Extra Time October 15

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Pl ayer sRepr esent i ng Nebr askapi ckedt o compet ewi t hRegi on2 Ol ympi cDevel opment Pr ogr am i nFl or i da Twopl ayer sf r om Nebr askawer echosent oat t endt heODPI MG I nt er r egi onal wi t ht heRegi onI It eam.J uni orNout ouaandUkashWel i yowi l lt r avelt oFl or i dat o compet eagai nstt heot hert hr eer egi ons,December1620t h.Nout out aandWel i yo wer esel ect edoutofover120pl ayer swhoat t endedt heRegi onI IODPcampt hi s summer . The20152016ODPseasoncomeswi t haf ew changes.I nt hepast ,eachst at e cr eat est eamsateachagegr oupt ocompet ei naRegi onalShowcaset our nament ,at whi chpl ayer sar ei dent i f i edt oat t endr egi onalcampwhi chul t i mat el yl eadst ot he choosi ngoft her egi onalpool .St ar t i ngt hi syear ,i nst eadofcr eat i ngt eamsf ora showcase,t hei dent i f i cat i onofel i t epl ayer swi l lcomef r om t hest at el evelandeach st at ewi l lsendasel ectnumberofpl ayer sdi r ect l yt ot her egi onalcampi nJ ul y.Thi s changel endst ot hest at esbei ngabl et ocor r ect l yi dent i f yt heel i t epl ayer si nt hei r st at et obeeval uat edatt hecamp. Duet ot hi schangei npl ayeri dent i f i cat i on,ODPt r ai ni ngst hi syearwi l lf ocus mor eoni ndi vi dualpl ayerdevel opmentt obestpr epar epl ayer sf orcamp.“Wewi l l usef unct i onalgr oupt r ai ni ngt odevel opeachi ndi vi dualatmul t i pl eposi t i onst omake t hem mor ever sat i l eatcamp.Toppl ayer sar eof t eni dent i f i edasbei ngatahi ghski l l l evel ,butar et henaskedt opl ayadi f f er entposi t i ont hant heyar eaccust omedt o pl ayi ngwi t ht hei rcl ubbackhome.Wewantanypl ayerwhoi si dent i f i edt of eel comf or t abl ebei ngi nanyposi t i ont heyar easkedt opl ayatt her egi onall evel , ”sai d Mar enMcCr ar y,Di r ect orofCoachi ngf orNebr askaSt at eSoccerandDi r ect orof Nebr askaODP.“Thi smakesi ti mpor t antf ort heODPpl ayer st oat t endal lt r ai ni ng sessi onst hr oughoutt heyear .I twi l lgi veussever aloppor t uni t i es t hr oughoutt heyeart oeval uat eanddevel opt hepl ayer swechooset osendt ocamp, r at hert hant hem bei ngj udgedonj ustoneshowcasei naf ourdayspan. ” ODP sel ect edpl ayer swi l lal sohavet heoppor t uni t yt opar t i ci pat eandpl ayasat eam i n sel ectevent s. Ther ear et womor eschedul edODPt r yout sf ort he’ 15’ 16seasononOct ober 11t handNovember1st ,aswel lassomecommuni t ycl i ni csaswel l .Al li nf or mat i on ont r yout scanbef oundoutt heNebr askaSt at eSoccerODPwebpageunder “Pr ogr ams. ”

