Extra Time December 16

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Coaches o Ijustreturnedfrom BocaRaton,FloridawheretheallthetopfemaleODPplayers r from allfourregionsinthecountry(Region1—northeast;Region2—Midwest;Region3 out h/ Sout heas t ;Regi on4—Wes t )c ompet edagai ns toneanot heri nani nt er r egi onal ODPev ent . nS Theev entwasf ant as t i candev eni nc or por at edt heU14GNTpl ay i ngagai ns tal l f ourr egi onal t eams . e Ourregion2teamsplayedgreatsoccerandwent11-2-2ontheweekincludingawinagainstthe NT.Weonl yhadonepl ay erf r om Nebr as k ar epr es ent edont hegi r l ss i de,Sar ahWeber .Sar ah rG pl ay edwi t ht he2003Regi on2gi r l sODPt eam andt hi si swhats hehadt os ayaboutt heev ent : " Ihadani nc r edi bl eex per i enc epl ay i ngwi t hRegi onl l i nBoc aRat on!Thec ompet i t i onwasatahi ghl ev el , andt hegameswer ebot hi nt ens eandf un.Al s o,Ic oul dt el l t hec oac hesr eal l ywant edt ohel pmei mpr ov e mygame.Mygoal i st ogetbac kdownt her eagai nnex ty ear ”–Sar ahWeber Weal s ohadf i v eboy ss el ec t edf r om Nebr as k af orRegi on2ODPt eams :EugeneLu,Mi guel Cur i el ,Dar l i ngNgoh,Bi ggi eRamos ,andOmarFr egos o. Bi ggi eRamosj us tr et ur nedf r om Cas aGr ande,AZwi t ht he2002Regi on2Boy sODPt eam andhadt hi s t os ay : “ Cas aGr andeAr i z onawasoneoft hebes t s oc c erex per i enc esIhav eev erhad.Meet i ng ot herpl ay er sf r om al l ov ert heUSwasal s oa gr eatex per i enc e.Ev ent houghIdi dn' tk now manyoft hepl ay er sonmyt eam wec onnec t ed v er ywel l ont hef i el d.Thec oac hesandt r ai ner s wer ev er yhel pf ul i nex pl ai ni ngdi f f er ents k i l l s aboutt hepos i t i onsIpl ay ed. Theypr ov i dedmewi t hnews k i l l sandgui danc e t hathel pedmebeabet t erpl ay er .Theyal s o ex pl ai nedhoweat i ngheal t hyandex er c i s i ng pl ay sar ol ei nmyper f or manc e.Thr oughoutal l ofmyex per i enc esIhav ec omet or eal i z et hat manypeopl epl ayapar ti nhel pi ngmeac hi ev e mygoal sanddr eams .Coac hes ,f ami l y ,and f r i endshav ehel pedmes t ayf oc us edandbe t hebes tpl ay erIc an.Iwoul dl i k et ot hankev er y onet hathashel pedmegett owher eIam t oday .Iwi l l k eepwor k i nghar dandhopef ul l y onedayl i v emydr eam. ”–Bi ggi eRamos I ’ mv er ypr oudoft heper f or manc eofourNebr as k aODPpl ay er satt her egi onal l ev el ,butI ’ m al s ov er yex c i t edf ort hes t ar tofours t at eODP pr ogr am t hati snowi nf ul l s wi ngaswepr epar e f ort our nament si nJ anuar y .

Nebr askaSt at eSoccerAddsTwoNew Sponsor s!

Of f i ci alAwar dsSuppl i er FoundedbyChar l esWi l soni n1955,Wi l son Tr ophyCompanyhasof f er edi t scust omer s someoft hef i nestawar dsi nt hei ndust r y f ormor et han55year s.Thecompanyi s heavi l yi nvol vedi nt hesoccercommuni t y andi st heOf f i ci alAwar dSuppl i erofUS Yout hSocceronaNat i onalLevel .

