MAAD Foundation Studio - Monsoon 2021, FA, CEPT

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7KH MXQFWLRQ QRZ GHȴQHV WKH HGJHV that divides this surrounding DUHD LQWR GL΍HUHQW GLVWULFWV ZKLFK GHȴQH WKH ERXQGDULHV RI the plots alongside the roads.


A linear development pattern The internal road networks connect can be noticed as the major the riverfront to all primary roads. roads (Ashram road) and railway line and road junctions run parallel to the river.




The surrounding seating arrangements, the level GL΍HUHQFHV RI WKH WHPSOH DUHQD and the boundary along the temple are distinguishable. The landscape along the seating arrangement is evident.

7KH GL΍HUHQW W\SHV RI ȵRRULQJ LQ WKH LQWHULRUV LV LGHQWLȴDEOH 7KH PDWHULDOV RI GL΍HUHQW elements is visible. Anthropometric measurements in relation to the scale of elements in the surroundings.

The street furniture FDQ EH LGHQWLȴHG The plan of the point of interest is recognizable. The landscape elements at the site are seen.



7KH EXLOGLQJ HGJHV DUH GHȴQHG 7KH ȵRZ RI WUDɝF DURXQG the node can be determined The layout and placement of the point of interest is noticeable. Public space as a node for interaction of people.


The dividers, crossings, footpaths along the roads and plot entrances are noticeable. The elements of street can be seen. Cross road formed at a temple, cultural entity forming an urban element. Homogenized mixture. g

The materials of the elements is distinguishable. 7KH ȵRRULQJ RI WKLV DUHD is done using stone slabs.

Sai Hasita 334

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7KH EXLOGLQJ HGJHV DUH GHȴQHG 7KH ȵRZ RI WUDɝF DURXQG WKH node can be determined The layout and placement of the point of interest is noticeable. Public space as a node for interaction of people.

The street furniture can be LGHQWLȴHG The plan of the point of interest is recognizable. The landscape elements at the site are seen.

7KH GL΍HUHQW W\SHV RI ȵRRULQJ LQ The surrounding seating DUUDQJHPHQWV WKH OHYHO GL΍HUHQFHV WKH LQWHULRUV LV LGHQWLȴDEOH 7KH PDWHULDOV RI GL΍HUHQW of the temple arena and the elements is visible. boundary along the temple are Anthropometric measurements distinguishable. in relation to the scale of The landscape along the seating elements in the surroundings. arrangement is evident.



The dividers, crossings, footpaths along the roads and plot entrances are noticeable. The elements of street can be seen. Cross road formed at a temple, cultural entity forming an urban element. Homogenized mixture.




7KH MXQFWLRQ QRZ GHȴQHV the edges that divides this VXUURXQGLQJ DUHD LQWR GL΍HUHQW GLVWULFWV ZKLFK GHȴQH WKH boundaries of the plots alongside the roads.


The internal road networks connect the riverfront to all primary roads.


A linear development pattern can be noticed as the major roads (Ashram road) and railway line and road junctions run parallel to the river.

The materials of the elements is distinguishable. 7KH ȵRRULQJ RI WKLV DUHD LV GRQH using stone slabs.

Aishwarya kulkarni 335

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