PORTFOLIO neelam das : retail and exhibition design
Sketch Book
neelam das : retail & exhibition design
Model Making This is an Architectural model of a Japanese tea house. The aim was to read plans, elevations and create a scaled down model of it and also replicate the materials alotted by exploring with other materials. eg: I have used painted sand paper to replicate red laterite brick and painted bamboo sticks to represent wooden cladding. Precision was extremely necessary to get the proportions right in this exercise.
neelam das : retail & exhibition design
Tensile Structures Tensile structures consist of compression members(forks), tension members(nylon thread) and a membrane(fabric) which acts as a shelter. The compression members are held up with the help of the tensile members(thread) which are anchored to the ground. The models have been made keeping in mind the area to span and a suitable height in proportion to a human scale. Tensile structures can span larger areas using minimum material. A number of forms can be achieved and the structure looks aesthetically pleasing.
A view of the structure from the inside
neelam das : retail & exhibition design
The tensile structure above was a concept for the college Amphitheatre
Shelfing Unit This exercise helped understand the concept of compression and tension force when applied on an object. Tennon and Mortize being the strongest joinery, has been used mainly for the unit. The slight angle on the front side is achieved by using a mini fix miter, a hardware fitting from ebco. The unit is wall mounted to the column behind my workspace and surrounds the column from one side. Material: (MDF) 15 mm.
-The tilted base on the front side of the unit is deliberate. -Reading the title of a vertically placed book is inconvinient and hence the slight tilt would help. -The MDF planks at the bottom are under compression due to the load of the books and the unit.
The bookshelf complements the column in terms of form
neelam das : retail & exhibition design
PREQUEL The Annual Exhibition for showcasing student work in college The name of our exhibition was ‘PREQUEL’ because in all of the projects displayed, we had tried to highlight the ‘design process’- the start to finish of designing. Thereby it exhibited the ‘behind the design’ part of a project or the story of the design.
Group Project
Exhibition Space Exhibition Plan
The entire available space was divided into galleries showcasing the work of different disciplines of our college. The plan above shows how we divided our space, and the photos which follow give a virtual walk through of the entire exhibition. The skills room on the left displays student work and the gradual progression that occurs in ones skills which are gained and refined in academic courses throughout the learning years. The main entrance of the exhibition
neelam das : retail & exhibition design
The skills room displays skill related work of the students
06 The Graphic Design gallery was created in and around the four pillars. The pillars being structural elements, couldn’t be eleminated, and hence we tried to use its characteristics to create an organized movement while viewing the work displayed. Material used for panel - Foam board (8mm) The Black screen on the left is the Animation wall of movies. The screen has animated characters from the movies illustrated by the students. The movies have been displayed on the Mac’s attached to the board. The Larger than life Installation is an artwork created by the students of the senior most batch which explains graphic design in the best way. Material used - Brown corroguted paper
The Installation
neelam das : retail & exhibition design
The Graphic Design gallery was made with extension to the pillars within the space to break the monotony of the pillars
07 The Projects Gallery consisted of work from the Industrial Design stream displayed along with the models. The stools used to display the models are clean and simple which allows the model to be of prime focus. The central platform displays product models made by the students. The light box gives more emphasis to the objects and at the same time facilitates a defined movement for circulation within the space. The lounge area has been created using student work which also acts as display. It consists of some furniture, bookshelves made by the students along with other work like publications posters etc, which can be browsed through while relaxing at the lounge. Material used for Panels - Corrugated sheets & Muslin cloth Stools - MS rods and MDF planks(4mm)
The lounge area
neelam das : retail & exhibition design
The Industrial Design Projects Gallery
The School A school for the rural or urban poor community which imparts knowledge to the students and is built on the foundation of sustainable design. The infrastructure provided is made keeping in mind reduction in over consumption of water and energy supply, enhanced air quality and excellent daylight conditions.
