Extra Time June 16

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Ext r aTi me,Page2

Coaches o r Oneofthebiggestmistakeswecanmakeisnotbeingprepared… howmany i mesdoy ouheart hephr as e“ BePr epar ed” ?It hi nki t ’ st al k edabouts oof t enbec aus ei tr eal l yi s nt ak eyc omponentt omak i ngourl i f eeas i er .Ont hes oc c erf i el d,apl ay erc anmak et henex tdec i e sionsomucheasierforherselfifshepreparesherbodytoreceivetheballproperly,oraproper r preparationtouch(setuptouch)makesashotandapasssomuchquicker,morepowerfuland

mor eac c ur at e—t husbet t erandeas i er .Asc oac hes ,pr epar i ngf orpr ac t i c ewi t hapur pos eandapl an mak espr ac t i c emor eef f ec t i v e,mor eengagi ngandmor ef un.Aspar ent s ,pr epar i ngourk i ds( andour s el v es )t ohandl ef ai l ur eordef eati smor edi f f i c ul t ,butal s omor enec es s ar y ,t henpr epar i ngt hem f or s uc c es s . So,asSt at eCupget sr ol l i ngandt eam f or mat i onbegi nsl at ert hi smont handODPr egi onal t our nament andc ampar ei nhi ghgear ,t her ei smuc ht opr epar ef or .I ndi v i dual andt eam pr epar at i oni spar amount t os uc c es sats t at ec up:eat i ngt hepr operf oods ,dr i nk i ngenoughwat er ,get t i ngadequat es l eepar eal l t hi ngst haty ou,asani ndi v i dual pl ay er ,c anc ont r ol … andt heef f or ty ouputi nt ot hes et hi ngsal ong wi t hi ndi v i dual s oc c erabi l i t ywi l l hav eamaj ori mpac tony ourt eam s uc c es s .Coac hesar epr epar i ng s t r at egi esandf or mat i onsandt eam appr oac h,butdon’ tf or gett opr epar ey our s el ft obeapos i t i v eand appr opr i at er ol emodel andl eaderf ory ourt eam. And,par ent sneedt opr epar eal s o… pr epar et obeac heer l eaderandnotac oac horar ef er eeora c r i t i c i z er .Let ’ sc hoos ebef or et heheatof t hebat t l et ober es pec t f ul ofev er y one’ s r ol es… y ouar eei t herapl ay er ,ac oac h,a r ef er ee,oras pec t at or .Let ’ sr emembert hat ev er y onei spr epar i ngt ogi v et hei rbes tef f or t i nwhat ev err ol et heyhav e… andt hatef f or t s houl dbepr ai s ed,notabus ed.So,pr epar e f ors por t s mans hi p,f orr es pec tf ort her ef er eesandopponent s ,andf ors uc c es sand f ai l ur e. Goodl uc kandhav ef un!

