Extra Time September 15

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Labenzwi t hot herr ef er eesatUSYout hNat i onal st hi sJul y

I nt hespr i ngandsummer ,t eamsar en’ tt heonl yoneswi t hhopesofmaki ngi tt oRegi onal sand, event ual l y,Nat i onal s.Ref er eesf r om al lovert hecount r ydot hei rbesti nhopesofget t i ngnot i cedand askedt ot r avelt oYout handAmat eurNat i onal s.Nebr askawasr epr esent edatbot hNat i onalt our nament sbyt wor ef er eest hathadmor et opr ovet hanyou’ dt hi nk.Tr acyLabenz,whowasi nvi t edt or ef atUSYout hNat i onal si nTul sa,andBr i t t neyHageman,whowasi nvi t edt oVi r gi ni aBeach,VAf or Amat eurAdul tNat i onal s,wer et woofasmal lnumberoff emal er ef er eeswhoar ei nvi t edt or efatt he hi ghestl evelofcompet i t i onever yyear —butdon’ tl ett hatf oolyou,t hesel adi esr espr esentNebr aska wel l . Ear l i ert hi syear ,Hagemanbecamet hef i r stf emal et or ef er eet heBoysCl assAHi ghSchool SoccerChampi onshi ps.“ Bei ngt hef i r stt odoanyt hi ngi saeuphor i cf eel i ngbutt obet hef i r stf emal e i nt hemi ddl eoft heboysf i nalf el tamazi ng, ”shesai d,whenaskedaboutherpr oudestmomentasa r ef er ee.Hagemanhasbeenr ef er eei ngf or11year s,st ar t i ngatj ust13year sol d.Shewasoneof8 f emal er ef er eesi nt hecount r ywhower easkedt oat t endAmat eurNat i onal saf t erout per f or mi ngot her r ef er eesatt heRegi on2champi onshi psi nKansasCi t y. Labenzgotst ar t edi n2007,abi tl at ert hanHageman,whenherhi ghschooldi dn’ tof f ersocceras aspor tt opl ay.Eversi nce,herweekendshavebeenspentr ef er eei ngal loverNebr aska,butshe saysYor ki st hear eat hatshehasspentt hemostt i megr owi ngandl ear ni ngasar ef er ee.I t ’ sno secr ett hatr ef er eescant akeaver balbeat i ngf r om coachesandpar ent s,butTr aceysaysasa f emal eshehasst r uggl edget t i ngt her espectshedeser vesasar ef ,“ Icannotcountt henumberof t i mesIhadamal eorevenf emal ecoach,f ort hatmat t er ,seeme,af emal e,wal ki ngt ot hef i el dwi t houtaf l agi nmyhandandr ol lt hei reyesornotevencomeupandshakemyhandwhenIt r i edt oi nt r oducemysel ft ot hem bef or et hegame.Pl ayer swoul df eedof foft hei rcoachesandshowmel i t t l et o nor espect . ”Sheevenr ecal l sbei ngt ol d“ Wedeser vet ohaveamal er eff ort hi sgame,i t ’ sacompet i t i vegame. ”Labenzcont i nuest opr ovet hest er eot ypeswr ongasshewasoneoft he56r ef er ees atUSYout hNat i onal schosent oof f i ci at eaf i nalmat ch,outoft heor i gi nal214r ef er eeswhot r avel ed t onat i onal s. Asast at e,i t ’ sonet hi ngt opr oducegr eatsoccerpl ayer s,butt heset wowomenar eper f ectexampl esofot herwayswecancont r i but et ot hegamewel ove.I fyouar ei nt er est edi nbecomi ngar ef er ee,pl easevi si tt he“ r ef er eehome”onourwebsi t et ol ear naboutbecomi ngcer t i f i ed.

