Extra Time September 16

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Coaches o r n e r

Thi spas tmont h,USSoc c err el eas edadoc umentofPl ay erDev el opmentI ni t i at i v es .Thi sdoc ument l ay soutanumberoft hei rs ugges t i onsf orway st oi mpr ov epl ay erdev el opmentf ort heagegr oupsi n s mal l s i dedgames( U12andbel ow) .ThePDI( whi c hc anbef oundonourwebs i t et hr ought hel i nk bel ow)goest hr oughs ugges t i onsf oreac hf or mat ,4v 4,7v 7and9v 9. USSoc c ergoal oft hePDIi st omak eapl ay er ’ sl ongt er m dev el opmentt oppr i or i t y . Letusbegi nwi t ht heMANDATEDc hanges .Mos tofy ouar eal r eadyf ul l yawar eoft hes ec hangesas t heyar eal r eadybei ngi mpl ement edi nourl eaguesandt our nament s . 1.Bi r t hYearRegi s t r at i on:Al l t eamshav ebeenr egi s t er edt of ol l owt hi smandat ef ort heFal l ’ 16 s eas on 2.Conc us s i onI ni t i at i v es :Ther ei snodel i ber at eheadi ngdur i nggamesatU11andbel ow. 3.Smal l Si dedGames :pl ay i ngf or mat shav ebeenc hangedt o4v 4( U6U8) ,7v 7( U9U10)and9v 9 ( U11-U12) 7v 7:Bui l dOutLi ne Topr omot epl ay i ngt hebal l outoft hebac k . Whent heGKhast hebal l ,t heoppos i ngt eam mus tmov ebehi ndt hebui l doutl i neunt i l t he bal l i sputi nt opl ay .Onc et heGKhast hr own, r ol l orpas s edt hebal l i nt opl ay ,t heoppos i ng t eam c anc r os st hebui l doutl i neandpl ayr es umesasnor mal .GKc annotpuntt hebal l . 7v 7:Of f i s i de Thebui l doutl i nei sal s ous edt odet er mi ne anof f s i desc al l .Pl ay er sc anbepenal i z ed f oranof fs i deof f ens ei ft heyar ebet ween t hebui l doutl i neandt hegoal l i ne. Bey ondt hes emandat es ,USSoc c err el eas eda numberofot herpl ay erdev el opments ugges t i ons t heyf eel wi l l ai di nt hedev el opmentofpl ay er sf r om ay oungage.Bel owi sabr i efout l i nef ors omeof t hei rs ugges t i onsf orv ar i ousagegr oups .Mar enhas al r eadys pok eaboutwher e/ whyt hes ei ni t i at i v es c omef r om i nherar t i c l eonpage2,andi fy ouwoul d l i k et or eadt hef ul l PDIf ol l owt hel i nkbel ow. ( Cont i nuedonnex tpage)

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Pl ayerDevel opmentI ni t i at i ves( cont . ) Agai n,t hef ol l owi ngar es ugges t i onsmadebyUSSoc c er -t hes ear enot mandat edc hanges —howev erwef eel i ti si mpor t antt hatourmember sar eawar e oft hes eandc anus et hem asa“ f oodf ort hought ”whengoi ngabouty ours eas on. Somenot abl epoi nt si nt hei ni t i at i v esf orU6U12pl ay er si nc l udet r ai ni ngt o gamer at i o,r es tday sperweek ,or gani z edbr eak sdur i ngt hec al endary ear ,l i mi t ed t r av el ,ands ugges t edt ot al numberofgamespl ay eddur i ngay ear .Ov er al l ,USSoc c ers ugges t st ur ni ngt hef oc usmor eont r ai ni ngandl es saboutt hegamesandt our nament seac ht eam i spar t i c i pat i ngi n. Theys ugges t12t r ai ni ngs es s i onspergamef or7v 7and23t r ai ni ngs es s i onspergameat9v 9agegr oups .Theyal s opus ht hateac hpl ay ers houl dbeget t i ngatl eas t 50% pl ay i ngt i mei neac hgame. Thi sPDIi snother et ot el l y ouy oumus tr uny ourt eam byt hes es t andar ds ,butr at heral ookat howt oi mpr ov et hedev el opmentofourpl ay er sbyf oc us i ngont r ai ni ngi ns t eadofat eam’ s r ec or datt heendoft hey ear .

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# NESt a t e Cup Oc t1 5 3 0

Se pt3 0-Oc t2 Re cTe a ms U9 U1 6 Re gi s t e rNow!

U1 5 U1 9 ( 2 0 0 2 1 9 9 8a gegr oups )

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