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Coaches o r n e Spor t smanshi p: r Ever yonei s i nvol ved U. S.Yout hSoccerMont hmaybeovernow,but t hi ngsar ej ustheat i ngupi nNebr aska!Fal lRec CupandNebr askaSt at eCupr ol li nt oact i ont hi s mont handI ’ m exci t edt owat chal otofgr eat soccergames! Let ’ sr ememberaspl ayer s,coachesandpar ent s,t hatspor t smanshi pi sakeycomponentof spor t sandt hatl eadi ngbyexampl ei st hemostef f ect i vet ool .Knut eRocknesai d“ Onemanpr act i ci ngspor t smanshi pi sf arbet t ert hanahundr ed t eachi ngi t . ” Let ’ snotj ustt al kaboutspor t smanshi p— l et ’ s pr act i cei t… ever ypr act i ce,ever ygame,ever y day.Ref er eespl ayar ol ei nspor t smanshi pandI encour ageever yonet or espectt hedi f f i cul tj ob t hatr ef er eesdo.Isi ncer el ybel i evet hatr ef er ees havenoot her agendabesi des ai di ngt hesaf et yof t hepl ayer sand enf or ci ngt her ul es oft hegame.

Ol ympi cDevel opment Pr ogr am OpenTr yout s!

Whi l et hebi r t hyearandsmal lsi dedgamesmandat es f r om U. S.Soccerhavebeendi scussedqui t eabi tl at el y, oneoft henew mandat est hathasnotbeendi scussed muchi st headdi t i onoft he“bui l doutl i ne”… t hebui l d outl i nei sbei ngi nt r oducedi nt he7v7model st oencour aget eamst obui l doutoft hebackr at hert hanpunt i ngor ki cki ngal ongbal ldownt hef i el dt hatt ur nsi nt oa50/50 bal l .Nopunt i ngi sal sopar toft hebui l doutl i ner ul esandbui l di ngoutoft heback encour agesandpr omot est eam possessi onandi ndi vi dualandt eam conf i dence wi t ht hebal li nt hedef ensi vet hi r doft hef i el d.Basi cal l y,t hebui l doutl i nedr awsa l i newher et heopposi ngt eam hast or et r eatbehi ndwhenagoal i ehascont r oloft he bal loragoalki ckoccur s;att hi spoi ntt het eam wi t ht hebal lwoul dbeabl et opl ay t hebal li nt hei rdef ensi vet hi r dwi t houtopponentpr essur eunt i lt hatl i ne.The bui l doutl i neai dsi ndevel opi ngt heconf i denceofyounggoalkeeper sanddef ensi veposi t i onedpl ayer st obecomepar t oft hebui l dupandevent hest ar toft he of f ense. Thedr i l loft hemont hi sasi mpl est age t wo 3v2gamet hatnotonl yt eaches possessi onandconf i dencebui l di ngout oft heback,butal soengagest hegoal keeperi nt hr owi ngdevel opment .

Upcomi ngCoachi ng Li censeCour ses 11/ 68DCour s e ( Per f or manc eRev i ew) Formor ei nf or mat i on,ort o r egi st er ,pl ease vi si tt he “ Educat i on”t ab on ourwebsi t e

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Thi smont h,Nebr askat eamsbegi nt hei rt r eckon t he#Roadt oTXwi t ht heU15U18Nebr askaSt at e Cup. Gamesbegi nOct ober14t h,wi t hf i nal st aki ngpl ace onSundayOct ober25t h.Thewi nner sofeachage gr oupwi l lr eci evei nvi t est or epr esentourst at eat t heMi dwestRegi onal si nWest f i el d,I Ni nJ une. Ther e,t heywi l lf i ghtf orachancet oat t end Nat i onal si nFr i sco,TXi nJ ul y. TheSt at eCupi ssur et obr i ngsomegr eatgamest o t hef i el dst hi smont h,youcansoonf i ndt hef ul l schedul eonourwebsi t e,undert heevent st ab.

Upcomi ngEvent s! 10/910/11Fal lRecCup 10/1410/25Fal lNESt at eCup 10/1610/18HavestCup 10/3011/1Socct ober f est 11/22Nebr askaSt at eSoccerAGM

Use#nebst at esoccerever ywher et oshow us whatyourt eam i supt oandwewi l lshar e ourf avor i t es!