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Coaches o ’ m sur emostofyouhavehear daboutt her ecentchangest hatU. S.Socceri si mpl ement i ngr erI gar di ngsmal lsi dedgamesandt hechangef r om cal endart obi r t hyearf ort eam f or mat i ons. hangecansomet i mesbedi f f i cul t ,butIt hi nkt her ear egr eatbenef i t s,speci f i cal l yt ot her at i onC nal eofsmal lsi dedgames,t hatwecanal lgai nf r om t hesechanges.Muchoft hei nf or mat i onon e thissubject,comesdirectlyfrom U.S.Soccerandtheirrationaleformandatingthesechanges. Thebi ggestbenef i t sar et ot hei ndi vi dualdevel opmentoft hepl ayer s.Smal lsi dedgamesal l ows r for

1-Fewerpl ayer sont hef i el dwhi chmeansmor et ouchesont hebal landmor ei nvol vementi nt he game,whi chhel psdevel opmor ei ndi vi dualski l l . 2-Pl ayer swhoar emor eski l l edmaybecomemor econf i dentandcomf or t abl ewheni n possessi onoft hebal l . 3Ther at i oofpl ayer st of i el dsi zei sdesi gnedt oassi stpl ayer swi t hmaki ngt her i ghtki ndof deci si onsandi mpr ovi ngt hei rawar eness. Aspl ayer sgetol der ,andnumber si ncr easeonbi ggerf i el ds,t hi sappr oachbui l dsoni t sel f . Andaspl ayer sgetol der ,t hebui l di ngbl ockappr oachal soal l owst hem t obet t eri nt egr at e i nt oat eam modelwher et heydevel oppar t ner shi pswi t hot herpl ayer st hatmakeupt he t eam.Over al l ,t hest andar dspr ovi def oranageappr opr i at eenvi r onmentwher epl ayer scan achi evet heseobj ect i ves.

Gr ant ed,wei nNebr askahavebeenpl ayi ngsmal lsi dedgames( 8v8unt i lU13)sot hi schangewi l l notaf f ectusasdr amat i cal l yonast at el evel ,butt hi schangecanbesuppor t edandbenef i t si ncur r edbycl ubs,coaches,andt eamst hatchooset oi mpl ementsmal lsi dedgamesi nt hei rpr act i cesonar egul arbasi s. Idon’ tbel i evet hataU11t eam pr act i ci ng11v11i sgoi ngt obet t erdevel opt hei ndi vi dual —whi l e i tmayser vet het eam’ sdevel opmentt owi nmor egameswhent heyr eachU13( ar guabl y) ,i tdoes notser vet hei ndi vi dualpl ayerdevel opment .Wi nni ngi snott hesol eobj ect i veandshoul dnotbe pl acedaheadofdevel opi ngt hepl ayer . J ustt or ei t er at e,smal lsi dedgames( i ngamesorpr act i ces) ,devel opsi ndi vi dualski l landi nt el l i gence,whi chi mpact scr eat i vi t yandconf i dence. Onet hi ngt onot e( basedonquest i onsI ’ ver ecei ved) ,t hegoalandf i el dsi zesl i st edar emeantt o bemaxi mum si zesusedf orpl ayi nggames.Yourl ocalf i el ds/compl exesmayr equi r eyout ouse goal sandf i el dst hatar esl i ght l ysmal l er ,andt hat ’ sokay. Anot hernot er egar di ngt hechanget obi r t hyear ,t okeepexi st i ngt eamsi nt act ,pl ayer sst i l lhave t heabi l i t yt o“ pl ayup”wi t hol dert eammat es.I naddi t i ont obei ngonat eam wi t ht hei rpeer s, “ pl ayi ngup”canal soal l ow pl ayer st ocompet ei namor echal l engi ngenvi r onment ,whi chcan al soai di nt hei rf ut ur edevel opment .

Thesechangesar enotaseasyasf l i ppi ngaswi t ch,aschanget akest i meandi tcanbeuncomf or t abl e. Pl easehavepat i enceast hesechangesar ei mpl ement ed.I ti sal soi mpor t antt oavoi dmi si nf or mat i onandcommuni cat ewi t husher eatNebr askaSt at eSoccer . Changi ngoursoccercul t ur et opr i or i t i zet hedevel opmentofi ndi vi dualpl ayer saheadof t eam r esul t swi l lal soal l ow ust ocr eat eaf ut ur egener at i onofpl ayer st hatcancompet e andsucceeddomest i cal l yandi nt er nat i onal l yf oryear st ocome. Onel astnot i on,Sept emberi sU. S.Yout hSoccermont handSt r eetSoccerdayi sSept ember2 ( Wednesday)… getsomef r i ends,par ent s,coaches,whoever ,andgetoutandpl aypi ckupsoccer t hatday—r ememberwhywel ovet hi sgame—goandcel ebr at ei tona“ smal lsi dedgame. ”

Ol ympi cDevel opmentPr ogr am OpenTr yout s!

