12 minute read
A federal budget, followed by a federal election and various state budgets, has ensured our team has been focused on reviewing policies that impact our members’ and stakeholders’ businesses.
Federal election policy proposals submitted on your behalf by neCA, to all mainstream political parties and key independents, comprise constructive and positive recommendations to grow the economy and the electrotechnology industry, while ensuring safeguards are in place for a fair, equitable business environment. During the election period, we focused specifically on: ½ initiatives to address worker and skills shortages; ½ supporting small businesses and identifying opportunities for local job creation; ½ ensuring contract terms are fair and reasonable for contractors and subcontractors; ½ reforming Security of Payments legislation (nationally and at state level) to create a payments system that safeguards the interests of contractors and subcontractors; ½ opportunities to recruit more apprentices, through mature-age incentives, female participation, and ongoing support for current apprentices; and ½ increasing completion rates and retention of apprentices and electricians in our sector.
Engagement with ministers
Since my last report in neCA news, our team has engaged directly in ministerial meetings at all levels of government. Internally, it has also engaged with neCA’s executive Directors in each state and with the senior management of major member businesses, to ensure not only that our representation efforts are truly national, but that local input is embedded in all negotiations with government. We have also advocated for individual members on specific issues about which we have been approached, raising their concerns directly with government (at both ministerial and departmental levels) to resolve these matters successfully. These engagements have included: ½ A site visit and ‘meet and greet’ with apprentices and staff at neCA’s
Chullora campus by the Hon Alister
Henskens MLA (nSW), Minister for
Skills and Training and Minister for
Science, Innovation and Technology. ½ Meetings with federal ministers, including the: ½ Hon Angus Taylor MP, former Minister for Industry, energy and emissions
Reduction, with regard to renewable energy opportunities, skills shortages for the growing energy sector; ½ Hon Stuart Robert MP, former Minister for employment, Workforce, Skills, Small and Family Business on training, with regard to increased campus capacities and small business opportunities; and ½ Hon Alex Hawke MP, former Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant
Services and Multicultural Affairs, with regard to a proposed Trades Passport and addressing the skills shortages.
Security of payments
Collapses of large head contractor firms disproportionately impact our industry. As a finishing trade, many neCA members can suffer large financial losses and experience extreme financial and mental stress as a result of these collapses. neCA’s primary focus is the well-being of our members, their families and employees. One of our immediate priorities is to work closely with ministers and bureaucrats across Australia, nationally and at state level, to negotiate and deliver an effective Security of Payments framework through legislative reform. While these efforts will continue over the medium term, interest among state and federal governments (and their ministers) is high, and neCA’s proposals are being taken on board and actively considered as they work through their legislative agendas. For example, neCA is advocating strongly for features such as a “Cascading Trust/ Deemed Trust” scheme – wherein a trust, binding on all entities down the contractual chain – to be embedded in any reformed Security of Payments framework, as this will provide subcontractors with the greatest degree of protection. When one party receives monies owed to contractors/subcontractors below it in the contractual chain, individual directors or partners become personally liable for any misuse of those funds, with penalties up to and including jail time.
This system works well in overseas jurisdictions, with minimal administration required, and it is very straightforward to operate. It will be a hard fight as many other associations are actively campaigning against this, and we will soon be reaching out to members to assist in our efforts to ensure equity in the construction sector.
neCA has also advocated for improvements to existing legislation if this isn’t practical. Our second preference is, in effect, an adaptation of the Building and Construction Industry (Security of Payment) Act 2021 (WA), which passed both houses of the Western Australian Parliament last year. When this Act comes into effect, it will provide greater security in the form of retention money trust accounts. The legislation requires retention money to be held in a dedicated trust account with a recognised financial institution for the benefit of both parties. Failure to comply with its provisions regarding retention trusts is an offence, with penalties of $50,000 for individuals or $250,000 for corporations. In addition to neCA’s concerns about unfair contracts and the imbalance of power on large projects, we now find ourselves navigating our way out of the impact of COVID-19, with rising material costs, labour shortages and disruptions, and supply chain delays, which serve to only exacerbate the risks associated with construction projects, along with a higher risk of insolvencies and consequent underpayments to those further down the contractual chain. The changes we are recommending, such as reasonable rise and fall pricing clauses, aim to address these concerns. neCA will continue to advocate on behalf of our members for meaningful and effective change.
