T h e h o l i day C h e s T n u T It’s a Wonderful Life debuted 75 years ago, and it was kind of a flop. Reviews were frosty after the film’s premiere, December 20, 1946, at New York’s Globe Theatre, and it bombed at the box office. But in the 1970s, it landed on cable TV and has been pretty much unavoidable during the holiday season ever since.
— ZuZu BAiLey
TRue TRekkeR
As a little girl, Vanessa Wyche watched nichelle nichols portray Lt. nyota uhura in Star Trek. “i got inspiration by seeing someone on a tV screen that looked like me, that made me think that i could do that,” Wyche said in a July interview with Texas Standard. Wyche, below, director of the Johnson Space center in houston since June, is the first Black woman to lead a nASA center. the multidecade veteran of the space agency prioritizes safety and inclusivity in her leadership. “part of [leading a team] may be understanding that diversity of thought and personnel is very important for us to bring everything to bear,” she said.
4 T E X AS CO-OP POWER d eCemBer 2021
T e x AsC O O P POw e r .C O m
mOv ie sTill: rKO PiCT ure s | ge T T y i mAges. w yCHe : nAsA .g Ov. Pi CKle s: n e w AF riCA | sTO CK . Ad OBe .COm. BArTOn: PrinT COlleCTOr | ge T T y imAges
A Wonderful Flick
“Look, Daddy. Teacher says every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings.”