Group Project
Inspiration School Plan
The Banyan tree is indicative of a central community space, around and under which a number of activities are carried out because of its heavy foliage that provides shade. The trunk is the foundation of the tree. The concept of schooling under a banyan tree is well known.
The knowledge to the The school school believes believes in in imparting imparting knowledge students coming from an urban poor background to the students coming from an urban poor to sensitize them towards environmental issues background to sensitize them towards at an early stage, through architectural space environmental issues at anan early stage, through which is sustainable, organised. an architectural spacehygienic which isand sustainable, hygienic and organized.
The students learn to absorb the environment they Thestudying studentsin learn absorb environment are andto reflect it inthe their lifestyle, which they are studying in and reflect it in their will in the long run help bridge the gap inlifestyle, the which will in the ling run help bridge the gap in the difference of perception between the students coming from a private and Government aided coming from a private and Government aided school. school.
neelam das : retail & exhibition design
G - Ground Floor G + 1 - First Floor
The School
09 The trapezium shape of the classroom is derived from the banyan leaf. The arrangement of the benches being slightly radial is adopted from the amphitheatre seating arrangement which ensures better sound quality. The use of Skylights distributes light more evenly cutting down the cost of artificial lighting and helps save energy. The skylights used help bring in more The windows help carry out cross ventilation from the classroom to the corridors. Classroom Plan Dimensions length - 26 feet breadth - 23 feet height - 12 feet
The Interiors of the Classroom SUNLIGHT
neelam das : retail & exhibition design
The School
Entrance to the school building
neelam das : retail & exhibition design
The School
11 The library area and the classroom corridors open out facing the playground which eliminates the feeling of being within an enclosed space. The material selection for building the school is based on keeping in mind carbon footprint, transportation cost and energy consumed in manufacturing the materials. Most material used are in their natural state without any additional chemical treatment. Columns & Beams - Exposed concrete Walls - Exposed brick
6 feet
12 feet
LIBRARY Outer facade of the library area
Interiors of the library
neelam das : retail & exhibition design
The library adjacent to the corridors
The School
neelam das : retail & exhibition design
The School
It is the beginning of a reformed plan for Bandra, Mumbai. It address the existing problems faced by the suburb and suggests improvements for the same. It includes an extensive mapping process which helps validate issues and proposes the idea of a pedestrian friendly suburb by identifying the ideal pedestrian spines which highlights the best of Bandra and its unique style. Sponsored by
The Bandra Project introduces an urban pedestrian plan for the 'Queen of Suburbs'. It works on making the streets more pedestrian friendly as the streets are all thats left of the public realm, everything else is privatized. Keeping in mind this objective a theoritical and analytical study on urban planning was essential. To do so, a study on various perspectives was extremely important these include; Kevin Lynch (Image of the city) who talks about an individuals perception of his city. Jane Jacobs (The sidewalks of New york) states that the streets are for the people. Banksy (Street Art) who talks about street art being used as a tool for city beautification. The extensive mapping exercise helps identify the best parts of Bandra and in defining and listing the ideal streets. An ideal street comprises of the aspects alongside.
Lower buildings that relate to the street Buildings dont cast a shadow through out the day
Diversity of neighborhoods/ Mixed use Interaction between second floor residents and people on the street
Open spaces Places for public spaces
Exploring Heritage newer parts
Scale of built environment Short compound walls
Personable Green cover
With With no no existing existingmap mapofofBandra Bandraaamapping mappingexercise exercisewas wascrucial crucial to this project. Pedestrianizing Bandra required identifying the to this project. Pedestrianizing Bandra required identifying the best best pedestrian pedestrian spines. spines.The Themapping mappingcriteria criteriahelped helpedanalyze analyzethe the streets of streets easily easilyand andthe thewalks walksgave gaveaabetter bettervisual visualunderstanding understanding the suburb. of the suburb.