InstalBudget submissions Test XD Multi Insta -Functi llation on Tester Many of the states’ budgets were delivered in the first half of this year and neCA has made major budget submissions to each <Record Keeping & state government. These submissions were based on member feedback to ensure fair and level playing fields in our sector. We work closely with members of parliament and government departments Reporting <Touch Screen <AS/NZS3000 to achieve the best outcomes in largescale procurement, regulatory changes and licensing, and to ensure only skilled electricians are utilised in critical infrastructure and government contracts. Training opportunities <Installation Verification & Compliance Testing neCA’s team provided significant support and input into the development of a Pass/Fail limits and “Auto Sequences” set toAS/NZS3017 tender to establish a stand-alone energy, Renewables and emerging Technology andAS/NZS3019. Training Industry Cluster. This counters the current proposal, which would see our industry training spread over nine clusters. <Single Test Functions If successful, our proposed cluster will group all electrotechnology, renewable Voltage, Mohm & Ohms, RCD, Loop Impedance, Line IT-XD_NECA2021_Optima_Aus.qxd 24/08/2021 12:18 PM Page 1 IT-XD_NECA2021_Optima_Aus.qxd 24/08/2021 12:18 PM Page 1 Impedance, Earth Resistance, Power & Harmonics, Light, Wire Tracing.
and emerging technologies under their own education banner, and thus achieve stand-alone status in the training industry. The objective is to meet the Australian energy sector’s skills and employment needs by developing, supporting and promoting skills development in the areas of electrotechnology, electricity transmission and distribution, rail, electricity generation, and gas supply. neCA has also focused on greater training opportunities to address the skills shortages impacting our members’ businesses and our sector as a whole. We continue to advocate for greater government focus on more apprenticeships, more opportunities for adult apprenticeships, and ongoing training. Governments across the country seem to be listening, with record funds being invested in skills and training. Our industry will not be able to realise its full potential while current material and labour constraints limit output. Resolving these shortages is critical to the industry’s sustained recovery. A genuinely fair workplace relations system must be business-friendly, pro-employment, and easily understood and complied with. Many neCA members already engage with our technical and legal professionals. Similarly, we encourage members to contact us about any political or regulatory issues they may have. neCA’s government relations and advocacy professionals are well equipped to navigate legislative and policy matters at a local, state and federal level, and handle issues ranging from compliance requirements at small business level up to industry-wide (or even national) scope with the Commonwealth.
Kent Johns
NECA Head of Government Relations and Policy
InstalTestInstalTest XD<XD Multi-Function Installation Teste Site Schematics & Installation Reports Save test results to the Site Schematic or Tree Structure Start with Site Name andAddress. Test reports output to Multi-Function Installation Tester r . <Record Keeping & Reporting <Record Keeping & Reporting <Touch Screen <AS/NZS300 <High Volume RCD Testing System PDF or Excel.<Touch Screen <AS/NZS3000 0 < Complete high volume RCD testing & logging solution Installation Verification & Compliance Testing Pass/Fail limits and “Auto Sequences” set toAS/NZS3017 andAS/NZS3019. with <Installation Verification & Compliance Testing Pass/Fail limits and “Auto Sequences” set toAS/NZS301 andAS/NZS3019. bar-code scanner input of RCD IDs and logging of RCD push button tests. <Single Test Functions Voltage, Mohm & Ohms, RCD, Loop Impedance, Line Impedance, Earth Resistance, Power & Harmonics, Light, Wire Tracing. 7
<Single Test Functions Voltage, Mohm & Ohms, RCD, Loop Impedance, Line Impedance, Earth Resistance, Power & Harmonics, Li <Site Schematics & Installation Reports Save test results to the Site Schematic or Tree Structure. Start with Site Name andAddress. Test reports output to ght,
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As a result of the pandemic and other economic factors, the building and construction industry has experienced productivity decreases, supply chain issues, contractual, legal and industrial risks, increased costs and uncertainty among consumers engaging electrical works.
