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Focus on texas Photo Contest: Historic Texas
from May Wires TCP 2021
Historic Texas From the somber to the spectacular, we texans have a lot of history under our boots. Photographs give us a look into the lives of our forebears like no other medium, and what a story they continue to tell today!
Grace FulTz

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due MAy 10 Rust and Decay due Jun 10 Fillin’ Stations due JuL 10 Funny Signs
enter online at texasCoopPower.com/contests.
web extrA See Focus on texas on our website for more photos from readers.

dAvId wHIttLe deeP eASt texAS eC San Felipe united Methodist Church in San Felipe.
CHrIStenA StePHenS LyntegAr eC the chapel at the world war II prisoner-of-war camp near Hereford.
CyntHIA bAndA MAgIC vALLey eC San Antonio Missions national Historical Park.
SHerrI JeFFery grAySOn-COLLIn eC “before huge signs and banners, companies painted their logos on their buildings.”