Density of the built fabric within an area Activity on a street at different times of the day Relation between the street fascade and the pedestrian
The walks were observational and analytical The criteria are assesd on the basis of a rating and correlating into to the walking experience. Mapping softer aspects and identiyfing Best of Bandra (Heritage/ Bandra style cottages)
Identified ideal pedestrian spines
The Bandra BandraProject Projectwas wasshowcased showcasedatatthe theunbox unbox festival The festival as aa project project presented presentedby byThe TheBusride BusrideDesign DesignStudio. Studio.The as The project suggesting a progressive plan for Bandra project suggesting a progressive plan for Bandra was was presented to to aanumber numberofofpeople peoplecoming comingfrom fromdifferent differentfields presented of art and design backgrounds. The exhibition had aThe lot of fields of art, architecture and design backgrounds. resonance and aled way forward which meant presenting exhibition has lottoofaresonance and led to a way forward the project in Bandra in a the popproject up exhibition format. which meant presenting in Bandra in a pop - up exhibition format.
The Bandra BandraProject Projectwas wasshowcased showcasedinina aPop-up Pop-up The exhibition format for the people Bandra at of Jude Bakery a prominent exhibition formate forofthe people Bandra at Jude landmark the area. Bakery a in popular landmark in the area.
The people of The exhibition exhibitionwas wasused usedas asaameduim mediumtotoinform inform the problems by the suburb andsuburb the urban people of thefaced problems faced by the andpedestrian the plan that we are proposing. Theare output of the project urban pedestrian plan that we proposing. The being the maps were being generated over the pastwere 4 months output of which the project the maps, which along with the pedestrian were displayed generated over the past 4fragments months along with the for people to view and question. pedestrian fragments were displayed for people to
view and question.
Below is a map that helps navigate to the venue. Below is the map that helps navigate to the venue.
Imageability of Bandra FRAME B FRAME A Image of the suburb Paths Are channels along which the observer potentially moves. E.g - streets, walkways.
Landmarks They are usually a rather simply defined physical object which makes one orient oneself. E.g.- building, signs, stores.
Edges They are the linear elements, boundaries between two phases.E.g - shores, railroad cuts,walls.
Building heights
Green cover
Are simply concentrations, which gain their importance because of their physical character.
Ideal streets/ fragments
Are areas concieved of as having two-dimensional extent, which the observer mentally enters 'inside of' and are recognized by common characters. E.g - center, midtown, suburbs.
Overlapping frame A and B gives us frame C the Ideal pedestrian spines/ fragments in Bandra
The above elements make up for an individuals perception of their city/ suburb. The idea of the legibility of the built environment is, how easily can the parts of the cityscape be organized into a recognizable pattern which would make the cities image more vivid and memorable to its people.
Panel layouts for the exhibition "Every citizen has had long associations with some part of the city, and his image is soaked in memories and meanings.�Kevin Lynch, Image of a city
A campaign that aims at solving the stray dog problem at a community level The campaign Let’s spay introduces to people the concept of spaying & serilization and its positive effect on stray dogs, which is beneficial to the community and the stray dogs. This campaign is the first but most effective stage of a much larger system design solution and would help create a ripple effect in improving the existing system.
The systemdesign designproject projectinvolved involvedstudying studyingand andanalyzing analyzingananexisting existing system and The system system and that would help improve suggesting necessary necessary solutions solution that improve aa system systemor oraapart partofofit.it.The The study identifies people. study identifies the the stray straydog dogscenario scenarioininMumbai Mumbaicity cityand anditsitseffect effectononthe the people. It included It included looking looking at at every everyaspect aspectand andbody bodythat thatcontributed contributestotothe thefunctioning functioningofofthe the system this includes welfare organizations, the government, BMC, vets, animal shelters, system this includes the government, BMC, welfare organizations, vets, animal shelters, qualified personals qualified personals and and most mostimportantly importantlygeneral generalpublic. public.Keeping Keepingininmind mindpeoples peoplesfear fear with association to stray dogs and their negative reaction to the animal, the lets spay with association to stray dogs and their negative reaction to the animal, the let's spay campaign suggest bebe beneficial to to both. campaign suggestsa astrategy strategythat thatwould would beneficial both.
