Extra Time Aug 2015

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TULSA,OK-Uni t edSt at esYout hNat i onal ski ckedof fi n Tul sa,OKonTuesdayJul y21standt heU19Gr et naPr i ma Gr eent eam washungr yf orachampi onshi p.Thet eam madei tt oNat i onal si n2014butdi dn’ tmakei toutoft he pr el i mi nar yr ound,sot hi syeart heyhadsomet hi ngt opr ove.Underdi r ect i onofHeadCoachDoug Tr ener r yt heydi dj ustt hat -comi nghomewi t hNebr aska’ sf i r steverNat i onalChampi onshi p. Thei rNat i onal sr unbegani nFoxCi t i es,WIf ort heRegi onI IChampi onshi pwher et heywent201 i npoolpl ay.Theydef eat edSCWaukeshaSt r i keFCUni t ed( WI )10t opusht hem ont ot hef i nal s agai nstr ei gni ngchampi onsCl evel andUni t edWhi t eoutofOhi oNor t h.Twof i r st hal fgoal sf r om Mi chel l eXi aowasal lGr et naneededt osecur et hei rt i ckett oNat i onal swi t ha20wi n. Thet eam t hent ookTul sabyst or m wi t hwi nst hef i r stt wodaysagai nstTambaBayUni t edPr emi er ( FL)andBeadl i ngSCThunder( PAW) ,guar ant eei ngt hei rspoti nt hechampi onshi pmat ch.Day t hr eecamewi t hal osst oFCNovaNat i onal s( I D) ,butt heywoul dgetar emat chf ort hegamet hat r eal l ycount ed.Thenextgamei ncl udedt wot eams,bot ht hef i r stf r om t hei rhomest at et omakei tt o aNat i onalChampi onshi pgame. Thef i nalgameki ckedof fat7: 15Sat ur dayni ghtandbot hsi descamer eadyt ocompet e.I twasa physi calgameandGr et nahadcount l esschancest oscor e,manyofwhi chwer esavedbyI daho’ s keeperwhol at err ecei vedt hewel l deser vedU19Gi r l sGol denGl oveawar d.Thescor edr emai ned t i ed00att heendofr egul at i on,andt wo15mi nut ehal ves ofovert i me.Penal t yki cksbeganwi t hGr et naKeeper , Ashl eyMal l oy,scor i ngt hef i r standI dahohi t t i ngt hei rf i r stof f t hegoalpost .Thi smoment um cont i nuedt oul t i mat el ygi ve Gr et nat hewi n41( PK)“ Iwasexci t ed,t obehonest ,whenI hear di twasgoi ngt oPKs, ”sai dMal l oy,“ PKsar et heone t hi ngIgett odot hatgi vesbackt omyt eam whent heywor k sohar dt hr oughoutt hegame. ” Xi aowasal sonamedTour namentMVPand,al ongwi t hMaur eenBi gsby,namedt ot he “ Top11”oft het our namentf ort heU19Gi r l sagedi vi si on.

Congr at ul at i onGr et naSoc c erCl ubandt heU19Gi r l st eam.Wayt or epr es entNebr as k a!

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Coaches o r n e r

Theact i vi t yIhaveher ei sanexampl eofanef f i ci entst age2 shoot i ngact i vi t y.I nt hi sshoot i ngact i vi t y,pl ayer sar ef or ced t omakegamel i kedeci si onsatagamel i kespeed.Theyar er equi r edt owor kont het echni calaspectofshoot i ngbasedon whatt he“game”ci r cumst ancesgi vet hem:( i . e.r i ghtorl ef t f oot ,i nst epori nsi deorout si deoft hef oot ) ,l ongshot( speed, accur acy,di st ance)v.beatapl ayeronadr i bbl eandt hen havi ngashor t err angeshotal lwhi l emaki ngt hei rowndeci si onsabouthow,whenandwhy—t heact i vi t ybecomespl ayer dr i venr at hert hancoachdi ct at ed—whi chi smor egamer eal i st i c.Theact i vi t yal soal l owsf orgamel i ket r ansi t i ons—qui ckl y swi t chi nggear sbet weenof f enseand def ense( agai n,ver ygamel i ke) .Thi s act i vi t yent ai l st hequi ckgamel i ke deci si onmaki ngbyi ndi vi dual s,ever y pl ayermustbeengaged( pl ayer sof f t hef i el dhavet opayat t ent i onand know whent ocomeont hef i el d) , physi calaspect s( canyouf i ni sht he bal laf t err unni ngupandbacksev er alt i mes?) ,t echni calandt act i calas pect s( whent oshoot ,whent odr i b bl e,whent opass,how t oshoot ,how t opass,sur f acechoi ce,changeof speed,et c. ) .

