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What Is Faith
Alejandro Jorge Nathaniel Holmes, Jr. REL–101
March 24, 2017
What is Faith
This paper will be based on the reading "What is Faith," posted on blackboard. In addition, I will delineate the key outlooks and positions of the author. First of all, I have to say about the author of the book posted on Blackboard that from the beginning to the end of his writing he keeps through examples and comparison that everyone has faith in something. Terrence opens the introduction remarking that is very important that people has started more and more to familiarize with the powerful human reality (Faith), even in many times it's been disregarded in our lives, and hard to recognize the principal importance of faith in the societies. In addition to this...show more content...
First of all, Tilley makes a good distinction between belief and faith, what he wants us to see is that faith and belief are not the same, and just belief is a part or portion of faith. Moreover, He claims that faith has an independent support and belief does not, this statement is made through his explanation between a colleague and President Bush. My point of view about this argument is that when we have faith on something and have enough proof of that we easily tend to belief on it, but when we don't have the support we lose our faith on that. In addition to that, he expresses that faith has a risk and validates it with Pascal's Wager that means that the true way to get happiness after dying is to bet on the existence of God. Second misunderstanding of faith is morality. He manifests very clear that faith is not equal to morality, because according to the author moral choices are self–inflicted, and when they are involuntary you are not responsible for them morally. After that he explains through an example the relation between faith and will, where he called it "genuine option situation," and the meaning of that is simple when you have multiple options to choice but you do not know is the best option, you should choice what you hope is the best. Also, he makes a comparison between faith and hope. According to Tilley, hope is about future and it is not faith. In sum, we can say that hope, will, morality, choices, and habits have a relation with our faith, but they are not the same. The third one is feeling or emotion. He tries to make us understand the emotion is not the whole of faith, but faith without emotions is like dead or dry. In addition to that, Wallace relates them, and make a conclusion saying that they have a