Yout hSoccerMont h: MakeYourOwnBal lDay Gr et nac oac ht eac hespl ayer sabout gi vi ngbac kandhavi ngf un

USYout hSoc c erhasc r eat ed“ Yout hSoc c erMont h”ever ySept ember ,amont ht oc el ebr at et her eas on whyyout hs oc c eri ss uc hagr eatexper i enc ef oranyc hi l d:Fun,Fami l y,Fr i ends hi p,andFi t nes s .Oneoft he s pec i alpr oj ec t sdur i ngt hi smont hi s“ Makeyourownbal lday”wher et eamsar eenc our agedt omaket hei r owns oc c erbal l soutofanyr egul ari t emst heyc ani magi ne.Sar ahYar i naofGr et naSoc c erCl ubt ookt hi sas ac hanc ef ornotonl yt eam bondi ngbutac hanc et ot eac hherpl ayer saboutgi vi ngbac k. “ Igotanemai lf r om USYout hSoc c eraboutYout hSoc c erMont h.Iwentont hewebs i t et os eewhatac t i vi t i esImi ghtbeabl et odowi t hourAc ademyandDevel opment alCent ert eams( U7U10) .If oundMake YourOwnBal lday.Ir eadabouthow i twasc r eat ed,wat c hedaf ew vi deosonhow t oc r eat et hedayanda bal l .I tl ookedl i keal otoff unandi tgotmeexc i t edt os har ewhatI ' dl ear nedwi t hot her s .Ial s ol i kedt he MakeYourOwnBal lDaymi s s i onandIf eell i kei tr epr es ent swhatwear et r yi ngt odoatGr et na, ”s ai d Yar i na.Ac c or di ngt oyout hs oc c er mont h. or g,t hemi s s i onofMakeYourOwnBal lDayi st ous eabal lt ohel p ki dsc r eat e,c onnec t ,gi ve,appr ec i at e,andpl ay.MYOBDpr omot esands uppor t st hepas s i onsofki dsf or s por tandus ess oc c erasapl at f or mf orc hange. SoIpr es ent edt hei deat ot hec l ubpr es i dent ,DOC,andadmi ni s t r at orandever yonet houghti twasagr eat i dea.Weopenedi tupt ot hewhol ec l ub.Si nc ei twaski ndofl as tmi nut e,Ipr es ent edi tasmakeyourown bal lweek.Ias kedc oac hest opi c koneoft hei rpr ac t i c est heweekofSept ember1420t obe“ MakeYour OwnBal lDay. ” Yar i nahel pedGr et napl ayer sf r om U7t oU10par t i c i pat ebymaki ngt hei rownbal l ,“ Wedi dournor mal t r ai ni ngf ort hef i r s t45mi nut esandt hent hel as t15mi nut eswepl ayedwi t ht hehomemadebal l s , ”s he s ays ,“ Theki dshadabl as tmaki ngt hei rownbal landt henpl ayi ngwi t ht hem.Ther ear es omever yc r eat i ve ki dsoutt her e.Thebal l swer eal ldi f f er ents i zes ,s hapes ,mat er i al s ,wei ght s ,andc ol or s .It hi nkmyt wof avor i t eswer ea1/ 2gal l onmi l kj ugwr appedi nc ol or f ulduc tt apeandonemadeoutoft i nf oi l .Whent heki ds pl ayed,ever yt i meabal lwentoutofbounds ,t hec oac heswoul dr ot at ei nanew bal ls oal lt hehomemade bal l sgotpl ayedwi t h.Imade5di f f er entbal l smys el f .Imadeahugeone( as i ze8i fas i ze8exi s t ed)outof gr oc er ypl as t i cbagsandpac ki ngpeanut swr appedwi t hduc tt apeandpai nt er sbl uet ape.Thatwasaf avor i t eamongt heki dsbec aus ei twasbi gands of t .OneofmyU8gi r l sac t ual l yas kedi fs hec oul dt akei thome, andofc our s e,Il ether . ” Bes i deshavi ngf un,anot herc or eval ueoft hi sc ampai gni sgi vi ngbac k:makeabal landdonat eabal l . Yar i naas kedpar ent sandpl ayer st odonat enew ors l i ght l yus edbal l sandanys l i ght l yus edequi pment ( c l eat s ,uni f or ms ,s hi nguar ds ,et c )anddonat edt heequi pmentt ot heFoot bal lf ort heWor l dFoundat i onon Sept ember24. Looki ngbac k,Yar i nac ount sMYOBDasas uc c es s ,” Ihads omuc hf unmaki ngabal landwat c hi ngt he ki dspl aywi t ht hei rhomemades oc c erbal l s .I ' m def i ni t el yexc i t edt odoi tagai nnextyear . ”

