Gifts Made in Memory of Stephen O. Murray Further UNP's Commitment to the History of Anthropology
Centering the Margins of Anthropology’s History edited by regna darnell frederic w. gleach
Generous gifts by Dr. Keelung Hong to the University of Nebraska Press in memory of his late spouse, Stephen O. Murray, will help further the Press’s commitment to the history of anthropology. The Murray Hong Family Trust donated $100,000 through the University of Nebraska Foundation toward endowing a fund for UNP to publish work in the history of anthropology long into the future. In addition, the Murray Hong Family Trust made gifts of $15,000 and $10,000 directly to the Press to support publication of specific books forthcoming in the next few years. These include three volumes in our Histories of Anthropology Annual series—Volume 14 in that series, Centering the Margins of Anthropology, will publish in May 2021—and a book of essays honoring Stephen’s intellectual legacy.