Extra Time February 16

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Ther ei sat onofc ur r entdi s c us s i on,andr i ght f ul l ys o,c ent er edar ound t heUSSoc c ermandat est hatr equi r eas hi f tf oral l member st oabi r t hy ear r egi s t r at i onaswel l asi mpos i ngs mal l s i dedgames .I nt hos edi s c us s i onst her ehav eal s obeens ome mi s c onc ept i ons ,f al s ef ac t sandmi s c ommuni c at i on.WeatNebr as k aSt at eSoc c erar eher et obey our ac c es st ot hec or r ec ti nf or mat i on.Wewantt oans wery ourques t i ons ,hel pc l ubsnav i gat et hes ec hanges andk eepal l ofourmember si nf or med.Ass uc handt ohel pev er y oneunder s t andwhati sgoi ngt obe c hangi ng,t hi smont hwi l l begi nas er i esofar t i c l est oel abor at eandex pl ai nt hemandat est hems el v esand howt heyaf f ec tt hec l ubs ,andmor ei mpor t ant l yt hepl ay er s . USSFhasi s s uedmandat esf ort he2017CALENDARy ear ,butbec aus emanypr ogr amsi nNebr as k a ( i . e.St at eCup)ar es eas onal andpl ay edi npar t sof2016,Nebr as k aSt at eSoc c erwi l l begi ni mpl ement i ng t he2017mandat esi nt hef al l of2016. Asar emi nder ,t hes emandat esdoNOTr equi r epl ay er st opl ayi nt hei rbi r t hy ear .Cur r entt eamsc an c hoos et os t ayt oget her ,butwi l l s t i l l ber equi r edt opl ayi nt hebi r t hy eardi v i s i onoft hei rol des tpl ay er . CALENDARBI RTHYEARREGI STRATI ON–EFFECTI VEAUGUST1,2016 Ef f ec t i v eAugus t1,2016,t eamsatal l agegr oupsar er ec ommendedt obef or medus i nganewagegr oup c ut of fdat eofJ anuar y1. •Thec ur r entagegr oupc ut of fofAugus t1( pl ay er sbor nonoraf t erAugus t1ar eel i gi bl e)wasde s i gnedt ok eept eamsonaSCHOOLYEARbas i ss ot hatt eamswer egener al l yc r eat edofpl ay er s wi t hi nt hes ameac ademi cgr ade.Fort hi sr eas on,i twasr ef er r edt oas‘ SCHOOLYEAR’ bas edr eg i s t r at i on. •Thenewagegr oupc ut of fofJ anuar y1( pl ay er sbor nonoraf t erJ anuar y1ar eageel i gi bl e)wi l l be c ons i s t entwi t ht hedat esus edi nt er nat i onal l yi nf or mi ngy out hs oc c ert eams .Thi sc ut of fi sr ef er r ed t oas‘ CALENDARBI RTHYEAR’ r egi s t r at i on. Thes hi f tt oCal endarBi r t hYearr egi s t r at i onwi l l c aus eac hangei nt hef or mat i onoft eams .Teamswi l l nowgener al l yc ons i s tofpl ay er si nt wodi f f er ents c hool y ear sorgr ades .Thi si sbec aus e,gener al l y ,pl ay er sbor nf r om J anuar y1t oJ ul y31wi l l beay earol deri ns c hool ,t hant hepl ay er sbor nf r om Augus t1t o Dec ember31.Thi spr es ent ss omec hal l engesdur i ngt het r ans i t i onf r om mi ddl es c hool t ohi ghs c hool ( t eamsmadeofpl ay er si nei ght hgr adeandhi ghs c hool f r es hman)anddur i ngt het r ans i t i onf r om hi gh s c hool t oc ol l ege( hi ghs c hool s eni or sandc ol l egef r es hman) . Thes et woagegr oupshav et hepot ent i al t ol eav ewhatwear ec al l i ng“ t r apped”or“ s t r anded”pl ay er s whohav el os thal foft hei rt eam t oei t herhi ghs c hool orc ol l ege.Cl ubsandt eamshav eaf ewopt i onst o av oi dt hes epl ay er sbei ngl ef touti nc l udi nghav i ngy oungerpl ay er spl ayupwi t ht hos ewhoar e“ s t r anded” orf or mi ngt eamsoutof“ s t r anded”pl ay eral ongwi t hpl ay er swhoc hoos enott opl ayi nhi ghs c hool orc ol l ege.We,t hec l ubs ,andt hel eagueswi l l bei nc ons t antdi s c us s i ont owor kt hr ought hi s .Wewi l l notl et anypl ay er sbel ef toutofc ompet i t i on. Nex tmont hwewi l l di s c us showt hes ec hangeswi l l af f ec tourmaj orc ompet i t i ons ,i nc l udi nghows t at e c upwi l l bes t r uc t ur ed!I fy ouhav eques t i onsy ouwoul dl i k eans wer ed,pl eas edon’ thes i t at et oc ont ac t y ourc l ubort hes t at eof f i c e!

