Focus on Texas
Fillin’ Stations
Some are tourist attractions. Others are a bit more off the beaten path. Fillin’ stations can transport us to another time and serve as a place to fill up our vehicles and our bellies. load up the station wagon and drive down for some full-service fun and adventure. b y g r a C e f u lt z
ClOCK WiSe FrOm right K i m B e r ly F u r n i S h KArneS eC
“An old pump in historic downtown llano.” J A n i C e r e Av e S JAC KSO n e C
“thomas reaves waiting to serve the next customer at an humble station in livingston, circa 1930s.” B i l ly l A u D e r D A l e PeDernAleS eC
vintage gulf full-service fillin’ station in Waco, at north 15th Street and Washington Avenue. t h e r e SA l Ag u n A PeDernAleS eC
“Old-time gas station in Schulenburg.”
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enter online at w e b e x t r a See Focus on texas on our website for more Fillin’ Stations photos. t e x ASC O OPPOWer .COm
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