Upcomi ngCoachi ng Li censeCour ses 11/ 68DCour s e ( Per f or manc eRev i ew) Formor ei nf or mat i on,ort o r egi st er ,pl ease vi si tt he “ Educat i on”t ab on ourwebsi t e

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Upcomi ngEvent s! 9/49/6OmahaFC I nvi t at i onal 9/109/13Cent r i sCup 9/14Fal lRecCupEnt r yDeadl i ne 9/14Fal lSt at eCupEnt r yDeadl i ne 9/269/27Bl ai rSoccerFest 10/910/11Fal lRecCup 10/1410/25Fal lNESt at eCup

Use#nebst at esoccerever ywher et oshow us whatyourt eam i supt oandwewi l lshar e ourf avor i t es!

Cur r entSt andi ngs Top3Teamsi n11,12and13Ages * Basedongamest hathavebeenpl ayedt husf ar Forf ul lst andi ngsvi si twww. nebr askal eague. or g Age:11



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Hendr yRi l ant ono Coach,OFC

Hendr yi saver ycompassi onat ecoach whohasagr eatdemeanorwi t ht hose ar oundhi m.Hei sconst ant l yseeki ngt o i mpr ovehi msel fasaper sonandcoach bycont i nui nghi scoahi ngeducat i on.He r eal l yunder st andst her ol eoft heyout h soccercoach,andt hebi ggerpi ct ur e. Her ecogni zest hatwear eul t i mat el yal l coachi ngchi l dr enwhi chal otofcoaches seem t of or get .Heappr eci at es,andemphasi zest hat many,manyt hi ngscome wel lbef or ewi nni ngandl osi ngandi t s r eal l yal laboutt hedevel opmentoft he pl ayer s. Hendr ywasnomi nat edbyRyanKr use.

I fyouhaveacoachyouwoul dl i ket o nomi nat ef orCoachoft heMont hemai l mar ket i ng@nebr askast at esoccer . or g wi t hpi ct ur eandbr i efbi oofwhyyour coachdeser vest het i t l e.

J uni orNout oua NFC01/02Bl ue

J uni orNout ouawasbor ni nBi nHouye,I vor y Coast .Hemovedt oOmahaatt hebegi nni ngoft he summerof2014t ol i vewi t hhi sdad,J ean,who wor ksf orXor ai l ,I nc.Pr i ort omovi ngt oOmaha, J uni orhadneverpl ayedor gani zedsoccer .He l ovedwat chi ngsocceronTV,especi al l yhi sf avor i t et eam Par i sSt .Ger mai nandhi sf avor i t epl ayer Zl at anI br ahi movi c.Hebeganpl ayi ngonanei ghbor hoodst r eetsoccert eam i nt heI vor yCoast aboutf ouryear sago. Whenhear r i vedi nOmaha, J uni ordeci dedt opl ayf orNebr askaFC.J uni or sai d,“ IchoseNebr askaFCbecauset hecoaches wer eopenwi t hmeandmademef eell i ket hey neededme.Ial sor eal l yl i ket hepl ayer sont he t eam. ”RyanAmdor ,J uni or ’ scoachatNebr askaFC expl ai ns,“ Hest r uggl edhi sf i r stf ew mont hsbecausehet r i edt opl ayi ndi vi dual l yandcoul dn’ t pr ocessdi r ect i onsqui ckl yi nEngl i sh( hi spr i mar y l anguagei sFr ench) .J uni ori sadomi nantat hl et e wi t hgr eatwor ket hi c,andhe’ seagert ol ear n. Overt hel astyear ,hebecamel essshy,i mpr oved hi sski l l sandl ear nedhow t ocombi newi t hot her pl ayer s.Hecannow t akeoveragame,asevi dencedbyhi sr ecentsel ect i ont ot he2000ODPRegi onalPool .J uni orhel pedl eadhi sNebr askaFC t eam t oanMRLPr emi erDi vi si onI It i t l eoversever alst at echampi ons.Her ecent l yr ecei veda schol ar shi pt oat t endCr ei ght onPr ep”

J uni orwasnomi nat ebyRyanAmdor . I fyouwoul dl i ket onomi nat eaPl ayeroft he Mont h,emai l mar ket i ng@nebr askast at esoccer . or gwi t ha pi cur eandbr i efbi oofwhyyourpl ayer deser vest het i t l e.