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PaulSmoot Coach,Fr emont SoccerCl ub Inomi nat ePaulSmootf orcoachoft he mont h.Hehasapassi onf orsoccert hati s f arbeyondmost .Hei sal waysatt hesoccer compl exwi l l i ngt ohel panyoneorhel pwi t h anyt hi ngt hatneedst obedone.Paulhas beeni nvol vedi ncoachi ngmydaught er overt hel ast4year sandnotonl yhasshe i mpr ovedbutshehasal sodevel opedapassi onf ort hegameofsoccer .Hei sext r emel ypat i ent ,ki nd,andknowl edgeabl eandi sa gr eatr ol emodelf ornotonl yhi st eam but al lpl ayer satt hesoccercl ub.Hehasapassi onandknowl edgef ort hi sgamet hathe shar eswi t hhi spl ayer s.Hei sar ol emodel andr esour cef orot hercoacheswi t hi nour cl ub.Paulcont i nuest ocoach,r ef er eeand doourf i el dupkeepwhi l eheser vesENSA andNebr askaSt at eSoccerboar d.Heal so ser vesourcl ubasDi r ect orofr ef er eesand Di r ect oroff i el ds.Thoughal loft hi she mai nt ai nshi sl oveofcoachi ngandl ovef or t hegame.Asoft odayhecoachest wo t eamst heU19GFl ashandt heU14GPumas. Hi scommi t mentt ohi spl ayer s,cl ub,and t hespor tofsocceri st r ul yamazi ngandhe deser vest obecoachofmont handyear ! ! Paulwasnomi nat edbyaFSCpar ent , Mi chel l eEngel . I fyouwoul dl i ket onomi nat eaCoach oft heMont h,emai l mar ket i ng@nebr askast at esoccer . or g wi t hapi ct ur eandbr i efbi oofwhy yourcoachdeser vest het i t l e.

Mat t hew Ander son El khor nSoccerCl ub

Mat tAnder soni sayoungmanwhohasan i mmedi at eandposi t i vei mpactonever yone t hati sl uckyenought omeethi m.Hewant s ever yonear oundhi mt obesuccessf uland showshi sst r ongl eader shi pandspor t smanshi pt hr oughhi sact i ons.Mat t hew’ s hear tt el l shi mt or eachoutt oot her sand bui l dpeopl eup.Mat t hew i saf r eshmanat Cr ei ght onPr epandhasat wi nsi st erSar ah whogoest oMar i an.Mat t hew br i ngsout t hebesti npeopl e.Hi sgenui neper sonal i t y andki ndhear thel pputt hei mpor t ant t hi ngsi nl i f ei nt oper spect i ve.Ir emember i nagamewhenhehadagr eatshotandt he goal i emadeanamazi ngdi vi ngsave.Mat t hew spr i nt edovert ot hegoal i e,hel ped hi m upandt ol dhi m“ Gr eatsave! ”Ont he soccerf i el dhei sknownas#45andever y coach,pl ayer ,andr ef er eewhohaspl ayed wi t hhi m knowst hei mpacthehasont he game.

Mat t hew wasnomi nat eby Nedi m Hasanbegovi c. I fyouwoul dl i ket onomi nat eaPl ayerof t heMont h,emai l mar ket i ng@nebr askast at esoccer . or gwi t ha pi cur eandbr i efbi oofwhyyourpl ayer

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