Of f i ci alPr omot i onalPr oductSuppl i er TheLockerRoom power edbyI dealI magesi sapr i vat el yowned,Nebr askaspor t i nggoodsst or especi al i z i ngi n qual i t yequi pment ,t eam uni f or ms,cust om spi r i twear , hi ghschooll et t erj acket s,andr el at edspor t i nggoods. TheLockerRoom hasanexi st i ngl ocat i onopeni n5631 S.56t hSt r eet ,Sui t e2Li ncol n,Nebr askaandwi l lbe openi nganot herst or ei nOmahai nt heJan,2017.The LockerRoom i sadi vi si onofI dealI mages,yourf ul l ser vi cer esour cef oral lbr andedi t emswi t hi nhouse pr i nt ,embr oi der y,si l kscr een,heatpr essandot her met hodsofpr oduct i on.

2016Awar dsoft heYear BOY’ SCOMPETI TVECOACHOFTHEYEAR: Car l osSaenz ,Sout hSi ouxCi t ySoc c erCl ub Nomi nat edbyJ os eGonz al ez Af ewquot esabouthi snomi nat i on: Hehass hownt hey out ht hathar dwor kdoespayof fandt hatnot hi ng i si mpos s i bl e Hehasbr oughtadi f f er entment al i t yt ooury out handhasdedi c at ed c ount l es shour sofwor kwi t ht hem Seest hei nt r i c ac i esoft hegame,butunder s t andst hebi gpi c t ur eof c oac hi ngy out hs oc c er Cur r ent l yhol dshi sUSSFCl i c ens e,wi t hpl anst oc ont i nueonand ear naBl i c ens es oon GI RLS’ COMPETI TI VECOACHOFTHEYEAR:Mar c usKel c her , El i t eSoc c er( El i t eGi r l sAc ademy ) Nomi nat edbyJ er r yGar c i a,t eam par ent Mar c us ’ s on,El i j ah,ac ept edt heawar donhi sbehal f Af ewquot esf r om hi snomi nat i on: Heens ur eshi st eam ar eac c ount abl eandpr of es s i onal f ort hei rac t i ons “ Ihav enev ers eenaper s onwor ks ot i r el es s l yt oac aus et hati s gr eat ert hanhi ms el fasMar c ushasdone. ” Hec r eat esanenv i r onmentofpos i t i v ec ompet i t i onanddr i v eshi s t eamst obegr eatpl ay er sandev enbet t erc ommuni t yl eader s BOYSRECREATI ONALCOACHOFTHEYEAR:Cr ai gJ ones , Fr emontSoc c erCl ub Nomi nat edbyBr adyandKel l i eRump,Li s aGal l oandTr oyBr own Af ewquot esf r om hi snomi nat i on: Hei sagr eati nf l uenc eonourk i ds ,i ns t eadofourk i dsy el l i ngateac h ot herandt el l i ngeac hot herwhatt odo,ourk i dst r eateac hot her ,t he oppos i ngt eamsandt her ef swi t hk i ndnes sandr es pec t I ti sv er yni c et os eeac oac hbes ogr eatwi t ht hek i ds Hehandl est r y i ngs i t uat i onswi t hpat i enc e,under s t andi ngandapos i t i v emanner