Scared of dogs
FERAL DOGS Scared have rabies
Childhood incidences which have affected a person lead to fear
Reduces stray dog population
Stray dogs become calm
Change in mentality
Spaying & Sterilization
No rabid dogs
Bitten/ Chased
Psychological association with dogs
Connect & coexist
A campaign that helps identify a spayed/ sterilized dog making it harmless
No dog fights Stray dogs become harmless
Content for the campaign
The symbol helps people identify a sterilized dog and not feel afraid or harm them.
The ear notch/ snip is used as an exaggerated symbol to educate people through the campaign
No more chasing cars. These dogs have been spayed Spaying controls animal birth and behaviour making these stray dogs calm and harmless
Learn more @ letsspay.com
Artwork for billboards / newspaper magazines to promote the campaign. The identification mark ensures that the strays are spayed and sterilized, free from rabies/ calm and friendly.
Artwork for billboards/ newspaper magazines. The sterilization/ spaying affects a dogs temprement making them less violent and hostile.
The campaign campaign includes includesactivities activitiesatatvarious variouslevels levelsthe thevery very first being informing people about The first being informing people about how a how a spayed/ sterilized dog is harmless can be identified withnotch a snip/ on the ear. spayed/ sterilized dog is harmless this canthis be identified with a snip/ onnotch the ear. The to to contribute as a The second second being being initiating initiatingan anadoption adoptionby byportraying portrayingthe thestray straydog dogofofmuch muchvalue value contribute watch dog or a loving pet with The BSPCA (Bombay SocietySociety for the Prevention of Cruelty as a watch dog or a loving pettraining. with training. The BSPCA (Bombay for the Prevention ofto Animals) organizes the campaign and uses its resources to fund the same. Cruelty to Animals) organizes the campaign and uses its resources to fund the same.
Stray dog adoption website The BSPCA manages a training and adoption section of the strays. These activities along with the campaign are displayed online.
Displaying dog profiles & training sessions held at BSPCA
The campaign also encourages stray dog adoption to help reduce the number of strays on the streets.
A show organized by Broadvision and hosted by Mahindra where students from 7 business schools come together and present their strategies to a board of jury members. The team with the best strategy is awarded ‘The Brahmastra’
Group Project
Initial Concepts Group Conceptualization Sketches
Brief : Design a Set for a television show which doubles up as a business event organized by Broadvision and hosted by Mahindra,The War Room 2011. The Identity above provided by the client would be the identity for the show. It expresses Arjuna - ‘The Great warrior and strategiser’. The show identity portrays the sequence of Arjun and Krishna from The Mahabharata and the ‘Brahmastra’ which is awarded to the wining team. The identity has been translated within the space using identical forms, elements etc.
neelam das : retail & exhibition design
Plan of Space
Screens For the audience and jury members to view the
Seating Area for Participants On stage seating makes the stage less monotonous and empty
Main Stage
Seating Area for Audience on both sides The Mahindra guests and CEO’s
Ramp Connects both the stag es and creates a feeling of depth
Jury Table
neelam das : retail & exhibition design
Concept Renders
The renders give an idea of the overall look and feel of the space
neelam das : retail & exhibition design
Final Event The set looks grand since all the teams on the gallery seating are visible at once which defines the scale. The backlit exaggerated bows give a grand frame to the presenting team. The set was conceptualized to give equal emphasis to the jury and the students and thus they were seated at the same levels. These two levels were connected by a ramp. The set was created at and exits for a television frame. The arc shape for the stage and backdrop gave scope for different camera angles to reflect depth and avoid monotony by eliminating flatness.
