$$ everyday. Up to 80% off regular prices! To Login to the new website the new address is: All your login credentials are the same as before. No worries if you use the previous website address as it will automatically route you to the new website. To register click here: ODP Business Solutions Registration Link


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