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Focus on Texas
Nature’s Color “Nature’s first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf’s a flower; But only so an hour.” —From Nothing Gold Can Stay by Robert Frost
1 REAGAN FERGUSON CENTRAL TEXAS EC “The majestic Frio River offers amazing fall colors in the Texas Hill Country near Concan.”
2 JAZZMIN AGUAYO PEDERNALES EC “A Portuguese man-of-war on the shore of Port Aransas provides a vibrant display of brilliant color.”
3 GARY IMM SAM HOUSTON EC This emission nebula, as seen from the shores of Lake Livingston through a large telescope, is called the Cat’s Paw Nebula.
4 MIKE ZARELLA PEDERNALES EC This male painted bunting stopped for a drink at the bird blind water feature at Pedernales Falls State Park.

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