A side view of the stage and seating area for participants
neelam das : retail & exhibition design
Front view of the stage and podium from the jury table which would also be the tv frame
Front view of the stage and podium along with the participants, from the jury stage
neelam das : retail & exhibition design
The stage for the jury panel connected by the ramp
A Panoramic shot of the entire stage which shows the participants seating area and the podium arrangement
neelam das : retail & exhibition design
ka The event was a design solution for the brand ‘Down to Earth’an organic food brand. The project consisted of a brand and product study from which evolved the final solution - A Bazaar, which is held across Mumbai where organic food is sold twice a week. The event helps promote the brand and encourage the concept of eating healthy organic food.
Reaching Out Down to earth is an organic food brand. As the brand has just one store in the city the product is not reaching the consumers. Holding an event for the brand would help in its promotion and sales by reaching out to its consumers. This would improve its brand recall value.
products and at the venues for the event
Concept The current image of the brand has a premium feel. In order to change this perception - A Bazaar/ Market would be held by intentionally creating such an environment by implementing an organised chaos situation to initiate sales of the product, in and around residential areas.
products collected from the Down to Earth store at Tardeo, Mumbai
Target Audience Increasing number of middle class consumers who are willing to pay a premium for good quality food
neelam das : retail & exhibition design
products loaded and carried to the respective locations for the bazaar
- It is Healthier - Free of Pesticides and Fertilizers - Tastier and more Nutritious - Premium quality products at reasonable prices
Pre - Promotion The pre - promotion event allows a first level of product interaction with the consumers. The products are displayed on custom made Down to Earth stands in departmental/ kirana stores. The Bazaar would be held twice a week for 2 hours and hence the name ‘do ka do’.
The invite talks about the brand down to earth
neelam das : retail & exhibition design
Each product has an invite attached to it which provides information regarding the event
31 The market plan shows the product placement which has been carried out according to the order of purchase. In order to create an oppurtunity for an impulse buy, many products are displayed with other alternate products eg - pulses and masalas. At the centre are the condiments and spices which are of prime importance while preparing a dish.
Market Plan
The Bazaar would require a minimum space of 30 feet X 40 feet. It will be held in gardens or playgrounds close to residential areas. An outside view of the market/ bazaar
neelam das : retail & exhibition design
32 The deliberate Bazaar environment created allows a person to move around freely and gives a better view of all the products. The use of carts at the bazaar adds to the traditional feel and at the same time speaks value of the product. The products on the cart are displayed like the street vendors. Each cart has a staff member to assist you. There is a Foodstall which sells cooked Down to Earth ready to eat products for people to taste, as most people have a common notion that organic food is tasteless. The carts have a shelter attached to prevent rain water from entering the carts. Shelter Material : Bamboo and Rain tarp
A closer view of the carts laid out with the products displayed on it
neelam das : retail & exhibition design
A Multibrand music store selling western and classical music instruments at reasonable prices. Each instrument has a customized display along with branding at the store. The poor display of the violins being a design oppurtunity, I have created an in - store stand for the same keeping in mind furtado’s as a brand and the characteristics of the violin as a music instrument.
Violin Display Brief: Study the characteristics of a brand and its product to create a detailed display system for it. Concept A violin stand at the furtados music store. The concept of the 5 strings comes from the strings of a music sheet. The use of brass finished wires for the same under tension together act as a strong plane to support the violins, without making the surface visually bulky. The background of the display is 1 foot away from the strings creating depth. The footing of the structure is detachable to be wall mounted or free standing. The display being visually light and linear highlights the regalness of the violin.
neelam das : retail & exhibition design
34 The display stand is a wire frame structure of CRC mild steel welded together. The bows of the violin are stored and displayed in the drawer section. The holder and hanger can be moved along the wires scattering the violins.
neelam das : retail & exhibition design
Exploded View of the unit
Explorations for the hanger
Concept Renders
A single module of the violin stand
neelam das : retail & exhibition design
Depending on the number of products the modules can be added
The violin is held by the hanger (top) and holder (bottom)
Dinshaw’s ice cream is a very old nagpur based brand. The brand currenlty has no outlets of its own in other cities. In order to build a customer experience for its audience, a small size ice cream parlour is suggested as a concept. This would help build a connect between the brand and its buyers.