On August23,Nebraska State SoccerDi rectorof Coachi ng,Maren McCrary,hel d an ODP I D cl i ni c i n Scottsbl uff,NE. “I twas a wonderfulopportuni ty to meetand work wi th the greatki ds pl ayi ng soccer i n Scottsbl uff, ”sai d McCrary. The cl i ni c served pl ayers between the ages of917 —agegroups were spl i tup to ensure age appropri ate trai ni ng. Ofthe 34 ki ds who attended,a handfulof pl ayers were i denti fi ed and wi l lbe i nvi ted to parti ci pate i n the PDP orODP programs. “Iwas very i mpressed wi th the passi on,work ethi c, and commi tmentthese pl ayers had forthe game and fortaki ng the i ni ti ati ve to i mprove thei rsoccer ski l l s, ”sai d McCrary. “Ireal l y enj oyed coachi ng them. ” Coach McCrary sai d these State Ski l l s Cl i ni cs are avai l abl e to any communi ty who desi res i t. Requests fora State Ski l l s Devel opmentcl i ni c can be made by contacti ng Maren atdoc@nebraskastatesoccer. org

Omaha Li noma Men' s SoccerTeam won the Over40 Di vi si on of Dubuque " Ameri ca' s Ri verCl assi c" Tournament( August12,2015)

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Don’ tmi ssout !

An dt h ea wa r dg o e st o . . . . . . . Nomi nat esomeoneyouknow f ort he2015USYSAwar ds! Compet i t i veCoachoft heYear Recr eat i onalCoachoft heYear Vol unt eeroft heYear Admi ni st r at oroft heYear GetyourPl ayer si nvol vedt oo!Nomi nat eapl ayf r om t hi syearf or : Goaloft heYear Saveoft heYear Of f i ci alf or mscanbef oundonnebr askast at esoccer . or g!Let ’ sshow t he count r yhow manygr eatpeopl ear ei nvol vedi nNebr askaSt at eSoccer !

Pr epar i ngf orTour nament s: Set t i ngupyourTeam Bi nder

Oneoft hemosti mpor t antt hi ngsyoucandowhenact i ngasat eam manageri st o haveacompl et et eam bi nderr eadyassoonast heseasonbegi ns!Thesooneryou cr eat eyourbi nder ,t heeasi ert heseasonandal lt our namentchecki nswi l lgo. Her ei sashor tcheckl i stt ohel p: •Pl ayerPasses-Keepi nal phabet i calor deronakeychai n,car abi neeror si mi l arr i ngf oreasyaccess >Makesur eal lpasseshaveacl earphot ooft hepl ayerorcoach ( upl oadt hesei nt ot heLeagueOnet omaket hi ngseasi er -t heywi l l pr i ntr i ghtont hepass! ) >Checkt hatt hei rnamemat chesEXACTLYt ot henamel i st edont hei r bi r t hcer t i f i cat e-Payspeci alat t ent i ont oni cknames( passshoul d haveEl i zabet h,notLi zzyorBet h) ,Twol astnamesorhyphenat ed names( i ft wol astnamesar el i st edont hebi r t hcer t i f i cat e,l i stt hem bot hont hepl ayerpass) >Makesur eDat eofBi r t hi scor r ect •Copi esofyourf ul lr ost er( al wayshandyi fsomeonemi spl acesacopyf or gamesort our nament s-makesur et heyar eupt odat e! ) •CodeofConductf or m si gnedbyal lpl ayer s,par ent sandcoaches.I t ’ seasi er t ogett hi satt hebegi nni ngoft heseasonsoyouar en' tscr ambl i ngbef or e at our namentt hatr equi r esone!Youcanf i ndt hepl ayer /par ent /coach combof or m onourwebsi t e! •Medi calRel ease-I fapl ayerwast oevergethur tatapr act i ceorgamet hese ar et hebestwayt oknow whot ocont act .I fapar enti sn' tt her e,coaches needt oknow how t obestcar ef ort hechi l d. Get t i ngyourt eam bi nderr eadynow wi l lmaket her easonoft heseasongobywi t h ease!

I fyouhaveast or yyout hi nkshoul dbeshar edwi t ht heNebr askasoccercomuni t y,emai l mar ket i ng@nebr askast at esoccer . or gandt el lusabouti t !Al lst or i eswi l lbeconsi der ed.

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