GI RLSRECREATI ONALCOACHOFTHEYEAR:J os eLango, Fr emontSoc c erCl ub Nomi nat edby :Car i Hof f ar t ,J er emyHemmer ,andTr oyBr own Af ewquot esf r om hi snomi nat i on: Hei samanofups t andi ngc har ac t erandt r ul ygoesabov eand bey ondf ornotonl yhi st eamshec oac hes ,butf orourc l ubasawhol e Thegi r l sk nowt hathef ul l ys uppor t st hem onandof ft hef i el dandt hat heal way shast hei rs af et yandbes ti nt er es t sathear t Idonotk nowmanypeopl et hatdedi c at et het i met hatt hi smandoes t ot hes por tofs oc c er ,hei ss pendi ngt i meatt hes oc c erf i el dsnear l y ev er yday VOLUNTEEROFTHEYEAR:Dus t enOl ds ,Gr et naSoc c erCl ub Nomi nat edbyJ ul i eKar l of f ,f el l owGSCboar dmember Shel l eySt onac ekac ept edt heawar donhi sbehal f Af ewquot esf r om hi snomi nat i on: Dus t eni st hev ol unt eert our namentdi r ec t oronGr et na’ sboar d Dus t en’ sv i s i on,pl anni ngandc ount l es shour sofhar dwor kt hat mak esourt our namentwhati thasbec ome Hewor k st i r el es s l yt omak es ur eev er y t hi ngi ss etupandr eadyt ogo f oroutbi gev entandhedoes n’ ts t opunt i l t hel as tt eam goeshome, al l v endor sar epac k edupandev er y t hi ngi sputaway ADMI NI STRATOROFTHEYEAR:J ameyAdams ,Nor f ol kSoc c erCl ub Nomi nat edbyMel ani eSmi t h,Nor f ol kSoc c erCl ubPr es i dent Af ewquot esf r om hernomi nat i on: J ameyhasbeenr egi s t r ars i nc e2010 J ameyhasdoneex t r awor kf ort hec l ubi nt hepas ty earget t i nguson t henewonl i ner egi s t r at i ons y s t em-s hehasputi nmany ,manyhour s l ear ni ngt hes y s t em andt henex pl ai nandt eac hi tt oourc oac hes ,par ent sandboar d Hasbeendi r ec t l yi nv ol v edi ngr owi ngt hec l ubandt heannual t our namenthel pi ngi nany waypos s i bl e

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TOPSOCCERCOACHOFTHEYEAR:J amesGehr i nger Nomi nat edbyGi naUr bans k i ,TOPSoc c erpar ent Af ewquot esf r om hi snomi nat i on: J amess t ar t edwi t hBSCTOPSoc c eri n2003asaBuddy Hei si nnov at i v ei nt hec r eat i onanddev el opmentofadapt i v eequi pment t omot i v at eandt eac ht hey ounges tpl ay er si nc l udi nga“ Ki c kMot i v at or ” t hatc r eat esac heer i ngnoi s ewhent hepl ay ermak esak i c kmov ement Hei sc ommi t t edf ul l yt opr ov i di ngas oc c erex per i enc ef ort hepl ay er s wi t hs pec i al needsandgenui nel ywant st hem t oex per i enc et hej oyand ex c i t ementofpl ay i ngs oc c erandat eam ex per i enc ej us tl i k et hei rt y pi c al peer s Hehasal way sbeenengagedwi t hapos i t i v es pi r i tandl ov eoft hegame ands t r i v edt os har et hatj oywi t hpl ay er sofal l abi l i t i es YOUNG FEMALEREFEREEOFTHEYEAR:Nadi aJ ohns Nomi nat edbyMar yGeneWepf er Nadi ahasr i s eni nhert hr eey ear sasay out hr ef er ee.Nadi a’ spr es enc eon t hef i el di soneofc onf i denc eandofs omeonewhoenj oy sheri nv ol v ement i ni nt hegame.Coac h’ sgamer epor t sar ec ons i s t ent ,r epor t i ngpos i t i v ei nt er ac t i onbet weenNadi aandc oac hesandpl ay er s .Comment sl i k e“ Good game,r efdi daf ant as t i cj ob”ar ef r equent l yr ec ei v ed. Nadi as er v esasament ori nt heENSAment orpr ogr am f ory oungr ef er ees whoar eof t endoi ngt hei rf i r s tgames .Herat t i t udei sc ont agi ousandi s s howni nt heper f or manc eofhert r ai neesandherAR’ s .

YOUNG MALEREFEREEOFTHEYEAR:Col l i nSt i l en Nomi nat edbyMar yGeneWepf er Col l i nhasbeenof f i c i at i ngs i nc eSpr i ng2014.Hehasof f i c i at edgamesi n bot ht her ec r eat i onal andc ompet i t i v el eagues .Whet herwor k i ngl eague gamesort our namentgames ,Col l i nenj oy smeet i ngpeopl eandwor k i ng wi t hdi f f er entr ef er eec r ewst ogai nf ur t herex per i enc e.Col l i nal s oment or snewr ef er eesi nbot ht hePapi l l i onRec r eat i onal Soc c erLeagueand ENSA.

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