Extra time Nov 15

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St at eCupChamps !

Teamsear nt hei rt i c k ett o2016Regi on2Champi ons hi ps

Ext r aTi me,Page2

Coaches o r n e r

Youcanf i ndmor edr i l l sl i ket hi soneont he Di gi t alCoachi ngCent eratdcc. ussoccer . com

Upcomi ngCoachi ng Li censeCour ses 11/ 68DCour s e ( Per f or manc eRev i ew) Formor ei nf or mat i on,ort o r egi st er ,pl ease vi si tt he “ Educat i on”t ab on ourwebsi t e

Ext r aTi me,Page4

Mar cusKel cher DOC,EGA Onbehal foft heNebr askaSt at eCupCommi t t eeIwant edt or ecogni zeMar cus’ s act i onsatt heawar dscer emony.Whi l e accept i ngt hest at ecupchampi ont r ophy, Mar cust ookt het i meout ,unpr ovoked,t o r ecogni zet heef f or t sofGr et na’ sgoal keeper whowasf i l l i ngi nf orani nj ur edpl ayeri n anuni magi nabl yt ensesi t uat i on.Mar cus al sor ecogni zedt heent i r eGr et nat eam i n t hei ref f or t st obat t l ehi sEGAt eam i nt he f i nal s. Somet i mest her ear emoment st hatst and outanddi spl aywhyyout hspor t si sso muchmor et hanj ustwi nni ngandl osi ng. Theyout hspor t scul t ur ecanatt i mesbe outofcont r olandi si ndesper at eneedof i t sl eader st ost andupanddi spl aywhati s r i ghtaboutspor t sandhow t okeept hi ngs i nper spect i ve.Wef el tt hatMar cus’ s act i onsatt heNebr askaSt at eCupf i nal s awar dspr esent at i onwer ewor t hyoft he at t ent i onwear ehopi ngt hesemont hl y awar dsr ecogni ze.

Mar cuswasnomi nat edbyt heNebr aska St at eCupcommi t t ee.

I fyouhaveacoachyouwoul dl i ket o nomi nat ef orCoachoft heMont hemai l mar ket i ng@nebr askast at esoccer . or gwi t h pi ct ur eandbr i efbi oofwhyyourcoach deser vest het i t l e.

Li l yShea SPATJ aguar s Li l yi sagr eatt eammat e,ver yact i ve,andan al l ar oundsuper st arat hl et e.Shedemonst r at esgoodspor t smanshi pi nawi nand def eat .Li l y’ scommi t mentt ot hegameof socceri samazi ng.Shewor ksonhersoccer ski l l sout si deofpr act i cebecomi nganal l ar oundsuper st ar .Li l ySheahast hatspeci al spar kt hatcant ur nagamear ound.Wehada f ew gamest hi sseasonwher et heot hert eam cameoutpl ayi ngt oughandscor edsever al goal sonusear l y.Li l ynevergotdownorgave up-i nf act ,ourt eam bei ngbehi ndi nscor e madeherpl ayevenhar der .Herdr i veanddet er mi nat i onbecamecont agi ous. . . . . . ever y pl ayeronourt eam wassuddenl ypl ayi ng t hei rver yhar dest ,cr eat i ngt heat mospher e f orourt eam t ohavei t sbestgamesoft he season.Li l yi sal soapl ayert hatwi l lhappi l y pl ayanyposi t i onont hef i el d. . . . . . shej ust want st obeont hatsoccerf i el dpl ayi ng.Her gr eatl oveoft hegamemakesheranexcel l ent of f ensi veanddef ensi vepl ayer .Sheunder st andst hatbei ngat eam pl ayermeanspl ayi ngt heposi t i onont hef i el dt hatmostbenef i t st het eam. Li l yi sat r uer ol emodelt ohert eam and school .

Li l ywasnomi nat edbyKevi nOr t mei er . I fyouwoul dl i ket onomi nat eaPl ayeroft he Mont h,emai l mar ket i ng@nebr askast at esoccer . or gwi t ha pi cur eandbr i efbi oofwhyyourpl ayer deser vest het i t l e.

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