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Coaches o r appy,Nat i onalWomenandGi r l si nSpor t sDay( Feb.3) !Gopl ayaspor twi t hyour nH daught eri nhonorofi t ! e Igetalotofthequestionsaboutalotofdifferentthings… someofthesequestionsare: 1-whydokidsquit rsoccerintheirteens?2-whyareboysmoreconfidentplayersthangirls;3-whyaren’tmorewomeninvolved i ncoachi ng;4Howcanwemakepl ayer sandcoachesmor econf i dent.Thesear ecompl exquest i onswi t h mul t i pl eanswer s,butt odayIwantt of ocusonbui l di ngconf i dencei npl ayer s—especi al l ygi r l s.

Oneoft hebi ggesthur dl esIf acewhencoachi ngf emal esages1216i sconf i dence—pr i mar i l yconf i dencei n herabi l i t yandconf i dencei nt hepot ent i alshehas.Manyoft heboysIcoachi nt hesameagegr oupar e mor enat ur al l yconf i dentorar epr epar edt o“ f akei t ,unt i lt heymakei t ”… meani ngt heywi l lf aket hei rconf i denceunt i li tcat chesupwi t ht hei rabi l i t y.Formostgi r l s,t hatconf i dencei sof t enal ar gerunder t aki ng… one par tt hathel psi spar ent s,coachesandt eacher si nf usi ngconf i denceandbel i evi ngi nt hem;andt heot herpar t i st eachi nggi r l showt oEARNconf i dence… t hi si soneofmyf avor i t er easonst ocoach. Oneoft hewayst hatIencour agepl ayer st obui l dconf i dencei st hr oughput t i ngi next r ahour soft echni cal ski l lwor k… t hemor eyoudosomet hi ng,t heeasi eri tbecomes,andt hemor econf i denceyouwi l lhavet o uset hoseski l l s.Anot herwayIt eachgi r l showt oear nconf i dencei sbypushi ngt hem physi cal l yf ar t hert han t heyt hi nkt heyar ecapabl eofandt hent heyr eacht hatpoi ntandr eal i zet heywer ecapabl eofi t ,andt hei r conf i dencegr ows—eveni fj ustat i nybi tofgr owt h.Iwi l lr unspr i nt swi t hmypl ayer sandspeakt ot hem,encour aget hem,pusht hem andment al l ydevel opt hem whi l et heyphysi cal l yexer tt hemsel ves.Theabi l i t yt o ment al l ypushyourbodyt hr oughphysi caldi scomf or ti showconf i denceandment alt oughnessar ebor n. Thatconf i dencecomesf r om havi ngpushedyour sel fbeyondwhatyouor i gi nal l yt houghtyouwer ecapabl e of ,sur vi vi ng andnowt hr i vi ng.Then,whenyougett oagameandyouar ephysi cal l yexhaust edandyou knowyouropponenti sal so,wher ewi l lt hement alt oughnesst opusht hr oughcomef r om? I tcomesf r om conf i dencebui l tf r om acoach. Anot heravenuet obui l di ngconf i dencei sbyhavi ngr esponsi bi l i t ypl acedonyouandt henhavi ngsomeone bel i evet hatyouar ecapabl eoft her esponsi bi l i t y.Forme,mysoccercar eerchanged100% f ort hebet t ert he summerbet weenmySophomor eandJuni oryearofcol l ege.Iwentt oFt .Col l i ns,CO t opl ayf oraWLeague t eam ( semi pr owomen’ sl eague)andasa21yearol d,Ihadsever alt eammat eswhower eol derandmor e exper i encedt hanIwas.Ihadt eammat esf r om bi gt i mecol l egepr ogr amsl i kePennSt at eandFl or i daSt at e. Aboutt woweeksi nt oourpr eseasont r ai ni ng,mycoachaskedmet obeacapt ai nal ongsi dea28yearol d f or merAl l Amer i canf r om Cor nel lUni ver si t y.Iwasshockedandsur pr i sed,butheexpr essedt omet hatI neededt ot aket hi st eam onmyshoul der s.Tobehonest ,west r uggl edatf i r standl ostal otofgames.About mi dwayt hr ought heseasonwewer e18( 1wi nand8l osses! —Ihadneverl ostt hi smanygamesi nar ow! ) andwewer epl ayi ngt heChi cagoCobr as,t het opt eam i nt hel eagueandr ei gni ngWLeagueChampi ons. Bef or et hatgame,mycoach,Jami eHemi ngway,spoket omeaboutchangi ngposi t i ons,aboutl eadi ngour t eam,andaboutbei nga“ gamechanger ”… hebel i evedi nmel i kenocoachhadeverexpr essedt ome bef or e.Wewont hatgame43,andwon7st r ai ghtgamest ogett ot henat i onalchampi onshi pgamewher e wet henwont heNat i onalChampi onshi p. Iwasnamedt heMVPaf t erscor i ng4goal si nt hesemi f i nal sand f i nal s…t heconf i dencet hatmycoach( andmyt eammat esal so)i nf usedi nmeasal eaderandapl ayerdef i ni t el yaf f ect edmyl i f e,asIwasnamedacapt ai n,conf er enceMVP,andDi vi si onIAl l Amer i canmynextt wo year si ncol l ege.I ’ m sur eot hercoacheshadconf i dencei nme,butIneverf el tasmuchr esponsi bi l i t yand conf i dencef r om anyot hercoach.