Ext r aTi me,Page4

#BeaPar ent Not aPr obl em

Adul t scansomet i mesl ear nal otf r om t heact i onsofourpl ayer s wr i t t enbyCas eyMann Sadl y ,i tc anbeal l t ooeas yt ogetc aughtupi nal l t henegat i v esofy out hs por t s . Ther ear emanyday swher eIam c onv i nc edt hi ngsar eheadi ngi nt hewr ongdi r ec t i on. I t ’ sal l s uc hbi gbus i nes snowandev er y t hi ngi ss os er i ous . Ther ei ss omuc hi nt ens i t y , ani mos i t y ,andanal y z at i ont hati tc anmak ey ourheads pi n.Par ent sandc oac hess c r eami ngont he s i del i nesl i k et hei rhous esar eont hel i ne,c l ubspor t r ay i ngot herc l ubsas“ enemi es ”andmak i ngal l s or t sofabs ur dandwi l dc l ai msaboutot her st of eedt her umormi l l s ,andadul t sanal y z i ngev er y s c or e,game,andt our nament ,andr ank i ngc hi l dr enwhohav ey ett oev enf ul l ygr owanddev el op. Al ongt i meago,y out hs oc c erwasaboutk i dspl ay i ngs oc c er ,s i mpl yt oenj oyl ear ni ngands por tand l ear ni ngl i f el es s onsal ongt heway .I nt hi sdayandage,i ts eemst haty out hs por t si smor el i k ea f ac t or ybel tt hats i mpl ys et sk i dsi nt ot hepr oc es s ,dangl esc ol l eges c hol ar s hi psatt heendoft he r i de,andt hendi s c ar dswayt oomanyal ongt hewayi ft heys odar east os t r uggl et ok eepup. Wi t h al l t hati nmi nd,I ’ mj us tnots os ur eusadul t shav egot t eni tr i ght .Ihadac ol l egec oac hwhowoul d al way ss houtt ous“ Yaj us tar en’ tget t i ni tar ey al ad. ” If eel hi sphr as eappl i est omanyofusadul t s andourac t i onsandout l ook sont hegamesourc hi l dr enpl ay . Yett heonec ool t hi ngabouty out hs por t st hats t i l l gi v esmehope,i st hatt her ear ek i dsi nv ol v ed andmor eof t ent i mest hannot ,i ti st hek i dswhoar et eac hi ngt headul t st hel es s ons .I nal l t hey ear s Ihav ebeeni nv ol v edi nr unni ngours t at ec up,wehav enev erhadpl ay eri s s ues ,butev er yy earwe hav epar entandc oac hi s s ues .Coac hej ec t i ons , c oac hesnots hak i nghandsaf t ergames ,par ent s bei ngk i c k edout ,par ent st hr eat i ngot herpar ent s . Thek i dsar et heoneswhoar ef i ne.Theyar et he oneswhogeti t ,andi fweadul t sar es mar t ,we woul dt ak eas t epbac k ,t ak eadeepbr eat h,and l ookatal l t hel es s onsoutt her et hatourk i dsar e s howi ngus .Wewoul dpayat t ent i ont ohowt hey f eel aboutt hei rs por t ,notbeal l c ons umedby howwef eel abouti t . Pr epandSout hpl ay edi nt heboy ss t at ehi gh s c hool f i nal .I noneoft hebes thi ghs c hool r i v al r i esi nanys por t ,bot ht eamst ookapi c t ur et oget heratt heendt hatmadef r ontpagenewsac r os s Omaha.Gr et naandSk ut tpl ay edi nt heCl as sB gi r l sgame,andt heGr et nagi r l sj oi nedt heSk ut t l i net oc ongr at ul at eandhandoutt r ophi es ,ev en t hought hos et eamshav ebeenbat t l i ngf ory ear s . I nt hebi gges tmoment s ,t hemos ti nt ens egames oft hes ek i dsc ar eer s ,t heywer es t i l l abl et ok eep t hi ngsi nper s pec t i v eandmay bemos ti mpor t ant l y , t heywer eabl et ot eac husal l al es s on.

Andwhatt hos ek i dsdi di nt hos emoment shadar i ppl eef f ec tt hatIt hi nkj us tmayv er y wel l c ont i nuef orqui t eawhi l e.Ic anonl yhopes o. Theweek endaf t ert hePr epSout hgame,wehos t edourKohl ’ sCup.Ev ent houghKohl ’ si sar ec r eat i onal t our nament ,i ts eemsev er yy earwehav epar entandc oac hi s s ues .Thi sy earwasnodi f f er ent ,butwhat wasdi f f er entwast heend.I nt hef i nal gameoft heU12Gi r l sbr ac k et ,OmahaNi t r oandOmahaFCbat t l ed i nt oov er t i mewi t hOmahaNi t r oc omi ngoutont op.Whenbot ht eamsmadet hei rwayov ert ot het entf or t r ophi esandpr es ent at i ons ,gues swhatt ookpl ac e? Thet eamsgott oget herandc el ebr at edeac hot her , c ongr at ul at edeac hot her ,andt ookpi c t ur est oget her .I tbr oughtt ear st ot heey es .WhatPr epandSout h s t ar t ed,OmahaNi t r oandOmahaFCc ont i nued. Ass t at ec upappr oac hes ,It hi nki ti sal l ofourj obst o hel ppr omot eands eet hatt hos eges t ur esofs por t s mans hi pandper s pec t i v ec ont i nue.

Spor t smanshi pMat t er s Youneverknow whoi s wat chi ngSetanexampl eyouwoul dbe pr oudof !

Thi sSt at eCup season,keept hi si n mi ndandpl ease r emembert o BeaPar ent ,Nota Pr obl em!

Ext r aTi me,Page6

#NESt at eCupbegi nst hi sweek! Cl i ckher ef ort hef ul lschedul e! Keept unedt ot wi t t erf orl i veupdat esandf i ndout whopunchest hei rt i ckett o West f i el d,I Nont he#Roadt oTX

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