Upcomi ngCoachi ng Li censeCour ses 8/ 7D Cour s e( i ns t r uc t i onal ) 8/ 78/ 9E Cour s e( Li nc ol n) 8/ 288/ 30ECour s e( Col umbus ) 8/ 288/ 30ECour s e( Kear ney ) 8/ 288/ 30ECour s e( Sout hSi oux Ci t y )* * Spani s hSpeak i ngCour s e Formor ei nf or mat i on,ort o r egi st er ,pl ease vi si tt he “ Educat i on”t ab on ourwebsi t e

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Nebr askaTeamscompet ei nRegi onI IODPShowcase Over100pl ayer s,on6di f f er entagegr oupt eams,t r avel edt oRock f or d,I Lt hi sweekendt or epr esentNebr askaaspar toft heRegi on2 ODPShowcase. Pl ayer sf r om al lacr ossNebr aska,asf arawayas Ger i ngandScot t sbl uf f ,wi l ldonNebr askaj er seysi nt hehopesofbei ng sel ect edt oaRegi on2poolort eam. Teamswi l lpl ayi nat our nament set t i ngagai nstot herst at eODPt eamsandt hr ought hatpl ay,canbese l ect edt ot heRegi on2I D Camp. Pl ayer ssel ect edt ot heI D Campt hen vi ef ort heoppor t uni t yt opl aywi t ht heRegi on2t eam oft hei rage gr oupatdi f f er entevent sar oundt hecount r y. Nebr askapl ayer ssuch asPet erSchr oppandMi chel l eXi aohaveusedt heODPpr ogr am and event st opr opelt hem i nt oUSNat i onalt eam oppor t uni t i es. The2015 Showcaser unsJ ul y9t hr ought he12t h,andt heI D Campr unst he12t ht ot he16t h. Thef ol l owi ngNebr askaPl ayer swer ehel df ort heRegi on2I D camp: 2002Boys:RyanBr akke,LandonKr zoska,Er nest oGamez 2002Gi r l s:Sar ahWebber 2001Boys:Mat tAnder son,Sam For r est ,Mar t i nZamor a 2001Gi r l s:Ri l eyNol i n,Sar ahAnder son 2000Boys:Pet erNovoa,J uni orNout oua,Pi er ceObr i en,UkashWei l l yo 2000Gi r l s:Sar ahKar l of f ,Skyl arHei nr i ch,Mal i kaSer an,Cl ar aKi dder 1998Boys:J ar edTor benson,Er i kFahner 1998/99Gi r l s:RachelJ ohnson,MaddyHenr y,Cal l i eHawki ns

Upcomi ngEvent s! 8/78/9 El khor nSoccerFest i val 8/10NSSA Boar dMeet i ng 8/148/16 Azzur iI nvi t at i onal 8/22Nebr askaLeaguebegi nspl ay 9/49/6OmahaFC I nvi t at i onal 9/109/13Cent r i sCup 9/10Fal lRecCupEnt r yDeadl i ne 9/14Fal lSt at eCupEnt r yDeadl i ne 9/269/27Bl ai rSoccerFest

Use#nebst at esoccerever ywher et oshow us whatyourt eam i supt oandwewi l lshar e ourf avor i t es!

10/910/11Fal lRecCup

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DougTr ener r y HeadCoach,Gr et na Pr i maGr een95/96

DougTr ener r yhasbeen amai ns t ayi nNebr as ka s oc c erf orovert hi r t y year s .Younamei t , Doughasdonei t .Mos t r ec ent l yDougt ooka gr oupofunder19gi r l s t oTul s aandc amebac k Nat i onalChampi ons . Theybec amet hef i r s t t eam everf r om Nebr as kat obec r ownedasNat i onalChampi ons .I naddi t i on,Doughashad s uc c es spr i ort ot heNat i onalChampi ons hi p,i n c l udi ng28s t at ec upt i t l es ,3Hi ghSc hoolSt at e Champi ons hi ps ,and10year sc oac hi ngf ort he Nebr as kaOl ympi cDevel opmentPr ogr am.Hi s dedi c at i ont ot hes por tofs oc c erhasbeenani ns pi r at i ont oal landpas s edont oc ount l es s yout h,manyofwhi c hhavegoneont opl ayc ol l eges oc c eratt hehi ghes tl evel .Whi l enots t op pi ngt her e,manyofhi sf or merpl ayer shave s t ayedc onnec t edwi t ht hes por tandar enow gi vi ngbac kbyc oac hi ng.We,atGr et naSoc c er Cl ub,c oul dnotbehappi ert ohaveDougr ec ogni zedbyt hes t at ef orhi ss er vi c et ot hebeaut i f ul game. Dougwasnomi nat edbyDavi d( Di gger )Hawki nsand Er i cHayes .