On behalf of its members, neCA will work with the incoming federal government to influence and implement policies that deliver positive changes for businesses, workers and the wider community.
Ahead of the federal election, neCA advocated for a range of initiatives to advance the sector and make a positive impact on behalf of our member organisations and their employees. neCA called on the incoming government to commit to the following priority areas:
½ support small businesses grow and create decent local jobs; ½ unlock nation-building infrastructure and renewable projects opportunities, while supporting the economic recovery and growth of our regions; ½ enhance training and address labour shortages, with enhanced support for greater female participation in trades and subsidies for mature age apprentices; ½ introduce national taxation and regulatory reforms, making these systems more efficient and conducive to businesses and workers. neCA is committed to working with the incoming government to progress reforms and opportunities that affect our members and the electrotechnology sector.
These include:
½ introducing stronger payment protection reforms; ½ enabling greater female participation in electrotechnology; ½ unlocking renewable energy and infrastructure projects; ½ supporting local job creation through procurement; ½ protecting small businesses by making unfair contract terms illegal.
More specifically, a number of Labor’s preelection announcements have great potential to unlock opportunities for the sector.
For example, to address underemployment, casualisation, job security and stagnant wages, Labor committed to releasing a White Paper on Full Employment, which will be informed by an
Australian Jobs Summit
to be held in 2022.
The paper will address unemployment, job security, elimination of all forms of discrimination and support for greater participation for women, mature workers, people with a disability and First nations people.
The announced Powering Australia Plan will focus on job creation, cheaper renewable energy for consumers, growth and investment for the regions, and reducing Australia’s emissions by 43% by 2030, on track to net zero by 2050.
under the Powering Australia Plan, a wide range of initiatives are proposed including the establishment of the Rewiring the Nation Corporation to modernise the electricity grid, the modelling for which estimates 116,170 in indirect jobs alone will be created in manufacturing, construction, operations and maintenance of electricity infrastructure.
As part of the plan, Labor also committed to investing in 10,000 New Energy Apprentices and a New Energy Skills Program, as well as to reducing household electricity bills and emissions by community batteries, making electric vehicles cheaper, investing in green metals, clean energy component manufacturing, hydrogen electrolysers and waste reduction.
The announced Buy Australian Plan will ensure procurement policies back Australian businesses and help create local jobs.
The Buy Australian Plan proposes to maximise opportunities for regional, First nations and female workers, and establish Future Made in Australia Office to support local industry take advantage of government opportunities, as well as a Secure Australian Jobs Code to prioritise secure work in government contracts.
Labor also committed to introducing protections for small businesses, contractors and suppliers from unfair contract terms.
The incoming government will make unfair contract terms illegal, allowing small businesses to negotiate fair agreements. neCA’s Government Relations and Policy team is in the process of reviewing and updating neCA’s existing Policy Statements to ensure our advocacy work to government is maximised in line with these announced initiatives, while still representing the needs of our members locally too.
To ensure our work continues to be fully informed by your priorities, we encourage you to have your say and get in touch with us on policy areas that are most important to you.
We will continue to keep you informed on the progress of our advocacy work and the impacts of state and federal government policies on the sector.
If you have any feedback, thoughts or suggestions for the Government Relations and Policy team we would like to hear from you. Please contact us by scanning this QR code.
Kent Johns
NECA Head of Government Relations and Policy