June 2022 - NEC Co-op Energy

Page 4


Contests and More enTer conTesTs aT Texascooppower.coM $500 recipe conTesT holiday Sides

First in a String Alexander “Eck” Robertson, left, who was raised on a farm in the Panhandle, made musical history 100 years ago this month. Robertson and Henry C. Gilliland recorded four fiddle duets June 30, 1922, at the Victor Talking Machine Co. in New York City. The tracks are regarded as the first commercial recordings of country music.

Finish This senTence My SInGInG IS SO baD ...

Tell us how you would finish that

sentence. email your short responses to letters@TexasCoopPower.com or comment on our Facebook

post. include your co-op and town. here are some of the responses

to our April prompt: i remember

when a dollar could buy … 4 T E X AS CO-OP POWER june 2022

win booKs by FeaTured auThor enter online now to win the three bilingual alphabet books written by María Alma González Pérez, featured on Page 12.

A large soda, large French fries order and a hamburger big as a hubcap.

Three watermelons on the side of highway 281 south of San Antonio.

A day at the State Fair of Texas.

To see more responses, read Currents online.

jOe TreviñO jr. bArTleT T eC Killeen

b r e n DA w e b b G r AY S O n - C O l l i n e C GunTer

DA r r e l M i l l e r PeDernAleS eC l A G O v i S TA

rO berTSO n: DAvi D GAhr | G e T T Y iMAGe S. F iDDle : vlDr | S hu T TerSTO CK .COM

l e g e n da ry F i d d l e r

Focus on Texas phoTos hometown Pride

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