I fyouwoul dl i ket onomi nat eac oac hf or Coac hoft heMont h.Emai l mar ket i ng@nebr as kas t at es oc er . or g,200wor ds orl es swhyyourc oac hdes er vest het i t l ewi t ha pi c t ur e.

Mi chel l eXi ao Gr et naPr i ma Gr een95/96

Thi sSat ur day,Aug1s t ,Mi c hel l eXi aol eavesf or St anf or dUni ver s i t y. Sel ec t edast heNebr as kaHi ghSc hoolc apt ai nof t hegi r l sAl l St at et eam,s heal s ogr aduat edf r om OmahaWes t s i dewi t hhi ghhonor s .Al ongt heway s hewasvot edGat or adePl ayeroft heYearf or gi r l si nNebr as ka.Shewasi ns t r ument ali nGr et na Pr i maGr een95/ 96,wi nni ngt heU19gi r l sMi dwes tRegi onalChampi ons hi pi nAppl et on,WI . Pr i ort ogoi ngNat i onal si nTul s a,OK,Mi c hel l e s pentaweekt r ai ni ngwi t ht heU19USWNTi n Cal i f or ni a. Mi c hel l ec appedof fani nc r edi bl eyear ,wi nni ng t heMVPoft heU19gi r l sdi vi s i onoft heUSYout h Nat i onalChampi ons hi ps ,ass hel edherc l ub t eam,Gr et naPr i maGr een95/ 96,t of i r s tnat i onal c hampi ons hi pbyanyt eam i nNebr as kahi s t or y. Mi c hel l ewasnomi nat edbyherc oac hDougTr ener r y.

I fyouwoul dl i ket onomi nat eapl ayerf orPl ayer oft heMont hemai l mar ket i ng@nebr as kas t at es oc c er . or g200wor dsor l es swhyyourpl ayerdes er veshet i t l ewi t hapi c t ur e.


Don’ tmi ssout !

Nebr askaLeagueBegi nsPl ayf orFi r stSeason TheNebr askaLeaguebegi nspl ayf ori t si naugur alseasont hi smont h.The l eaguei sabr andnew compet i t i vesoccerl eaguei nt hest at eandi sbei ngr un byNebr askaSt at eSoccer .Unt i lnow,Nebr askawasoneoft hef ew st at est hat di dnotahavel eaguer unbyt hest at eof f i ce.Wef eelt henew l eaguewi l lbea gr eatst ept owar dsmeet i ngourmember s’needsandconnect i ngal ll evel sof pl ayher ei nt hest at e. Thel eaguewi l lf eat ur est at ewi de,compet i t i vepl ayf oral ll evel soft eamsU11 andaboveandwi l lhavePr emi erI ,Pr emi erI I ,Fi r stDi vi si on,SecondDi vi si on andThi r dDi vi si on. Ther ehasbeenanover whel mi ngr esponset ot henew l eague.Or i gi nal l ywas expect edt ohavel esst hant wohundr edt eamsf ort hel eague’ sf i r stseason, howeverwewi l lbegi nni ngt hel eaguewi t hover340t eamsspr eadoutt hr ough ni neagegr oups. “Wear eal lver yexci t edaboutnew l eagueandt heshapei t ’ st aken, ”sai dJ ef f Hul ber t ,LeagueDi r ect or .“We’ r el ooki ngf or war dt oget t i ngseasonst ar t ed. Thepoi ntoft henew l eaguei st ogi veourmember st hebestcompet i t i vel eague wecanandIt hi nkwear eont her i ghtt r ack.Di vi si onswi l lbepost edsoonand schedul esnotl ongaf t ert hat ! ”

I fyouhaveast or yyout hi nkshoul dbeshar edwi t ht heNebr askasoccercomuni t y,emai l mar ket i ng@nebr askast at esoccer . or gandt el lusabouti t !Al lst or i eswi l lbeconsi der ed.

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