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Community Responsibility and Commonality
one donor offered in discussing important social issues facing Hampton Roads’ Black community. Another added, “as long as you are working for the community and working for the whole, then everything is going to be alright.” A donor shared, “I have a commonality and that connects me…so really community is [about] what connects us.” Their comments, and those of other interviewees, illustrate the concept of “linked fate”: the belief that one’s individual fate is linked to the Black community.
Do you agree or disagree that what happens to Black people in this country will have something to do with what happens in your life?
4% 1%
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Nearly all the Hampton Roads respondents agree with the concept of “linked fate” with nearly two-thirds agreeing strongly. High levels of linked fate imply a deep sense of community, bonds of trust and a feeling of interconnectedness. Communities with strong levels of linked fate have the foundation for undertaking efforts for the benefit of the collective. As to Black giving, Black communities with high levels of linked fate may be better prepared to engage in a strategic type of Black giving, one that directs donations to efforts that are proven to “move the needle” for Black communities.
NEBiP’s LPE framework offers a pathway for strategic Black giving. It assumes that if the Black donor community expresses strong levels of linked fate for the Black community, their giving practices should closely and strategically align to that sentiment, electing to make donations that will result in an impact on the Black community. Under the LPE framework, in addition to giving to family and friends in need and close associates, it is expected that philanthropic activities would include the broader Black community. LPE goes beyond feeling connected with others in the Black community. It means strategic donations to causes and organizations that demonstrate the greatest impact for the Black community.