Extra Time November 16

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The#ROADtoTXGoesthroughFremont Oc t oberbeganagr eatj our neyf ormanyt eamsast heybegant he #ROADt oTX,ot her wi s ek nownast heUSYout hSoc c erNat i onal Champi ons hi pSer i es .TheNat i onal Champi ons hi pSer i esbegi ns wi t ht heNebr as k aSt at eCup,wher ewi nner st henmov eont oMi d wes t( Regi on2)Champi ons hi psf orahopet owi nandheadt oNa t i onal s .Wehav es entat eam al l t hewayt hr ought oNat i onal st hel as t2 y ear s( y oumayr ememberGr et na’ sU19gi r l swi nni ngNebr as k af i r s tNat i onal Champi ons hi pi n2015) ,andt eamst hi sy earar edet er mi nedt obet henex tt eam t omak ehi s t or y . Duet ot hehi ghs c hool s oc c ers eas on,15U19/ 20Ut eamspl ay edt hei rSt at eCupt hi s Oc t oberf ort he2017Nat i onal Champi ons hi pSer i es .Thi sf al l boas t edal mos t70t eams , hi ghert hant heav er age50ors ot eamseac hf al l .Ev entgr owt hal s os howedwi t ht eams f r om Kear neyandLex i ngt onmak i nganappear anc e,s omet hi ngwehopewi l l c ont i nuef or f ut ur et our nament s . 13Uand14Ut eamswi l l c ompet eear l yJ uneandal l St at eCupChampi ont eamswi l l be r epr es ent i ngNebr as k aatMi dwes tRegi onal si nSi ouxFal l s ,SDi nl at eJ une. As pec i al t hank st oFr emontSoc c erc l ubf orhos t i ngandal l t hewor ky oudot ohel pus mak et heev entgr eat ! Seet her ec apofeac hagegr oups t ar t i ngonpage3.

Ext r aTi me,Page2

Coaches oCongratulationstoallthestatechampionsandfinalists—whatagreatStateCup ritwas! nCollegerecruitingisatopicmanycoachesgetquestionsonthesedays.Sometimesitseemslikeoverkill ewiththecollegecoachespanelsandcollegeshowcaseevents,buttherealityisthatmanyparentsand pl ay er sar er el at i v el ynewt ot her ec r ui t i ngs c ene.Addt ot hatt her ec r ui t i ng r ul esar eof t enc hangi ng, rmakingitaconfusing,ifnot,intimidatingenvironment. Somebas i cadv i c ef ory out hpl ay er sl ook i ngt opl ayc ol l eges oc c er : 1Fi ndt her i ghtf i t… f ors omepl ay er s ,t heywantt obeapar toft hehi ghes tl ev el t eam t heyc anbeon,ev en i ft hatmeanss ac r i f i c i ngs i gni f i c antpl ay i ngt i me.Ot her swantt obeas t aroratl eas thav eas i gni f i c antpl ay i ngt i mer ol eont het eam.Somepl ay er sk nowex ac t l ywhatt heywantt os t udyandot hery oungpl ay er sar e s t i l l t r y i ngt of i gur et hatout .May bey ouwantt obec l os et ohome,orwi t hi naf ewhour sdr i v i ngdi s t anc eor may bey ouwantt obeapl aner i deaway !Thek eyi st oas kal otofques t i onsands pendt i met hi nk i ngand t al k i ngaboutt hes et y pesoft hi ngss oy ouc anf i gur eoutt her i ghtf i t . 2Cont ac tc oac hes… s omepar ent sandpl ay er smi s t ak enl ybel i ev et hatt heyc ans howupac ol l eges howc as et our namentandhundr edsofc oac heswi l l “ s ee”t hem pl ayandc ont ac tt hem … whi l ei tdoeshappen, mos toft hos ec oac hesar et her et owat c hs pec i f i cpl ay er s .I fy ouwantt obeoneoft hos es pec i f i cpl ay er s ,t heny ouneedt obes ur ey ou c ont ac tt hec oac handl ethi m/ herk nowwho y ouar e.Emai l i st heeas i es twayt oc ont ac ta c oac handi nf or m hi m/ herofy ouri nt er es t . 3Don’ ts t opdev el opi ng… t her ei sat endenc y ont hegi r l ss i deoft hegamer i ghtnow,t or ec r ui tandgetc ommi t ment sf r om f r es hmanand s ophomor esi nhi ghs c hool .Whi l et hi si shappeni ng,i t ’ snott henor m anddoes n’ tmeany ou ar eoutofl uc ki fy ouar eaj uni orors eni ori n hi ghs c hool andar es t i l l t r y i ngt oc ont i nuey our s oc c erc ar eer .Whet hery ouhav eorhav en’ t c ommi t t eds houl dnotbeasi mpor t antasc ont i nual l yt r y i ngt omak ey our s el fabet t ers oc c er pl ay er .I fy ourgoal r eal l yi st opl ayc ol l eges oc c er ,t heny ouowei tt oy our s el fandy ourf ut ur e c ol l egec oac hesandt eammat est omak ey our s el ft hebes ty ouc anbe. Ther ear es omanys oc c erpr ogr amsoutt her e, t hatt her er eal l yi sapl ac ef orev er y one… v ar i ousdi v i s i onsandl ev el sofpl aymak et hatpos s i bl e.Don’ tgi v eupony ourgoal sanddr eamsof pl ay i ngc ol l eges oc c er ,butbes ur et oas kl ot sof ques t i onst of i gur eoutwher et hebes tf i tf or YOUi s .

al lt hr ee gamesi n br acketpl ay. Fort he semir ound,SSC f ace of fagai nstGr et na Pr i mo Gr een and won wi t haf i nalscor e of 20.SOFC El i t e made ELK wor ka bi thar derf ort hei rwi n wi t h a cl ose,hi gherscor e game butELK ear ned t hei rf i nalspotwi t h a 43 wi n. Af i nalmat ch up ofSSC and ELK i snotone we see of t en butbot ht eamsear ned i t .I twasa har df oughtgame butul t i mat el yt he or i gi nal l yr anked 5 seed SSC Di abl osended t he t our namentaschampi onswi t h a 20 wi n.

i nch ei t herway! ) butGr een pl ayed t o wi n and gott ot he f i nal son a 30 wi n. EGA Mar oon and SOFC El i t ef aced of ff ort he second f i nal sspotand,al so wi nni ng i n a 30 scor e,EGA t ooki t . EGA gott he ear l yl ead overGr et na scor i ng i nt he 2’and hel d ont ot hatl ead unt i lt hey scor ed agai ni nt he 70’ . Those goal swer e enough t o wi nt he champi onshi p 20.

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