Thebot t om l i nei si fyouwantt obeabet t er ,mor econf i dentpl ayer ,youhavet oear ni t .Ear ni ngi tt akesal otofhar dwor k … consi st ent l y.Whet heryouar eanewpl ayert ot hegameofsoccer ,anODPpl ayert r yi ngt ogetsel ect edf orRegi onalI D Camp,orapr of essi onalsoccerpl ayer ,t heconf i denceyouhave( ordon’ thave)i ssomet i mest hebi ggestdi f f er ence!Even t hebestpl ayer si nt hewor l dst r uggl ewi t ht hei rconf i denceatt i mes,especi al l yaf t err et ur ni ngf r om ani nj ur y.Butt hebest wayt ocombatl owconf i dencei st opr act i ce,pr act i ce,pr act i ce… onceaski l lbecomeseasy,yourconf i dencewi l lgr ow, t henyouneedt opr act i cet hatski l lunderpr essur e,andwhenyousucceedi nt hosecondi t i onsyourconf i dencewi l lgr ow somemor e,t henyouneedt opr act i cet hatski l l ,underpr essur e,whenyouar et i r ed… andt hepr ocesscont i nues.Asyour conf i dencegr ows,i t ’ snott i met osi tbackandenj oyyoursuccess,i t ’ st i met omoveont ot henextchal l engeandcont i nui ngt odevel opandgr owi nconf i denceandski l l .But ,havi ngcoachesandt eammat esbel i evei nyou,makesabi gdi f f er enceal so. Wor khar d,pl ayhar d,havef un!

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Spot l i ght :TOPSoc c e rPr ogr a m TheOut r eac hPr ogr am f orSoc c er ,orTOPSoc c er ,i sac ommuni t ybas ed t r ai ni ngpr ogr am f ory oungat hl et eswi t hs pec i al needs .TOPSoc c erwas s t ar t edbyUSYout hSoc c ert opr ov i des oc c eroppor t uni t i est opl ay er sofal l c ompet i t i onl ev el s ,i nc l udi ngt hos ewi t hment al orphy s i c al di s abi l i t i es .Fi v eNebr as k aSt at e Soc c erc l ubsof f erTOPSoc c ert r ai ni ngandt eam pl ac ement .Pl ay er si nt heTOPSoc c erpr ogr am gai nphy s i c al f i t nes s ,t ec hni c al s k i l l swhi l edev el opi ngf r i ends hi ps ,c onf i denc eands el f es t eem.Vol unt eer s ,orTOPSoc c erBuddi es ,ar et her et oas s i s tpl ay er swhenneededandt o ens ur et hes af et yofal l par t i c i pant s . Chec koutournewTOPSoc c erpageonnebr as k as t at es oc c er . or gunderPr ogr ams !

#nebODPonTwi t t er !

Use#nebst at esoccerever ywher et oshow us whatyourt eam i supt oandwewi l lshar e ourf avor i t es!