Retail Space Brief: Choose an existing brand to give it a retail space solution which would help the brand in its sales and promotion.
As its existing retail structure only consists of other small departmental stores, an ice cream parlour for Dinshaw’s is the best alternative to give the brand a jumpstart by introducing to its cutomers a branded space & experience.The parlour helps achieve the brand recall aspect. GROUND FLOOR
Brand Touchpoints - Good Quality ice cream - Reasonable prices - A good market share
The parlour is located at the entrance of the store, this would help trigger a purchase.
neelam das : retail & exhibition design
37 Dinshaw’s is an old Parsi owned brand. Hence, the idea of using the ambience of an existing Irani Cafe’s which makes the space unique from other ice cream parlours. The ice cream parlour concept is a more contemporary version of the same. The Seating on the mezzanine allows customers to spend more time within the space, thus enhancing the brand experience. Due to space constraints the ice cream parlour extends vertically which helps utilize the ceiling height effectively at the store.
The Branding elements within the space
neelam das : retail & exhibition design
A front view of the Dinshaws ice cream parlour
Hi ! So, now if I have to tell you what design to me is I’d say, “It’s a plan”. A plan which requires applying yourself at every level of creating something unique. Spatial design is simply giving an identity and context to a space. This mere thought can be taken to various levels to make it look extraordinary. I am interested in working on projects related to the retail market sector which includes restaurant spaces and store interiors. My approach towards most projects is head on, and it makes me and assertive nature. Beyond design, I am passionate about dancing, playing basketball and love dogs. Thank you
contact: +91 9987364834 email id: neelam330@gmail.com
*Some images used are taken from google images*
CV Neelam das : retail & exhibition design Address: A/ 18 Madhugiri Apts, S.T Road, Chembur Mumbai - 400 071 contact : +91 9987364834
email id : neelam330@gmail.com
Activities & Achievements
MIT Institute of Design
Headed the Cultural Evening team for our college fest Quasar. 2010 - 2011
July 2008 - March 2013 Pune, India
Jai Hind College
2007 - 2008 Churchgate Mumbai, India
St. Anthony Girls High School 2005 - 2006 Chembur Mumbai, India
I am decently athletic and have played District and State level basketball in college. Recently worked on a project ‘The Bandra Project’ sponsored by The Busride Design Studio in Mumbai. The Bandra Project is the beginning of a reformed plan for Bandra, a suburb in Mumbai city which proposes a pedestrian plan for the suburb. Worked on a System Design project for the welfare of stray dogs in Mumbai city. Also was part of a college team that worked on a project ‘The War Room 2011’ organized by Broadvision and hosted by Mahindra. The Project included designing a Set/ Event for the televised show.
Work Experience Final year Internship (Diploma project) Aug 2012 - Feb 2013 Mumbai, India
worked on The Bandra Project an initiative taken by the studio to improve the streets of Bandra as a suburb and help create a pedestrian environment. It included an extensive mapping exercise of the suburb in order to suggest a sustainble urban plan for the suburb.
Design Intern
June 2011- July 2011 Delhi, India worked on desigining a cabinet system for the unicef headquarters, Delhi which would be placed in their lounge area. This included conceptualization sketches and autoCAD drawings.
Summer Intern
Fields of Interest
Software Skills
April 2008 - May 2008 Mumbai, India
Interested in working on projects related to the Retail market sector - store interiors,display windows/ point of sales, restaurant interiors and exhibition spaces.
AutoCAD, 3ds Max, Illustrator, Photoshop and Indesign
worked on a research project for an upcoming sugar brand Madhur Sugar, that involved carrying out a market research on the upcoming brand and its competitors.