Camcorder Battery Replacement

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Camcorder Battery Replacement

C amcorders, better known to most people as movie cameras, are becoming increasingly common amongst the masses.Back in the day, these cameras only came in large black casings and were not only considered feasible for use by professional photographers and cameramen but also a gadget, only useful to them. Unlike still cameras, camcorders could not make their space on a common man’s shelf until the last decade of the 20th century. At the same time however, photographers and photography fans were also developing their thoughts, increasing their boundaries and were very much going along with the pace of the rest of the world. Hence, they always thought of brining a movie camera into their homes and use it as often as they used their still cameras. With the advancement of technology and increasing trend of gadgets going compact, movie cameras also shortened in size and became light in weight. Their keys and controls also became friendly for a normal user and hence, they began to be used widely all around the globe. Today, camcorders can be found in almost every household and people can be seen enjoying their shots just the way they enjoyed taking snaps in recent years. Controls, functions and keys of camcorders keep on varying and every other day, a new model arrives in the market. Certainly this may be important to consumers but more than what stays on the minds of the users is the camcorder battery . Just like most digital cameras of today, camcorders would also use either a Li- ion or NiCad battery. There are some differences between the two types of batteries which make one better than the other. However, makers of movie cameras need to consider many points before actually deciding on the fact that which battery is to go in. For some manufacturers, a Li-ion battery turns out to be a better choice while for others, a NiCad battery would do. Hence, both the kinds of batteries are highly in use and can be differentiated on the following grounds.

The first point of concern that could actually be considered by manufacturers in terms of practicability is the cost effectivenessof the camcorder battery . Of course, a cheaper battery would keep the price of the camera low and hence be more profitable for the manufacturing company in terms of sales. Another important aspect is the charging and discharging rate of the battery. For many buyers, the longevity of the battery matters more than the price of the camera. Hence, keeping in view the clientele of a certain kind of camera, manufacturers would fit in the battery. Researchesare underway at large and all over the globe to come up with batteries that last long, weigh less and cost less. This would be a perfect battery that every consumer would want in his camcorder but unfortunately, it has not been discovered as yet. A Li-ion battery is also known as Lithium Ion Battery . As clear by its name, its fiction revolves around the ions of lithium. Thesebatteries are rechargeable and comprise the process of electrolysis. On one side of the battery, the negative electrolyte, also known as anode, resides. On the other side of a Li- ion battery is of course, the positive cathode. The anode is usually made up of carbon while for the anode a metal oxide is the preferable construction material. Since negative charge attracts positive charge, the negatively charges lithium ions rest on the cathode and move towards the anode when a power supply is connected. This creates movement of charge and hence brings electricity and function to the battery. These batters are cheap and light weight but also reduce their memory with time. NiCad batteries on the other hand, run on the electrolysis of Nickel and Cadmium. They are also rechargeable and are widely used for portable electronic gadgets. Although they have not been able to compete with Li-ion batters as far as their prices are concerned, NiCad batteries are a lot better choice to be used in areas where high rates of discharging are required. Also, these batteries do not loose their memories with time. Hence they have turned out to be better than Lithium ion batteries but are produced commercially on a scale as wide as lithium ion batteries. There is yet another type of camcorder battery that is known as Nickel-metal hydride battery. It is also rechargeable but more useful for heavy duty items. Hence camcorder

batteries are many in number and each has some advantagesover the other. Only time will bring out the one that would be perfect for all manufacturers to safely put in their camcorders and get them ready for sale.

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