Al exUmana

Magel l anSoc c erCl ub

Der ekRupper t Bel ev ueSoc c erCl ub TOPSoc c erPr ogr am

Der ekRupper ts t ar t edv ol unt eer i ngf ort he TOPSoc c erpr ogr am i nBel l ev uei n2004asa pl ay erBuddywhenhi ss i s t er i nl awwasa c oac hofoneoft het eams .Hei mmedi at el y dev el opedar appor twi t ht hepl ay er sonhi s t eam andnot i c eabl yt r eat edt hem wi t hdi gni t y andasat hl et est hathadabi l i t i es .Af t ermany s eas onsofpar t i c i pat i ngasaBuddy ,hev er y nat ur al l yt ookont her ol easat eam c oac h andc oac hedpl ay er si nv ar i ousagegr oups . Thi sy earDer eki soneoft hec oac hesoft he Compet i t i v eMen’ st eam andhasbeenf or s ev er al y ear s .Der eki sbel ov edbyhi spl ay er sast heyar eal way st r eat edwi t hr es pec t andar ehel dt ohi ghs t andar ds .Der ekc ons i der st hepl ay er sc apabl ei ndi v i dual sand wor k st ohel pt hem ac hi ev eameani ngf ul gameofs oc c er .Hebr i ngswi t hhi mt opr ac t i c enewandi nnov at i v ei deast ot eac hs k i l l s andi mpl ement st hes edr i l l si naf unandex c i t i ngwayengagi ngt hepl ay er si nf ul l par t i c i pa t i on. Der eknev erhes i t at est ot ak eonaddi t i onal dut i esf orTOPSoc c er .I nt hepas the hasc oac hedt het eent eam i naddi t i ont ot he adul tmenwhennot eenc oac hwasav ai l abl e andhasas s i s t edt henewadul tl adi est eam t hi sy eari nes t abl i s hi ngt hei rpr ac t i c eand gamet i mer out i nes .

Al expl ay sonourU12Magel l anPr emi ert eam.I ti sadi f f i c ul t pr ogr am t hatl as t s10mont hsandof t ent r ai ns34day sper weekwi t hs i gni f i c antamount sofhomewor kandc l as s r oom s es s i ons .Al exhasnotonl ys ur v i v ed,butt hr i v edi nt hi senv i r onmentandi sas our c eofi ns pi r at i onandmot i v at i ont os ev er al pl ay er sonbot hhi st eam andwi t hi nhi sc l ub.Thr oughhi sc ommi t mentandf oc us ,hehass t eadi l ybec omeoneoft hemor e t ec hni c al pl ay er sonhi st eam ov ert hel as t2y ear s .Hi sj uggl i ng hasi nc r eas edf r om 13t o2235.Hi sr angeof1v 1mov es has i nc r eas eddr amat i c al l yandhec annowc onf i dent l yhandl epl ay er sbot hi npas s i ngandof ft hedr i bbl epos i ngac hal l enget oal l opponent st odef endpr oper l y . Al exr ec ent l yhasbeenawar dedt het i t l eof" c apt ai n"onhi s t eam.Wedonotawar dt hi st i t l eof t enasi tmus tbec ompl et el y ear nedwi t hi nours y s t em.Todat e,onl y4pl ay er shav ebeen namedc apt ai nwi t hi nMagel l ani nc l udi ngAl ex . Toear nt hi s t i t l ehemus tbeanex ampl ei nbehav i orbot honandof ft he f i el dandhemus tal s ot ak eonr es pons i bi l i t yf ort hedev el opmentofhi st eammat es .I ti si nt hi sl as tar eat hatAl exhas begant omak es t r i desl at el y .Hi smet amor phos i sbey ondper s onal mas t er yt obec omi ngac ont r i but or yel ementt ot hedev el opmentoft hos ear oundhi m hav eex pandedhi sc apabi l i t i esnot onl yasas oc c erpl ay er ,butasat eammat e. Al exhasr ec ent l ybegunt or eapt her ewar dsofhi shar dwor k wi t hi nt heMagel l anpr ogr am bymak i ngt heNEODPt eam,t he r egi onal Fut s al t eam wi t hani nv i t at i ont oNat i onal t r i al st hi s s ummer ,s el ec t i onbybot hSpor t i ngKCandGl as gowRanger s ofSc ot l andf orpr i v at et r i al s ,apendi ngev al uat i onf r om Boc a J uni or sofAr gent i na,aRegi onal Fut s al Champi ons hi panda t r i pt oNat i onal snex tmont h.Wec oul dnotbemor eex c i t edf or hi m andhi sgr owi ngl i s tofoppor t uni t i es .Hewor k st i r el es s l yat t hegoal hehaspl ac edi nf r ontofhi m.Hehasnotal way shad s uc c es sandi thast ak enmanyhour sandmanyf ai l ur est o bec ome" anov er ni ghts uc c es s " .Mygues si st hathi sr ec ent s uc c es si smer el yt hel eadi ngedgeofhi sunf ol di ngs t or y .

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